Chinese women’s football team prepares for the second group match in the rain

In the afternoon of that day, in the 15 minutes of opening to the media, coach Jia Xiuquan and members of the coaching team led the team members to do training for recovering.

Xinhua News Agency, Paris, June 11 (Reporter Yue Dong Xingma Bangjie) although Paris ushered in a sudden pouring rain on the afternoon of the 11th, the Chinese women’s football team was preparing for the second group match of the World Cup, still kept training in the rain.

In the afternoon of that day, in the 15 minutes of opening to the media, coach Jia Xiuquan and members of the coaching team led the team members to do training for recovering. Wang Shanshan, Wu Haiyan, Wang Frost and other players who took part in the first game with Germany all appeared in the jogging warm-up team.

Then, technical and tactical training begins. When more than 20 media reporters who were present to interview were working in the press conference hall, it suddenly rained heavily outside the window. However, the coaching team and the players still trained in the rain for about an hour. Due to the excessive rain, the routine team interview session was canceled after each training.

In the first round of the World Cup Group B contest held on the 8th, the Chinese team lost to the two World Cup champions Germany with 0:1. Next, the Chinese team will face the second rival South Africa on the 13th, and the latter will lose the Spanish team at 1:3 in the first match.

Although the South African team was the “New Army” who participated in the World Cup for the first time, the Chinese players all said that they would not despise their opponents. Han Peng, who started to play right-back, said in an interview earlier: “There is no one who can easily win the World Cup team. Jia’s guidance also told us not to feel relaxed, but to go all out, fight for every ball like playing the German team.”

“Iron three” veteran Wen Xiangdong: hope to continue standing on the court at the age of 90

Xinhua News Agency, Nanning, April 13 (reporter Lu Xianting, Lei Jiaxing, Lin Fanshi) at the meeting of Liuzhou IRONMAN70.3 star players held on the 13th, one player was particularly conspicuous. Wen Xiangdong, the 70-year-old man is still active in the triathlon.

It is not easy to hear that the east comes from Liaoning and is still active in the triathlon. An accidental opportunity after retirement made him bond with triathlon. “In 2010, I watched the triathlon competition for the first time in Jiayuguan. I felt very powerful and envious.”

After that, I heard that I went east to the journey of triathlon. “At first, I trained with some friends. After practicing for a while, they all gave up, and only I persisted.” Wen Xiangdong said, “a person’s training is very boring, but the belief in participating in the competition in my heart made me stick to it and realize the significance of triathlon, let me have the motivation and confidence to stick to this beautiful thing.”

In 2011, he took part in the triathlon competition at Jiayuguan as he wished. After that, he was out of control and persisted until now. Qujing, Xiamen, Beijing…… Wen Xiangdong’s three tracks are all over the country, and even have been to the United States, South Korea and other places to participate.

Every project of tiesan has to undergo hard training. Wen Xiangdong could not swim before he retired. In order to practice tiesan, he began to study swimming hard. Now I can compete with other players on the court.

Tiesan enriched the life of smelling East, but the hard training also brought him pain. He accidentally fell and was injured during cycling training earlier this month, which made him only participate in swimming at Liuzhou Station. “I will not give up. Triathlon is my life. I am now recuperating and preparing for the “big iron” race in Taiwan at the end of the month.”

“There is still much room for improvement in the popularization of triathlon in China.” Wen Xiangdong said that in the iron triathlon in Hawaii last year, more than 2,500 people participated in the competition, and only 33 people in China. Wen Xiangdong hopes that his experience can encourage more people to participate in this sport.

“On Kona IRONMAN in 2018, I met Mr. Dahiro from Japan. At the age of 86, he still insisted on completing the whole competition.” Wen Xiangdong was very touched and inspired by this, and was determined to learn from the old-timers.

Wen aspired to the east and stood on Kona IRONMAN when he was 90 years old.

Taking the opportunity of organizing Beijing Winter Olympics as an opportunity to upgrade China’s ice and snow sports in an all-round way

Taking the opportunity of preparing for the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics, there has been an upsurge of developing ice and snow sports all over the country. China’s ice and snow sports have developed rapidly, showing a good trend.

