Robben recovered from injury, with a career of 700 games.

Xinhua News Agency, Berlin, May 4 (Reporter Liu Wei) in the last few minutes of the 32th round of Bayern Munich home court match against Hanover in the Bundesliga football league, Dutch flying man Robben appeared on the bench, and the Allianz Stadium was full of joy, in the make-up stage, he once took a free kick and hit the door directly, higher than the beam.

This was the first time that Robben returned to the game after being injured and dormant for nearly half a year, and it was also his first appearance in 2019. Robben played in the 86th minute to replace Coleman. At that time, the team was 3:1 leading the bottom of Hanover, and the victory was decided. Robben did not appear after last November due to a series of injuries. After that, he announced that he would leave Bayern after the end of the season.

“I don’t know how to describe my current mood.” Robben said, “Gratitude, this is the only suitable word I can think. In order to return to the green field, I did all the things I should do. In the past few months, I fought against injuries and tried my best to resume training just to return to the field. Although this time it was only played for a few minutes, it was still a very special moment.”

The game between Bayern and Hanover is the 700th game of Robben’s career. He represented Bayern in 306 games (199 Bundesliga), scored or participated in at least 245 goals (98 Bundesliga goals), and won 7 Bundesliga championships, four German Cup champions and one Champions League champion.

At present, there are only two rounds left in the league. Bayern is 4 points ahead of the second place Dortmund. In the contest with the last two rivals Leipzig and Frankfurt, as long as one of them wins, you can win the championship for the eighth consecutive year.

Looking forward to the “second spring” of Chinese billiards”

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, April 8th: looking forward to the “second spring” of Chinese billiards — exclusive interview with Wang Tao, vice chairman and secretary general of China Billiards Association

Xinhua News Agency reporter Zheng Zhiliang Jinxiong

As Robertson defeated Lisovsky in the final, another World Snooker China Open ended. Wang tao, vice chairman and secretary-general of china billiards association, said in an exclusive interview with xinhua news agency that billiards is experiencing new developmental period in china and is looking forward to the “second spring”.

New Challenges

“China Open has been successfully held in Beijing for 15 consecutive years, which has become a business card for Beijing and snooker. Ding Junhui won the championship in 2005 also added a bright color to this business card.” Wang Tao said.

At the China Open that year, Ding Junhui defeated Hendry, the “Emperor of billiards”, and won his first ranking championship, which also brought the development of Chinese billiards into the fast lane. Fifteen years later, the speed of speeding on the lane slowed down.

Wang Tao said frankly that in the past few years, China’s billiards population was about 70 million to 80 million, but at present, the choices of the masses are more diversified. According to statistics, the number of billiard halls has decreased by about 20%, and the current number of billiards population is about 50 million. “But at present, the competition system of the three billiards projects (snooker, Chinese style and 9 balls) has been completed, so the impact is relatively not very big.”

Wang Tao said that the association is also considering whether to put the China Open in a second-, third-or even fourth-tier city. “Does it accomplish the mission of a historical period? Do you want to change?”

Jiangxi held the Snooker World Open and the Chinese Billiards World Championship before TTL, where the enthusiasm of the audience left a deep impression on Wang Tao. “In TTL, the competition was full. People thought it was a very happy thing to see a professional competition. (China Open) where should such a good competition be needed by the people, where are we going to put it.”

“Zero tolerance”

before the Chinese Billiards World Championship at the beginning of the year, the Chinese Taiwan Association made a decision to add a lifetime ban to Yu Delu, who played fake balls.

In May 2018, Yu Delu was temporarily banned for gambling and was investigated. The results of the investigation were released in December, he was banned by the world professional billiards and snooker association for 10 years and 9 months for manipulating the game and getting rewards, and the additional punishment of the china taiwan association directly declared the end of his career.

“The relevant lottery is actually a legal category in Britain, but every player will sign an agreement on the day he enters the professional competition, and players and relevant people are strictly prohibited from participating.” Wang Tao revealed that there had been some small signs before. In 2016, she made a special trip to Britain to give warning education lessons to British travelers. Similar situations rarely occurred after that, but Yu Delu did not stop. “So in order to purify the environment, we will impose additional penalties for life-long ban. The problem of fake balls, gambling balls and doping should be zero tolerance in the sports industry.”

