Marathon micro live broadcast was praised by IAAF: it is recommended to vigorously promote this new technology

“The marathon micro-live broadcast launched by China Association of Athletics is easier for young people to accept and a wiser choice.”

Xinhuanet sports Lanzhou, June 1 (Wang Meng) “The micro-live broadcast of marathon launched by China Association of Tian ‘an is easier for young people to accept and a wiser choice.” Carlo capabot, chairman of the international Tian Lian road running Committee, praised the marathon micro-live broadcast system jointly created by China Track and Field Association and Xinhuanet sports at the 2019 (Lanzhou, China) International Tian Lian road running conference.

“Media reform is always iterative relationship, not replacing relationship.” Caro capabo suggested that the organizing committee of the competition formulate a set of good all-media communication strategies, and use radio, television, new media and other channels as a whole to promote online and offline simultaneously. He said that the innovation of marathon micro-live broadcast is easy to be accepted, especially in terms of cost, which is the “1‰” of TV. It is suggested to vigorously promote the use of this new technology.

2019 is a year when China Marathon changes from rapid growth to high-quality development. According to the data released by the Tian Association, in 2018, the country held a total of 800 road running events, 1581 cross-country running and other large-scale events with more than 300 people. Such a large competition Foundation directly stimulated the demand for live broadcast. Mobile and interactive micro-live streaming has attracted more and more competitions.

The Marathon micro-live broadcast system mentioned by Carlo capabo is an online live broadcast platform jointly built by Xinhua Sports and China Track and Field Association. In the salon session of the 2019 International Tian Lian road running conference with the theme of “brand and city promotion brought by marathon communication, hou Dawei, general manager of Xinhua Sports, shared marathon micro-live broadcast, an innovative product exploring the integration and development path of” media + Industry.

“Marathon Micro Live broadcast system is based on the ‘Chinese marathon platform’ WeChat public platform and Xinhuanet sports media matrix, taking advantage of the characteristics of lightweight, social and mobile communication, it is a self-service service system for the promotion of live events for powerful cloud broadcasting platform, online packaging, storage and download functions.” Hou dawei introduced at the scene that marathon micro-live broadcast will try to use unmanned aerial vehicles to cover 5g networks in the air and introduce the brain function of xinhua news agency media to recognize faces and realize the function of short video production of players’ personalities.

In China, with the development of the road running industry represented by Marathon, runners, host cities, sponsors, event execution companies, timing chip manufacturers, event Image service agencies, etc, we have built our own ecosystem. In the process of ecological improvement, communication innovation represented by marathon micro-live broadcasting is becoming the pulse of Chinese road running to show vitality.

It is understood that the marathon micro-live broadcast system can provide the event organizers with pre-competition promotion, mid-competition live interaction and post-competition big data analysis services, forming a complete service chain and helping to enhance the popularity of the event, optimize the competition operation strategy.

Hou Dawei said that through the marathon micro-live broadcast platform, Xinhua sports on the one hand serves the B- end event operators through event promotion, live broadcast data analysis and other methods, on the other hand, creates the event content library, provide event information, build a communication platform, aggregate C- end runner resources, and further improve the industrial layout in the marathon chain. Xinhuanet sports will deepen the integration and development of “media + industry” by providing diversified sports services such as sports communication solutions, holding various sports events, and building Sports Interactive platforms.

In the first game of the finals of the chess king game, Yang Dingxin was defeated more and more in the world go cup.

Xinhua news agency, Seoul, February 11 (reporter Lu Rui, Wang Xiaoxiao) the 23rd finals of the world go chess game in the LG Cup kicked off on Korea Baduk Association in Seoul on the 11th. In the first game, the Chinese chess player defeated another Chinese chess player Yang Dingxin in the seventh stage in the ninth stage and won one point first.

Shiyue and Yang Dingxin defeated Fan Tingyu, a Chinese chess player, and Shen Xiaoxiao, a Korean chess player, to advance to the final. This is the first time that young General Yang Dingxin has advanced into the final of the world’s major go competition, and sometimes he has once again launched an impact on this crown after winning the 17th world Go champion in 2010.

In the first game of the final, the more stubborn The Black first. At the beginning, both sides were evenly matched, and Yang Dingxin, who had reached 70 hands Zhibai, gradually took advantage. On the 87th hand, when the left side lost its dominant power, it began to attack the right white array and gradually reversed its disadvantage. After reaching 109 hands, the two sides were equally divided and the situation was delicate. Yang Dingxin was slightly loose in the process of trying to open up the situation. The more he pursued the situation, the more nervous the fight became again, and the two sides were particularly cautious. In the end, Yang Dingxin went to 261 pitchers to recognize the negative.

The final of the world go game in the LP Cup adopts the three-fold victory and defeat system, and the competition time limit is three hours for each party and 40 seconds for 5 times. The champion prize is 0.3 billion won (about 1.83 million yuan) and the Asian army prize is 0.1 billion won. The final of this year’s LG Cup was held in Seoul on the 11th, 13th and 14th.