The second “Wu Qingyuan Cup” World Women’s Go competition opened in Fuzhou, Fujian

Xinhua News Agency, Fuzhou, April 26 (reporter Zheng Zhi) the second “Wu Qingyuan Cup” World Women’s Go competition and “Bosi Cup” 2019 world artificial intelligence Go competition opened in Fuzhou, Wu Qingyuan’s hometown on the evening of 26th. Lin Jianchao, chairman of China Go Association, said in his speech that the “Wu Qingyuan Cup” World Women’s Go Tournament has four important contributions.

The first “Wu Qingyuan Cup” event was held in 2018. Finally, South Korea’s Jin Caiying defeated fellow Cui Jing to win the championship in the final. This year, 28 women players from the United States, Hungary, China, South Korea and other countries and regions participated in the competition. Among them, eight European and American players will first enter the 8-in-4 qualifier, and then four winners and 12 other non-seed players will enter the first round of 16-in-8, the 8 winners played against 8 seed chess players such as Zhiying and Jin Caiying in the second round.

According to the last eight-strong quota, China and South Korea each have three seed chess players and two Japanese players. There will be three consecutive rounds after the opening of the event, and the semi-finals and finals will be held in Fuzhou in November. The champion prize is 500000 yuan and the runner-up is 200000 yuan.

Before the opening ceremony that night, the players and guests appeared on the red carpet ceremony to show the style of Go players. At the opening ceremony, a sand painting performance was performed in memory of Wu Qingyuan, showing the long poems and calligraphy works that recalled the chess and sage of the generation.

Lin Jianchao said that although the competition was the second, it was already famous for its scale, level, bonus and other factors. He believes that the competition has four important contributions: one is to optimize the system pattern of the world women’s Go competition; The other is to show the vitality of the vigorous development of Chinese go, especially women’s go; the third is to improve the level of women’s Go competition; The fourth is to effectively promote the development of mass Women’s Go activities in Fuzhou, Fujian and even other places.

28 chess players and the AI team participating in this competition will then come on stage one by one to meet everyone. South Korean players played Tai Chi when they were interviewed, and Cui Jing, the leading figure, all expressed that they would participate in the competition with the mentality of Losing chess or learning. However, Yu Zhiying, the leading Chinese figure, simply said that he was defeated by Jin Caiying from last year to the semi-final. The goal of this year’s competition is of course to win the championship, but the small goal to achieve first is to achieve “better than last year”.

The first round of the competition will start at noon on the 27th. In the draw ceremony in the afternoon, Gao Xing won Xie Yiyi, Wang Shuang against Wan bonaisui, Lu Minquan encountered Fengyun, li He is against Niu Rongzi. (Finished)