Sarah crashed plane pilot “may” operate illegally

Xinhua News Agency, London, February 25 (Reporter Prince Jiang) the British aviation accident investigation bureau revealed on the 25th that the pilot of the crashed plane carrying Argentine football player Sarah did not have a commercial flight license, yogueta was charged from the shuttle trip to Sarah, which was illegal.

According to an interim investigation report, the pilot David Eberson’s driver’s license is a private driver’s license, which means that he cannot “carry passengers with compensation”, but according to British law, passengers on his plane can share his related expenses. The report revealed that it is impossible to confirm the nature of Sarah’s trip.

The so-called cost sharing means that the people who take the plane can share the fuel cost, floor fee and other related costs with the pilots. The investigation found that Eberson did share the flight cost with other passengers before.

According to the report, according to the principle of cost sharing, this plane is illegal if it is only used to transport Sarah himself.

The investigation report also showed that Sarah’s plane was seriously damaged, breaking into three sections at the bottom of the sea, and the engine was split into two. Because the pilot’s driver’s license cannot be found, investigators cannot determine the flight time of Eberson within 28 days to 90 days before the accident, which is usually an important data for aircraft accident investigation. However, the investigation report also revealed that the 59-year-old Eberson has rich experience in flying. He holds a private driver’s license from Britain and America, and the flight time is about 3700 hours.

It is revealed that the British aviation accident investigation bureau will continue to conduct a deeper investigation into the accident.

Sarah, who previously played for the French Nant team, switched to Cardiff City, the Premier League team, in the winter transfer window. On January 21, on his way back to Cardiff after visiting former Nant teammates, the small plane lost contact with radar over the ENGLINE Strait. On February 4th, the wreckage of the plane was found, and Sarah’s body was also salvaged to sea, but the search and rescue personnel never found the remains of pilot Eberson. (Finished)