The fourth day of the national championship: Sun Yang Sanchuang is the best in the world

Data Picture: Sun Yang interacts with little fans. Photo by Hu Yaojie

China News Service, Qingdao, March 27 (Ma Yuanhao) the 2019 National Swimming Championship ended its fourth match day in Qingdao on the evening of 27th. Sun Yang, the captain of the Chinese swimming team and Olympic champion, won the third championship in the men’s 800 m freestyle final with the world’s first good result this year.

After the game, Sun Yang said that this success was inseparable from returning to the master. In the final of the men’s 50 m breaststroke, Yan Zibei, the “frog king” who broke the national record in the semi-final of the project, won the championship with good results of the national record.

The men’s 800-meter freestyle in the Battle of the day was one of Sun Yang’s strengths. He once won the gold medal in the three world championships in 2011, 2013 and 2015. In the final, Sun Yang opened a 2-second advantage with other players at 100 meters, and opened the gap to 8 seconds later. Finally, Sun Yang won the championship with the world’s best score at 7 minutes 48 seconds 03 this year. This is also Sun Yang’s third and third-degree creation in the world.

“This year’s performance, travel, frequency, and effect are better than last year, indicating that Zhu instructed me to be effective this year and a half.” Sun Yang told the reporter with a smile, “my aerobic capacity is well consolidated and recovered well. My biggest feeling is that I can swim more easily than last year’s Asian Games. I can swim according to the rhythm of medium and long distance, which shows that the training requirements of some time ago have reached the expected goal, let me look forward to the next stage of training and competition.”

In the men’s 50 m breaststroke semi-final, Yan Zibei, who refreshed the national record in 26 seconds and 96 seconds, won the championship in the final again with the result of drawing the national record. This result is far from the famous Japanese breaststroke, the Asian record created by Xiaoguan, the three gold medalist of Jakarta breaststroke, was only 0.02 seconds short.

In the final of the women’s 200 m freestyle, Yang Junzhen, the silver medal winner and general of the Jakarta Asian Games, successfully defended his title at 1 minute 56 seconds 90. Li blinger, the champion of the Jakarta Asian Games, picked silver at a weak disadvantage of 0.41 seconds.

The men’s 200-meter butterfly, Li Zhu Di, the famous Chinese butterfly, picked silver at 1 minute 57 seconds, and Wang Zhou, the Shanghai teenager, won the crown with a slight advantage of 0.04 seconds.

Women’s 50 backstroke semi-final. Fu Yuanhui, a “Red Girl” with two gold medals in this championship, advanced to the final with a total score of 27 seconds 87. “There is no feeling of” rolling “the opponent in the game. I feel that the state is picking up a little bit.” Fu Yuanhui said. (Finished)

Beijing cross-country skiing points Grand Prix ended

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, March 4 (reporter Shan Lei Jing Tian Zhang Yi) after finishing the competitions of Bird’s Nest Station and Shougang station, the 4-day and 3-day Grand Prix of 2019’s first group · International snow Federation China Beijing cross-country skiing points officially ended at Yanqing station on the 4th. Norwegian player Harvard Solas won the three-stop men’s championship, Swedish player Lynne somska won the three-stop women’s championship, and Chinese female player dinigel shiramu Jiang ranked eighth in the total score of the three-stop.

The track of Yanqing station is set around Badaling International Convention and Exhibition Center. Due to the large number of corners, the application level of techniques and tactics such as over-bending skills of players is very tested. After a full rest, the Chinese players once again launched an impact on the medal, but in the end, no Chinese male players were shortlisted for the quarter-finals.

In terms of Chinese women players, dinigel shiramujiang slipped out of the semi-final with a score of 3 minutes 6 seconds 23 and failed to enter the final with a disadvantage of 0.05 seconds, another Chinese female player, Barani Garin, entered the quarter-finals with the third place in the preliminary match, but fell unexpectedly in the match.

