Ding Ning: 12 years later, the World Table Tennis Championships will start again.

Xinhua News Agency, Budapest, April 23 (reporter Su Bin Zhang Zhang) defending the champion and ranking first in the world, any athlete who holds these titles will become the focus of an event. For Ding Ning, it has been 12 years since she first stood on the World Table Tennis Championships. She hopes that this World Table Tennis Championships will become a brand new beginning.

In the first round of women’s singles in the World Table Tennis Championships on the 23rd, Ding Ning defeated Hermi, an Egyptian player, in four straight rounds, and the way to start the defending journey was extremely easy.

In 2007, the World Table Tennis Championships in Zagreb was the first World Table Tennis Championships attended by Ding Ning. At that time, at the age of 16, she and Lei Zhenhua joined the mixed match, and the two stopped at the top 16.

In the past 12 years, Ding Ning has grown into the singles champion of the three World Table Tennis Championships, the “Grand Slam” winner and the national championship for many years, which is absolutely leading player. In Suzhou in 2015, people remembered that Ding Ning won the singles championship of the World Table Tennis Championships for the second time. In the final, the scene of her overcoming the influence of injuries on reaching the top podium was even more impressive to many people.

Ding Ning said frankly that at the beginning, he would feel a kind of pressure impacted by his opponent. “He was the last champion. (this impact) three successive championships is good, and he still feels quite stressful.”

But after arriving in Budapest, Ding Ning’s mind became more calm. “Recall that 12 years have passed, and it is a very difficult thing to be in the top ranks for such a long time.” She said, “when I really stand on the court, I hope this competition is a new beginning, not in what kind of identity I had before, but really enjoy my own competition process, every competition is precious.”

On February this year, Guozhen announced the new coaching team list, and Guo Yan became the supervisor coach of Ding Ning. Guo Yan once joined hands with Ding Ning in the World competition in the era of athletes. The relationship was upgraded from teammates to Masters. This world table tennis tournament was the first world competition that the two participated in.

“The current opponent is not very strong, and the cruelty of the competition has not been fully demonstrated. At present, I am still the main one, and the two of us will make more preparations according to the competition and opponents.” Ding Ning said.

Brother Chunmei will be traded to the Lakers

Original title: “Brother Chunmei” will be traded to Lakers

Xinhua News Agency, Los Angeles, June 15 (reporter Huang Heng) according to sources on the 15th, NBA Los Angeles Lakers and New Orleans Pelicans reached a deal, the Lakers will win the long-cherished power forward Anthony Davis, who has been an all-star for six times.

It is reported that the Lakers will sign with three young talents Bauer, Ingram and Hart and three first-round draft picks, including the first-round 4th of this year, exchange “Brother Biao”. The deal will be completed as early as July 6.

The official Lakers fan organization “Lakers Nation” disclosed on its website that the main reason for the deal was the first round 4 signing that the Lakers just got. Since Davis announced in January this year that he would not renew the contract with pelicans and seek a deal to the Los Angeles Lakers, the Lakers and Pelicans started several rounds of negotiations, but the two sides failed to reach an agreement, because pelican also wanted to see the quotations of the Celtic and Knicks in the summer, but in the draft draw just ended, the two teams did not gain anything.

Seeing that Davis was obsessed with the Lakers, Pelican had to accept the quotation from the Lakers in order to prevent the leading star from having to be sent out for free next season. For the Lakers, it is not easy for them to leave another young star Kuzma in the negotiation.

The “Lakers Nation” article commented that although the Lakers lost three of the four promising newcomers selected for reconstruction in the past five years, the arrival of 26-year-old Davis, he can immediately form two giants with “emperor” LeBlanc James to help the Lakers “win the present” and guarantee the results in the next 6 to 7 seasons.

After Signing Davis, the Lakers still have at least 2300 million dollars in salary space, so they may attract another all-star player in the summer. In that case, the Lakers are not only expected to make a comeback next season, but also may redraw the western territory.

Close-up: Coming, sister

Xinhua News Agency, Russia, March 7 (reporter Li Linhai, Xu Zheng, Lin Deren) he Yuyu had the five-starred red flag printed on his face, holding a sign cheering for the Chinese team in his hand. A greeting on the banner “here comes, the elder sister” made the players on the court feel very kind.

