Wang Cheng’an: the potential of cooperation between China and Portuguese-speaking countries in football field

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, May 24 (Reporter ANGEL) at the football education and cultural exchange meeting between China and Portuguese-speaking countries held on 24th, Wang chengan, former secretary general of the China-Portuguese-Speaking Countries Economic and Trade Cooperation Forum (Macao), said, for Chinese football at a critical stage of development, Portuguese-speaking countries’ football cultural tradition and industrial operation experience have strong reference significance.

“For Brazilian children, playing football is as natural as breathing. Since the age of three, they have generally accepted systematic football training. By the age of eleven, small players with development potential can participate in professional selection held by major clubs.” Bruno Fernández, a football teaching expert from Brazil, believes that football is a real national sport in Brazil, and good culture edifies, A complete training plan and a scientific selection mechanism are the necessary conditions for Brazilian football talents to break through the ground.

Jin Long, an off-campus football instructor, believes that China and Portuguese-speaking countries have accumulated rich cooperation experience in the field of football. “At the beginning, the destination of the ‘jianlibao team was Brazil.”

Shen Xue, secretary general of the children’s football special fund of China’s Next Generation Education Foundation, said that Portuguese-speaking countries such as Brazil and Portugal have advanced experience in training football talents. In recent years, China has also been committed to the development and cultivation of youth football training market. The two sides have great cooperation space in projects such as youth coach training, football summer camp and joint football school.

“The successful experience of Portuguese-speaking countries such as Brazil shows that football must be started from dolls, and interest cultivation is the top priority. Chinese football is actively cultivating a good atmosphere for the whole people, continuously expanding the participation level of teenagers and continuously optimizing the follow-up training mechanism for outstanding talents. It is in this process that China and Portuguese-speaking countries have shown great cooperation potential in the field of football.” Wang chengan concluded. (Finished)

American women’s national team sued American Football Association for gender discrimination

Xinhua News Agency, Washington, March 9 (reporter Wang Jiyi) The American women’s national football team filed a lawsuit with a Los Angeles court on the 8th local time, accusing the American Football Association of gender discrimination and demanding that the American women’s football team and the American men’s football team receive equal pay for equal work.

This lawsuit was jointly initiated by 28 players currently selected on the American women’s football team list, and was specially elected to sue on the International Women’s Day.

The women’s football World Cup is about to start in France in June. At this critical moment, the defending champion American women’s football sued the Football Association undoubtedly to shake the military heart, but the American Football Association did not respond that day. Previously, the American Football Association had always insisted that the difference in pay for equal work was caused by the difference in the “collective bargaining negotiation clause” between the national men’s football team and the National Women’s football team, which could not be compared equally in many aspects, but this clause was never made public.

“I think many people around us expect us to become a force to declare war on gender discrimination. I hope we can fight against this injustice and injustice to the end, we also hope that we can strive for more rights and interests for women.” American women’s football player Rapino said.

American women’s national team forward Presse also agreed with this. She said: “We believe that the American women’s football team has the responsibility to become a female representative and fight against gender discrimination. From a legal point of view, we deserve more returns. Through this kind of struggle, I believe that the American women’s football team can lead more women in the society to fight for this.”

The American National Women’s football players’ union did not participate in this lawsuit, but issued a statement on the same day to support this kind of behavior and believed that the American Football Association had the obligation to eliminate gender discrimination.

The lawsuit filed by the American women’s football team lists the data from 2013 to 2016, and thinks that the income of the members of the women’s national team is about one third of that of the men’s football players.

According to the litigation documents, this phenomenon of unequal pay for equal work is more obvious in the World Cup year. In the 2010 men’s football World Cup, American men’s football team stopped the top 16, but the Football Association gave a prize of more than 500 million dollars. However, American women’s football team won the championship in the 2015 Canadian women’s football World Cup, the bonus is 1.72 million dollars. In addition, the bonus for the promotion of the men’s and Women’s World Cup final table is also a difference.