Three Masters have been identified in the first Zhuhai Tennis Championship.

Xinhua News Agency, Guangzhou, April 26 (Reporter Wei Meng) on the afternoon of 26th, the press conference of the att250 level tour Zhuhai Tennis Championship was held, the world’s eighth-ranking Greek player sisepas and other recent men’s tennis players will participate.

According to Wan Jianbin, director of the competition department of the tennis Sports Management Center of the State General Administration of Sports, Zhuhai will hold this event from September 23 this year to 29th.

Although it is still nearly 5 months away from the game, the game has “taken in” three powerful and famous players, including Greek player sisippas, australian famous croygauss and Spanish player Agut.

The total prize of this event is 1 million dollars. The competition is divided into 28-signed singles and 16-signed doubles. The complete list will be out of the furnace in August.

ATP global headquarters is located in London, UK, and now owns ATP finals, ATP World Tour 1000 Master Series, 500 series, 250 series and ATP Challenge and other multi-station tour at all levels. Up to now, there are four ATP tours in China, covering 1,000 Masters, 500 series and 250 series. In addition, ATP Challenge is held in many cities across the country.

The event is hosted by China Tennis Association and Zhuhai Municipal People’s Government, and undertaken by Huafa Group.

Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics countdown 1000 Days event held

On May 10, guests started countdown board. On that day, the 1000-day countdown to the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics was held in Beijing Olympic Park. Photo by Ju Huanzong, Xinhua News Agency reporter

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, May 10 (reporter Wang yongjiye) the 1000-day countdown to the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing was held in the south square of Beijing Olympic Park Ling Long Pagoda on the evening of the 10th.

Cai Qi, secretary of Beijing Municipal Party Committee and chairman of Beijing winter and Olympic organizing committee, director of the State General Administration of Sports, executive chairman of Beijing winter and Olympic organizing committee, Chen Jining, mayor of Beijing and executive chairman of Beijing winter and Olympic organizing committee, governor of Hebei province, xu Qin, executive chairman of Beijing Winter Olympic organizing committee, Zhang Haidi, chairman of China Disabled Persons’ Federation and executive chairman of Beijing Winter Olympic organizing committee attended. More than 1,500 people from all walks of life, including IOC officials, diplomatic envoys in China, athletes and volunteer representatives, attended the event.

Chen Jining said in his speech that Beijing, as a “city of double Olympics”, fully implemented the Olympic concept of green, sharing, openness and integrity, and carried out various preparations with high standards and high quality, positive results have been achieved. The construction of venues and infrastructure has been accelerated, the organization of events and the service of events have been solidly promoted, the market development momentum has been good, the publicity and promotion have continued to heat up, and the popularization of ice and snow sports has been accelerated, resulting in the active participation of the masses in ice and snow sports, support the vivid situation of organizing the Winter Olympics. The arrival of the 1000-day countdown to the Beijing Winter Olympics marks a new stage in the preparation for the Winter Olympics.

Yu Zaiqing, vice chairman of the International Olympic Committee and vice chairman of the Beijing Winter Olympic organizing committee, delivered a speech saying that in 2019, the preparatory work for the Winter Olympic Games entered a critical stage. I hope everyone can take an active part in exploring the charm of winter sports and contribute their own strength to Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics.

During the activity, Zhang Jiandong, vice mayor of Beijing and executive vice chairman of Beijing Winter Olympic organizing committee, released the “Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games and Winter Paralympic Games Voluntary Service Action Plan”. Beijing Winter Olympics and Winter Paralympic Games have set up five volunteer service projects, including early volunteers, test volunteers, Games-time volunteers volunteers, urban volunteers, and volunteer service Heritage transformation. Among them, the Games-time volunteers project will be officially launched in December this year.

At 8 o’clock that night, as the audience shouted 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, Cai Qi, Zheng Zhongwen, Chen Jining, Xu Qin, Zhang Haidi, the first vice president of the International Olympic Committee, samaranch, the chairman of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics Coordination Committee, and the International Olympic Committee, Literary and Art Circles, athletes, student representatives, together pushed the hand pull rod to light up the countdown device for the Winter Olympics, Ling Long Pagoda the number of 1000 days on the big screen.