At noon on the 6th local time, the women’s ice hockey match of the 29th World University Winter Games China against Japan was held in Japan. On the 5th, He Yuyu, a foreign student from the National Normal University, made a cheer banner for the Chinese team with his classmates.

“We have many alternatives, but many students are from the northeast, and the players on the court are mainly from the northeast. We chose this sentence. Don’t you think it is particularly kind? I hope the team members can feel the enthusiasm of local students.” He Yuyu said happily.

For several days in a row, the Chinese women’s ice hockey team played unsatisfactory. The first game on the 1st lost to Canada at 0:10; The game with Switzerland on the 4th had a turn, with 3:0 beat the other side; In the match with Japan on the 6th, the Chinese team adopted the strategy of focusing on defense, and finally failed at 1:5.

The hockey player Fu Kexin came from Harbin Institute of Physical Education. Before playing, he was very excited to see so many Chinese cheering for the team. “In a place so far away from home, seeing Chinese students studying abroad and local Chinese cheering for us, there was a kind of unspeakable joy, saying, ‘here comes, sister ‘Let me have the feeling of coming to Chinese neighbors to talk.” Fu Kexin said.

On the same day, Li Huan stopped his business and came to the scene early to cheer for the Chinese team. Li Huan, a 30-year-old hometown in Harbin, is doing fruit and vegetable business in the local Oriental Market. She proudly told the reporter: “In fact, most of the vegetables we sell, such as tomatoes, color pepper and cucumbers are both from Shouguang, Shandong province, China, and some of them were shipped from Mudanjiang, their hometown.”

“The local people’s diet is mainly Western food. We got used to it for a long time when we first arrived. I don’t know if our team members can get used to it. I really want to steam some rice for them, make some big stews from my hometown. After eating them, they will also have fun in the competition.” Li Huan said.

About 20 minutes’ drive from the competition venue is the local Oriental market of China, where many local Chinese started their clothing business. The business of Chinese restaurants around the market is booming. Seeing Li Huan, Xue Yanli, who was older than her and was doing business in the local area, shouted “coming, old sister”.

Some young people cheer for the team members in a more “trendy way”. Foreign student Teng Lei learned the word “plate” from TikTok. When facing Japan, when the players attacked each other, they would definitely shout “fast plate her, come on and score!” Other Chinese students have been shouting, “Come on, little sisters!”

Wang Jianye, the coach of the women’s ice hockey team, said: “After the game, when the players bowed to the audience and thanked them on the court, the local Chinese shouted out” I love you, China “and let’s listen to the surging heart, tears filled my eyes. No matter where we are, it is the strength of our motherland that gives us more confidence and strength.”

Beijing Winter Olympic organizing committee released a letter to primary and middle school students

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, May 10 (reporter Ji Ye, Wang Yong) on the occasion of the 1000-day countdown to the Beijing Winter Olympics, the Beijing Winter Olympic organizing committee released a letter to primary school students on the 10th, calling on students to grow up with the Winter Olympic Games, forge ahead together in the same era.

Beijing Winter Olympic organizing committee said in a letter that on July 31, 2015, Beijing joined hands with Zhangjiakou to win the right to host the 2022 Winter Olympics. Since the preparation of the Winter Olympics, the majority of primary and secondary school students across the country have actively practiced the action plan of “sharing the Winter Olympics” and participated in the Winter Olympics education and cultural activities, leaving your youth mark in activities such as emblem and mascot collection.

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that “young people are strong in China and sports are strong in China”. Strengthening sports is not only beneficial to students’ physical quality, but also beneficial to the successful holding of Beijing Winter Olympics.

On the occasion of the 1000-day countdown to the Beijing Winter Olympic Games, the Beijing Winter Olympic organizing committee issued an initiative to primary and secondary school students nationwide, hoping everyone:

-actively participate in Olympic education, learn Olympic knowledge, feel the Olympic spirit and spread Olympic culture.

— Learn to master ice and snow sports skills, go to nature, go to the ice and snow world, experience the charm of ice and snow sports, enjoy the joy brought by sports, strengthen physical fitness and temper will in sports.

-Actively participate in Winter Olympics cultural activities, and further contribute your wisdom and strength in slogan collection, torch relay, volunteer service and other activities.

