Infantino re-elected president of FIFA

Infantino began to choke, which seemed a little emotional. He said: “We now have a very large sum of money. I don’t want to put them in the bank. I should put them into football.”

Xinhua News Agency, Paris, June 5th question: friends, please enjoy lunch-remember that Infantino was re-elected president of FIFA

Xinhua News Agency reporter Ma Bangjie Zhang Han Su Bin

on the 5th, the International Football Association opened the prelude of their 69th plenary congress with a silence and silence.

Representatives of 211 member associations of FIFA attended the meeting stood up with all the interviewer on the spot. The target of silence was Johnsson, former vice president of FIFA and former president of Uefa who died on the 4th.

The Swede ran for president of FIFA in 1998. On June 8th of that year, at the voting site of FIFA conference, he was behind Blatter at 80:111 in the first round. He immediately announced to throw in the towel and quit the second round of election, and said helplessly: “It’s time for lunch.”

Since then, FIFA has entered the “Blatter era”-an era full of shadows and swords, a successor of Blatter, the current president of FIFA, vantino, called the era of “opacity.

The rapid development of modern football requires a transparent and honest management organization. However, Blatter and other older generation of leaders in the rivers and lakes were holding on the gap, playing power tricks and fighting inwardly, which eventually led to many failures and injuries, and were thrown out one by one.

Finally, in the face of a fierce anti-corruption storm, Blatter was also unsustainable. Four years ago, before the opening of the Canadian women’s football World Cup, he suddenly announced his resignation, ending his 17-year career as the head of FIFA. As for the specific reason for his resignation, it is still unknown.

The downfall of Blatter took away the dark years of FIFA scandal and unbearable look back, leaving a huge power vacuum. Another Swiss from the neighboring village of Blatter, who had been inconspicuous before, came to the front desk and unexpectedly ascended the highest throne of FIFA.

The 49-year-old Infantino took office in Uefa before, and most of the time he only appeared when he presided over the draw ceremony of Champions League and other competitions, it is called “lottery player” by some domestic fans “. However, after taking over the FIFA truncheon left by Blatter, this little-known Swiss lawyer showed extraordinary ability and means to turn the tide and bring FIFA out of trouble.

Infantino has been the president of FIFA since February 2016 and has handed over a beautiful answer sheet. The most important thing is that he has done one thing beautifully and well: making money, making money cleanly and transparently.

Four years ago, when running for the president of FIFA, he announced: “This is not the money of the president of FIFA, this is your money.” This language became the key to his turning around Qian Kun.

After taking office, Infantino tried every means to make clean money and achieved remarkable results.

On the 5th, at the scene of the FIFA Congress, he announced on his own that in the 2015-2018 cycle, FIFA received 6.4 billion dollars, the income was 1.4 billion dollars more than the previous chairman’s term; FIFA’s reserve was as high as 2.75 billion dollars, 1.75 billion more than when he took office. He said that FIFA now has an account for every dollar.

According to the schedule, the current FIFA congress will elect the president for the term of office from 2019 to 2023. In fact, Infantino was almost elected before the election, because no one competed with him and he was the only candidate.

In his speech before the election, he finally said confidently, “Don’t worry, this is not the end, in fact, this is just the beginning.”

This is the first time that there is only one candidate in the four consecutive FIFA presidential elections since Haman challenged Blatter in 2011. In addition, at this FIFA presidential election conference, the Chinese figure appeared on the rostrum for the first time. Du Zhaocai, deputy director of the State Sports General Administration, is a member of the FIFA Council and sits on the rostrum with other directors.

During the election process, the conference was changed to be presided over by Salman, president of the Asian Football Association and vice president of the FIFA, and vantino was temporarily avoided. Salman looked at Infantino walking towards the stage and said, “Please don’t go far, come back quickly!”

According to the constitution of FIFA, the delegates passed the election by applause and became re-elected because of Fantino.

In the following inaugural speech, Infantino began to choke, which seemed a little emotional. He said: “We now have a very large sum of money. I don’t want to put them in the bank. I should put them into football.”

According to the accounting, in the next four years, 211 member associations of FIFA will get about 6 million dollars.

“Friends, please enjoy lunch.” Infantino said.