Luneng’s ninth promotion to the Asian crown, Li Xiaopeng: the Asian crown has no weak journey and strives for the best

Xinhua News Agency, Jinan, February 19 (Reporter Wu Shuguang, Xiao Haichuan) Shandong Luneng team reversed against Vietnam Hanoi FC team at home on the 19th and successfully advanced to the Asian championship. Luneng coach Li Xiaopeng said with a smile when talking about the goal of the Asian crown: “If the goal is lower than before, the class may be over. The Asian crown rivals are very strong and will carefully prepare for all competitions and strive for the best results.”

The last time Luneng advanced to the Asian championship was in 2016. At that time, he also played the play-in first and finally stopped at the top eight. On that day, it happened to be Lantern Festival. At the post-match press conference, Li Xiaopeng continued to say “Happy Lantern Festival”. Pele on the side grinned after hearing the translation.

Li Xiaopeng commented on the game and said: “This game is very difficult, but the players work very hard. We lost the rhythm in the first half, but the players did not give up. In the second half, we recovered the rhythm and achieved a reversal. Thank the players and the fans present.”

In this campaign, Luneng lost one goal in the first half and won four consecutive goals in the second half, three of which were scored by the substitute players. Li Xiaopeng said frankly: “The composition of luck is a little bigger. Let the players concentrate their attention in the midfield. After all, it is the first game. It is normal to have difficulties. The players have played their corresponding roles, it was luck that they scored, and it was also the result of the team’s efforts.”

Before that, Liu Junshuai and Liu Binbin were selected into the national football training team and missed Luneng’s winter training, but they all scored goals after this substitute. Li Xiaopeng commented, “these two people have been training very hard recently, including Wu Xinghan, Liu Binbin and Liu Junshuai, but they have not been able to play the whole game yet, only half-game ability, so coordinate with each other. Their performance was beyond my expectation, and it was very difficult for them personally, because they had been separated from the team for too long.”

When talking about Luneng’s new aid to Felini, Li Xiaopeng said: “Felini is an important member of our team. He was introduced this year just to do more in the league and the Asian championship. He needs to run in with the team and train with the team more, which is more targeted for his use.”

Pele, a foreign aid who scored a goal for Luneng, said that the start of the game was really bad, but fortunately, he didn’t give up. Finally, he adjusted his state to get his attention and won the game.

At present, Luneng’s team in Group E is all confirmed, namely, Malaysia Johor DT team, South Korea’s Qingnan team and last season’s Asian champion Kashima Antlers.

This is the fifth time for Hanoi team to fold the halberd Asian Championship. Zhu Tingyan, head coach of Vietnam’s Hanoi team, said that we created many opportunities in the first 70 minutes, but we failed to convert them into goals. Finally, due to physical decline and lack of concentration, we lost the ball, however, the team showed its elegant demeanour.

When talking about the reasons for losing the game, Zhu Tingyan thought that the cold weather was only one of the factors, and more importantly, the three matches a week, and the long-distance flight led to the players’ insufficient physical fitness.

More than half of the 44 Winter Olympics projects in Beijing started “snow F1” track

The 52 venues and supporting infrastructure for the Winter Olympics in Beijing have started 44 projects; The national snowmobile sled center has completed more than half of the projects at present.

More than half of the 44 Winter Olympics projects in Beijing started “snow F1” track


On May 8th, workers were building the national snowmobile sled center track at the site construction site of the Yanqing competition area of the Winter Olympics.


The construction site of water diversion and centralized water supply project snow making in Yanqing district of Winter Olympic Games.


On May 8, workers at the construction site were wiping the cable bracket.

Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics will enter a countdown of 1,000 days. There are four new venues in the Yanqing regional project of the Winter Olympics, all of which have started construction. At present, the National Alpine skiing center has completed 57 percent of the total amount of work; The national snowmobile sled center has completed 52 percent of the total amount of work. The integrated pipe gallery of Yanqing district of Winter Olympic Games will have water supply and electricity supply conditions in September.

The National Speed Skating Museum, which is known as “Ice Ribbon”, has completed the cable net structure tension project of the roof of the venue, and is currently carrying out roof installation, secondary structure masonry and equipment pipeline installation, it will ensure the realization of “ribbon flying” during the year “.

Beijing News tomorrow, Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics officially enters 1000 days countdown. The reporter learned from the Beijing Major Project Office that 44 of the 52 Winter Olympics venues and supporting infrastructure organized and constructed by Beijing have been started, with an overall operating rate of 85%. Among them, there are 8 new venues, 5 renovated venues, 1 temporary venue, 26 supporting infrastructure and 4 other supporting facilities. Key projects such as National Speed Skating Museum, National Alpine skiing center and national snowmobile sled center are accelerating. The first test competition of Beijing Winter Olympics and the International Snow Federation Alpine Skiing Men’s World Cup will be held in the National Alpine skiing center of Yanqing division in February 2020.