-Strive to be the “Little Master” of Winter Olympics, make more friends with a confident, friendly and tolerant spirit, and show the world a good image of Chinese teenagers in the new era.

Grow together with Winter Olympics and forge ahead together at the same time. The students met the best period for the development of the Chinese nation at the best age. You are not only a happy witness, a witness of history, but also a creator of a good life. We sincerely invite you to participate in the Winter Olympics, enjoy the winter Olympics, ignite the Olympic flame with the passion of youth, and write the chapter of life with the sweat of hard work! (Finished)

Players should be careful when playing with injuries. Don’t win the game and lose the future.

In the Kingdom of sports, everyone should not be required to be a hero.

Xinhuanet sports Chengdu, June 13 (Ji Yanhao) on the 11th, Durant was injured and injured again in the Warrior’s “Life and Death Bureau.

I learned from the post-match press conference that Durant was injured in achilles tendon this time. For basketball players who rely on explosive force, the damage of Achilles tendon often means a sharp decline and end of their career. Kobe suffered from the rupture of the Achilles tendon. Since then, his efficiency has fallen sharply.

So some people say that the Warriors won a match, but Durant lost the future.

After the game, the general manager of warrior choked and confessed in front of the media. In the dressing room, Durant’s agent said to the media, “Tonight will be a night to change the alliance pattern”.

There is no doubt that as Durant, who also has a one-year personal option contract, this injury will definitely change Durant’s expected plan, become the beginning of a butterfly effect, and lift the pattern of the entire alliance.

Durant is one of the best scorers in the league and an undisputed superstar. He was injured and injured again, which aroused the discussion among the fans: is it really worth fighting with injuries?

You might as well look at the cases in NBA with injuries. For Chinese fans, the most impressive one must be the moment when Yao Ming returned from the playoffs. That was the second round of the NBA Western playoffs in 2009. The Rockets played against the Lakers.

In a breakthrough, Kobe collided with Yao Ming’s knee. Yao Ming, who was huge in size, fell to the ground in pain and got up for a long time. The team doctor of the rocket rushed and helped Yao Ming to go to the dressing room for examination. But when he reached the player channel, Yao Ming suddenly stopped. The rocket’s team doctor was surprised. Yao Ming touched his hands against the wall, moved his knees and turned directly to the stadium. The team doctor of the rocket hurriedly pulled Yao Ming: “Yao, how do you feel? Can you still play?” Yao Ming waved his hand. Yao Ming, who was limping, had already gone to the court before the team doctor recovered.

When Yao Ming walked back to the stadium, the whole Staples gave him warm applause without any hesitation. The Rockets team was inspired and infected, and all the people were soldiers. As a result, Yao Ming, who was injured, led the team to victory.

However, this forced battle aggravated Yao Ming’s injury, and Yao Ming’s already fragile knee could not be completely repaired. In the following games, Yao Ming could no longer reproduce the courage of that year and announced his retirement without playing a few games.

There is no doubt that Yao Ming is a hero, and the players with injuries are heroes. They are devotees who put the interests of the team above their personal interests. However, most of them unfortunately ruined their careers.

In NBA history, there have been Willys kings of Reed, McHale, little Thomas and Yao Ming returning, but Reed jumped on the court and fell off after playing for a few minutes; McHale forced on the court, as a result, the legs are not very sharp until now; Little Thomas was not cured and was sold to the knight by the team. This year, he could not even touch the ball in the Nuggets.

For professional athletes who have been in high-intensity confrontation for a long time, if they come back hastily, it will definitely affect their future career.

In this case, the management of mini truck and Spurs were in a mess in those years, and it became understandable that they were unwilling to return early. At that time, many fans condemned mini truck as a player without sense of honor. But now it seems that this is an extremely wise choice. After nearly a year of complete rehabilitation training, the mini truck who suffered serious injuries killed all parties in the NBA playoffs this year.

Look back to Durant. One of the questions that fans argue endlessly is: Is Durant coming back voluntarily or is it because of the pressure from the top of the club? There is no conclusive news about this matter, but a correct logic should be: it is great for players to voluntarily fight with injuries, which deserves praise. But players also have the obligation to be responsible for their actions and career. If they are not willing to be “heroes”, they should not be demanding. I believe that with today’s level of sports medicine, the club has the ability to make scientific and correct judgments before Durant goes out.

