Women’s Volleyball Super League: Beijing wins Shanghai again with a total score of 2:0 leading

Xinhua News Agency, Shanghai, February 16th the second round of the semi-final of the 2018-2019 season Chinese Women’s Volleyball Super League started on the 16th. Beijing Auto women’s volleyball team won the Shanghai Bright superior women’s volleyball team at 3:2, with a total score of 2:0 leading, one step away from the final.

In the first round, Beijing team won the opponent at 3:0. In this game, the state of the Shanghai team picked up and tenaciously brought the game into the fifth game under the condition of falling behind twice.

In the key final, the Shanghai team failed to keep the advantage in the 5:3 lead. The Beijing team scored 4 points in a row and won the game at 15:11.

In this game, 5 people in Beijing team scored double scores, of which Rourke scored 24 points. Shanghai team Yang Di scored the highest 20 points in the team.

The third round of the contest between the two sides will continue at the home court of Shanghai women’s volleyball team on the 19th.

Can the major changes in the Olympic bidding process avoid “too many losers”?

Some suggestions on revising the Olympic bidding regulations were passed, and the Olympic Charter was also revised accordingly. The Olympic movement ushered in another major reform!

Xinhua News Agency, Lausanne, June 26th question: can the great reform of Olympic bidding procedures avoid “too many losers”?

Xinhua News Agency reporter Ji Ye Prince Jiang Gaopeng

The future Olympic Games can be jointly held by multiple cities and even countries (regions), and it is not necessary to determine the host site seven years in advance, the newly established committee has the strong power to recommend the venue, and the voting of the final candidate venue may have only one option……

At the 134th plenary session of the International Olympic Committee held in Lausanne, “Olympic capital”, several suggestions on amending the Olympic bidding regulations were passed, and the Olympic Charter was also revised accordingly, the Olympic movement ushered in another major change!

In the process of the hosting cities of the two Olympic Games in 2024 and 2028, Bach, the president of the International Olympic Committee, once said that the Olympic bidding process “created too many losers”. Nowadays, the bidding process after innovation is more flexible, but there are still many uncertainties. Whether “too many losers” can be avoided remains to be seen.

Over the past few years, there have been problems such as withdrawing from the bidding cities of the Olympic Games. The International Olympic Committee has also been trying to make the bidding more flexible, frugal and sustainable. In 2017, for the first time in the history of the International Olympic Committee, the host city of two consecutive Olympic Games was decided at the same time. In 2024 and 2028, the Summer Olympics will fall in Paris and Los Angeles. In the bidding process of the 2026 Winter Olympics just ended, whether it was Italy who won or Sweden who lost, the bid budget was more than 75% lower than that of the 2018 and 2022 Winter Olympics.

After fully foreshadowing, the International Olympic Committee has now announced the fundamental reform of the bidding procedure. The most important contents include :

first, in the future, “Summer Olympic Games host committee” (10 people) and “Winter Olympic Games host committee” (8 people) will be established respectively, with relatively fixed members, to replace the current “Evaluation Committee”. The “host committee” maintains close communication and dialogue with the Olympic committee of potential cities, regions, countries and relevant countries (regions) to help them analyze the role of the Olympics in local development, at the same time, it is responsible for recommending multiple or single candidate locations to the IOC executive committee. In order to get the favor of the committee, the bidding place must be firmly supported by the government and the public.

The power of the “host committee” can be seen. The committee will include the International Olympic Committee, athletes, the International Federation of individual sports, the National (regional) Olympic Committee, the International Paralympic Games and representatives from all continents.

In the free discussion session of the plenary session, Daniel gyultao, a member of the International Olympic Committee from Hungary, pointed out that how and when the members of the committee with great power came into being were not clearly publicized at present.

Dick Pound, 77-year-old member of the International Olympic Committee and former chairman of the World Anti-Doping Agency, is outspoken. In the face of such great interests of the Olympic Games, members of the “host committee” may “secret meetings” with potential bidding places “.

