The first S-shaped steel keel of the glass curtain wall construction of the National Speed Skating Museum is hoisted in place.

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, May 24 (Reporter Zhang Wei) the reporter learned that the construction of glass curtain wall was officially launched at the National Speed Skating Hall, the landmark venue of the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing, and the first S-shaped steel keel of the curved curtain wall had been hoisted in place, this marks that the National Speed Skating Museum has taken another solid step towards the construction goal of “ribbon flying.

According to Zhang Shaohui, general manager of the National Speed Skating Museum company, the steel structure of the curtain wall of the National Speed Skating Museum is mainly composed of S-shaped steel keel, arc connected beam, ribbon support rod and ribbon circular steel tube. 160 s-shaped steel joists are required for the construction of the curved curtain wall of the National Speed Skating Museum. The installation and construction of all steel joists is planned to be completed by the end of July this year.

“S-shaped steel keel is made of 4 pieces of steel plates, and non-standard sizes are used for material processing and manufacturing. Therefore, compared with general plane curtain walls, the structure form of S-shaped steel keel is very complicated.” Zhang Shaohui said that the longest S-shaped steel keel is 32.7 meters and weighs about 6 tons; The shortest one is 17.8 meters and weighs about 3.5 tons. The reporter saw at the scene that the curtain wall has strict requirements on the construction accuracy, and technicians are required to conduct secondary positioning review on the hoisting components.

In addition to the starting construction of the glass curtain wall of the National Speed Skating Museum, the mechanical and electrical decoration project of the National Speed Skating Museum is also promoted in an orderly manner. The reporter saw that 26 pipelines including air conditioning water pipes, fresh air, exhaust air, smoke exhaust, fire fighting, lighting and weak current were arranged in the underground space of the National Speed Skating Hall. These pipelines are arranged in different sides and layers in the top space of the corridor with a width of 3 meters and a height of 2.5 meters, with a total length of 1052 meters. This design can ensure reasonable and beautiful pipeline arrangement and reserve sufficient space for pipeline maintenance. (Finished)