In October this year, the preparations for the Beijing Winter Olympics will be transferred from the special planning stage to the test readiness stage. Chinese ice and snow athletes are actively preparing for the Beijing Winter Olympics, and the pattern of building teams and preparing for the whole project has been formed. With the in-depth implementation of the ice and snow movement “South exhibition, West expansion and East movement”, mass ice and snow have been upgraded comprehensively and the popularity has increased.

Recently, the General Office of the CPC Central Committee and the General Office of the State Council issued “opinions on vigorously developing ice and snow sports with the opportunity of the 2022beijing Winter Olympics”, which made arrangements for the development of ice and snow sports.

On July 31, 2015, Beijing United Zhangjiakou won the right to host the 2022 Winter Olympics, and China’s ice and snow sports ushered in a rare opportunity for development. All regions have set off an upsurge of developing ice and snow sports. China’s ice and snow sports have developed rapidly, showing a good trend.

Organizing to highlight Chinese wisdom

Shougang Park, located in the west of Beijing, presents a new look for the upcoming Beijing Winter Olympics. The original clean coal workshop was cut into four ice fields, namely short track speed skating, figure skating, cold water jug ice hockey and ice hockey, becoming a new training center for winter projects; The original power cooling tower in Shougang Park, it will be transformed into a jumping platform competition venue for snowboard skiing; The silo silo used to store iron-making raw materials has been upgraded and transformed, and has been used as the office area of Beijing Winter Olympic organizing committee…… The magnificent transformation of Shougang Park has condensed the Olympic complex of Chinese people and also demonstrated the Chinese wisdom in the process of preparing for the Winter Olympics.

Bach, the president of the International Olympic Committee, once mentioned many times, “Look at Shougang Park to understand the positive impact of the Olympic Games on Beijing, which will be an amazing example of urban planning and development.”

Beijing Winter Olympics is expected to set a new benchmark for the Olympic model. The Beijing division, which once hosted the 2008 Olympic Games, will make maximum use of the Olympic heritage. 11 of the 13 venues of the Winter Olympics are venues of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. In order to meet the standards of hosting ice events, the National Swimming Center, Wukesong Sports Center and other venues have achieved technological breakthroughs, overcoming technical problems such as ice making, field conversion, sports lighting, etc.

“More than 80% of the Winter Olympic venues in the Beijing division are the 2008 Olympic heritage. After the Winter Olympics, the reuse of these venues will continue to expand, especially the new competition or training venues with ice surface and ice making system, which have a broader prospect of post-game utilization “, gui Lin, deputy director of the overall division of planning of the Ministry of Planning and construction of Beijing Winter Olympic organizing committee, said that the preparations for the Beijing Winter Olympic games focus on practicing the concept of sustainability, not only highlighting the green and environmental protection, but also paying special attention to the post-game utilization of venues, which is consistent with the long-term goals of local development,” Moving the consideration of the use of the venue after the game to the design and planning stage is also to explore solutions to solve the problem of using the stadium after the game.”

The year 2019 is a key year for the preparation work of Beijing Winter Olympics and Winter Paralympic Games to connect the past and the future and make breakthroughs. It is also a year of centralized construction before a series of tests. In October this year, the preparations for the Beijing Winter Olympics will be transferred from the special planning stage to the test readiness stage. The 3123 specific tasks of 51 business areas involved in the task Summary Table of BOCOG will continue to be comprehensively promoted and steadily implemented. Taking the test competition as the leader, relevant departments will accumulate experience and solve problems in special test competition venues, important out of competition venues and important business fields, including venue operation, service reception, event operation, etc, lay a solid foundation for the smooth holding of the Beijing Winter Olympics.

Orderly promotion of preparation work

The first ice and snow season of the “Beijing cycle” of the Winter Olympics is not over yet, and China’s ice and snow are frequently reported. The Chinese group Sui Wenjing/Han Cong won the gold medal in double skating in the 2019 flower skating world championship, demonstrating the strength of the Chinese team in this project. Wu Dajing, the famous short track speed skating player, won the championship with a world record in the World Cup race in the new season. In addition, the once weak projects and newly launched projects such as biathlon, ski jumping, steel snowmobiles and snowmobiles have also made breakthroughs and progress to varying degrees.