After the game, dinigel shiramujiang said that lack of experience in the game was the biggest reason for failing to enter the final. “Although I have some regrets, I am satisfied with the overall performance of these three stations. After finishing the domestic competition, I will accompany the team to Norway for training, hoping to win greater honor for my motherland in the future.” She said.

Variation of Evergrande foot School”

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, April 7th issue: “variations” of Evergrande Football School

Xinhua News Agency reporter Gongbing, Wang Haoming, jinghuai Bridge

founded in 2012, set up a Spanish branch in 2014, implementation of the “one-stop” mode; In 2018, all free enrollment began, and only elite students were recruited…… Evergrande Football School in the reform and upgrading is performing a “variation”.

Xinhua News Agency reporter recently visited the world’s largest boarding foot School which was certified by Guinness. Children sweated like rain on the court and listened attentively in class, this school gives people the impression of being ordinary and not ordinary.

“One-stop” mode

The president of Evergrande Football School introduced ya-Jun Wang that Evergrande realized at the beginning of entering the Chinese football field that the bottleneck of Chinese football development was that the football population was too small and excellent young talents were extremely scarce. Therefore, the main purpose of the establishment of foot School is to expand the football population. The number of students in the school once reached 2800, including both elite students and ordinary students, among which ordinary students include children with little football foundation.

“We became a foothold school in 2012 and a Spanish Branch School was established in 2014. In just two years, we explored the” one-stop “mode of domestic cultivation and foreign studies. Our foreign teacher comes from Real Madrid, and children can accept the cultivation of world football powers without going abroad. Since the age of 13, we have chosen the best 25 children to study in overseas branches for five years every year. Children from 7 to 10 years old who entered school in 2012 are now 14 to 17 years old in Spain. Some people say that the youth training of Evergrande has not achieved much yet. In fact, we have already entered the first team of Evergrande. This year, there will be bugrahan, Cai Mingmin and Luo Han Bowen, zhang Linyan, who was born in 2001, was elected to the national team of adult women’s football last year and appeared on the stage.” Ya-Jun Wang said.

“We believe that the” one-stop Dragon “model conforms to the rules of training Chinese youth football talents. Chinese children generally have poor Football Foundation and awareness. No matter in terms of body or confrontation, Spanish football style is suitable for Chinese players. This model has been implemented for nearly five years, and the effect is very good. We have trained more than 3,000 young people at all levels. Even if these children return to the local area, they will be helpful to the revitalization of campus football and the improvement of the overall level of Chinese football.”

Free enrollment

In 2018, Evergrande Football School began to recruit students for free. “free” covers learning, training, competitions and daily food and clothing.

Why did you make this kind of reform? Ya-Jun Wang said that with the increasing dividends of football reform and the development of campus football, youth training institutions and club echelon, the youth football population gradually expanded. Evergrande Football School changed its thinking and only recruited talents, elite students with good foundation.

Free means the cost increases. “It is estimated that each child spends more than 500000 yuan per year, especially in training and competition.” Ya-Jun Wang introduction.

Lack of matches, especially high-level matches, is the bottleneck hindering the development of Chinese football. To this end, Evergrande began to hold the International Football Championship in 2018, inviting the intercontinental champion or the top 100 club echelon (U17) to participate in the competition, it aims to give Chinese players the opportunity to compete with the world’s first-class youth training teams, provide display opportunities for players with outstanding abilities and talents, and also provide a testing stage for coaches to explore and cultivate players. The championship will not only bloom in China, but also be held in Madrid, where the Spanish campus is located, providing high-level competition opportunities for “further study” children. According to ya-Jun Wang, Evergrande will invest 50 million yuan every year in the Madrid championship.

“Small age (under 13 years old), we guarantee at least 40 games a year. About 50 matches between 13 and 16 years old. About 60 games over 16 years old.”

