24 hours before the first battle: Chinese women’s football team hopes to “break history”

Xinhua News Agency, Rennes, France, June 7 (Reporter Yue Dongxing Liu Wei) one day before the first group match between the World Cup and the German team, the Chinese women’s football team continued routine pre-match training on the 7th. Speaking of the outlook for the game at this moment, coach Jia Xiuquan said that the whole team hopes to “break the history” and dedicate the best state to the fans.

On the morning of the 7th, Jia Xiuquan and captain Wu Haiyan attended the pre-match conference at the Renn Park Stadium. Considering that the station of the team is far away from this competition venue, the other 22 players did not come to “step on the ground”, but continued to do the last practice before the match at the training ground in the town of fujer near the station that afternoon.

Judging from the comparison of strength, the German team ranked second in the world, as the hot spot for winning the championship, is more optimistic by the outside world to win the “open door”. In the past 30 matches between the two teams, the German team gained the upper hand with 16 wins, 6 draws and 8 losses. However, in the last battle between the two teams-the Rio Olympics final eight, the Chinese team, who was sent off one person and a penalty kick penalty, was passive and finally lost a small ball, but it can be seen that it has the strength to compete with the two World Cup champions.

“We didn’t take advantage of the confrontation in history. We have been working hard. Every confrontation and every study are for the future to be stronger, and now it is the same. I hope that the girls of the women’s football team will give full play to their true self, fight out their own things, devote their best status to the fans and the World Cup.” Jia Xiuquan said.

“Girls and our team all hope to show themselves through this World Cup, break the history and have a good ending.”

In the past year, after nearly nine sessions of intensive training, the combination of high-intensity competition, especially the gains and regrets of the Asian Games runner-up, the running-in of the three four kingdoms competitions, after 10 “simulated battles” of Australian winter training, the actual combat of the Algarve Cup and two tricks with the American women’s football team, the whole team and the girls paid a lot and hoped to show the results of the training.

In response to a question from Xinhua News Agency, Jia Xiuquan said: “In fact, we have been simulating the World Cup opponents in winter training last year, practicing and exercising ourselves. Judging from the effect of winter training, the players have made great progress.”

“There is no perfection in competitive sports. Only by keeping forging ahead and doing better can we perfect ourselves. Although we have a gap with the world’s top teams, we are ready to narrow this gap in the game and even change it.”

In the last World Cup in Canada, the venue was artificial grass. This time, the World Cup came to France, where football was the mainstream project. Natural grass and professional courts with the same treatment as men’s football were recognized by the players.

“This is the first time to come to this venue. I feel that the venue is very good. I should be very excited tomorrow and enjoy this competition.” Wu Haiyan said.

In the World Cup four years ago, Wu Haiyan, who was only 22 years old, as the main side guard, was appointed as the captain by then coach Hao Wei. Four years later, she, who changed her position to central defender, is still Jia Xiuquan’s trusted captain.

When answering the question of Xinhua News Agency reporter about the changes in the past four years, Wu Haiyan said: “The most important thing is that after four years, I feel that my mentality is more mature, you will have a more stable attitude to face and better prepare for difficulties.”

Chengdu 2021 Universiade Market Development global launch

It is understood that sponsored program sets up three sponsorship levels, namely official partners, official sponsors and official suppliers.

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, June 26th, the global launching ceremony of market development of the 31st World University Summer Games in Chengdu 2021was held at Beijing National Stadium (Bird’s Nest) on the 26th. Chengdu Universiade officially issued an invitation to global partners.

On the spot on the same day, Chengdu 2021universiade announced the first signing sponsor-Industrial and Commercial Bank of China. Industrial and Commercial Bank of China became the official partner of the first level of “sponsored program” in Chengdu 2021universiade, and also the official exclusive partner of banks.

It is understood that sponsored program sets up three sponsorship levels, namely official partners, official sponsors and official suppliers. Except for the “official non-exclusive supplier” in the third level, only one sponsoring enterprise or consortium is recruited for each product category, and it enjoys exclusive rights and corresponding return on rights and interests.

“Franchise” mainly refers to the market development behavior of franchise Enterprises licensed by the Preparatory Committee of the Universiade to produce and sell products with the emblem, mascot and related intellectual property rights of Chengdu 2021 Universiade. At present, the “franchise plan” consists of three items, including licensed commodities, commemorative coins and commemorative stamps.

The Ticket Plan covers ticket sales planning, youth education plan, family watching plan, etc. At the same time, Chengdu will create integration modes such as “ticketing + tourism”, “ticketing + public welfare”, “ticketing + Cultural Innovation”, and promote the brand value-added effect.

In addition, Chengdu 2021 Universiade opened an exclusive section different from other similar competitions-“market operation plan”, covering market development agencies, marketing planning and activity execution teams, etc, maximize the integration of promotion and marketing resources, create a new model of sports marketing, build a new platform for public participation, and build a win-win new ecosystem for enterprises.