Winter is coming to warrior crisis

The five-year and four-year crown agreed, and the three successive championships great cause agreed suddenly became like a dream of paper paste, which was fragile.

Xinhua News Agency, Oakland, USA, June 8th question: Winter is coming to the critical situation of Warriors

Xinhua News Agency reporter Wang ji

1:3! The defending champion Golden State Warriors dug a huge pit for themselves!

The five years and four crowns agreed, and the three successive championships great achievements agreed suddenly became like a dream of paper paste, fragile.

Before the NBA finals this year, most of the media were optimistic about the defending of warriors, while the rival Toronto Raptors, as a new team in the finals, was to accompany the Prince to study at most. In the eyes of many people, the Raptors led by Leonard were almost compared with the Cleveland Cavaliers led by James.

However, it is this team with few people who have experience in the finals that has gradually encircled the Warriors into a dead corner with precise strikes and cold attacks, raptors are showing their claws!

It’s hard to explain why Warriors suddenly fall into crisis. Injuries seem to be the most ready-made reason. Durant, the most valuable player in the two-time finals, was injured at the critical moment of the playoffs. He hung the battle-free card high and could not return for a long time. The All-Star center kaoxins who was recruited this season was injured for a long time. After returning, he seemed embarrassed, it is difficult to integrate into the warrior’s combat system. The team’s marksman Thompson and the important substitute Luni were also troubled by injuries when they were employed, while the veteran igodala also fought with injuries and struggled to maintain.

Even so, the Warriors who didn’t have Durant and cosins still eliminated Houston Rockets and swept the Portland Trail Blazers in the West. At that time, there seemed to be a lot of cards that Warriors could play in their hands, and the depth of the bench also made up for the absence of “death” Durant. Compared with the Raptors who stumbled all the way in the east, Warriors also have plenty of time to recuperate. Before the opening of the Finals, Durant and Cushing’s recovery was also optimistic and could be supported by fire at any time. Coach Cole and general Curry often said that the champion of Warriors is in the background and has experienced countless storms. No matter how difficult it is, it can be overcome.

The Raptors encountered different degrees of difficulties in the first three rounds of the playoffs. The first round of Orlando Magic was 0:1 behind, and the semi-finals were 76 in Philadelphia. 1:2 behind, and the East round of Milwaukee Bucks was 0:2 backward, but the Raptors have been fighting monsters and upgrading all the way, and their fighting capacity has been continuously improved. When they finally reached the front of the Warriors, they have grown into a giant dragon.

Although the Warriors won the two away games in Toronto, in the second game of winning, the Raptors actually had a chance to turn over if it weren’t for the three points at the last minute of igodala. Back to the Oracle Arena in Auckland, Warriors expect to use the home court advantage to destroy the world and beat the Raptors into a worm, but the Raptors are completely unlike a Cainiao who first appeared in the finals. Facing the Devil atmosphere of the tsunami at home, the Raptors will be like earplugs, which will not be affected at all. They can hold up when they lead, and will not give up when they fall behind. They will attack Oracle Stadium twice within three days, the calm King’s tolerance has begun to show, which makes the fanatical fans of Warriors at home look cold. Warriors made too many mistakes at both ends of attack and defense. The shortage of major generals was certainly an objective reason, but panic and tension could also be seen. The reversal drama that had repeatedly appeared in the previous Western decision to fight the Blazers, it seems that it cannot be performed because of heart-qi deficiency.

Throughout the first four matches of the finals, Raptors are healthier and more prepared. I thought Leonard lacked help, but I didn’t expect everyone to be sharpshooters. Leonard was protected, but siacam appeared again. Siacam became dumb. Gasol and lorry stepped forward again. Danny Green’s three points also caused great harm to the Warriors, even if there are several people who are not in the state at the beginning, Van vlitt and Ibaka on the bench also make 20-point contributions frequently, which means to punch the old master to death in a bit of a mess. For Warriors, their problems on the defensive side are far greater than the problem of weak attack.

On the offensive side, the Warriors have few methods at present. They can only expect Durant to fall to heaven and turn the tide to fall. However, Durant’s return period is delayed, and whether he can play the fifth game is still unknown. Even if Durant played in the game, it was hard to say whether the Sickle of “death” could still be waved for a month.