At the same time of issuing tickets, the China Taiwan Association also issued three policies: signing a joint player supervision agreement with the Taiwan Association; Establishing a professional snooker player Committee; Conducting warning education meetings before all domestic competitions.

“Ding Junhui, Liang Wenbo and Tian Pengfei are obvious clean players in the player Committee, and there are also representatives sent by the association.” Wang Tao said that the association is currently working with enterprises to set up a training institute in Sheffield, England, to integrate the players participating in professional competitions in Britain with social resources, which is both a supervision and a guarantee for their training and life.

“After Ding Junhui and Liang Wenbo, we also trained a group of players, but the small players wanted to be self-disciplined first. It is really difficult to resist temptation and loneliness and to have achievements.” Wang Tao said. The establishment of the above-mentioned Training Institute is one of the targeted measures of China Taiwan Association.

In the reform

according to wang tao’s introduction, the substantive reform of the china-taiwan association is already in progress and has now separated from the management of the small ball sports management center of the state general administration of sports, the general election will also be held in the future. “After decoupling, we will not rely on the General Administration of Sports as before, and our association needs to have a stronger sense of responsibility. Of course, after decoupling, the infrastructure construction of the association is more important, and it can absorb more social talents with ability and business knowledge to lay a solid foundation, which is a good thing for promoting billiards.”

Wang Tao revealed that the association is actively striving to enter billiards into the 2021 national games. “If billiards can really enter the next national games, it will be very helpful to the whole project.”

Regarding the next plan, Wang Tao said: “We will carry out a variety of billiards activities, to trade unions, to the folk, and even to the countryside.” She said: “Let everyone hold the competition together, bring the competition to the masses, and execute it layer by layer, so that Chinese billiards can have the second spring.”

Close-up: Xinjiang captain Ke lanbai Ke, who refused anesthetic and accepted molars

Xinhua News Agency, Urumqi, April 30, close-up: Xinjiang captain Ke lanbaike

Xinhua News Agency reporter Ma Wei, Lin Deren

did not take anesthetic, which lasted half an hour, shorten the broken front teeth to only half…… Who would be willing to undergo such an operation? Presumably most people answered no, but the answer of Xinjiang men’s basketball captain Ke lanbai was “please operate”.

In the second game of the Xinjiang Guangdong finals, only 2 minutes 43 seconds was left in the first quarter, but Lan Bai Ke fell to the ground in a fight. His teammate Sun Tonglin, who lost his focus due to the fight, hit him heavily. Sun Tonglin’s weight of more than 100 kilograms, coupled with the impact force brought by inertia, made the face of Ke lanbai hit the floor severely. Ke lanbai, who was behind him, immediately entered the game, but in only a few rounds, the on-duty referee stopped the game and asked him to leave. Because of the obvious dislocation of the front teeth of Ke Lan Bai Ke, the nose and mouth began to bleed, and the words “Xinjiang” on the chest of the Jersey were dyed red, which also dropped on the floor of the finals.

In order to continue the game, lanbai showed his teeth to the referee, indicating that the blood had stopped. For Xinjiang, which lost the big score in the first battle, a good start to the second battle was a good opportunity to boost morale. As the captain, colanbai knew the importance of military stability, “the team needed me at that moment”. In the whole game, Lan Baike played for 24 minutes and got 5 points and 5 rebounds. Although the data is not bright, his hard-working defense has brought no minor trouble to his opponents. Xinjiang, who fought away from home, also used this strength to bite the score tightly under the condition that the free throw score was 23 points less than the opponent and the error was 10 times more, it was not until the second half of the last quarter that the game was taken away by a wave of attacks in Guangdong.

After the game, according to the preliminary diagnosis of local hospital in Dongguan, the incisor tooth root of Ke lanbai was broken, but it was impossible to make a film diagnosis because of the late time. The next day, after returning to Urumqi with the team, Ke lanbai went directly to the hospital from the airport. The examination results showed that his two incisors were tooth root fractured, and the fracture was lower than the gum margin. Tooth root should be removed immediately. If not handled in time, it will not only cause inflammation, but also affect future repair.

