In the opening 5 minutes, two balls were lost in the first battle of the Chinese Olympic team. 1:4 lost to Ireland

On the 3rd, the Olympic team lost two goals in less than 5 minutes in the first game of Group C of the Toulon Cup youth football match, and finally lost 1:4 to the Irish team under the age of 21, which is mainly composed of Premier League players.

Xinhua News Agency, France, obanie, June 3 (Reporter Prince Jiang) in the first match of Group C of the Toulon Cup youth football match held here on the 3rd, the Chinese Olympic team lost two goals in less than 5 minutes, finally, I lost to the Irish team under 21, which is mainly composed of Premier League players.

Only 33 seconds after the opening, Connolly from Brighton crossed Tong Lei’s defense on the left. In the transmission near the bottom line, El buzedi drove the ball into the gate guarded by Guo quanbo 10 meters away.

4 minutes later, captain Wu Wei defended the foul on the edge of the penalty area and gave the opponent a free kick. Luo Nan took the penalty and the ball popped up on the wall. The Wolf Team player picked it to the middle road, norwich forward Ida header ferry, Connolly Ling fire into the network, 2:0.

The Chinese players who lost two goals in a row soon calmed down and began to threaten the defense line of the other side. In the 11th minute, on the right side of the Tan Pin Pin, he crossed the opponent’s defensive skewed penalty area, and Lin Liangming header dome type the goalkeeper. In the 18th minute, Shan Huanhuan broke into the penalty area with the ball. The Irish goalkeeper Keller shot through the attack. Unfortunately, Masterson shoveled the ball out of the bottom line before door line, and the Chinese team won a corner. After Tan Pin Pin left, Li Yang, who was undefended, jumped up corner. The ball hit the beam and jumped into the gate. Lin Liangming, who thought the ball had popped up, kicked the ball into the bottom of the net with an angry shot, 1:2.

The Irish team almost expanded its advantage later. O’Shea heading in, but fortunately pushed the ball out of the beam in front of Wen Jiabao. After that, the Chinese team also got a good chance to take the ball into the penalty area to shoot, and Keller, the goalkeeper who played for Liverpool, stretched his leg to block the ball out.

The Chinese team started the second half with confidence, but soon a mistake ruined the hope of peace. In the 56th minute, erbuzedi was passing on the right road. The ball hit Li Yang’s arm. The referee sentenced penalty kick. Ida hit the penalty and the score became 3:1.

Hiddink then replaced Wen Jiabao with Guo Jing and Huang Cong with Jiang Ze army, hoping to change the passive situation. However, 8 minutes before the final match, Knight turned to the left side of the penalty area and shot in Guo Jing’s hand. The Irish team once again got a penalty kick chance. Ida’s main penalty scored the second goal of the individual, and Ireland also scored 4:1 win.

The next game of the Chinese team will be held on the 6th, and the opponent is the Balin team. This is the 13th time that the Chinese team participated in the Toulon Cup. Before that, the best result of the Chinese team was to win the runner-up in 2007.

2019 chengma pre-registration ended: the number of people reached a new high, and the winning rate was only

Xinhuanet sports Xi’an, March 8th, the 7th afternoon at 3 o’clock, “the Belt and Road Initiative” Shaanxi Xi’an (Samsung) · 2019 City Wall International Marathon (hereinafter referred to as “City horse”) the 7-day pre-registration officially ended, finally, a total of 42331 running enthusiasts participated in the 2019 City horse pre-registration.

Chengma decided the runner’s qualification in the form of “pre-registration and post-lottery payment” this year. Within 30 minutes of pre-registration, the number of applicants had exceeded 10,000. After the pre-registration, according to statistics, 25 countries and regions, 32 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions, including China, the United States, Brazil, Germany, Russia, Kenya, Ethiopia, Australia, Pakistan, Japan and South Korea, A total of 42331 athletes participated in the pre-registration of the city horse. The total number of pre-applicants has increased by more than 10,000 compared with previous years.