The Third International Championship will be held in football school on April 8. The Madrid Championship has two seasons each year, covering four ages from U14 to U17. Each age group can play 48 games. In addition to other invitational competitions, there are 55-60 games a year, which is in line with the number of international top youth training events, “We have given corresponding incentives to ensure that the opponents (Madrid Championship) are not coping. Now the winning rate is probably above 55%, which indicates that the children in our Spanish campus are still good.” Ya-Jun Wang said.

The survival of the fittest “Wen Wu” simultaneously

the capable, the mediocre.

It is not uncommon for a team to be adjusted out of Evergrande Football School due to lack of ability. For this, some children choose to stay while others leave. This kind of pressure virtually improves the competition among children.

Zhao Yueming from Beijing is a team leader of the 2008 age group. After entering the football school in 2016, he changed from a striker to a central defender. At first he didn’t want to play this position, but now he has gradually adapted. His physical quality is outstanding, he is tall, one-on-one defensive ability and high-altitude ball handling ability are outstanding, and he has a long shot ability, which has become the magic needle of the team.

Even so, he is still worried about whether he can keep his main position. This may be one of the reasons why he still wants to move his feet and watch TV and always choose “world football” in his spare time. Fan chuanxia, the accompanying mother, had the same worry. Once other children came for trial training, she would often inquire about where to play and whether it would pose a threat to her son.

Fortunately, his son’s cultural performance is good, which makes fan chuanxia feel at ease. In addition, the foot School and Wuhan University of Science and Technology jointly established the football college. Some colleges and universities are specially recruited. Players from overseas branches can apply for foreign preparatory courses, fan chuanxia was not worried about his son’s way out.

“My son once told me that even if he can’t play in the future, (with knowledge reserve) he can also be a coach, referee and football narrator.”

However, fan chuanxia still hopes his son can kick it out after all. As a member of the team, Zhao Yueming is likely to go to Spain for further study. Fan chuanxia is also ready to go abroad to study in the future.

Evergrande Football School has paid attention to the study of cultural courses since its founding, and specially recruited teachers. The daily courses are mainly cultural courses and supplemented by football courses.

Liu Zhenhua, who teaches junior high school English, is a member of about 160 cultural teachers in foot School. He started playing football at the age of 7. He once represented his hometown team in the Sichuan provincial competition and was also a football referee. The identity of “knowing the ball” brings convenience to his teaching, “I can combine teaching with football scenes to facilitate students’ understanding”.

“I am often asked if playing football will affect my study?” Liu Zhenhua said, “In fact, children who are good at playing football often learn well; Moreover, we study in culture classes as well as ordinary schools, and our English scores are similar to the average scores of Qingyuan fresh district where the school is located.”

However, the children in the foot School will indeed not be able to attend classes completely normally due to going out to competitions, and the foot school has introduced a supplementary class system for this purpose. For example, when students are absent from class for more than ten days and go out in a team, they will send teachers to follow the team for guidance. At the end of the supplementary course, the teaching department checks the supplementary lesson plans and students’ practice review, and issues an analysis report based on the students’ mid-term and final exam results, and feeds back the inspection results to the teaching department for inclusion in the teacher assessment. For children, if they want to play football and learn a good harvest, they must improve their learning ability and time management ability.

Former Real Madrid famous player Ricardo started to be the competition training director of Real Madrid foreign teacher team in football school last year. He hoped that children would like football and enjoy football, emphasize the team concept, and look forward to “cultivating teammates around stars”.

“Many players in the same group with Macy are excellent, and they give him enough support on the growth path of Macy. The same is true for Ronaldo. The growth of superstars is not isolated, and he also benefits from the help of his excellent teammates around him.”

He also mentioned one of the ways to improve competition-putting children of two or even three ages in one group and advocating “playing big with small”.

