Osaka Zhimei announces parting with coach

Xinhua News Agency, Tokyo, February 12th, Japan’s women’s tennis General and Osaka Zhimei, the world’s number one, announced through social media on the 12th that she had parted ways with Saasha Ba Jin, the coach who had cooperated for more than a year, but she did not disclose the specific reasons.

“Hello everyone, I will no longer cooperate with Sascha. I am very grateful for his efforts and hope everything will be fine in the future.” The 21-year-old Osaka Zhimei said.

Ba Jin was awarded the annual Best Coach of the International Association of Women’s Tennis (WTA) in 2018. This time he also responded through social media: “I wish you all the best. This is really a wonderful journey. Thank you for making me a part of it.”

Osaka Zhimei has gained a lot in the past year. She first won the Grand Slam trophy of women’s singles for the first time last beautiful grenadine, and at the beginning of this year she won the championship of women’s singles in the Australian Open, ranking first in the world.

China city sports league launch

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, January 22, in order to implement the national strategy of national fitness, improve and promote the consumption system and mechanism, and actively promote the leading role of the government, towns, enterprises, institutions, communities, etc. in national fitness, the press conference of China City Sports League (hereinafter referred to as “league”) and the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China · The launching ceremony of China City Sports League was held in Beijing on the 21st.

This league is initiated and hosted by the Reform and Development Center of Chinese cities and small towns, and jointly initiated and hosted by Beijing Huayuan Sunshine Sports Industry Development Co., Ltd.

Wang Jinsong, deputy director of the reform and development center of Chinese cities and small towns, said in his speech that in recent years, the scale of sports industry has been continuously expanding, which is related to culture, tourism, medical treatment, Internet, the integration of finance and other fields is deepening day by day, and the development of sports industry has become an important starting point for urban development, brand building and influence dissemination. As a high-end think tank of new urbanization, the reform and development center of Chinese cities and small towns takes the lead in hosting the China City Sports League, promoting the national fitness campaign and boosting the high-quality development of the city.

Zhao Yue, vice president of China Health Industry Investment Fund, pointed out in his speech that the development of sports can actively serve the development of the city and stimulate the vitality of the city. The holding of China City sports league is not only the embodiment of the functions of the reform and development center of Chinese cities and small towns, but also the requirement of the development of national fitness, thus promoting the vigorous development of the health industry.

This league matches take the original basketball game of the reform and development center of Chinese cities and small towns as the core and template. According to the characteristics of sports development in cities around the country, ice and snow, baseball, chess, sailing, football, sports events such as fans and bicycles. The league spans five years and will last until December 2023. During this period, a “City Sports Development Forum” will be held in December every year, inviting celebrities from all walks of life to seek common ideas for the development of city sports and praising outstanding city events.

The League matches are divided into four dimensions, “China City sports league”, “China small town sports league”, “China Financial System sports league” and “China community sports league” are carried out simultaneously. In each participating city, the league will create a collection of city sports finance roadshow, City Sports Development Seminar, various sports events, cultural activities, city Enterprise Hiking Conference and other links in one of the sports carnival ceremony.

The organizer said that it will also promote the combination of sports events and precise poverty alleviation. In 2019, the league plan will select no less than 5 poverty-stricken counties as participating counties or holding counties. Through participating in and holding competitions, expand influence, further stimulate the consumption of local tourism and local characteristic products (especially agricultural products), boost the development of tourism industry and promote consumption poverty alleviation.

World Men’s Volleyball League Portugal China Team 0:3 negative Brazil

Xinhua News Agency, Lisbon, June 15 (Reporter Chen Baiqiao) in the 15th match of the world men’s volleyball league Portugal in 2019, the Chinese men’s volleyball team lost 0:3 to Brazil, which ranked first in the world, and suffered four consecutive defeats.

The starting and playing of the Chinese men’s volleyball team were basically the same on the same day. Dai Qingyao and Liu Libin served as the main attack, Rao Shuhan and Chen Longhai served as the deputy attack, and they responded to Jiang Chuan. The second story was Zhan Guojun, only Ma Xiaoteng replaced Tong Jiahua in the position of free man.