Of the 31 supporting infrastructure projects for the Winter Olympics, 26 have been started, 4 have been completed, and 18 will be completed in 2019. Four supporting infrastructure projects, including Xingyan Expressway, Songyan Road (modified line segment), Changping 500 kV main transformer capacity expansion project, Changping three-way 500 kV delivery project, have been completed as planned.

Focus 1

National snowmobile sled center next March test track

A total of 4 new venues have been built for the Yanqing regional project of the Winter Olympics, all of which have started construction. At present, the National Alpine skiing center has completed 57 percent of the total amount of work; The national snowmobile sled center has completed 52 percent of the total amount of work; Yanqing Dongao village and mountain News Center are carrying out earthwork and supporting construction.

Snowmobile sled project is the fastest project in the Winter Olympics, also known as “snow F1”. The national snowmobile sled center adopts the world’s top track design, with a total length of 1.9 kilometers, a vertical drop of more than 120 meters and a maximum design speed of 134.4 kilometers per hour. It is the first snowmobile sled track in China, it is also the world’s first 360-degree swing track. During the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing, the national snowmobile sled center will undertake all the competition contents of snowmobile, steel frame snowmobile and sled.

Yesterday, the reporter saw at the construction site of the national snowmobile sled center at the foot of the small Haituo mountain that the workers were performing segmented concrete spraying construction on the track within the blue embroidery frame. According to reports, a track needs to be sprayed in one go, and it takes 24 hours of continuous operation on average.

According to Li Changzhou, deputy general manager of Beijing Olympic Construction Co., Ltd., 30 sections have been completed in all 54 sections of the national snowmobile sled center, except for 10 straight segments such as the receiving area and the departure area, the others are curve track. Curve track requires extremely high construction, and track construction should be refined to every angle and every surface.

According to reports, most of the track injection construction will come to an end at the end of June, and all track injection work will be completed at the end of August. After that, the construction of the track sunshade will be carried out to prepare for the test race in next March.

Focus 2

National Speed Skating Museum achieved “ribbon flying” during the year”

At present, 14 projects have been started in the Beijing division of the Winter Olympics, and 2 projects are planned to be completed this year. According to the relevant person in charge of Beijing Major Project Office, the National Speed Skating Museum, which is known as “Ice Ribbon”, has completed the cable network structure tension project of the roof of the venue, and is currently in the process of roof installation and equipment pipeline installation, it will ensure the realization of “ribbon flying” during the year “.

The National Speed Skating Museum “Ice Ribbon” is the landmark venue of Beijing Winter Olympics, where the 2022 Winter Olympics speed skating competition will be held. Its main venue covers an area of about 80000 square meters and has a height of 33 meters. It can accommodate about 12000 spectators.

The design inspiration of “Ice Ribbon” comes from the speed skating players’ circular racing, and the track of athletes sliding is interpreted as 22 dynamic ice ribbons on the facade, representing the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing.

The “Ice Ribbon” is designed as the world’s largest single-layer two-way orthogonal saddle-shaped cable mesh roof, the largest ice surface in Asia of 12000 square meters, and the Oval curved surface with free and smooth appearance is spliced by 3360 pieces of glass.

Other projects under construction in Beijing Division are also progressing smoothly. The “Water Cube” of the National Swimming Center is undergoing the transformation of the “Ice Cube” and plans to complete the transformation task of permanent facilities of the venue in July 2020. Shougang Ski Jumping Center and Wukesong Ice Sports Center are planned to be completed this year. Beijing Dongao village talent public rental housing project is currently under underground structure construction. It is expected that the structure will be capped by the end of 2019 and 5G signals will be fully covered during the competition.

■ Guarantee

The comprehensive pipe gallery of Yanqing competition area was completed before the venue.

As the basic guarantee project of Yanqing division of Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games, integrated pipe gallery is the “lifeline” of Yanqing division of Beijing Winter Olympic Games, which is the snow making water, domestic water, recycled water, electricity, access to municipal energy sources such as telecommunications and cable television provides channels.

