The 70-year famous Chinese sports forum will be held on June 26th and 27th.

People’s Daily Online, Beijing, June 25 (Yang Lei) the “great changes · 70-year famous Chinese sports forum” co-sponsored by people’s sports and Jiannong sports will be held on June 26 and 27 in Hailang mountain valley, Zhangjiakou. The purpose of the forum is to review the 70 years of development of sports in New China, look forward to the bright prospect of sports in China in the future, review the tenacious sports feelings of the older generation of sports in China, and put forward insights for the development of sports in China, assist the construction of sports power, transmit positive social energy, and present gifts for the 70th anniversary of the founding of New China.

This forum will focus on three topics: “Those sports people in that year”, “national fitness under the development of mobile Internet” and “new demand for Chinese national fitness in the new era, invite new and old sports people, sports associations, media and sports companies to discuss in depth the development opportunities and challenges of China’s sports industry today.

During the forum, guests will also be invited to experience the forum site support-Outdoor Leisure Sports in Hailang mountain valley, participate in traditional health activities such as wuqinopera and Baduanjin, feel the benefits and fun of leisure and fitness.