When the finals were reached now, many people forgot that the Raptors had killed the Warriors in the regular season, and Durant scored 51 points and 30 points respectively in those two regular seasons, finally, the warrior lost the ball. During the whole season, the Raptors played a warrior 5:1, saying that the Raptors were warriors nemesis, which was a little bit too bad.

This year is the fifth consecutive time that Warriors have entered the finals. The 1:3 situation should be regarded as the most difficult situation faced by warriors in the five finals. In the championship finals in 2016, the Warriors led 3:1 at that time, but the Cleveland Cavaliers led by James pulled three games in a row, but this time the Warriors had to face 1:3 backward crisis.

The total score of 3:1 in the history of the American League basketball finals has appeared 34 times, most of which lead the team to solve the battle in five or six games, in addition, there were two leading teams winning through “grab seven”. Only one leading team was chased three times in a row and lost the championship, which was exactly the time when Warriors lost to Knights in 2016.

Warriors have also been chasing for three times. It was also in 2016 that the Warriors fell 1 to 3 behind in the Western games against Oklahoma City Thunder, and finally won three consecutive games in reverse. However, in those three games, the Warriors only needed to play one away game, but if the Raptors play the seventh game this time, the Warriors need to challenge their opponents twice away.

The Alliance has always been rumored that Durant may leave the Warriors this summer to seek greater development space. If the defending defeat, it will also accelerate this process. Can the Warriors dynasty continue to dominate the US league, it has also become unknown.

After defeating the Warriors in the fourth game, hundreds of Canadian fans gathered in a corner of the audience to celebrate for a long time, just like winning the championship, but the Raptors will always be cold and low-key, as Lowry said, four wins and three wins, but “so far, we are nothing”.

The winter festival will witness the development of ice and snow sports in Chinese universities.

Xinhua News Agency, Russia, March 13: from the competition for gold and silver to the roots of ice and snow education: the winter will witness the development process of ice and snow sports in Chinese universities

Xinhua News Agency reporter

On the evening of 12th local time, the 29th World University Winter Games ended in Russia, and the main torch burning for 11 days was gradually extinguished. In this competition, the Chinese delegation has performed well in such advantageous projects as short track speed skating and freestyle skiing aerials.

The team members participating in this competition and the heads of relevant education departments said that ice and snow education has taken root in colleges and universities since it was only used to compete for gold and silver, the great winter festival witnessed the development of ice and snow sports in Chinese universities.

24-year-old Guan Yingying comes from Changchun Normal University and is currently a student majoring in ice hockey. She was already the third time to participate in the Winter Games. She told reporters that she had a dream of engaging in winter sports since she was a child. In the 1980 s, ice hockey had a very good mass base in cities such as Harbin in the northeast, many schools formed ice hockey teams when they were young.

“In those schools without teams, children make their own simple clubs and use tin boxes as ice hockey. Nowadays, we not only learn very systematic training knowledge in school, but also attach great importance to the education of ice and snow culture.” Guan Yingying said.

Zhu Zhiqiang of Harbin Institute of Physical Education is the deputy head of the Chinese delegation of this winter games. His other identity is the special expert of Beijing Winter Olympics organizing committee. Harbin Institute of Physical Education is one of the earliest universities in China to set up ice and snow sports. In recent years, the discipline construction, personnel training and international exchanges of the school have been continuously plus-sized. Zhu Zhiqiang was also delighted to see that ice and snow education has formed a situation of “blooming more” in China.

Zhu Zhiqiang said that when the school was founded in 1956, Harbin Institute of Physical Education had only “water ice teaching and research section”, and there was no skiing teaching and research section at that time; In the 1980 s, the school established the ice and snow department; In 2012, the school has established a Winter Olympic college focusing on master’s degree and doctoral training.

He said that there are more than 6,000 students with bachelor’s degree or above in the school. “We not only pay attention to the training of reserve talents for ice and snow sports projects, but also cooperate with universities such as South Korea and the United States to establish a training plan for ice and snow talents. With the continuous advancement of education cooperation, China will emerge a group of high-end talents who have both international vision and understanding the development of China’s ice and snow industry.”