As a marathon that sets the track on the wall of the whole ancient city, the city horse not only makes domestic runners flock to it, but also many foreign runners are attracted by the City Wall Marathon. In order to allow more foreign runners interested in Chinese traditional culture to come to China, Xi’an, and have close contact with the history of the 13th dynasty, this year chengma cooperated with many foreign Marathon registration platforms, it provides a convenient entry channel for foreign runners around the world, allowing more runners abroad to have the opportunity to enjoy the elegant demeanour of the ancient city wall.

This year is the 25th year of the city wall marathon. Since the “thirteen dynasties” event was built in 2016, the influence of chengma event has been continuously improved. According to the analysis of the final registration data, more than 40000 runners should compete for 4500 competition places after removing 500 sponsor places and media places, after calculation, the successful rate of chengma this year will be as low as 10.6.

Wu Zhiqiang won the bronze medal in 10 seconds. China sprint killed a fierce general

Wu Zhiqiang won the men’s 100 m bronze medal in the Doha Asian championship with 10 seconds 18

China sprint killed a fierce general

In the men’s 100 m final of the Doha track and field Asian Championship held yesterday, Chinese player Wu Zhiqiang ran out of his best career score of 10 seconds 18, and gained a bronze medal. At the same time, he became the successor to Su Bingtian, after Xie Zhenye, the third Chinese player who opened 10 seconds 20 was active. For the Chinese men’s relay team, the world track and field relay in the middle of May and the World Track and Field Championship opened at the end of September are the top priorities of this season. Wu Zhiqiang, who is in excellent state, has successively refreshed his personal best results, which will undoubtedly help the Chinese men’s relay team to create good results in the next two competitions.


Wu Zhiqiang first opened 10 seconds 20

Before the rise of Zhang Peimeng, Su Bingtian and Xie Zhenye, the record of Chinese men’s 100 meters once stayed at 10 seconds 17 for a long time.

In 1998, Zhou Wei won the championship in the National Track and Field Grand Prix with 10 seconds 17 and set a new national record, which lasted for 13 years. In 2003, Chen Hai Jian ran for 10 seconds 17, marking the national record, but until the 2011 championship, Su Bingtian won the championship with 10 seconds 16, and the record will eventually be broken.

The following stories are familiar to everyone. Zhang Peimeng and Su Bingtian formed a healthy competition, and the national record of 100 meters was repeatedly broken. Zhang Peimeng ran for 10 seconds in the 2013 World Championships; Su Bingtian opened the 10-second mark in 2015, becoming the first yellow race to run for 10 seconds; In the 2018 season, Xie Zhenye ran for 9 seconds 97, refreshing the national record, su Bingtian ran 9 seconds 91 twice, tied the Asian record, and won the Asian Games championship with 9 seconds 92.

Behind Su Bingtian and Xie Zhenye, Wu Zhiqiang, Xu Zhouzheng, Xu Haiyang and others could not break through 10 seconds 20.

“I have been working hard for the past few years. Since I ran to 10 seconds 24 in 2017, I have been impacting my coach Zhou Wei’s score of 10 seconds 17.” Wu Zhiqiang’s coach was Zhou Wei, the former national record holder. During the winter training this year, Wu Zhiqiang ran PB of 10 seconds 22. In this Asian Championship, he ran 10 seconds 22 and 10 seconds 18 in the semi-finals and finals, only 0.01 seconds away from master’s record.


Promoting single new achievements with relay

Since the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, Chinese men’s sprint began to implement the strategy of “promoting individual items by relay. Chinas track and field team consultant Yu Weili once explained this strategy, “only developing single items will lose many opportunities for high-level competitions based on our foundation; Relay can form teams, strive to participate in the world’s first-level competition with the strength of the team.”

Facts have proved that the direction of this road is correct, and it has received rich returns. Not only Zhang Peimeng and Su Bingtian broke the record one after another, but also the Chinese men’s relay team has repeatedly achieved good results.

In the 2014 Incheon Asian Games, the combination of Chen Shiwei, Xie Zhenye, Su Bingtian and Zhang Peimeng ran out of 37 seconds 99, pushing the Japanese team to win the championship and refreshing the Asian record. In the 2015 Beijing World Track and Field Championships, no Chinese team composed of Xue, Xie Zhenye, Su Bingtian and Zhang Peimeng made a new history. The preliminary competition refreshed the Asian record, and the final performance of the frontier miracle won the silver medal.