The Chinese coach Ma Shuai of the first team of the 2008 age group was deeply touched by what Ricardo said. He said that Spanish football attached great importance to the shaping of Team consciousness and the training content was very rich. “compared with adult training, our training may (strength) be slightly smaller, but there is no difference in the complexity of the scene”. (Finished)

Sarah crashed plane pilot “may” operate illegally

Xinhua News Agency, London, February 25 (Reporter Prince Jiang) the British aviation accident investigation bureau revealed on the 25th that the pilot of the crashed plane carrying Argentine football player Sarah did not have a commercial flight license, yogueta was charged from the shuttle trip to Sarah, which was illegal.

According to an interim investigation report, the pilot David Eberson’s driver’s license is a private driver’s license, which means that he cannot “carry passengers with compensation”, but according to British law, passengers on his plane can share his related expenses. The report revealed that it is impossible to confirm the nature of Sarah’s trip.

The so-called cost sharing means that the people who take the plane can share the fuel cost, floor fee and other related costs with the pilots. The investigation found that Eberson did share the flight cost with other passengers before.

According to the report, according to the principle of cost sharing, this plane is illegal if it is only used to transport Sarah himself.

The investigation report also showed that Sarah’s plane was seriously damaged, breaking into three sections at the bottom of the sea, and the engine was split into two. Because the pilot’s driver’s license cannot be found, investigators cannot determine the flight time of Eberson within 28 days to 90 days before the accident, which is usually an important data for aircraft accident investigation. However, the investigation report also revealed that the 59-year-old Eberson has rich experience in flying. He holds a private driver’s license from Britain and America, and the flight time is about 3700 hours.

It is revealed that the British aviation accident investigation bureau will continue to conduct a deeper investigation into the accident.

Sarah, who previously played for the French Nant team, switched to Cardiff City, the Premier League team, in the winter transfer window. On January 21, on his way back to Cardiff after visiting former Nant teammates, the small plane lost contact with radar over the ENGLINE Strait. On February 4th, the wreckage of the plane was found, and Sarah’s body was also salvaged to sea, but the search and rescue personnel never found the remains of pilot Eberson. (Finished)

China Table Tennis Association announced the list of world championships, Ma Long and Ding Ning led the battle

Data Picture: table tennis player Malone is in the competition picture Source: visual China

China News Agency, Beijing, March 8 (Ma Yuanhao) The China Table Tennis Association announced on the official website the list of the 2019 Budapest World Table Tennis Championships on the 8th. The men’s team captain Ma Long and the women’s team captain Ding Ning will lead Fan Zhendong, Xu Xin, Liu Shiwen, chen Meng and others went to war.

The Trials of the World Table Tennis Championships were held in Shenzhen in early March. On the evening of the 8th, China Table Tennis Association announced the list of participants.

In terms of men’s singles, Malone who withdrew from the trials due to injury appeared at the top of the list of 5 men’s singles. Fan Zhendong, who won the men’s singles champion in the trials, was also shortlisted with the Olympic champions Xu Xin, Lin Gaoyuan and Liang Jingkun, who won the runner-up in the trials.

Affected by knee injury, Malone was absent from the World Cup, the Swedish Open, the Austrian Open, the year-end finals of the International Table Tennis Federation and the Hungarian Open at the beginning of this year. Liu Guoliang, chairman of China Table Tennis Association, once said that Malone’s knee injury far exceeded expectations. He had told Malone to raise the injury well and must recover completely before returning.

After the World Table Tennis Championships trials, Qin Zhizhen, the head coach of the men’s team, said Malone recovered well and had been training all the time. Malone also expressed his wish to participate in the world table tennis championships in an interview with the International Table Tennis Federation: “I am still confident to participate in the World Table Tennis Championships for the current recovery.” Now he has been successfully selected, and Malone, who has won the men’s singles championship of the World Table Tennis Championships twice, will launch an impact on three successive championships.

In addition, Malone will also play man pair games with young general Wang Chuqin. The other pair of man pair is Liang Jingkun/Lin Gaoyuan.

In terms of women’s singles, Ding Ning, the treble of the World Table Tennis Championships, took the Olympic champion Liu Shiwen, the core main force Chen Meng, the minor general Wang Manqi and Sun Yingsha to fight.

