The number of applicants for the 7th World Military Games has exceeded 10,000.35 venues have been completed.

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, June 19 (reporter Li Pengxiang, Liang Jianqiang) on October this year, the 7th World Military Games will be held in Wuhan, Hubei province. How are the preparations progressing? On the 19th, the Information Office of the State Council held a press conference on “The construction of Yangtze River Economic Belt and the high-quality development of Hubei”. Jiang Chaoliang, secretary of the Hubei provincial Party committee, revealed at the conference that the number of official applicants for the Military Transport Association had exceeded 10000, all 35 venues have completed the construction work of new construction or maintenance and renovation.

Jiang Chaoliang introduced that at present, 10719 people from 105 international Army Member States have officially signed up, and the number of participants is expected to exceed that of the previous session. At the same time, 38 test events of 27 competitions were launched. The Test matches of 9 events, including wrestling, Marathon, sailing, badminton, table tennis, shooting, women’s golf, equestrian, and open water swimming, have ended.

The preparations for the 7th World Military Games fully reflect the concept of saving the competition and benefiting the people. According to the event settings, Hubei has identified 35 venues, and has completed all related new construction or renovation. Among them, only 13 venues are newly built, 17 venues are repaired and renovated, and 5 are temporary facilities. After the game, the relevant venue facilities will also continue to play a role, undertaking large-scale competitions at home and abroad, or be used as professional training, teaching and research, and national defense teaching, and open to the society.