Close-up: Xinjiang captain Ke lanbai Ke, who refused anesthetic and accepted molars

Xinhua News Agency, Urumqi, April 30, close-up: Xinjiang captain Ke lanbaike

Xinhua News Agency reporter Ma Wei, Lin Deren

did not take anesthetic, which lasted half an hour, shorten the broken front teeth to only half…… Who would be willing to undergo such an operation? Presumably most people answered no, but the answer of Xinjiang men’s basketball captain Ke lanbai was “please operate”.

In the second game of the Xinjiang Guangdong finals, only 2 minutes 43 seconds was left in the first quarter, but Lan Bai Ke fell to the ground in a fight. His teammate Sun Tonglin, who lost his focus due to the fight, hit him heavily. Sun Tonglin’s weight of more than 100 kilograms, coupled with the impact force brought by inertia, made the face of Ke lanbai hit the floor severely. Ke lanbai, who was behind him, immediately entered the game, but in only a few rounds, the on-duty referee stopped the game and asked him to leave. Because of the obvious dislocation of the front teeth of Ke Lan Bai Ke, the nose and mouth began to bleed, and the words “Xinjiang” on the chest of the Jersey were dyed red, which also dropped on the floor of the finals.

In order to continue the game, lanbai showed his teeth to the referee, indicating that the blood had stopped. For Xinjiang, which lost the big score in the first battle, a good start to the second battle was a good opportunity to boost morale. As the captain, colanbai knew the importance of military stability, “the team needed me at that moment”. In the whole game, Lan Baike played for 24 minutes and got 5 points and 5 rebounds. Although the data is not bright, his hard-working defense has brought no minor trouble to his opponents. Xinjiang, who fought away from home, also used this strength to bite the score tightly under the condition that the free throw score was 23 points less than the opponent and the error was 10 times more, it was not until the second half of the last quarter that the game was taken away by a wave of attacks in Guangdong.

After the game, according to the preliminary diagnosis of local hospital in Dongguan, the incisor tooth root of Ke lanbai was broken, but it was impossible to make a film diagnosis because of the late time. The next day, after returning to Urumqi with the team, Ke lanbai went directly to the hospital from the airport. The examination results showed that his two incisors were tooth root fractured, and the fracture was lower than the gum margin. Tooth root should be removed immediately. If not handled in time, it will not only cause inflammation, but also affect future repair.

The doctor suggested that the tooth should be extracted immediately, but he could not do strenuous exercise for the next 5 days. In other words, he would miss at least 2 finals. And this is unacceptable to him. As far as the current situation is concerned, no one can guarantee that Xinjiang men’s basketball, which is 0:2 behind, can compete for the fifth match. He discussed with the doctor and decided to remove the part of the front teeth deviating from the original position first to avoid pain caused by touch, and to retain the part that has not been deviated, which will be dealt with after the finals.

The toothache kills people, let alone the broken front teeth. However, Lan Bai Ke chose to refuse to use anesthetic because he was worried that it would affect his reaction and agility of body movements. “Although it may not really have an impact, but I have to absolutely avoid this possibility”. In this way, during the 30-minute operation, he clearly saw the rapidly rotating tool, clearly heard the sound of teeth being polished, and soberly suffered every pain brought by the operation.

For anyone, refusing anesthetic to receive molar treatment is a difficult choice, but lanbai Ke is no exception. It’s just that he has the reason why he is determined to do it, that is, “for basketball, for the team”, which has been fully revealed in every game throughout the season. In the eyes of many fans, no matter whether the team’s record and personal status are up or down, the Xinjiang captain is insisting on doing the same thing: the most fierce defense, when teammates fall to the ground, they will always be the first to run forward and pull up teammates. When the team falls behind, they will slap their hands and shout “come on”……

Therefore, the change of the team in the second half of the season will make him excited. Before the finals, he said: “The morale of the team is very high and the atmosphere is super good. Everyone is like a family.” Therefore, he would choose to refuse anesthetic and undergo surgery in order to continue playing in the finals and fight with his teammates.