Zhu Zhiqiang once participated in the drafting and revision of China’s ice and snow sports development plan (2016-2025). He said that the plan mentioned the specific requirements of ice and snow culture entering the campus and training ice and snow talents, which is exactly the next key work content of Harbin Institute of Physical Education.

In terms of training ice and snow talents, the school strives to make the students going out of Harbin Sports Institute have the corresponding basic skills of Ice and Snow projects, so that every student can benefit from running schools with ice and snow characteristics, to achieve the goal of full coverage of ice and snow teaching in the school and all members of basic ice and snow skills. On the other hand, the school will continue to give full play to the national leading advantage of ice and snow discipline, directly facing the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics, and train and reserve more high-level and high-level ice and snow sports talents for the country, including athletes, coaches, management personnel, scientific researchers, snow and ice field facilities management and maintenance professionals, etc.

“Talent cultivation is our ultimate goal, and we hope to make Harbin Institute of Physical Education truly become the main force of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics ‘not the home court’.” Zhu Zhiqiang said.

Yang Shiqi, the flag bearer of the Chinese delegation in this winter conference, is also the direct beneficiary of ice and snow education in colleges and universities. Before joining the Chinese delegation of the great winter club, Yang Shiqi’s most well-known identity was the captain of the ski team of Peking University. This March, Yang Shiqi experienced many firsts in his life: he participated in the official international competition for the first time, won the points of the International Snow Federation for the first time, and also served as the flag bearer of the delegation for a large-scale event for the first time.

Yang Shiqi, who likes skiing since childhood, is a junior student in the School of International Relations of Peking University. She entered Peking University through the college entrance examination rather than the status of a sports student. She said: “In recent years, the ice and snow education atmosphere and culture in Chinese universities have become stronger and stronger. At present, there are about 5,000 registered members of Peking University Ski Association, from freshman to Junior. I have also witnessed the process of skiing becoming more and more popular on campus.”

Xue Yanqing, executive vice chairman of China University Sports Association, said that driven by the strategy of “0.3 billion people participate in ice and snow sports”, more and more colleges and universities in China have carried out ice and snow education, in addition to northeast universities, many students from Beijing, Shanghai, Shandong and other universities also participated in this winter meeting and achieved very good results.

“Ankai, who won the 1500-meter short track speed skating championship this time, came from Ocean University of China. We can see that more athletes are enjoying the competition, showing the good style of sunshine, confidence, openness and friendliness of Chinese college students, the experience they have gained in the competition will add a wonderful touch to their college life.” Xue Yanqing said.

Zhu Zhiqiang said: “ice and snow sports contain a profound cultural intension, which is an attitude that is not afraid of cold and conquers nature, a spirit of tenacious struggle and never giving up, a challenge to the limit, the courage to surpass oneself is also a realm of pursuing excellence and ambition. It is hoped that through the continuous efforts of the Education Department, ice and snow culture will continue to be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, so that ice and snow education can take root in Chinese campuses and make the flowers of ice and snow more glittering and dazzling.” (Writing Reporter: Li Linhai; Participating reporters: Lin Deren, Xu Zheng, Zhang Yifei)

The opening ceremony of the 2019 Winter Festival will be held by the Chinese delegation.

On March 2, some members of the Chinese sports delegation took a group photo. Xinhua News Agency reporter Wang Dongzhen photo

Xinhua News Agency, Russia, March 2 (reporter Li Linhai, Zhang Yifei) at 12 noon local time on March 2, the Chinese delegation of the 29th World University Winter Games held a flag-raising ceremony in the athletes’ village. Tian Xuejun, head of the Chinese college sports delegation, and the participating athletes attended the flag-raising ceremony.

At the ceremony, along with the majestic national anthem of the People’s Republic of China, the bright the five-starred red flag rose, and the Chinese delegation’s trip to the Russian winter fair officially opened.

Lu Shuang from Changchun Normal University participated in the women’s ice hockey competition. She said to the reporter excitedly, “the flag raising ceremony is very meaningful. When the national flag was raised, although in a foreign country, we can also feel the strength of our motherland. We will put down all the burdens and face the competition with the best mentality.”

