Wu Lei makes the top team of La Liga target Chinese players Chinese football needs patience most at present

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, March 7 (reporter Wang Yong, Huang Shunda) the chairman of the Spanish league, Havel Tebas, accepted an exclusive interview with Xinhua News Agency in Beijing during his recent participation in related activities of cooperation with China’s Super League. The leader of La Liga highly praised the performance of Chinese player Wu Lei in La Liga and revealed that many Spanish clubs are “very interested” in introducing Chinese players “. He believes that what Chinese football needs most at present is patience, especially in youth training.

Wu Lei’s role is obvious. Some top Spanish teams are in action

tbass believes that Wu Lei has participated in many important matches and performed well after joining the Spanish team, it is very helpful to the team, and the team is also very satisfied with him. His excellent performance also made many other Spanish clubs more interested in introducing Chinese players.

“As far as I know, not only ordinary clubs, but also some top Spanish clubs hope to introduce excellent Chinese players.” Tebas said.

“But I can’t reveal too much details yet. I will say it when I can. But one thing is certain, that is, there are indeed some La Liga clubs that are very interested in introducing Chinese players. And as far as I know, these clubs have already taken action, have come to China, or are on the way.” He said.

Tebas said frankly that the big clubs in Spain, such as Real Madrid and Barcelona, which had great influence in China in the past, were the top Giants. However, in recent years, La Liga has devoted itself to helping more small and medium-sized clubs expand their influence in China, and Wu Lei’s joining has helped Spanish clubs greatly expand the Chinese market. “So we also especially hope that other clubs can follow this road and continue to find more opportunities in China.”

“La Liga league is currently helping many small and medium-sized clubs to open Chinese social media accounts to let Chinese fans know more about these clubs. Before that, many La Liga clubs had no Chinese social channels at all. We hope to attract more Chinese players to join the Spanish club as soon as possible through this approach.”

Tbass believes that the core issue of La Liga to further explore the Chinese market is the competition and timetable. He said that optimizing the broadcast time in China is one of the most important strategies of La Liga. At present, La Liga plans to add competition time at 2 pm every Sunday, this means that Chinese audiences have more time to watch the game.

Meanwhile, La Liga is also pushing more clubs to come to China to compete. Tebas said that the Spanish are expected to compete in China this summer, and he is very looking forward to it.

At present, Chinese football needs patience most. The Super League will become one of the best leagues

tebass revealed that his trip represents the Spanish league and the Chinese Football Association around youth training, league development, stadium safety, many consensus have been reached on the themes of league branding and women’s football, and the two sides will further carry out comprehensive cooperation, especially by deepening the cooperation in the field of youth training, to “gain strength” for Chinese football “.

He believes that what Chinese football needs most at present is patience. Only by systematically and solidly promoting youth training and other work can we achieve good results. “Spain has been doing very well in youth training. At present, there are a large number of teenagers playing football in China, among which there are many good seedlings of high quality. I believe that as long as China continuously selects and trains potential athletes through effective methods, it will certainly succeed.”

“The current road of Chinese football is correct, but the results can not be seen in a year or two. I think the most needed thing at present is patience. I believe China hopes to make achievements as soon as possible, but it took Spain more than 90 years to develop and win the World Cup for the first time.”

Tebas said that China’s actions in promoting the development of football in recent years have been very positive and have produced very good results. He believes that as long as we remain patient and stick to this road, China will become one of the most important football powers in the world in the near future.

Tbass also has a deep understanding of the Chinese Super League. He said that the Chinese Super League has attracted some world-class players to join, and he just saw the match of Mas Cerano a few days ago. All this proves that the Chinese Super League is constantly developing and progressing.

“If the Super League can further improve and maintain a good financial situation, more world-class players will come here to play. With the introduction of more players, I believe the Super League can become one of the strongest five or six leagues in the world.”

Talking about the impression of the Chinese Super League team, Tebas thinks that Beijing China national security team is good. He said that he began to pay attention to this team many years ago, because Guoan is not only one of the representatives of the highest level of Chinese football clubs, but also has a long tradition and has always been in the ranks of strong teams. Tebas hopes that Chinese football players can maintain their standards and wish them more victories in the matches between China and the world.