The Brazilian team had a huge advantage in the threat of serve. After the opening, they scored six points in a row, and successively entered the technical suspension with 8:3 and 16:7 outscore. Chen Longhai and Wang Zheng once scored two points in a row, but the Brazilian team still relied on the 17:5 offensive scoring advantage to win the first game at 25:15.

The Brazilian team started with 8:5 in the second game, and then expanded its leading edge with 16:10. During this period, Dai Qingyao and Liu Libin, the two main attacks of the Chinese team, won several attacks. Jiang Chuan also scored a post-attack score. The Brazilian team played 25 with the outstanding performance of star player lucareli: 18 win another round.

In the third game, the Chinese team strengthened the block, which brought a lot of pressure to the Brazilian team. After the two sides fought to 4 draws, the Brazilian team won three points and took the lead in the technical suspension at 8:6. Santos scored in the serve round in a row. The Chinese team caught up with the 12:19 lag. Liu Libin and Chen longhailian scored two points. The Brazilian team failed to challenge Chinese players to touch the net, and the Chinese team once again scored three points. Liu Libin’s post-attack score chased the score to 20:22, and the Brazilian team requested to suspend. Although Jiang Chuan scored two points in the block and hanging Ball, Alan and Douglas fought hard. Brazil won the third game at 25:22 and won a big score of 3:0.

The Chinese men’s volleyball team will face Serbia, the last rival of Portugal station on the 16th.

Why did the “chemical reaction” happen to science and technology enterprises, the Premier League and the new Army of China and B “?

Xinhua News Agency, Chengdu, February 21 (reporter Li Hualiang, Xue Chen, Wang Haoming) a family of industrial intelligence and service robot enterprises, a rapidly rising Premier League in recent years, a new army in China’s low-level league…… These three seem to be out of reach for eight or pole, and their respective cities are far apart. Recently, they have come together. How did the “chemical reaction” occur between them?

You must choose Science and Technology, City Football Group and China jianteng sports industry fund recently held a press conference in Chengdu, Sichuan, announcing the joint acquisition of China-B Sichuan Jiuniu football club. According to relevant sources who did not want to be named, the proportion of large shareholder’s holding is relatively close, and you must choose the largest shareholder among them.

Headquartered in Shenzhen, youzhixuan Technology was established in 2012. It is a high-tech enterprise integrating artificial intelligence and service robot research and development, platform software development and application, and product sales. China jianteng sports industry fund was jointly established by Chinese culture group and Sequoia Capital in 2017, focusing on investment in sports industry, especially the establishment of IP and long-term sustainable development, it is the focus of its investment.

City Football Group owns many football clubs around the world, especially Manchester City, the new Premier League rising in recent years. In addition to Manchester City, it also includes Australian Super Melbourne City, Major League New York City, Japan J League Yokohama F. Marinos and other clubs, most of which are in the top leagues in their respective locations. However, the acquired Sichuan Jiuniu was established soon, and it entered the big list of China B in the 2018 season, ranking the 24th in the end.

Why did you choose to buy a low-level league team? Zhou Jian, CEO of Youbi technology, said: “Sichuan Jiuniu’s main player is Sichuan nationality. We are very optimistic about the future development potential of Sichuan Jiuniu. Compared with yesterday and today, we care more about tomorrow. I think we have this opportunity to lay a good foundation and step by step.”

In the view of City Football Group CEO Feran Soriano, this acquisition is “a natural extension of the existing strategy” of City Football Group “. He said: “This investment in China has always been our dream. We have been working towards this goal continuously in the past four or five years. We firmly believe that China has great opportunities, can play an important role in the world football field. This is a very good starting point. We think Sichuan needs an excellent football club. Our goal is to develop Sichuan’s football industry and hope to train some young football players, to cultivate this market.”

Among the three acquiring parties, excellent technology seems to be the most “distant” from the sports field, but in fact, this technology company has already set foot in the football field, it signed the strategic cooperation agreement with Manchester City for the first time in October, 2016, and announced the continuation of strategic cooperation in August, 2018. Excellent robot products have appeared in Manchester City’s home court and activities planned for Manchester City fans.