Yesterday, the reporter saw at the site of the comprehensive pipe gallery with an altitude of 750 meters high that the section of the No. 3 branch of the comprehensive pipe gallery was divided into two layers, and workers in the tunnel were installing pipeline supports, reserved probes, sensors and other equipment. At the end of April, this pipe gallery has the conditions for pipeline entry into the corridor. The next step will be divided into various functional warehouses: the upper warehouse is the power warehouse and the electric letter warehouse, and the lower warehouse is the water warehouse, including snow making water, domestic water, and recycled water, special Vehicle passages for maintenance will also be installed on the ground.

According to Han Baojiang, deputy general manager of jingtou pipe Gallery Company, this comprehensive pipe gallery is 7.9 kilometers from the south to the foyukou reservoir and from the north to the core area of Yanqing competition area. The entrance section of the pipe gallery is 550 meters above sea level and the exit section is 1100 meters above sea level, extending from south to north to mountain. The average slope of the two sections is 5% and 10% respectively, the maximum slope of the peak reaches 15%, and the vertical lift reaches 550 meters. Vehicles transporting materials must be equipped with non-slip tires. In addition, due to the complex geological conditions of Yanshan mountains where the construction is located, surrounding rocks with different strengths appear alternately, resulting in great difficulty in construction and extremely high technical requirements.

This is also the first comprehensive pipe gallery built in mountain tunnels in China. It is reported that in addition to the traditional drilling and blasting method, the construction technology such as full-Section hard rock tunnel roadheader is also used to open up the “lifeline” in the mountain, this set a precedent in the construction of mountain tunnel with large slope.

According to the construction period plan, the comprehensive pipe gallery will have the conditions of water supply and electricity supply in September, which will be completed before the construction of the venue, providing guarantee for the test events of the Winter Olympic Games in Yanqing division.

Beijing News reporter Wu Jiaying’s Photography/Beijing News reporter Wang Jianing

In 2019, the Sudiman Cup badminton tournament was promoted by the Chinese team.

NANNING, May 22 (reporter Sun Longfei) the Sudiman Cup world badminton mixed group Championship in 2019 held the final day of the group competition on the 22nd. After defeating Malaysia team on the first day of the tournament, the Chinese team defeated India 5: 0 on the 22nd and promoted to the elimination match as the first place in Group D.

On the same day, the Chinese team’s Mixed Pair combination Wang Xiaolu/Huang Dongping, men’s singles, women’s singles Chen Yufei and women’s double combination Chen Chenchen/Jia Yifan all defeated their opponents by 2:0, han Chengkai/Zhou Haodong, the man Pair Group who played the sodiman Cup for the first time, won the two games after losing one game first.

Zhang Jun, the coach of the China badminton team doubles, said: “The elimination match will be more cruel, and the team will deploy before the match in the first time according to the plan and go all out.”

People’s Daily (12th edition on May 23, 2019)

Yangzhou bid for 2022 World semi-horse championship

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, April 12 (Reporter Wu Junkuan) Overseas Chinese Town · Yangzhou Jianzhen International Half Marathon in 2019 will be fired on the 21st. The organizer of the event held a press conference in Beijing on the 12th to inform the organization of the event and announced that Yangzhou would bid for the 2022 IAAF World Half Marathon Championship.

According to the introduction, the world half marathon was founded in 1992 and is currently held every two years. Nanning held the event in 2010. If Yangzhou successfully bid this time, it will become the second Chinese city to hold the event.

Shuitao, director of the social activities department of the track and field Sports Management Center of the State General Administration of Sports and deputy secretary general of the China Track and Field Association, said at the press conference that “Yangma” has been rated as the gold standard road race of the IAAF since 2013, this year has been the seventh year. As the only “double gold” semi-horse race in China that has won the gold standard of IAAF and the gold medal certification of China IAAF, Yangma can be regarded as the “benchmark” race of domestic half marathon. Yangzhou has the feasibility of bidding for the 2022 World Half Marathon Championship in the aspects of the ability to host events, the experience of holding international competitions and concentrating on running competitions.

According to another introduction, Yangma continued to be co-sponsored by China Association of Tian FA, CCTV sports channel, Jiangsu Sports Bureau and Yangzhou municipal government in 2019. There are two major events: Half Marathon and mini marathon. The route is consistent with that in 2018. At that time, 35000 players from 40 countries and regions around the world will participate, among them, there are more than 100 international high-level athletes and domestic professional athletes.