Flag-raising ceremony Qian Tian Xuejun said at the working meeting of Chinese college students’ sports delegation that this winter meeting is an important window to show China’s higher education level, hoping that the team members can show the confidence, sunshine, open and friendly good style.

The 29th World University Winter Games will be held in Russia on the evening of March 2. There are 11 major events and 76 minor events in the competition. The Chinese delegation has sent 84 athletes to participate in 8 major events, the competition of 37 small items.

The first training of Guochu in Budapest Qin Zhiyi showed confidence

Xinhua News Agency, Budapest, April 18 (reporter Su Bin, Yuan Liang) the Chinese table tennis team held the first training class after arriving in the world table tennis tournament in Budapest on the 18th. The head coach of the men’s team Qin Zhizhen said in an interview with Xinhua News Agency, after adaptive training in Austria some time ago, the team members are in good condition and show confidence in the upcoming World Table Tennis Championships.

Located in the competition hall of Hungary Convention and Exhibition Center, the staff are still conducting the final test before the competition. After more than a week of adaptive training in Austria, the national team arrived in Budapest on the 17th and participated in the first training in the training hall on the morning of the 18th.

Qin Zhiyi said that by adapting to the time difference and training in Austria in the previous week, several leading player men’s teams are in good condition at present, and they are all warming up and preparing for the battle according to their own rhythm and methods.

“During the training in Austria, the time difference was mainly adjusted. Each two training sessions is not particularly large. Some preparations for the actual combat technical and tactical system, including adjustment of body and mind, thought and pressure, are all further preparations for this world championship.” Qin Zhiyu said.

During the training, Liu Guoliang, chairman of the Chinese Table Tennis Association, personally went into battle to give technical guidance to Ma Long, the winner of the “Grand Slam” who was soon back. Malone, who came back eight months later, showed a good competitive state. He first won the Qatar Open and then entered the Asian Cup final.

“Malone’s injury some time ago was a relatively big problem. He returned to the Qatar Open and the Asian Cup. The overall status and injury control are good at present.” Qin Zhizhen said, “Malone is also an old player. As long as he is good at himself, he has won all the champions. He will face this world championship correctly, I will definitely put forward strict requirements for myself.”

Wang Chuqin, the young general of “After 00”, was selected into the list of the men’s team of the national team of the World Table Tennis Championships. In this regard, Qin Zhizhen said that Wang Chuqin, as the youngest player of the men’s team, had an advantage in age with Ma Long at Man pair, the technical style has an impact. “This opportunity for him to participate in the world championships will lay a solid foundation for his future growth and accumulation of experience.”

In Qin Zhizhang’s view, the main rivals of the male line are Japan and Germany. Germany, as a veteran team, Bohr and ocharov are the long-term main rivals of the national elite. The Japanese team has Zhang benzhihe and some young players, plus Jun Mizutani and Dan Yu Xiaoxi are also old rivals. The Japanese team is younger, and will be the main rival of the national sports team due to the home Battle of the Tokyo Olympic Games next year.

As the most important single event before the Tokyo Olympic Games, this world table tennis tournament has the significance of wind vane. Qin Zhiyi said that after the materialization reform of the Table Tennis Association, the association and the team got closer and were all centered on athletes. As the head coach of the men’s team, I hope to complete the task of the World Table Tennis Championships with the new coaching team and leading player.

“The World Table Tennis Championships are the biggest task in 2019 and will also play a phased role in the Tokyo Olympics next year.” Qin Zhiyi said that no matter the old players or young players, the results of the international competition will also be integrated into the Tokyo Olympic Games preparation system. The overall status of the men’s team is good at present. No matter the mind or mentality adjustment, they are full of confidence in the World Table Tennis Championships that began a few days later.

In February this year, Guozhang established a new strategic system for preparing for the Tokyo Olympic Games, and the assessment and reward and punishment methods for coaches were called “the strictest in history”. The head coach and team leader of the non-compliant group will be demoted at the same time, and half of the basic salary of the whole group will be deducted.

Qin Zhiyu said: “The Chinese table tennis team has always been a group with pressure. No matter in international competitions or self-demands, it has always kept itself in a high state of preparation. It is also a kind of motivation to put pressure on our coaching staff. No matter the coaching team or the team of athletes, they will work hard to complete such indicators and tasks.”