The doctor suggested that the tooth should be extracted immediately, but he could not do strenuous exercise for the next 5 days. In other words, he would miss at least 2 finals. And this is unacceptable to him. As far as the current situation is concerned, no one can guarantee that Xinjiang men’s basketball, which is 0:2 behind, can compete for the fifth match. He discussed with the doctor and decided to remove the part of the front teeth deviating from the original position first to avoid pain caused by touch, and to retain the part that has not been deviated, which will be dealt with after the finals.

The toothache kills people, let alone the broken front teeth. However, Lan Bai Ke chose to refuse to use anesthetic because he was worried that it would affect his reaction and agility of body movements. “Although it may not really have an impact, but I have to absolutely avoid this possibility”. In this way, during the 30-minute operation, he clearly saw the rapidly rotating tool, clearly heard the sound of teeth being polished, and soberly suffered every pain brought by the operation.

For anyone, refusing anesthetic to receive molar treatment is a difficult choice, but lanbai Ke is no exception. It’s just that he has the reason why he is determined to do it, that is, “for basketball, for the team”, which has been fully revealed in every game throughout the season. In the eyes of many fans, no matter whether the team’s record and personal status are up or down, the Xinjiang captain is insisting on doing the same thing: the most fierce defense, when teammates fall to the ground, they will always be the first to run forward and pull up teammates. When the team falls behind, they will slap their hands and shout “come on”……

Therefore, the change of the team in the second half of the season will make him excited. Before the finals, he said: “The morale of the team is very high and the atmosphere is super good. Everyone is like a family.” Therefore, he would choose to refuse anesthetic and undergo surgery in order to continue playing in the finals and fight with his teammates.

Before the first game, Ke lanbai said to the reporter: “Although the Guangdong team is very strong, if we want to take a victory from us, we will let them lose a layer of skin first.” He said so, and so did he and his teammates.

On May 1, Xinjiang men’s basketball will face the third finals with Guangdong men’s basketball at home. No matter what the ending is, Lan Bai and his teammates are determined to be the hope of coach A Dijiang for the game-“together with Guangdong, we will dedicate a real finals-level game to the fans, it is worthy of every drop of blood and sweat spilled on the court.” (Finished)

The Chinese team won two gold medals in the Australian Badminton Open

Xinhua News Agency, Sydney, June 9 (Chen Yu, Guo Yang) the 2019 Australian Badminton Open entered various finals on the 9th. The Chinese team won two single championships, namely women’s singles and mixed doubles. Japan, South Korea and Indonesia each have a gold medal.

In the women’s singles final, Chen Yufei faced the hope of Japanese player Aoguan, leading all the way from the beginning, winning the first game at 21:15. In the second game, Chen Yufei even swept his opponent at 21:3 and won the championship.

In the mixed doubles, the number one seed Wang Xiaolu/Huang Dongping played against the Indonesian group Pravin Jordan/Octaviani, pressing the opponent to win the gold by 21:15 and 21:8.

In the women’s double final, the Chinese team’s combination Chen Chenchen/Jia Yifan 0:2 lost to Japan portfolio Fukushima Yuji/Guangtian hand-held fireworks, with scores of 10:21 and 16:21 respectively. The Japanese team won the women’s double championship in the Australian Open for the third consecutive year.

In addition, South Korean player Gao Chengxuan/Shen Baijun defeated Japan’s jiamura Jianshi/Yuantian enlightenment in two games and won the Man pair championship. Indonesian player Christie and teammate kinting competed for the men’s singles gold medal, and finally Christie won 2:1.

Weightlifting World Cup ending: China team 31 gold 9 broke the world record

Xinhua News Agency, Fuzhou, February 27 (Reporter Liu Wei) in the last day of the 2019 weightlifting World Cup and 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games qualifier, the Rio Olympic champion Meng Suping defeated his old rival Russian star Kashina, she won the women’s 87kg champion with superior jerk and total score, and the Chinese team ended with 31 gold and 9 world records.