Ni Huizhong, director of the Winter Sports Management Center of the State General Administration of Sports, said that 49 small items were absent from the Chinese sports delegation in the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics, and these projects became the key targets of the new cycle. “After the Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang, we analyzed and studied these projects one by one, and formulated a road map and timetable for competing for Olympic qualifications. After a period of reserve and adjustment, the training level and competition performance of these projects have improved significantly.”

The Chinese sports delegation wants to participate in the whole project in Beijing Winter Olympics, which is both a goal and a huge challenge. In September 2018, the implementation outline of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics competition was issued, and the preparation strategy of “expanding the surface, fixing the point, elite soldiers and sprinting” was formulated, which made a clear timetable for the preparation work. By the end of 2018, the expansion work of China’s ice and snow project had achieved phased results, and 31 national training teams had been established, covering 109 small items in Beijing Winter Olympics, there are nearly 4,000 athletes and coach teams, which is about 7 times more than the number of athletes in the same stage of the “Pyeongchang cycle. The pattern of building teams and preparing for the whole project has been formed.

Scientific and technological means have gradually penetrated into many links of training and preparation. Taking science and technology as guarantee, changing time with science and technology, and comprehensively improving the scientific training level of ice and snow sports have become a highlight of the preparation for winter Olympics. It is also an important part of winter projects to make up for their shortcomings and realize leapfrog development.

It not only makes good use of the advantages of the national system of competitive sports, but also gives full play to the role of market mechanism and social forces to mobilize the enthusiasm of all parties to participate in the preparation and development of ice and snow sports to the greatest extent, become the basic compliance and development direction of the preparation work. Ni Huizhong said that in 2019, the Winter Sports Management Center of the State Sports General Administration will comprehensively promote the work of “fixing point” and refine and perfect the preparation plan for various projects. Speed up and clarify the composition structure and personnel list of national training teams for various ice and snow projects, take service guarantee key projects, key teams and key team members as the focal point, and establish the organizational structure for preparing for scientific and technological work, carefully do a good job in the service and guarantee of the national training team, and mobilize all forces to jointly build a high-level competitive competition platform that meets the needs of preparation. At the same time, efforts should be made to promote the implementation of anti-doping education and supervision measures to make the Winter Olympics as pure and clean as ice and snow.

Popular ice and snow heat increase

On March this year, the International Snow Federation China city cross-country skiing points race held three races in “Bird’s Nest”, Shougang Park and Yanqing International Convention and Exhibition Center, giving cross-country skiing the opportunity to enter the city and enter the public view. “To hold skiing competitions in cities so that the public can have the opportunity to watch high-level events and even participate in this sport is to truly hold the events around the common people.” Ding Dong, executive deputy director of the Winter Sports Management Center of the State General Administration of Sports, said that combining social forces, innovating the competition mode, and promoting the popularization and development of skiing events are beneficial attempts to actively promote the public to participate in ice and snow sports.

In Ding Dong’s view, with the in-depth implementation of the ice and snow movement “expanding from the south to the west to the East”, ice and snow activities can break the restrictions of region, season, crowd and culture, and have the advantages of promoting national fitness, the multi-dimensional significance of sports culture popularization and industrial upgrading.

The launching ceremony of the fifth national mass ice and snow season came to Shanghai, which not only injected new impetus into the popularization of ice and snow sports in Shanghai, but also played a positive demonstration and leading role in “0.3 billion people participating in ice and snow sports. “With the improvement of people’s living standards and the improvement of science and technology, ice rink and snow field have also begun to be popularized in the South.” Ding Dong said that driven by the upsurge of mass participation, the ice and snow industry in its initial stage has huge room for growth.

Teenagers are the main group to promote ice and snow sports. In 2018, the promotion of ice and snow sports into the campus was included in the key points of the work of the Ministry of Education. Many snowfields in northeast China and Chongli in Hebei have reached cooperation intention with nearby universities, offering ice and snow courses for students free of charge on a regular basis. A series of colorful and diverse mass ice and snow events such as the Open class of National ice and snow, youth skiing winter camp and so on provide convenience for the public to pay attention to and participate in ice and snow sports. Mass ice and snow technology grade assessment, referee training courses, competition organization and management personnel training courses and so on were launched simultaneously, which also further established standards and norms for the development of ice and snow sports.