In addition, although the IOC emphasizes that the voting right to decide the venue is still in the hands of all IOC members, as Bach said, there may be only one candidate venue in the future. In this way, although the plenary session has the final voting rights, the power is still reduced due to the unique option.

Second, the future Olympic Games do not have to determine the venue seven years in advance. The IOC executive committee will formulate a special strategic framework for each Olympic Games bid time. In fact, this flexibility of time is reflected in Los Angeles’s 11-year advance of hosting of the Olympic Games 2028.

Australian Coates, the head of the working group on the revision of the Olympic bidding regulations, said that the situation of granting two hosting of the Olympic Games at the same time in the future may still occur.

Third, the future Olympic Games are no longer limited to one city, and can be held jointly by multiple cities or even countries (regions). This trend has already been reflected, especially in the Winter Olympics. The 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics will be held in three regions, and the 2026 Winter Olympics will also be held in Milan/Cortina Pezo, Italy, and some small cities between them.

The IOC encourages more use of existing or temporary venues. The proportion of existing venues and temporary venues planned and used by Milan/Cortina danpezo is as high as 93%. However, in order to use these venues, it is likely to cause the competition area to be relatively scattered. Isinbayeva, the “queen” of the Russian pole vault, worried that it would turn the Olympic Games into a single world championship. “letting athletes together is the unique feature of the Olympics”. In addition, the dispersion of competition areas will also cause higher transportation costs.

Although there are still many uncertainties about this major change, when Bach submitted these amendment proposals to the General Assembly for collective voting, all the members present raised their hands to agree, and no one opposed them. As Bach said, the Olympic movement must keep pace with the rapid changes in today’s world. Flexibility is a necessary condition to ensure good governance and the sustainable development of the future Olympic Games.

From the perspective of history, several changes of the International Olympic Committee have actively promoted the development of the Olympic movement. Shortly after Bach came to power in 2013, he threw out the declaration of reform, “Olympic 2020 Agenda”, “new norms” and the current reform of bidding procedures. The Olympic movement is actively seeking for reform. The time will give the answer to the result.

Tokyo Olympic organizing committee announces Paralympic torch style and torch relay schedule

Xinhua News Agency, Tokyo, March 25 (Reporter Guo Wei, Deng Min) Tokyo Olympic organizing committee and Paralympic Games organizing committee announced the torch style and torch relay logo of the 2020 Tokyo Paralympic Games on the 25th, and introduced the torch relay schedule of the Paralympic Games to the media.

The Paralympic torch is similar to the Olympic torch released earlier. The difference is that its color is “cherry blossom powder”, while the Olympic torch color is “cherry gold”. To reflect the spirit of the Paralympic Games, the torch will be added to Braille.

The same as the Olympic torch, the top of the Paralympic torch is designed as petal-shaped. The overall length of the torch is 71cm and the total weight is about 1.2kg. The main material of the torch is also Aluminum, of which about 30% of the material is taken from the aluminum waste of temporary residential buildings in the earthquake-stricken area of east Japan.

In addition, the Olympic organizing committee also announced the schedule of the torch relay. From August 13 next year, the fire was collected in various parts of Japan, and the fire was integrated in Tokyo on the 21st. The flame will tour Tokyo before the opening ceremony on the 25th.

At that time, torchbearers will be Trinity, and they will not know who other torchbearers in the same group are in advance. The detailed selection criteria for torchbearers will be determined this fall.