In the Kingdom of sports, everyone should not be required to be a hero.

The fifth match of the World Table Tennis Championships in Budapest, the national war of Japan was brilliant.

The fifth match of the World Table Tennis Championships in Budapest, the “civil war” of the Japanese National Games was brilliant

all the losses won were not finished yet……

On the fifth match day of the World Table Tennis Championships in Budapest, the “civil war” among the players of the Chinese Table Tennis Association has gradually become the main theme of the stadium. From Beijing time tonight to tomorrow morning, men’s singles, women’s singles and man pair will stage several contests between Chinese Table Tennis Association players.

Two “fat” competitors won

After Xu Xin, another country’s tiger general was hit by the cold, but this time it was lost in one of its own people. In the fourth round of the men’s singles of the Budapest World Table Tennis Championships held yesterday in Beijing time, Fan Zhendong, the number one seed, lost to Liang Jingkun, a teammate of 2 to 4, and failed to win the top 8.

Fan Zhendong was nicknamed “little fat” by the outside world, while Liang Jingkun’s nickname was “big fat”. Although they are of the same age, their circumstances are quite different. The 22-year-old Fan Zhendong became famous as a young man. Currently, Fan Zhendong ranks first in the singles world and is the champion of the two World Cups. This was his fourth time in the single world table tennis championships. Two years ago, he lost to Malone and won the runner-up.

Liang Jingkun, who is 3 months older than Fan Zhendong, has emerged for several years, but after several ups and downs, the world ranking has just reached the ninth place. Previously, he had only one world competition experience, that is, he stopped at the top 32 men’s singles in the 2015 World Table Tennis Championships. However, in the past half year, Liang Jingkun has risen rapidly. In the in-team trials at the beginning of March this year, he won the runner-up with 8 wins and 3 losses, and Fan Zhendong was the one who won the championship with all wins at that time.

In this fight between the two “fat”, Fan Zhendong was the first to strike. He won the first game 11-5. Liang Jingkun was not discouraged. Instead, he went down three games with 11 to 4, 11 to 8, and 11 to 9. Fan Zhendong, who had no way to retreat, gave a shot and pulled back a city 11 to 8. In the sixth game, the two fought fiercely. After the score rose to 7 levels alternately, Liang Jingkun scored 4 points in a row and locked the victory. Li Xiaodong, a member of the national team’s preparation for Olympic Games staff headquarters and famous coach, who served as a live guest, said: I have never seen Liang Jingkun play so smoothly.

After winning, Liang Jingkun was very excited. He said that he placed his psychological position very low and his mentality might be better. “After all, people are the first in the world. I want to fight for him. It is true that every point is bitten on the present.” He revealed that he was only trying to participate in the World Table Tennis Championships as a teenager four years ago, “this time he came with a goal.”

Fan Zhendong said bluntly that he “played not very well” and did not completely release his mental outlook. “when he was backward, he failed to go all out to mobilize. The whole person was too heavy and the ball was too slow, not particularly proactive.” He admitted that he had been suppressed by the other side and did not find a solution. “The first game was quite good. The second game was a few balloons. The score was pulled apart, and the third game began to be attacked by the other side.”

The first in the world admitted that because he had not won the world championship, he held great expectations on this trip, so he carried a psychological burden and had a somewhat conservative style on the court. “today, the psychological bottom line on the court is very high, it was suddenly broken by the other side, and there was no power to fight back.”

The couple won

Beijing time early this morning, Ding Ning/Fan Zhendong and Liu Shiwen/Xu Xin met in the semi-final. In the end, Liu Shiwen/Xu Xin defeated his teammates 4-0 and will compete with the mixed double champion team of the 2017 World Table Tennis Championships and the Japanese partner Kasumi Ishikawa/Jicun Zhenqing at 20 o’clock Beijing time today.

This mixed double semi-final between Chinese groups was not a “fair” competition from the beginning: Although Ding Ning and Fan Zhendong were both the highest in the world, as mixed double groups, they had very little time to practice together before the match. While Liu Shiwen/Xu Xin had been a partner for many times in the tour, and he was better in experience. In addition, although both Xu Zhen and Fan Zhendong were out of the men’s singles in this competition, first, there were differences in their expectations for singles. Second, Fan Zhendong took part in this mixed match on the day when they were out of the singles, it takes less time to adjust your mood.

