The short track speed skating world championship is now controversial. Wu Dajing sighed: I hope the stadium is clean

The short track speed skating world championship is currently controversial.

Wu Dajing sighed: I hope the stadium is clean

Changsha Evening News (Xinwen) on the evening of the 9th Beijing time, at the 2019 short track speed skating world championships held in Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria, Wu Dajing, a Chinese team player, won the men’s 500 m silver medal. As a result, the frequent twists and turns in the middle of the competition caused many spectators to drop by glasses.

The first two shots were snatched, and Liu Shaolin, the famous Hungarian Chinese general, was punished. The third gun set off smoothly. Wu Dajing surpassed Huang Daxian early. However, Huang Daxian brought down Wu Dajing in the anti-timeout, and the two fell out of the track together. However, surprisingly, the referee did not judge a foul, but directly let the three rematch. In the fourth shot, Huang Daxian won the championship in 42 seconds 490, Wu Dajing won the silver medal with a weak disadvantage, and Ren Ziwei won the bronze medal.

There is no doubt that four shots were shot in a game, which had a negative impact on Wu Dajing’s physical fitness and competition rhythm. In the decisive circle, Wu Dajing was unable to do so, so he could only watch the Koreans take the lead in crossing the finish line.

In an interview after the game, Wu Dajing said that it was difficult to understand the referee’s penalty, “I have controlled the line quite well, then the South Korean players did not have a 100% grasp to surpass. I think it is a dangerous transcendence.”

“From the perspective of my professional athletes, I think there will be some penalties. I just want to say, can you make the short track speed skating site cleaner.”

After a day’s rest, Wu Dajing posted a microblog yesterday afternoon to report Peace: “The game has passed. If you lose, you will lose. I can afford to lose, but next time I will win back. Another sentence, I only hope that the rules of the future game can be unified.”