Table Tennis Super finals: Fan Zhendong lost the game Lin Gaoyuan led the team to meet the men’s group final

Data map: on January 12, Nanchang, Jiangxi province, the 15th round of the 2018-2019 China table tennis club Super League men’s group, Fan Zhendong (left) led Bayi Nanchang team to face the Shanghai Zhongxing team led by Xu Xin at home. Fan Zhendong staged a thrilling “plot twist” and defeated Xu Xin with a score of 3:2. Taken by China News Agency reporter Liu Zhankun

China News Agency, Beijing, February 1st (Ma Yuanhao) 2018-2019 season Chinese Table Tennis Super League Finals Men’s group semi-final was held in Beijing on the evening of 1st. Affected by the defeat of Fan Zhendong, the main force of Bayi Nanchang and the world’s No. 1 Fan Zhendong 1:3, who was not hostile to the cold, Bayi Nanchang finally lost the Tianjin team at 0:3 and stopped the semi-finals. Xu Xin, the famous general of Guozhen, led the Shanghai Zhongxing club to sweep Shandong Luneng club at 3:0, and joined the Tianjin team led by Guozhen general Lin Gaoyuan in the men’s group final.

The first men’s group semi-final was held between the Bayi Nanchang and Tianjin teams. Fan Zhendong, the main force of Bayi Nanchang and the world’s No. 1 men’s singles for 11 consecutive months, played against Tianjin team Renhao. Renhao took the lead in entering the state. After winning the first game at 11:9, he pursued the next city at 11:8. In the third game, Fan Zhendong took advantage of his opponent’s mistake to bring back a game at 11:3, but he still felt bad in the fourth game. Finally, the big score was 7:11 and 1:3.

Affected by Fan Zhendong’s defeat, the rest of the Bayi Nanchang team will play poorly. Zhao Zhaoyan was swept by Lin Gaoyuan, the main force of Tianjin team and the third largest in the world at 3:0 in the second game.

In the third game, Bayi Nanchang sent Zhou Kai/Zhao Zhaoyan to match Fang Bo/Zhu Yufeng. Zhou Kai/Zhao Zhaoyan, who was in the first battle, failed to achieve a reversal, with a big score of 0:2. Tianjin team advanced to the finals with 3:0.

After the game, Fan Zhendong said regretfully that the level of the two sides in the semi-final was between Bertrand. Losing himself had a great influence on the team and the responsibility was on himself. “As a single failed to start well, the whole team fell into a passive position. Today, I played too conservative and wanted to wait for the other side to make mistakes. While Renhao’s ball speed is very fast, I have no time to pick up many balls, and the adjustment on the court is slow, making myself very passive. There are not many opportunities to play alone in the game. In the future, no matter in the Bayi Nanchang team or the national team to play in this capacity, they must have more ideas and tighten the strings in their minds.”

The second men’s group semi-final was held between Shanghai Zhongxing and Shandong Luneng. The main force of Shandong Luneng, Guogang men’s team captain Malone failed to play due to injury, but he also came to the Court to cheer for the team.

In the competition, after any order of Xu Xin, who is now the third in the world, helped the team to get the top spot, Shanghai Zhongxing will be in full swing, sweeping the opponent easily in the second singles and the third doubles, easily advance to the final.

“Today, the serve link has been adjusted and the horizontal plate is used. In the competition, I took the initiative to enter the stage of holding the same hand, and used the backhand to put a lot of pressure on the other side, and finally won.” Xu Xin said, “the opponent of the final has teammates of the national team, and everyone is very familiar with it. After tonight’s game, I will prepare for tomorrow’s final.” (Finished)

Ice hockey makes me so free and easy-remember the veteran Guan Yingying of the great winter club

Xinhua News Agency, Russia, February 27: ice hockey made me so free and easy

-remember the veteran Guan Yingying

Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Linhai Zhang Yifei

The confident and free girl in northeast China named Guan Yingying in front of me. When the reporter saw her on the 27th, it was in an ice hockey training hall in Russia.

On March 1, the ice hockey competition of the 29th World University Winter Games will be unveiled. After coming to Russia, Guan Yingying and his teammates conducted pre-match warm-up training for the first time. Passing and defending, she was so dazzling. After every crazy “fight”, she made a sound of celebration like a lion.

24-year-old Guan Yingying comes from Changchun Normal University, and this year is her third time to attend the Winter Festival. At the last winter conference, she and her teammates won the fourth place.