F1 1000th race winner Hamilton won the championship in Shanghai for the sixth time

Xinhua News Agency, Shanghai, April 14 (reporter Xu DONGWON, Guo Jingdan) the teammate Bothas who surpassed the pole position, led all the way and finally won the champion of the 1000th station in F1 history, this is Hamilton’s sixth time to win the Shanghai Grand Prix and the 75th race champion in his career.

The Mercedes driver ranked second in qualifying. After departure, he seized the opportunity to surpass his teammate Bottas and kept his advantage to the end. It finally took 1 hour at 32 minutes 6 seconds 350, become the champion of the 1000th race in F1 history. Bothas and Ferrari ranked the second and third place, behind Hamilton 6 seconds 552 and 13 seconds 744 respectively.

Red Bull’s Vista pan ranks fourth, Ferrari’s Leclerc ranks fifth, and Finnish driver Raikkonen finished the ninth place. It is worth mentioning that since the start of this season, Mercedes has won one or two for three consecutive stops.

On the 14th, cloudy weather and falling temperatures brought a lot of uncertainty to the stadium. In the warm bead, the Red Bull team’s Vista Pan and Williams team’s Kubica cars have skidded.

In the previous day’s qualifying, the fastest boat pole position was set off. Mercedes, Ferrari and Red Bull teams occupy the first three rows of departure positions respectively. At the beginning of the race, Bottas was pushed to the second place. Coviart of Red Bull team 2 collided with two McLaren cars, causing a short yellow banner on the track, and Norris and SAINCE also fell to the end.

On the 36th lap, Mercedes chose to let Hamilton and Botas enter the station at the same time. The former took 3.2 seconds while the latter took 3 seconds. Ferrari’s two racing cars have been trying to catch up. But in the 39th lap, BOTAS overtook Le Claire, and Mercedes’s two racing cars firmly occupied the top two.

In the third last lap, the Garry of the Red Bull team changed into a brand new soft tire, and finally exceeded the fastest lap speed created by Vettel that day, getting an extra 1 point. The best driver of this Grand Prix belongs to Alben. He started from the maintenance area and finally finished the race with the 10th place.

After this site, Hamilton became the first place in the drivers’ standings. Bottas and Vista pan ranked second and third respectively, and Vitale climbed to fourth. In terms of the team, Mercedes remained ahead, followed by Ferrari and Red Bull, and Renault rose to fourth place.

Guadiola: The Battle for the Premier League championship is the most intense in my coaching career.

“Yes, the Premier League is the most difficult league in my coaching career because of the quality of my opponents.”

Xinhua News Agency, London, May 5th, Premier League Manchester City coach Guadiola said on the 5th that the most intense championship competition in his coaching career came from the Premier League because of a strong opponent like Liverpool, this season Manchester City is very close to the record of winning the championship last season, which is his most satisfactory thing.

Manchester City currently has 92 points left in two rounds of the league, which is 2 points less than the Liverpool team with one more match. If the last two rounds can beat Leicester and Brighton in a row, the title will be successfully defended with 98 points, and this score is only 2 points lower than the 100-point championship record last season.

Since England’s top professional football league was changed to three points in 1981, only one team has scored more than 95 points in 38 games in a single season, which is Manchester City last season. It is very likely that Liverpool and Manchester City will eventually score more than 95 points this season.

“Yes, the Premier League is the most difficult league in my coaching career because of the quality of my opponents.” Guadiola, who once coached in Barcelona and Bayern Munich, said, “Therefore, it is incredible that Manchester City can achieve the present results. When you get 100 points, everyone thinks we can’t do it again next season, but the actual situation is the opposite. At present, 92 points have been accumulated in the case of two games left, plus 100 points last season. This is my most satisfactory result as a coach.”

Guadiola said that the Liverpool led by Klopp and Barcelona led by Enrick in 2016 were the two strongest teams he met after he became a coach. “in my coaching career, we have met some incredible teams, and two of them are amazing ‘. One is Barcelona with Enrick, which owns both Macy, Neymar and Suarez, and the other is Liverpool now.”