“In the future, we will continue to carry out extensive competition activities, build more platforms for the public to participate in ice and snow sports, and at the same time do a good job in basic work, such as promoting the establishment of ice and snow sports associations in various places, regularly carry out scientific guidance, promote ice and snow sports into the campus, comprehensively promote ice and snow culture, etc., and strive to build a public service system for mass ice and snow sports.” Ding Dong said.

Ji Fang

FIFA article praises the development of Chinese women’s football team to gain new impetus

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, February 10th the official website of FIFA recently published an article entitled “new impetus for China women soccer development”, praising the new policy launched by the Chinese Football Association in promoting the development of women’s football.

The article published on the 8th local time in Switzerland said: “. As this Chinese proverb says, the Chinese Football Association has recently issued a new policy aimed at promoting the development of women’s football in the near future and beyond.”

The “new deal” mentioned in the article refers to the latest adjustment made by the Chinese Football Association to the entry regulations of Chinese Football Association professional clubs.

On January 3, the Chinese Football Association issued a notice on adding and adjusting part of the content of “professional clubs support the development of women’s football. According to relevant documents, all clubs applying for the qualification of Chinese Super League should have a women’s football team. In the entry regulations of 2019, the construction of women’s football team was the “C standard” advocacy standard, and the club prepared for team formation. In the next year’s admission review, this standard will be upgraded to the mandatory standard of “standard A”, and clubs without women’s football will not be eligible for admission to the Chinese Super League.

This article on the official website of FIFA quoted Du Zhaocai, deputy director of the General Administration of Sport of China and secretary of the Party Committee of the Chinese Football Association, saying: “The Chinese women’s football team has a glorious history and a glorious tradition, the spirit of ‘beautiful and energetic policewoman inspired a generation. In order to revive the glory of women’s football, Chinese Football Association will plus-sized support for women’s football from the aspects of organization and management system, youth training, competition, coach training, etc. Among them, promoting the development of professional clubs is one of the important measures.”

Du zhaicai said in the interview that many top clubs in the world also have women’s teams. Driven by their men’s team, their women’s team has also achieved rapid development and great success. In the process of developing women’s football, China can learn from this model. Therefore, the Chinese Football Association decided that before 2020, every Chinese Super League team must have a women’s football team, so as to realize the development strategy of “Men’s back-feeding women’s football. In addition to professional clubs, China will learn from the development experience of American women’s football, further strengthen cooperation with education departments, and vigorously develop campus women’s football, especially college women’s football, jointly run the campus league with the university team as the main body.

Du zhaicai also said: “At the national team level, we have introduced a competition mechanism and established the red and yellow teams. The athletes will compete for the opportunity to represent the country. The women’s national team will take the red team as the leader, the yellow team as the competition and supplement, the U20 Women’s national team as the connection, and the U17 Women’s national team as the basis to build a large national team system with unified technical and tactical style.”

The French women’s football World Cup will be held this year. Du Zhaocai said in an interview with FIFA’s official website that the Chinese Football Association hopes to use this opportunity to comprehensively promote the overall development of the Chinese women’s football team. He said: “All eyes are focused on France in 2019. The Chinese Football Association hopes to take advantage of this World Cup to attract more attention to our women’s football team and better promote women’s football. The Chinese women’s football team once set a brilliant record in history and won the second place in the 1999 World Cup. In this women’s football World Cup, I place my expectations on the Chinese women’s football team. I hope that women’s football girls can perform well on the World Cup stage, continue to carry forward the spirit of “beautiful and energetic policewoman” of Chinese women’s football team, and further highlight the spirit of Chinese sports, inject new vitality into the development of Chinese football and bring positive football energy to the whole society.”

2019 Sudiman Cup draw results released in the same group of Chinese, Malaysian and Indian teams

This is the fifth time that Sudiman Cup has settled in China after Beijing in 2005, Guangzhou in 2009, Qingdao in 2011 and Dongguan in 2015.

Xinhua News Agency, Nanning, March 19 (reporter Lu Xianting) the World Badminton Federation held a group draw ceremony for the 2019 Total sodiman Cup world badminton mixed group Championship in Nanning, Guangxi on the 19th. The host of the Chinese team and Malaysia team, the Indian team is in the same group.

