In the opening 5 minutes, two balls were lost in the first battle of the Chinese Olympic team. 1:4 lost to Ireland

On the 3rd, the Olympic team lost two goals in less than 5 minutes in the first game of Group C of the Toulon Cup youth football match, and finally lost 1:4 to the Irish team under the age of 21, which is mainly composed of Premier League players.

Xinhua News Agency, France, obanie, June 3 (Reporter Prince Jiang) in the first match of Group C of the Toulon Cup youth football match held here on the 3rd, the Chinese Olympic team lost two goals in less than 5 minutes, finally, I lost to the Irish team under 21, which is mainly composed of Premier League players.

Only 33 seconds after the opening, Connolly from Brighton crossed Tong Lei’s defense on the left. In the transmission near the bottom line, El buzedi drove the ball into the gate guarded by Guo quanbo 10 meters away.

4 minutes later, captain Wu Wei defended the foul on the edge of the penalty area and gave the opponent a free kick. Luo Nan took the penalty and the ball popped up on the wall. The Wolf Team player picked it to the middle road, norwich forward Ida header ferry, Connolly Ling fire into the network, 2:0.

The Chinese players who lost two goals in a row soon calmed down and began to threaten the defense line of the other side. In the 11th minute, on the right side of the Tan Pin Pin, he crossed the opponent’s defensive skewed penalty area, and Lin Liangming header dome type the goalkeeper. In the 18th minute, Shan Huanhuan broke into the penalty area with the ball. The Irish goalkeeper Keller shot through the attack. Unfortunately, Masterson shoveled the ball out of the bottom line before door line, and the Chinese team won a corner. After Tan Pin Pin left, Li Yang, who was undefended, jumped up corner. The ball hit the beam and jumped into the gate. Lin Liangming, who thought the ball had popped up, kicked the ball into the bottom of the net with an angry shot, 1:2.

The Irish team almost expanded its advantage later. O’Shea heading in, but fortunately pushed the ball out of the beam in front of Wen Jiabao. After that, the Chinese team also got a good chance to take the ball into the penalty area to shoot, and Keller, the goalkeeper who played for Liverpool, stretched his leg to block the ball out.

The Chinese team started the second half with confidence, but soon a mistake ruined the hope of peace. In the 56th minute, erbuzedi was passing on the right road. The ball hit Li Yang’s arm. The referee sentenced penalty kick. Ida hit the penalty and the score became 3:1.

Hiddink then replaced Wen Jiabao with Guo Jing and Huang Cong with Jiang Ze army, hoping to change the passive situation. However, 8 minutes before the final match, Knight turned to the left side of the penalty area and shot in Guo Jing’s hand. The Irish team once again got a penalty kick chance. Ida’s main penalty scored the second goal of the individual, and Ireland also scored 4:1 win.

The next game of the Chinese team will be held on the 6th, and the opponent is the Balin team. This is the 13th time that the Chinese team participated in the Toulon Cup. Before that, the best result of the Chinese team was to win the runner-up in 2007.