Although the 2016 Rio Olympic Games and the 2017 world championships in track and field both Unfortunately won the fourth place, I watched the Japanese team stand on the podium twice. However, after Zhang Peimeng retired, the Chinese men’s relay team did not have a talent break. Thanks to the outstanding achievements of the relay team in the past few years, Wu Zhiqiang, Xu Zhouzheng, Liang Jinsheng and others constantly broke through their respective limits.

Xu Zhouzheng ran 10 seconds 21 in April, 2018, and Wu Zhiqiang ran 10 seconds 18 yesterday, opening the 10 seconds 20 mark. Not surprisingly, Wu Zhiqiang and Xu Zhouzheng will both become the most effective helpers of Su Bingtian and Xie Zhenye in the world track and field relay and world championships.


Have the strength to fight with the Japanese team

In the 2018 Jakarta Asian Games, Xie Zhenye was temporarily absent due to injury. The Chinese men’s relay team led by Su Bingtian only won the bronze medal. In this Asian Championship, due to the influence of waist injury, Su Bingtian did not go to Doha with the team, but he said a few days ago that he would participate in the world track and field relay in May as scheduled.

According to the schedule, on May 11-12, the 2019 world track and field relay will be held in Yokohama, Japan, and the top eight teams will directly qualify for the Doha world championship.

In the 2017 world track and field relay, the Chinese men’s relay team composed of Tang Xingqiang, Xie Zhenye, Su Bingtian and Liang Jinsheng won the bronze medal with a score of 39sec 22. Compared with two years ago, although the structure of the Chinese men’s relay team has changed to some extent and the main team has missed the chance to practice in this Asian Championship, the team is still full of confidence and fighting spirit for next month’s competition.

In the 2016 Rio Olympic Games, the 2017 London World Championships and the 2018 Jakarta Asian Games, the Japanese team always laughed to the end in the much-watched Sino-Japanese duel.

With Wu Zhiqiang, the first stick, constantly breaking through the limit, and Xie Zhenye and Su Bingtian’s huge advantages in the second and third sticks, the Chinese men’s relay team once again has the capital to fight with the Japanese team. In this year’s two competitions, while the Chinese men’s relay team strives for good results, it will also strive to win in the direct dialogue between China and Japan.

This version of the article/Beijing News reporter Xu Bangyin

Anti-Doping in 2018: a big step to check the new high legal system

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, January 29 (reporter Ma Xiangfei) the reporter learned from the national anti-doping work conference in 2019 that last year, China carried out nearly 20,000 doping tests, with a record high number, this year’s work will focus on preparing for many large-scale comprehensive events such as the Tokyo Olympic Games.

According to the materials released by the State General Administration of Sport on 29th, the anti-doping center carried out a total of 19458 inspections last year, including 16699 urine tests and 66 cases of violations of stimulants. The inspection paid more attention to strengthening the planned research, making personalized inspection plans for high-risk projects and athletes and improving the monitoring plans, improving the inspection efficiency, and successfully completing the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics, Jakarta Asian Games, the anti-doping work of the Chinese delegation in the Youth Olympic Games and other comprehensive games ensured that the athletes entered the competition cleanly.

Last year, the legal construction of anti-doping has made gratifying progress. The Supreme People’s Court is studying and formulating a criminal judicial interpretation to punish illegal acts involving stimulants according to law. The “punishment” for illegal acts involving stimulants is just around the corner.

In addition, China will build “a long-term anti-doping control system with clean gold medals”, which has been incorporated into the anti-doping center’s anti-doping work development plan (2018-2022).

In terms of education, the anti-doping education platform (cadepp) designed and developed by the anti-doping center last year was launched, and the anti-doping education access work of the Asian Games, Youth Olympic Games and Provincial Sports Games was completed, covering more than 180000 people. Through learning, athletes have improved their awareness of self protection. Taking the application for therapeutic medication exemption as an example, the medication exemption committee has received more than 1350 consultations, four times that of 2017.

