2019 “China Sports Lottery Cup” Henan 5th tennis king competition

Zhengzhou, Zhengzhou, March 18 (reporter Yang Xu) on the morning of March 16, it was hosted and undertaken by the Central Plains Tennis Center, the kick-off ceremony of the 2019 “China Sports Lottery Cup” named by Henan sports lottery management center the 5th tennis king Championship (first stop) in Henan was successfully held at the Central Plains Tennis Center.

 Photo taken by Yang Xu at the kick-off ceremony

Qian Guoyu, vice chairman of Henan CPPCC, Chen Yichu, former vice chairman of Henan CPPCC, Han Jiajun, general manager of Dahe Network Media Group, Wang Haixin, secretary of Henan sports lottery management center, Rong Chang’an, Director of Central Plains Tennis Center, sun Tiantian, deputy director of the Central Plains tennis center, attended the kick-off ceremony and waved the kick-off together. Qian Guoyu, vice chairman of the CPPCC of Henan province, announced the start of the game. Chen Yichu, former vice chairman of the CPPCC of Henan province, delivered a speech. The kick-off ceremony was presided over by Sun Tiantian, deputy director of the Central Plains Tennis Center. More than 800 athletes from 20 provinces, cities and autonomous regions, as well as referees, coaches, staff and media reporters attended the kick-off ceremony.

It is reported that the competition lasted for two days (March 16 and 17), and a total of 767 athletes from 20 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions (1967) signed up for the competition. There are 5 events in the competition, including men’s singles, men’s doubles, women’s singles, women’s doubles and mixed doubles. The competition is divided into 10 groups according to age. The competition adopts the latest “tennis competition rules” approved by China Tennis Association. The competition is divided into two stages. The first stage adopts the circular competition system and the second stage adopts the elimination competition system.

 Chen Yichu, former vice chairman of the CPPCC of Henan province, was interviewed by the media and taken by Yang Xu.

Chen Yichu pointed out in his speech: at the just-concluded second session of the 13th National People’s Congress, the prime minister put forward new requirements for the development of sports in the government work report, combining sports with people, the Society and the country are closely integrated. In the part of “accelerating the development of social undertakings, better ensuring and improving people’s livelihood”, it is proposed to “extensively carry out national fitness activities”. It also points out that if people are physically and mentally healthy, the society will be full of vitality and the country will prosper.

The Henan tennis king tournament (the first two sessions were the Henan tennis king tournament) has been successfully held for 4 years since the start of the first race in March 2015, it has created a series of new records of amateur tennis events in our country and has become one of the brand events in the amateur tennis field in our country. According to incomplete statistics, the tennis king tournament has successively conducted 12-station races and 4-station finals, with a total of more than 8500 entries.

Henan tennis king tournament has become an important measure to carry out national fitness activities, and has also become the mass basis for holding high-level international competitions in Zhengzhou. We will stick to it and hope that more and more amateur tennis players from provinces, cities and autonomous regions will come to Zhengzhou to participate in this competition.

 Rong Chang'an, Director of Central Plains tennis center, was interviewed by Yang Xu

Rong Chang’an, Director of Central Plains Tennis Center, said that this year is the fifth consecutive year of Henan tennis king tournament, which has become a brand event in Henan amateur tennis. Since the opening of Henan tennis king tournament, with its constantly mature conditions, increasingly perfect competition system, increasingly reasonable arrangement and rising number of participants, it has not only been recognized by tennis professionals and loved by tennis lovers, but also won the praise of Henan provincial sports bureau and even the tennis Sports Management Center of the State General Administration of Sports, for which we are deeply honored. The Central Plains tennis center will also take this as the driving force to carry out nationwide fitness activities extensively, making new and greater contributions to building a healthy Central Plains and a strong sports province, accelerating the rise of the Central Plains, revitalizing Henan and enriching the people and strengthening the province.

2019 National retired elite athletes UAV flight control division training class started

Xinhua News Agency, HARBIN, May 17 (reporter Wang Junbao) in 2019, the training class for unmanned aerial vehicle flight control division of National retired elite athletes opened in Harbin on the 17th. 25 retired athletes from all over the country attended the opening ceremony, they will receive centralized and closed training for 50 days.

The training course teaches the basic structure, basic control principles, aerial photography, post-production and other professional knowledge of unmanned aerial vehicles by combining theoretical knowledge, practical operation and practical training. The trainees who pass the examination after the training will obtain the certificate of completion issued by the sports fund management center of the State General Administration of Sports and the China Robot Sports Working Committee, and make a two-way choice with high-tech enterprises nationwide, help employment.

In recent years, the sports fund management center of the State Sports General Administration has attached great importance to the transformation and employment of retired athletes, and has set up new functional departments to give full play to the guiding role of the athlete employment and entrepreneurship support fund, guide and promote the employment and entrepreneurship support work of retired elite athletes.

This training is hosted by the sports fund management center of the State General Administration of Sports and the All-China Sports Foundation.