Before the first game, Ke lanbai said to the reporter: “Although the Guangdong team is very strong, if we want to take a victory from us, we will let them lose a layer of skin first.” He said so, and so did he and his teammates.

On May 1, Xinjiang men’s basketball will face the third finals with Guangdong men’s basketball at home. No matter what the ending is, Lan Bai and his teammates are determined to be the hope of coach A Dijiang for the game-“together with Guangdong, we will dedicate a real finals-level game to the fans, it is worthy of every drop of blood and sweat spilled on the court.” (Finished)

The total score of the American League Basketball Finals Warriors win the Raptors is 1:1

Xinhua News Agency, Washington, June 2 (reporter Wang Jiyi) the NBA finals held the second contest on the 2nd. The defending champion Golden State Warriors defeated Toronto Raptors 109:104 away after a hard battle, at present, the total score of the two teams is 1:1 draw.

In this game, the Warriors were not surprised. When they fell behind, they clenched the score and reversed the game again in the third quarter of “unaffordable”. Several major players of the team played well and each contributed. “Splash” Brothers Thompson and Curry led the attack line, scoring 25 points and 23 points respectively, and green contributed 17 points, 10 rebounds and 9 assists. In the first game of the finals, kaoxins, who was short of battle due to injury for a long time, once played for 8 minutes to adapt to the rhythm of the game. This game finally returned to the starting lineup and got 11 points, 10 rebounds and 6 assists, it provides great support at both ends of attack and defense. Veteran igodala played a general role in the whole game, but he shot three points at the end of the game, helping the Warriors to establish a leading edge of 109:104. At this time, only 5.9 seconds were left in the game, the score was finally fixed here. In addition, the substitute Cook made three three-point shots.

“When the Warriors set foot on the finals, the details of the champion will be displayed at the critical moment.” Curry said after the game.

In the first half of the game, the Raptors were in a hot state. They once extended the score difference to 12 points. Although the core library of the Warriors felt cold, fortunately, the stars such as Thompson and Green played well, helping the team bite the score tightly, the Warriors only fell behind 54:59 at the end of the half-time. At the beginning of the third quarter, a sudden change in the situation, the Raptors had a short circuit in the attack, repeatedly failed and made constant mistakes. When the Warriors came up, they played a wave of 18:0 smackdown, surpassing the score to 72:59. The Raptors began to catch up with the score in the second half of the third quarter, and hit a small climax of 10:0 in the second half of the fourth quarter to bring the score to 104:106, but in the end, igodala’s three points tossing killed the suspense of the match.

Raptors coach Nath felt incredible about the crash in the third quarter. He said: “We had a good chance in four or five rounds, but we didn’t get any points. There were still several attacks. Our organization was very poor. At the same time, the poor attack led to defensive problems, I need to see what happened in those few minutes.”

Raptors guard Lowry was annoyed by this performance. He said: “It’s all my fault that we played too badly in the third quarter and threw too many balls, while the attack of Warriors was very disciplined. Their confidence also began to burst at that time.”

With this victory, the Warriors also took back the home court advantage. The third and fourth finals will be held in Auckland, the home court of the Warriors. Although this game was won, the Warriors also had bad news. It was still unknown whether Thompson, the God pitcher, had a rest after his leg injury in the fourth quarter of the game. The substitute center Luoni was also injured in this game.

In addition, Warrior star Durant has missed seven games in a row due to injury, but according to local media reports, Durant may return in the third or fourth game. “This victory was hard won and I am proud of my players. Next, we will go back to home to defend our home advantage. The Warrior’s injury continues, and we need to find a way to solve this.” Warrior coach Cole said.

Leonard, the core of raptors, contributed 34 points and 14 rebounds. Lowry was troubled by too many fouls and only contributed 13 points. Van Felite was still a trooper of raptors, contributing 17 points. Siacam, who played well in the first game of the finals, was restricted and only got 12 points.

“Now our situation is a bit like that of warriors who have just arrived in Toronto. We need to win at least one of the two away games. We have the ability to do this.” Nass said.