Zhu Yuling, the main force of the women’s team who ranked only sixth in the trials and ranked second in the world, did not appear in the women’s singles list this time, but played in the women’s double match with Chen Meng’s partner. Another pair of women’s pairs is Wang Manqi/Sun Yingsha.

Mixed doubles is a new project in Tokyo Olympic Games, and only one pair of combinations can be submitted to participate in the Olympic Games. Therefore, Liu Guoliang is regarded as the “most dangerous” project and said that two to three sets of plans will be formulated, ensure that the preparation process is foolproof. In this World Table Tennis Championships, the Table Tennis Association sent two pairs of world champions, Xu Xin/Liu Shiwen and Fan Zhendong/Ding Ning, to form a “double insurance”. The former once won the championship in the mixed doubles of the Austrian Open and the Hungarian Open.

According to the regulations, before the deadline of April 18, China Table Tennis Association also retains the right to fine-tune the entry list. (Finished)

How can the 2019 Super League meet the “inflection point” when the new season starts “?

The start-up period of the Chinese Super League has reached more than 9 months. The whole competition will be prepared with the national character.

How does 2019 Super League meet the inflection point “?

The grand curtain of the 2019 Super League will officially open tonight.

Against the background that the national team and the Olympic team respectively started the new cycle FIFA World Cup qualification and the Olympic preliminary, the Super League cycle this season has been extended to an unprecedented 9 months, the whole event will also be run around the focus of “preparing for war with the national character. However, practice has proved that all this should not be at the cost of “sacrificing the interests of the League.

From the perspective of Evergrande and Tianhai “hoarding” state-owned players, to China and heguoan, one side’s efforts to recruit soldiers and buy horses, and then to the “price reduction does not reduce” of various brigade recruitment, the competition in the Super League is still surging this season.

In the face of all kinds of governance measures launched by the Chinese Football Association, all clubs set off brainstorming and flexible response. They all have “ideas” for the competition in the Chinese Super League in the new season “. Investors know a truth very well-only by keeping the quality of the league at a higher level can they be full of the strength of each national character, and the success of each national character team on the international front can constitute a beneficial feedback to the league.

The 2019 season is of extraordinary significance to the Chinese Super League. If the operation is not effective, the glitz piled up by strong aid and Kingyuan will be broken. Investors will re-examine the advantages and disadvantages of investing in football, chinese professional football may usher in a “turning point”.

Watch one

Span for more than 9 months

The main distribution of national team is concentrated

The talk about “national character playing Super League” finally ended in rumors. However, different from the 2018 season, the 2019 season is the beginning of FIFA World Cup qualification in 2022 and the start of the 2020 Olympic preliminary. The national men’s football team and the National Olympic men’s football team, which respectively carry the heavy responsibility of the two major competitions of Chinese football, are the pillars of the Chinese Super League except for a few members who play for overseas and Chinese club. At the end of last year, the sports management department clearly took “national football impact on the 2022 World Cup” as the focus of this year’s work. Therefore, it is not difficult to understand that Evergrande club has successively signed five former U23 national football main forces and Tianhai club’s actions of collecting several outstanding U25 age groups after the end of the Asian Cup. No matter whether the two teams are the legendary “National Football Training Team 1 and Team 2”, their leaders will inevitably play the main force of the future national football and the role of beneficial supplement.

In the 2019 season, the span of the Chinese Super League has reached an unprecedented 9 months, and the arrangement of reaching an average of about 3 weeks in each intermission is obviously to cooperate with the preparation and competition of the national team and the Olympic team this year. This arrangement provides a buffer space for clubs to deal with various competitions, but it is also precisely because the national character teams are facing frequent training, the rhythm of the league is disrupted, and injuries are inevitable. Coupled with the uneven distribution of international players, the fairness of league competition may also be affected. The resulting disputes may also rise one after another.

