“Frozen” created by a city Plantation”

Xinhua News Agency, Changchun, January 29th, question: “Frozen” made by a city plantation

Xinhua News Agency reporter Wang Haofei, zhou Wanpeng

Wang Fuqing, a Changchun man who was over 90 years old, didn’t expect that in the 1930 s, he was the water source of the new city. He participated in planting seedlings in a vegetable field, after more than 80 years, it has expanded to the artificial forest Sea, which occupies the top area in Asia. Gao you, a Swede who was nearly 70 years old, was far from thinking that after the Vasa ski festival, which was founded in Mula city in the 1920 s, was introduced into Changchun by him at the beginning of this century, it will have such a profound impact on the ice and snow industry in this Chinese city.

Changchun and Mula, which are about 6800 kilometers away from each other, have “built” frozen “by a plantation. It has been 17 years now.

The 145 square kilometers of Linhai in Jingyuetan National Forest Park contributed to Vasa’s settlement in China due to Gao Youyuan’s emotion of “it is too much like Northern Europe” 17 years ago. In the past 17 years, “China Vasa” has not only become a brand event of the International Snow Federation, but also promoted the multi-dimensional “platinum industry” such as tourism, economy and trade, culture, etc “.

The Spring Festival is approaching. On the weekend just past, a large number of fitness workers are still active in the Jingyue Forest Sea, which is located in the southeast of Changchun. For locals, this is “the best place for Changchun air”; For outsiders, this is “the place to visit in Changchun”. Marathon enthusiast Yang Tian said, “although there is less snow this winter, there are many trees and beautiful scenery here, which is suitable for exercise.”

Yang Tian ran through the undulating red pine, black pine and larch forests, and ran the snow sculpture “set sail” which was 65 meters long and 20 meters high — the main snow sculpture in the world of net moon snow 2019, this is also the starting point of the “China Vasa” event. At the beginning of the year, professional athletes and skiers from 32 countries and regions set out here collectively to play overture for the annual Changchun Ice and Snow Tourism Festival.

Before the “northern European monsoon”, Changchun Ice and Snow Tourism Festival had been held for seven times, which brought new inspiration to this plantation. In the summer of 2002, Gao Youyuan, the promoter of international events, was entrusted by an enterprise to hold a cross-country orientation competition for employees in Changchun. He fell in love with it when he first visited the Jingyuetan track. After several evaluations, Changchun officially became the fourth place to settle in the world after Mulla, Hokkaido and Minnesota in 2003.

“At the opening scene of that year, the then Swedish ambassador to China, Bo Borui, sighed with emotion that a new tradition was born in China ‘.” Ningjun, deputy general manager of Changchun nodi Vassa Management Service Co., Ltd, recalled that before Vassa settled in, the domestic understanding of cross-country skiing was almost blank, during the preparation, Chinese contractors even proposed whether they could conduct traditional competitions without using snow troughs, whether the 50-kilometer race can be put on the 5-kilometer track for 10 laps and other professional problems.

Li Geliang, an Asian cross-country ski champion who has been galloping on the “China Vasa” track for many years, said that before 2003, unless he caught up with the intercontinental competition, domestic players and foreign players could not touch each other for a year. “Now every year, there are top international players competing together, ranging from competitive level and competition experience to skis waxing and well-equipped, which is an unprecedented improvement for Chinese players. The key is that it also drives people’s enthusiasm to participate in skiing.” He said.

Over the past 17 years, “China Vasa” has gradually been “expanded”. In addition to the 50-kilometer points race of the International Snow Federation, China tour, 25-kilometer Blueberry race and 2.5-kilometer public ski race have also been added. College students have become an important growth point. Since 2005, the organizers have trained about 600000 resident college students to study cross-country skiing for free. In addition, “China Vasa” also introduced Nordic mountain bike, orientation, hiking and other brand events one after another, making Jingyuetan a hot spot for four seasons fitness.

From the minority professional events that lasted two days at the earliest and hundreds of people participated in, to the mass ice and snow feast that radiates hundreds of days and tens of thousands of people participated in; From the cities in Northeast China that the overseas people seldom heard, every year, the European Radio and Television Union broadcasts 30 minutes of Changchun Vasa feature films in more than 40 countries and regions. “Vasa not only created an international famous brand of ice and snow culture, but also became an important platform for Changchun’s opening to the outside world and economic and trade exchanges and cooperation.” Jia Lina, deputy mayor of Changchun city, said.

Around the ice and snow of Vasa and the green water and mountains of pure Moon, Changchun has gradually explored and built “Jinshan Yinshan” composed of sports, tourism, economy and trade and culture “. The Vasa economic and trade fair after the opening of “China Vasa” has become an annual “prescribed action”. This year, the host signed 16 cooperation projects in science and technology innovation, financial services, cloud data and other fields with more than 300 entrepreneurs from the United States, Sweden and other countries and regions, with a total signing amount of 42.1 billion yuan.

“It is a miracle to plant such a large plantation on a piece of land. Moreover, the scale of Vassa in Changchun has surpassed Hokkaido and Minnesota, which is comparable to Mula. This is even more incredible.” Gao Youyuan said that the 2022 Winter Olympics will be held in China, and more Chinese will participate in ice and snow sports in the next few years. Vasa has become one of the popular carriers, which makes him feel extremely proud. (Finished)