Yu Zhongwen: in the year of “fixing the point”, the breakthrough is at one stroke.

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, May 10 (reporter Lin Deren, Wang Meng) the national training team’s pledge mobilization meeting for the 1000-day countdown to the Beijing Winter Olympics was held on the 10th. The director of the State Sports General Administration, Ji Zhongwen, said in his mobilization speech, it is only 1000 days before the opening of the Beijing Winter Olympics. We must build a national training team for ice and snow projects that can fight well and have a good style. We will try our best to complete the “wonderful hosting of the Beijing Winter Olympics, the competition also requires the” all-project competition “task.

According to the preparation strategy of Beijing Winter Olympics, each has its own emphasis from 2018 to 2021. The task of 2018 is to expand the surface-that is, to form a new pattern with different priorities, characteristics and all-round development on ice and snow; The task of 2019 is to fix the point-that is, to select the best in the excellent, and to initially fix the members of the national team, basically clear key athletes and show certain competitive strength in international high-level competitions. As for the preparations for the Winter Olympics in the past year, Ji Zhongwen said that the preparation situation for the Beijing Winter Olympics was extremely severe, the preparation task was extremely arduous, and the preparation time was very little. Although the performance of each ice and snow project team had bright spots and breakthroughs last season, it was generally unsatisfactory.

Yu Zhongwen said: “Take the World Championship as an example, there is no gold in the short track of the ice project, no prize in speed skating, the ice hockey is barely guaranteed, the cold water jug is not entered but retreated, only the figure skating double skating is bright; skiing events has made some progress, but the range is not large enough. There is still a big gap between the realization of ‘piaoshengtu’, and some teams even have violations of discipline. The ice and snow movement is growing, but the pace is not big enough; It is growing, but the speed is not fast enough. Long-term backwardness, overall backwardness and overall functional backwardness have not been fundamentally reversed. There are only 1,000 days left before the Beijing Winter Olympics. The ‘cautiously ”step by step is absolutely not good. You must work hard 24 hours a day and use it 3 days a day. At present, the national training teams of several ice and snow projects have ended the short adjustment and quickly put into the preparation work of the year of “fixed point”, in Beijing, in Shanghai, in Qinhuangdao, Hebei province, in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province, Hainan Mannings, the United States, Norway, and Finland, all teams are actively preparing for the battle. What we need is such spirit and style, it is to practice like this down-to-earth, “You can’t stop for a moment, you can’t make a mistake, and you can’t afford to delay a day ‘.”

For the preparation work in the coming year, Li Zhongwen put forward five requirements, namely, vigorously strengthening special physical training, vigorously promoting decomposition training, vigorously promoting scientific and technological assistance, vigorously sharpen the fighting spirit of the team and vigorously eradicate the cancer of stimulants. In terms of promoting scientific and technological assistance, Yu Zhongwen stressed: “to quickly implement the organizational structure of science and technology preparations for ‘One chief engineer + four directors’ and several data analysts, all training should be digitized, data should be used to guide training, support training, guarantee training and monitor training. Coaches must look at data, analyze data and create data.”

Facing the future, Yu Zhongwen said: “We should firmly establish the sense of hardship and risk, strengthen the bottom line thinking, correct the training style, practice the ability to win hard, and forge more ‘sharp knives on the ice ‘, refine more” snow pioneers “and build a national training team for ice and snow projects that can fight well and have a good style.” work hard for 1,000 days and win the Winter Olympics “, and make every effort to complete the Beijing Winter Olympics, to participate in the competition, we also need to highlight the task of” participating in the whole project.” (Finished)