Point 2

Evergrande wants to build an all-China class”

Can you break through the tight enemy

After Shanggang broke Evergrande’s monopoly on the championship for seven seasons last year, the competition for the Super League championship this season was obviously very “chewed”. Judging from the information transmitted by the winter transfer market, the defending champion Shanggang did not introduce any domestic or foreign aid in the export of four local players including the top scorer Wu Lei last season. This may be related to the Chinese Football Association’s restriction on club investment through “cap. However, the capabilities of foreign aid groups Hulk, Oscar, ahldoff and Elkerson are at least in the leading position in the alliance.

Like last season, the competition camp for the championship of the Chinese Super League this season has remained stable. In addition to going to Hong Kong, China heguoan, who has gained the upper hand in the transfer market this year and initiated the introduction of naturalized players in China, obviously does not meet the “Cup Champions”. They are the same as Evergrande and Luneng, for this year’s League Championship is full of longing.

If there is any new idea in this year’s championship competition, it is a big point whether Evergrande, which aims to build a team with “All-China Class”, can break through other internal and external aid lineups to stabilize competitors. After releasing three strong foreign aid players, Alan, Kim Young-Gwon and Golat, Evergrande, who appeared in this year’s Super League, kept only two foreign aid teams according to the new team rules. Even though Paulino and tariska have outstanding personal abilities, if the local players are not powerful, they will still find it difficult to rebuild the overbearing industry. After introducing five former U23 international players, the local camp of Evergrande team in the new season has completed a relatively large transformation. However, whether the newcomers can be grounded and whether the old and new forces are in place is not only related to the competitive prospect of Evergrande team, but also related to the restructuring of the national team in the future.

Point 3

Small and Medium Teams strengthen recruitment

The degree of competition is more intense.

The division of competition camps in the league matches is relatively clear and different from that in previous years. Although the appeals of the Chinese Super League teams in the 2019 season are different, except for several elite teams with outstanding comprehensive capabilities, they are in the middle, the boundaries between teams at the downstream level are not very clear.

Last year, the promotion team even became the most “crazy” team in the recruitment market this year, except for China, heguoan, Evergrande and Tianhai. However, many middle and small club teams, including the promotion horse Dreher, are no less than old-brand teams in terms of preparation and recruitment. Therefore, despite the competition between champions and Asian champions, it is difficult for them to determine their positions in the league. Because there are relatively few players drawn by the national character number, some even have no personnel drawn and do not need to be distracted on the international front, it is very beneficial for the team to concentrate on playing the league.

Liaozu, Yanbian Fude, Guizhou Hengfeng and Changchun Yatai, who were downgraded from the Super League in 2017 and 2018, were not the promotion teams of the Super League in the current season. This fact proves to some extent that “professional football is difficult to recover from the poor”, and also shows that the degree of fierce competition in the premier league of the chinese super league is no less than the battle for champions and asian champions league tickets. After the crash of last year’s Grade protection, one party successively introduced local generals such as Zheng Long, Zhao Xuri, Zhao Mingjian and Li Jianbin this year, and bought out Qin Sheng and Yang Shanping. In terms of foreign aid, in addition to retaining the World Cup international players like Carrasco, it also supplements the first-class foreign aid like hamsike and Boateng, which has a great potential of “restructuring Dalian Football. Besides Tianjin Tianhai, its local rival TEDA also introduced German shooter Wagner. Although the other non-winning hot teams have different strengths and directions, they have also made some achievements. Both the deep foot and the Dreher upgrading teams have also done their homework for “standing feet.

Highlight 4

4 Local coaches

Can you keep strong foreign aid?

With the closing of the domestic winter transfer window for the 2019 season on February 28, all the travelers of the Chinese Super League, including the coach, have also been confirmed. This season, the competition pattern of the coach who is “surrounded by foreign handsome” remains unchanged, with only four local coaches sitting on the team’s handsome position. They are Luneng coach Li Xiaopeng, Tianhai coach Shen Xiangfu, Jianye coach Wang Baoshan and Dreher coach Li Tie.

