Table Tennis Super finals: Fan Zhendong lost the game Lin Gaoyuan led the team to meet the men’s group final

Data map: on January 12, Nanchang, Jiangxi province, the 15th round of the 2018-2019 China table tennis club Super League men’s group, Fan Zhendong (left) led Bayi Nanchang team to face the Shanghai Zhongxing team led by Xu Xin at home. Fan Zhendong staged a thrilling “plot twist” and defeated Xu Xin with a score of 3:2. Taken by China News Agency reporter Liu Zhankun

China News Agency, Beijing, February 1st (Ma Yuanhao) 2018-2019 season Chinese Table Tennis Super League Finals Men’s group semi-final was held in Beijing on the evening of 1st. Affected by the defeat of Fan Zhendong, the main force of Bayi Nanchang and the world’s No. 1 Fan Zhendong 1:3, who was not hostile to the cold, Bayi Nanchang finally lost the Tianjin team at 0:3 and stopped the semi-finals. Xu Xin, the famous general of Guozhen, led the Shanghai Zhongxing club to sweep Shandong Luneng club at 3:0, and joined the Tianjin team led by Guozhen general Lin Gaoyuan in the men’s group final.

The first men’s group semi-final was held between the Bayi Nanchang and Tianjin teams. Fan Zhendong, the main force of Bayi Nanchang and the world’s No. 1 men’s singles for 11 consecutive months, played against Tianjin team Renhao. Renhao took the lead in entering the state. After winning the first game at 11:9, he pursued the next city at 11:8. In the third game, Fan Zhendong took advantage of his opponent’s mistake to bring back a game at 11:3, but he still felt bad in the fourth game. Finally, the big score was 7:11 and 1:3.

Affected by Fan Zhendong’s defeat, the rest of the Bayi Nanchang team will play poorly. Zhao Zhaoyan was swept by Lin Gaoyuan, the main force of Tianjin team and the third largest in the world at 3:0 in the second game.

In the third game, Bayi Nanchang sent Zhou Kai/Zhao Zhaoyan to match Fang Bo/Zhu Yufeng. Zhou Kai/Zhao Zhaoyan, who was in the first battle, failed to achieve a reversal, with a big score of 0:2. Tianjin team advanced to the finals with 3:0.

After the game, Fan Zhendong said regretfully that the level of the two sides in the semi-final was between Bertrand. Losing himself had a great influence on the team and the responsibility was on himself. “As a single failed to start well, the whole team fell into a passive position. Today, I played too conservative and wanted to wait for the other side to make mistakes. While Renhao’s ball speed is very fast, I have no time to pick up many balls, and the adjustment on the court is slow, making myself very passive. There are not many opportunities to play alone in the game. In the future, no matter in the Bayi Nanchang team or the national team to play in this capacity, they must have more ideas and tighten the strings in their minds.”

The second men’s group semi-final was held between Shanghai Zhongxing and Shandong Luneng. The main force of Shandong Luneng, Guogang men’s team captain Malone failed to play due to injury, but he also came to the Court to cheer for the team.

In the competition, after any order of Xu Xin, who is now the third in the world, helped the team to get the top spot, Shanghai Zhongxing will be in full swing, sweeping the opponent easily in the second singles and the third doubles, easily advance to the final.

“Today, the serve link has been adjusted and the horizontal plate is used. In the competition, I took the initiative to enter the stage of holding the same hand, and used the backhand to put a lot of pressure on the other side, and finally won.” Xu Xin said, “the opponent of the final has teammates of the national team, and everyone is very familiar with it. After tonight’s game, I will prepare for tomorrow’s final.” (Finished)