Women’s 87 kilograms compete fiercely with their superiors. In the world championships last year, Kashina refreshed three world records of snatch, clean and jerk and total score and won the championship. Meng Suping, a 30-year-old veteran, was the runner-up. In the snatch contest that day, kashlina, Meng Suping and China’s 19-year-old general Li Wenwen successfully tested 135 kilograms for the first time. The second one, Li Wenwen raised 142 kilograms, while Meng Suping used two chances to lift 140 kilograms. At last, Li Wenwen asked for 146 kilograms and chose to challenge the world record but failed. After lifting 140 kilograms, kashlina chose to level his world record (145 kilograms) and finally locked the snatch champion.

In the clean and jerk competition, Li Wenwen and kashlina both used two trials to lift 175 kilograms, and the last one raised 182 kilograms and 178 kilograms respectively. Meng Suping used the second 185kg of the Ping world record to lock the jerk and the total score champion, and finally tried to refresh the world record of 188kg, but failed. Li Wenwen gained three silver medals in snatch, clean and jerk and total score. Kashina won the snatch championship, ranking third in both clean and jerk and total score.

Meng Suping told reporters after the game that she had always wanted to win kashlina, but today her opponent was in a normal state and she was not brave enough to win. Chinese women weightlifting team coach Zhang Guozheng said: “Li Wenwen participated in the world competition for the first time. The back court was particularly nervous, and the first one was a little confused. She is still young and has great potential. Meng Suping is an old general, and Wen Wen took turns to impact Kashina. I saw kashlina seemed to be injured in the back court, and her waist reaction was a little big. Her strength was far above today. Winning the championship today does not explain the problem and cannot be complacent.”

In the women’s 87kg class competition, 22-year-old young general AO Hui, who won the snatch and total score champion in the world championships last year, won the snatch championship with 115kg, 150kg and 265kg, clean and Jerk and runner-up in total. North Korea’s 30-year-old Jane Zhu won the gold medal of snatch silver medal, clean and jerk and total score with 112 kilograms, 154 kilograms and 266 kilograms.

In the men’s 109kg class and 109kg with superior competition, Chinese players all used five trial lifts to sweep and win the championship. Yang Zhe, a 28-year-old player who gained a silver medal of 109kg in the world championships last year, won three championships with a snatch of 193kg, a clean and jerk of 215kg and a total score of 408kg. AI Yunan won the gold medal with 183kg, 230kg and 413kg in the snatch, clean and jerk of the superior.

Ke Jie broke into the first Sino-Japanese Han long star war final

Xinhua News Agency, Tokyo, April 12 (Li Jian) the first semi-final of the Sino-Japanese Han long Star War was held at the Tokyo court of the Japanese chess academy on the 12th. Chinese chess player Ke Jie’s 9th stage defeated Korean chess player’s Zhibai 9th stage in 244th hand and will play Japanese chess player Yili Liao in the final on 13th.

White chess was relatively advantageous from the beginning of the preface. After that, both sides of black and white were glued, and the white 162-point first appeared in the offensive, followed by a series of fierce attacks, and White chess won. After the game, Ke Jie said: “I didn’t see it clearly in the middle session. Fortunately, I found the finished robbery material, and I walked a little messy later. But when the midabdomen is connected, you can already make sure you win.”

When asked about the feelings of Liao, who was fighting again in the final, Ke Jie said that he had lost to Japanese players recently and must win tomorrow.

The First Sino-Japanese Han long Star War was hosted by Japanese go shougi channel. Ke Jie, Yi Li Liao and Kim Ji-seok participated in this competition as the annual Dragon Star War champion of China, Japan and South Korea in 2018. On the 11th, in the first round of the competition, one force Liao defeated Ke Jie and took the lead in winning the finals. This competition adopts the Japanese rules, with the black side sticking six eyes and a half, 30 seconds for each hand, 10 times and 1 minute reading seconds, when there is no rule. The champion can receive a bonus of 5 million yen (about 300000 yuan).