Four local coaches are at different ages and are recognized as the best local coaches. Among them, Li Xiaopeng broke through the surrounding of foreign teachers last year after “70” and won the title of the best coach in the season. His success undoubtedly also gives great encouragement to the vast number of local coaches with lofty aspirations.

However, it has to be said that the governance measures of the Chinese Football Association cannot fundamentally help the club get rid of its dependence on super foreign aid. In terms of controlling foreign aid, local coaches seem to have insufficient “aura. The purpose of employing foreign famous coaches in various clubs is to prevent foreign and foreign strong aid.

If Wang Baoshan and Li Tie are dormant in the middle and lower reaches of the team and have no time to deal with foreign teachers, then the appearance of the old coach Shen Xiangfu in the new season is worthy of expectations from the outside world. On the one hand, before taking over Tianhai, he was controversial for coaching the national football training team. On the other hand, after the Tianhai team he took over experienced the change of the main body of the club, the color of “National Football Training Team II” was highlighted. Like Cannavaro, the coach of Heng brigade, whether Shen Xiangfu can bring the team to the right track under the circumstance of doubt and show competitiveness in the league environment also attracts special attention. Compared with Li Xiaopeng, it may be more difficult for Lao Shen to make a breakthrough in the new season.

Highlight 5

Professional Referee, please

The league environment will be better

On 23rd day of this month, the Chinese Football Association held a new season of Chinese Super League and Chinese league mobilization meeting in Suzhou. As in previous years, the maintenance of the Gypsy style competition period is still the top priority of the league work in the new season. In order to do relevant work well, the discipline committee of the Chinese Football Association specially revised the “discipline standards of the Association (punishment measures)”, and according to the relevant rules of Fifa and Fifa, some types of disciplinary violations are clearly punished severely. For example, once players spit at the referee, they will face a one-year penalty.

When it comes to the referee, I have to mention the professional referee newly launched by the Chinese Football Association this year. Chinese and foreign famous whistles such as Ma Ning, Fu Ming, Zhang Lei, Clattenberg and marzic will become the first professional judges employed by the Chinese Football Association.

The introduction of professional referees means that referees will be able to focus more on domestic competitions, especially League enforcement. It is also of special significance to improve the referee work and strengthen the environmental governance of the league in FIFA World Cup qualification. Those local elite players who are about to go to various competitions to hit the stage should not only improve their competitive level and pressure resistance through the league matches, but also be familiar with the international penalty rules, strictly observe discipline to ensure self-discipline in the international arena.

Wen/Our reporter Xiao Yi co-ordinated/Du Rui

Extended Reading

Guoan has the strength of the League Championship

Report from our correspondent (Reporter Zhang Kunlong) as the defending champion of the FA Cup, Beijing Zhonghe Guoan has set a new goal for the 2019 season, although coach Schmidt and general manager Li Ming did not shout out the slogan of winning the League Championship, but there is no doubt that, as one of the most competitive teams in the current super field, after making targeted reinforcement for the lineup, today’s Guoan has the strength to impact the league championship.

When it comes to the joining of new aid, the rapid and accurate action of Guoan in the past transfer window surprised people. After all, the club has not continued to offer big aid for many years. This year, both the introduction of U23 players and the joining of foreign aid have highlighted the confidence of the club and even the group in building a team with competitive strength. When the six newcomers stand in front of everyone in turn, I believe that many people also have new answers to the team’s goals and pursuits in the new season. “National security always strives for the first” is a slogan, and to turn it into a creed and the direction of efforts, it needs to be united by various factors.

In the first game of the season, Guoan lost super cup of the Championship in Hong Kong. It was not terrible to lose. I believe that the team that found the problem and regrouped will still give a wonderful duel to the fans in the Super League stadium of the new season, A championship trophy is also the best gift for those fans who have been waiting for the Vulcan Cup for 10 years.