This Sudiman Cup will be held in Nanning on May 19-26.31 teams are divided into 4 levels. Only 12 teams in the first level are qualified to compete for the Sudiman Cup. According to the comprehensive points of each team, the Japanese team became the number one seed in this Cup, and the Chinese team was the No. 2 seed.

After drawing lots and grouping, Japanese team, Thai team and Russian team are divided into Group A in the first level, Indonesian team, Danish team and England team are divided into Group B, Chinese Taipei team, Korean team and Hong Kong China team team are divided into Group C, the Chinese team is divided into Group D with the Malaysia team and India teams. According to the rules of the competition, four groups in the first level will play a single round-robin match. The first two groups will qualify and enter the elimination match of the top eight.

This is the fifth time that Sudiman Cup has settled in China after Beijing in 2005, Guangzhou in 2009, Qingdao in 2011 and Dongguan in 2015. It is also the first time that this event has been held in China’s minority areas.

Two years ago, the South Korean team won the sodiman Cup in Australia. The Chinese team failed to win the seventh consecutive championship in this Cup. “This year, South Korea will face strong challenges from old rivals Japan, Indonesia and the Chinese team. As the host, the Chinese team will undoubtedly launch an impact on their 11th trophy.” “The stage is ready and the exciting 8-day high-level badminton tournament is about to start,” said Daren Parks, director of the World Badminton League event.”

Super League “good money Club” robs for high-quality naturalized players

The summer transfer window of the domestic league will open a number of foreign aid with citizenship qualification or transfer to the top

Super League’s “Good Money Club” to Rob high-quality naturalized players

as “the first non-Chinese naturalized football” in Luneng player delocrd when professional athletes get the official confirmation of their qualification to appear in the Super League, the news that “foreign aid Fernando is about to leave Chongqing SWAY to switch to Guangzhou Evergrande” was revealed. As Fernando and Golat are both candidates for potential naturalized players with “operability”, rumors have also triggered speculation about Evergrande’s “gathering” naturalized players to fill its All-China class.

The successful introduction of naturalized players Li Ke, Hou Yongyong and Li Ke shinning national football team from China and heguoan came to see the hot competition in June, the introduction of naturalized players is a special means to rapidly improve the competitiveness of club teams and even national football teams under the background of weak foundation of local football talents. Although the effect of “water test” still needs to be tested by time and actual combat, under the circumstances that local talents are scarce and industry management departments are cracking down on irrational consumption of professional football, the Super League clubs, especially the big clubs that are not short of money, have shifted the direction of “robbing talents” from local players to candidates for high-quality naturalized players.

The purpose of recruiting


can help the national team fight for fifa world cup qualification

soon after the chinese football association and the chinese super league company confirmed through official channels that luneng’s naturalized player was allowed to participate in the chinese super league delocrd, the news that Fernando, a SWAY “motorcycle”, is about to join Evergrande has been revealed. Although neither club has responded to this at present, there are various signs that this rumor is by no means groundless. On the issue of Fernando, the two clubs and themselves are said to have had relatively in-depth communication, but on the cooperation details, the parties still need to further discuss.

The outside world focused on the rumors of Fernando’s transfer. In fact, it paid more attention to his “domestication prospect”, so it couldn’t help linking his name with the hard indicators of the national football team’s impact on the World Cup. However, like Galat and Alan, Fernando needs to abide by the relevant laws of our country if he wants to be naturalized. In July 2015, he was the Lifan club, the predecessor of the SWAY club, so it was not until next July that the relevant procedures could be implemented at the earliest. It is understood that Lippi mentioned the topic of introducing some naturalized players to the team in the process of communicating with relevant parties to prepare for the national team FIFA World Cup qualification. Although the names of players including Elkerson, Alan, Browning and Fernando have been mentioned, in terms of the reality of preparing for the top 40, Elkerson and Browning are more operational. If the national football team cannot join the top 12 FIFA World Cup qualification, it is meaningless for the national football team to introduce other players.