“The development of football has no longer relied on simple hard training as in the past, but also needs the support of technology and data behind it. We should look at football from a cross-industry perspective.” Zhou Jian gave an example: “For example, in the future, artificial intelligence system can help coaches manage players and quantify the impact of players’ behaviors on goals by learning a large number of competition data in daily training, at the same time, the overall situation of the players is evaluated and their future performance is predicted. In actual matches, there is also an opportunity to help the coach formulate and update the game strategy in time.”

According to Zhou Jian, among the three parties jointly acquired, excellent science and technology and China jianteng sports industry fund will be mainly responsible for commercialization and football popularization, city Football Group will be mainly responsible for the team’s work in professional fields such as competitions and training.

In the view of the acquirer, “youth training” and “sustainability” are the key words of Sichuan Jiuniu’s future development. Feran Soriano said: “I hope to help Sichuan Jiuniu become one of the top clubs in China. This cannot be achieved overnight, so we will support the development of Sichuan Jiuniu in a sustainable way. We will have a correct rhythm to provide the club with the necessary resources to keep it steady every step. Our investment is not only money, but also experts, professional knowledge, technology, etc. We will ensure that athletes can receive the same training as in Manchester City, and can reach the same training level as our other clubs.”

“Chinese football can not break the future by taking money, but needs to establish a comprehensive, professional and healthy system starting from youth training.” Zhou Jian said that in addition to continuously providing excellent players, youth training is also an important way to support long-term development in the future. Chinese football often invests heavily at the club level, but excellent science and technology and other partners believe that we should start from the foundation, truly move towards the capital market, self-actualize, and achieve a longer-term development in the future.

There are reports that Neymar’s price fell sharply in the transfer market.

Xinhua News Agency, Rio de Janeiro, June 10 (reporter Zhao Yan) the international sports research center in Switzerland released a report on the 10th, saying that due to injuries and personal troubles this year, brazilian star Neymar of Paris Saint Germain club fell sharply in the transfer market.

The report said that Neymar was worth nearly 0.213 billion euros (1 euro is about 7.76 yuan) before the injury in January this year, but now it is 0.15 billion euros at most.

Although the valuation given to Neymar by the Portal “transfer market”, which specializes in player transactions, is still 0.18 billion euros, the same as that at the beginning of the year, but it also pointed out that the inability to participate in America’s Cup would reduce its value.

According to the statistics of France’s “Team news”, Neymar, who transferred from Barcelona to “Greater Paris” with 0.222 billion euros in that year, has represented only 51.8 percent of the team since 2017. In the same period of time, the appearance rate of Macy on behalf of the club was 87%, and that of Ronaldo (Ronaldo) was 77%.

Neymar suffered constant injuries after joining Paris Saint Germain. After a right ankle injury in last February, he returned to Brazil for surgery and barely played until the World Cup. At the end of January this year, his old injury recurred and he took conservative treatment, and the competition was suspended for 10 weeks. At the warm-up match between Brazil and Qatar earlier this month, his right ankle ligament broke, so he missed the Copa America.

Warrior star Durant is sure to miss the first game of the finals

NBA Golden State Warriors coach Cole said in an interview on the 27th that team forward Kevin Durant was not sure to miss the first game of the finals due to leg injury.

Xinhua News Agency, Washington, May 27, NBA Golden State Warriors coach Cole said in an interview on the 27th that team forward Kevin Durant was not sure to miss the first game of the finals due to leg injury.

Durant accidentally injured his right leg and missed the subsequent match in the fifth game of the Warriors’s Western semi-final against Houston Rockets. However, the Warriors still won the series against the Rockets in the sixth game and swept the Portland Trail Blazers into the finals.

“KD (Durant) will not play in the first game of the finals.” Cole said in an interview after the team training on the 27th. “We will continue to observe the situation. The interval between the finals is relatively long, which is helpful to us.”

Cole said that he had not yet decided whether to let Durant go to Toronto with the team. He said that Durant had already started to do some shooting exercises, but did not carry out full-load training.