Chinese sports delegation goes to the 15th World Summer Special Olympics

China News Service, Guangzhou, March 8 (reporter Wang Zumin) the Chinese sports delegation set off from Guangzhou on the afternoon of the 8th to go to the UAE to participate in the 15th World Summer Special Olympics, ali Zahiri, ambassador of the United Arab Emirates to China, made a special trip to see off the Chinese delegation.

The 15th World Summer Special Olympics will be held in Abu Dhabi, the capital of the United Arab Emirates, from March 14-21. This is the ninth time that China has organized a delegation to participate in the summer Special Olympics.

104 athletes from the Chinese sports delegation will participate in 10 competitions including track and field, swimming, integrated football, basketball, table tennis, weightlifting, gymnastics, roller skating, grounder, badminton, etc. Among them, the football team is a fusion team, and Special Olympics athletes and sound partners jointly form a team to participate in the competition. Most of the delegation players come from special education schools, with an average age of 19.5. Li Xiaoqi, the youngest swimmer, just turned 10.

On the morning of 8th, the Chinese Special Olympics delegation held an expedition ceremony in Guangzhou. The head of the Chinese delegation said that in this Special Olympics, Chinese players will carry forward the Special Olympics spirit of bravely trying and striving for victory, participate happily and improve their abilities; Make more friends and enhance friendship; show the development achievements of China’s Special Olympics movement and the progress of social civilization.

Ali Zahiri, ambassador of the United Arab Emirates to China, said that the Chinese team is one of the best teams, and this time in the Special Olympics in Abu Dhabi, it can also return with a full load. The UAE will do everything possible to make the members of this special Olympics live happily. I hope that the Chinese delegation will live a “beautiful and meaningful” day in the UAE “.

This Special Olympics has 24 major events such as track and field, swimming and basketball. It is expected that more than 7500 athletes from more than 190 delegations will participate in the competition. It is reported that many activities such as city reception plan, athlete health plan and Global Youth Leaders Summit will be held during the competition.

The World Special Olympics is a global comprehensive sports event specially held for people with intellectual disabilities. It is held every two years and alternately in winter and summer. In 1968, the first world Summer Special Olympics was held in Chicago, USA. Shanghai held the 12th event in 2007, and China became the first Asian country to host the Summer Special Olympics. This competition is the first time that the Summer Special Olympics has been held in Middle East countries for more than half a century. (Finished)

Interview with IAAF CEO: China road running operation mode is worth learning and promoting

Xinhuanet sports Lanzhou, May 31 (reporter Li Xu Gong Yuanyuan) “China Track and Field Association has innovated and developed a routine running operation mode, making a complete industry rising, this is fully recognized and promoted by IAAF.” Jon Ricci, CEO of IAAF (JonRidgeon), said in an interview with reporters at the 2019 IAAF conference in Lanzhou.

China’s road running operation mode has become a benchmark

the international tian lian road running conference is an industry conference with the highest specifications in the world’s road running field and the largest number of participants in the country, it is also the highest-level international road running Conference held in China.

The first time I settled in China, I chose to hold it in Lanzhou. Jon Ricky said that this was because the continuous investment of Lanzhou in running, which gave birth to a strong running culture atmosphere, it has created the infrastructure for runners to run freely, and has also accumulated the essential experience and experience of holding large-scale road running activities. “This is also one of the reasons why Lanzhou Marathon became the IAAF Gold standard event.”

IAAF has started the certification of global road running signage events since 2008. The number of Chinese marathon signage events in IAAF has increased from 2 to 19 today, an increase of 8.5 times.

“China is one of the fastest growing countries in road running.” Jon Ricky told reporters. In his view, as the leader of China’s road running sport, China Track and Field Association has innovated and developed a routine running operation mode, which not only fully cooperates with cities across the country, it also allows social forces to join in and continuously promotes the expansion of the scale and influence of road running events, thus attracting extensive participation of international runners, competition organizing committees and brands. “All these have contributed to the prosperity and development of China’s marathon.”

Jon Ricci pointed out that win-win cooperation is the key factor for development and innovation. The golden triangle cooperation mode among China Association of field Association, local government and social forces makes a complete industry based on marathon sport rise rapidly, “This model is fully recognized and promoted by IAAF.”

Join forces to improve the global running population

running is the sport with the largest number of participants in the world today, but it is worth noting that the number of young people with sports habits is on a downward trend.

“In this regard, we should have targeted measures.” Jon Rich said, “We want them to discover the fun of running and inspire them to find the value of lifestyle. To accomplish such a cause, we need our alliance members, government departments and social forces to work together.”

With the full advent of the digital age, Jon Ricky believes that it is an effective way to stimulate people to take steps through social platforms such as Weibo and WeChat. “Although running always happens in the real world, as long as we take advantage of the situation and reach them through digital platforms and methods, running will eventually become the habit of young people and the shared connection point when they are socializing.”

Nowadays, with the continuous improvement and promotion of infrastructure, road running culture and road running events, the global audience of road running is increasing day by day. For the future, Jon Ridge believes that with the gradual increase of people’s income and free time, as well as the change of concept, the scale of road running will become larger and larger. “China is the best example.”

China will conduct more international road running activities

in recent years, as China Track and Field Association actively seeks international communication channels to go out and come in, the internationalization trend of China’s road running movement has become increasingly obvious. The landing of this road running conference is the best proof.

Before that, Chengdu marathon had become China’s prime world Grand Slam candidate. The holding of international exchange activities such as China-Greece Forum, Shanghai Cooperation Organization marathon series, Belt and Road Marathon series has enhanced the communication between China and the World Road Running.

“In the future, we will bring more international conferences to China.” Jon Ricci said that at the same time, IAAF will also plan more activities in China and hold more large-scale participatory events associated with the tournament to attract diversified runners. “The world indoor track and field championships held in Nanjing next year will surprise everyone.”