But I have to say that whether the above players can be selected into the national football team or not, the club’s intention to help the national football team prepare for the battle by introducing naturalized players is very obvious. At about 4 pm on June 7 this year, more than 3 hours before the warm-up match between the national football team and the Philippine team, Chen Yiyuan, the leader of the preparatory group for the change of the Chinese Football Association, Xu Jiayin, the relevant person in charge of the preparatory working group for the 2022 World Cup of the national football team, and the investor of Evergrande club, zhou Jinhui, an investor of Zhonghe Guoan club, and others went to the National Football resident Hotel together to cheer for the whole team. This fact also seems to be sending a signal to the outside world, that is, on the issue of “cooperating with the national football team to prepare for the 2022 World Cup”, the sports management department, the Chinese Football Association and the club have been closely united to integrate high-quality resources for common ideals and goals and make full use of resources. However, such a consensus was actually reached as early as before the asian cup at the beginning of the year. Whether wu lei went to the battle with injury or zhou jinhui went to the united arab emirates to urge china and hehe guoan to do their best for the national football, it is a good proof.

Therefore, it is not a case that China and heguoan introduced Hou Yongyong and Li Ke. Many clubs including Evergrande, Shenhua and Luneng have implemented the work of introducing naturalized players.

The lack of conditions

can still enhance the strength of the club in the league

So Why Luneng and Evergrande need to introduce delocrd, Golat, what about Fernando players who don’t have the possibility of “representing the National Football” or don’t have the feasibility of recruiting during the Top 40? The answer is actually very simple, that is, the club cannot avoid its own career or business attributes while supporting the national team. To be exact, all clubs also need to take into account the competitive interests of their own competitions. Take Heng as an example. In February, 2017, Xu Jiayin, his boss, publicly proposed the goal of “building the All-China class of Evergrande team in 2020. From the fact that at the beginning of this year, five former U23 national football players including Wei Shihao and Gao Zhun wing were taken, Evergrande was indeed moving in this direction.

But what has to be said is that under the influence of the industry management department’s crackdown on “high consumption of recruiting aid”, it is impossible for clubs to repeat the previous cost-free routes in recruiting aid, especially in the work of introducing foreign aid. Also take Heng as an example. Although the team is currently ranked second in the league table of the Chinese Super League and is popular in the Asian crown and Football League, compared with the 7 consecutive championships in that year, the domestic football king who won two Asian championships in three years has significantly reduced the dominance of Evergrande team. Under the circumstances that the team has experienced blood renewal and the number of foreign aid arrivals is limited, Evergrande may need to take some special measures to refuse to “break the promise” and strengthen its strength at the same time. It is a shortcut and practical measure to implement the formalities of citizenship of Golat, Browning and Xiao Chu.

When it comes to the introduction of naturalized players, we have to mention Luneng, the former overlord of domestic football. Under the pressure of real competition, this old club, which is known as “based on youth training, part of the goal of introducing talents has to be shifted from” foot School “and” Echelon “to young naturalized players with potential. Delocrd may not be a member of the national football team, but as a U23 player who used to shine at all levels of European youth games and European youth games, his arrival will undoubtedly enhance the overall competitiveness of the team. Luneng’s transformation in the strategy of introducing talents is actually an awkward mapping to the weak reality of Chinese football talents.

Summer window foresight

There are only a few high-quality local players available for trading

In the case of the shortage of high-quality local football talents, the domestic professional football transfer market in recent years has ceased to be hot. Not long ago, the Chinese Football Association optimized the U23 local player policy by adjusting the regulations of the Chinese Super League to ensure the reasonable use of U23 players. At the same time, it also suppressed the unreasonable phenomenon of U23 players’ high value and salary caused by the rules to a certain extent. It can be predicted that there are only a few high-quality local players available for trading in the summer window of the 2019 domestic transfer season, which will start on July 1. The Chinese Football Association still implements the policy of introducing local players in the Chinese Super League club according to the “5+3” standard this year. The existing human resources reserve obviously cannot meet the needs of each club to employ people, so it is not difficult to understand that those clubs with deep pockets will focus on the candidates of young naturalized players. Under the influence of policies and trends, the goal of “robbing talents” of Super League Haoqiang is gradually “from inside to outside”.

Text/Our reporter Xiao Qian

Overall Planning/Wang Haozhou