On the whole, the main reason for the loss of “little chubby” combination was not Fan Zhendong’s low morale after he was out of the singles, but the Ding Ning/Fan Zhendong combination does not have the experience and cooperation in doubles. Although the local score is 0 to 4, the scores of the last two games are 11 to 13 and 14 to 16. The “little chubby” combination has been fighting until the end. Fan Zhendong said: “I communicated with Ding Ning before the competition. The fact is there. Singles really lost, but we will all do our best. After all, a project is a project, she also believes that I can adjust it.”

Mentality can be adjusted, but some problems in experience and tactics need time to be solved. The regret caused by this aspect was obvious in the Ding Ning/Fan Zhendong competition. In the game, they once fell behind 1-3 in the beginning, but overtook 8-4 in the end, but lost back in the end. All these need to be summarized. Although the two of them failed in this battle, they were at a disadvantage in the competition of mixed doubles in the Tokyo Olympic Games. However, judging from the needs of national football preparation for the Olympic Games, the combination of the two pairs was more insured only principal and deputy, however, in such a hasty combination, the “little chubby” combination did not completely lose the opportunity to enter Tokyo.

The battle for the future is still to be continued

After Liang Jingkun defeated Fan Zhendong, the “civil war” of China Table Tennis Association in this world table tennis championships also came one after another, on the fifth match day, two thrilling “China derby” were also staged in women’s singles and mixed doubles “. Among them, the strength is closer and the confrontation is more intense, which is the “future battle” between Sun Yingsha and Wang manzhang, two national generals “.

The two young generals had fought in the international competition five times before. Sun Yingsha won two victories in 2017, while Wang Manji won two of the three victories in 2018, there is a great trend of coming back to the top. As an excellent young player emerging in the past two years of Chinese table tennis women’s singles, Sun Yingsha and Wang Manji have almost the same overall strength, which is also reflected in the process of the competition. Generally, the average score of both sides in each game of table tennis is about 20 points, but Sun Yingsha and Wang manzhang played 82 points in the first three games, with an average score of 27 points per game, the intensity can be seen.

Unfortunately, Sun Yingsha ended up with 2 to 4, but she once got the game point in three games, one was the second game, one was the third game, and the other was the fifth game. If she wins these three games, she will obviously have an advantage in the game, and the outcome of the game may also change accordingly. However, Sun Yingsha finally only won the second and fifth games, but failed to win the third game, which was the most critical to the whole game trend. In that game, she once led by 10 to 8, but unfortunately, the handling of key points was not meticulous enough, especially the success rate of forehand straight-line assault was not high, finally, Wang manzhang won the game with a 21-19 reversal. In the following game, Sun Yingsha’s momentum was affected, and he lost another game 6 to 11. The balance of winning and losing was inclined to Wang Manzhen.

However, there are still waves in the subsequent competition. After leading 3 to 1, Wang Manji’s thought also fluctuated. After being recovered by Sun Yingsha, she fell behind in the sixth game. If Sun Yingsha didn’t play well at the end of the sixth game, I am afraid that this game will enter the final.

In fact, both Wang Manji who won the game and Sun Yingsha who lost the game, as the players who participated in the world table tennis singles for the first time, their performance was quite outstanding: Wang Manji could continue to move forward, she will compete with Chen Meng for the final opportunity; Sun Yingsha defeated the main threat of Chinese women’s sports women’s sports team on the way to promotion, and the Japanese player ITO Meicheng. It is believed that the duel between them will be staged many times in the future. As the future force of the women line of the national republic of china, this “youth struggle” has just begun.

Our reporter Li Yuanfei Wang smiled

the important results of singles on the fifth match day

□ men’s singles 1/8 final

Lin Gaoyuan 4-0 Zheng Rongzhi (South Korea)

An Zaixian (South Korea) 4 to 2 Zhang benzhihe (Japan)

Zhang Yuzhen (South Korea) 4 to 0 bohr (Germany) (withdrawal)

Falk (Sweden) 4-to-1 Li shangzhu (South Korea)

□ women’s singles 1/4 final

Ding Ning 4-to-1 Hirano Meiyu (Japan)

Liu Shiwen 4-to-1 Kato meiyou (Japan)

Chen Meng 4 to 2 Du Kai (Hong Kong, China)