Foreign exchanges and cooperation are also quite bright spots. The second global anti-doping education conference was successfully held in Beijing in last October. More than 200 people from 122 relevant organizations around the world participated in the conference and passed the Beijing Declaration. China also showed anti-doping work through this window.

The focus of this year’s work will be the preparation for multiple comprehensive large-scale events. Li Yingchuan, deputy director of the State Sports General Administration, said that the national sports system must firmly establish the concept of “winning clean gold medals” and resolutely prevent the major risks of stimulants, focus on the anti-doping work of preparing for the Tokyo Olympic Games and the second National Youth Games in 2019, and win the anti-doping battle in an all-round way. He stressed that the General Administration of Sports will carry out special anti-doping control in the national sports system in 2019, accelerate the promotion of the punishment of stimulants, and strive to establish and improve the long-term anti-doping control system of “getting clean gold medals.

Technical Director of Chinese Football Association: youth training needs unified concept selection value technology potential

On 28th, at the “Panda Cup” International Youth Football Development Seminar held in Chengdu, Sichuan province, Chris van pvelde, technical director of Chinese Football Association, said when talking about youth training, chinese football needs a unified concept in this respect, and he pays more attention to the technical potential of small players in selecting materials.

Xinhua News Agency, Chengdu, May 28 (reporter Li Hualiang) on 28th, at the “Panda Cup” International Youth Football Development Seminar held in Chengdu, Sichuan province, when talking about youth training, Chris van pvelde, technical director of Chinese Football Association, said that Chinese football needs a unified concept in this aspect, and he values the technical potential of small players in selecting materials.

Van pvelde is the former technical director of the Belgian Football Association. He helped “European RED MAGIC” to break into the top four in the World Cup in Russia. At the end of 2018, he began to serve as the technical director of the Chinese Football Association.

“The performance of the Chinese team in the Asian Cup before is our real level at present. Several major opponents of the Chinese team have done long-term and fruitful work in youth training. For the future development of Chinese football, the most important thing must be the foundation and teenagers.”

In Van pvelde’s view, the current situation of Chinese football youth training is that there are many different ways, which are not unified with each other and lack consistent ideas to implement. No change can be achieved overnight. There must be a process and a common vision. Good results can only be achieved after adhering to the correct process.

“It took Belgium more than ten years to achieve today’s achievements. I think some of these experiences can be used by China for reference, but it will definitely take a long time. Football involves many aspects such as culture and education, which is a long-term project.”

When talking about the selection of youth training, Van pvelde showed the reporter a picture of two Chinese small players of the same age standing back to back, one of whom was stronger and taller. He said: “Maybe some people tend to choose the bigger and stronger little player, but I will choose another one, because after carefully watching his performance on the court, I find that he is more talented, he is a technical player with great potential.”

“Just like Belgian player Mertens, his physical condition was not outstanding when he was young, but he obviously had great development potential, it is unfair to compare his physical condition with that of lucuku, and such technical and potential players cannot be eliminated.” Van pvelde explained further.

Tickets for the women’s football World Cup will be sold on March 7.

Xinhua News Agency, Paris, February 8 (reporter Su Bin) FIFA and the competition organizing committee jointly announced on the 8th that the ticket sales of a single match in the 2019 FIFA Women’s World Cup will be officially launched at 15: 00 on March 7, Central European Time, except for the opening match, the ticket price for a single match in other group matches is the lowest 9 euros (1 euro is about 7.63 yuan).

The opening match of this women’s football World Cup will be staged at the Prince Park stadium in Paris on June 7, against the two hosts France and South Korea. The minimum price for opening tickets is 13 euros.

The 2019 Women’s World Cup will be held in nine French cities from June 7 to July 7, of which Lyon will host the semi-finals and finals. The final ticket price ranges from 23 euros to 84 euros.

The public ticket sales of women’s football World Cup started in October 2018, and the ticket sales model has been adopted in the past four months. According to FIFA, 330000 tickets have been sold so far. France, the host country with the largest number of ticket buyers, accounted for 57%, followed by the United States (25%) and the United Kingdom (3%).

According to the division of the host city, the top three ticket sales are Lyon (90000), Paris (76000) and valangschena (34500), the number of tickets available for sale in this competition is expected to be 1.3 million.