“I have had an indissoluble bond with ice hockey since I was a child. This sport not only gives me a strong body, but also makes me free and easy.” Guan Yingying said.

Ice hockey is a sport with high physical and technical requirements. In the sixth grade of primary school, Guan Yingying was also selected into the school ice hockey team because the PE teacher was born in the hockey practice project.

“Since I was a child, I have a dream to engage in winter sports. In the 1980 s and 1990 s, ice hockey had a very good mass base in cities such as Harbin in the Northeast. When I was a child, many schools formed ice hockey teams. In those schools without teams, children make their own simple clubs and use tin boxes as ice hockey.” Guan Yingying said.

Since she was 15 years old, Guan Yingying began to get in touch with formal ice hockey training. Currently, she is a student majoring in ice hockey in Changchun Normal University.

Speaking of the influence of ice hockey on himself, Guan Yingying opened the chatterbox.

“The growth experience in northeast China and the Enlightenment education of physical education teachers made me plant a seed of ice hockey in my heart. The longer you get in touch with this sport, the more you will feel that you can’t do without it, and you will feel uncomfortable if you don’t play ball all day.”

If there is a competition, there will be competition. Guan Yingying said that they had many difficulties in this winter games. Their rivals Canada, the United States, Russia and Switzerland were very strong. The national teams of these teams had participated in the Winter Olympics.

Guan Xiaobo, the coach of Guan Yingying, said: “Now the training level of the whole Chinese women’s ice hockey team has been greatly improved, but objectively speaking, there is still a certain gap between the Chinese team and the world’s top teams. In such a competition environment, senior generals such as Guan Yingying give full play to the advantages of good technology and rich experience, and inject ‘cardioty’ into the whole team ‘.”

Because of the long-term training and competition, Guan Yingying delayed the graduation time of college. In her words, I am already a “sixth year” student, “but no matter what, I am willing to pay for ice hockey. Even after graduation, ice hockey will also accompany my future life journey”.

“Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics is just around the corner. As an athlete, who doesn’t want to play a game in front of his house?” Guan Yingying said.

“Iron three” veteran Wen Xiangdong: hope to continue standing on the court at the age of 90

Xinhua News Agency, Nanning, April 13 (reporter Lu Xianting, Lei Jiaxing, Lin Fanshi) at the meeting of Liuzhou IRONMAN70.3 star players held on the 13th, one player was particularly conspicuous. Wen Xiangdong, the 70-year-old man is still active in the triathlon.

It is not easy to hear that the east comes from Liaoning and is still active in the triathlon. An accidental opportunity after retirement made him bond with triathlon. “In 2010, I watched the triathlon competition for the first time in Jiayuguan. I felt very powerful and envious.”

After that, I heard that I went east to the journey of triathlon. “At first, I trained with some friends. After practicing for a while, they all gave up, and only I persisted.” Wen Xiangdong said, “a person’s training is very boring, but the belief in participating in the competition in my heart made me stick to it and realize the significance of triathlon, let me have the motivation and confidence to stick to this beautiful thing.”

In 2011, he took part in the triathlon competition at Jiayuguan as he wished. After that, he was out of control and persisted until now. Qujing, Xiamen, Beijing…… Wen Xiangdong’s three tracks are all over the country, and even have been to the United States, South Korea and other places to participate.

Every project of tiesan has to undergo hard training. Wen Xiangdong could not swim before he retired. In order to practice tiesan, he began to study swimming hard. Now I can compete with other players on the court.

Tiesan enriched the life of smelling East, but the hard training also brought him pain. He accidentally fell and was injured during cycling training earlier this month, which made him only participate in swimming at Liuzhou Station. “I will not give up. Triathlon is my life. I am now recuperating and preparing for the “big iron” race in Taiwan at the end of the month.”

“There is still much room for improvement in the popularization of triathlon in China.” Wen Xiangdong said that in the iron triathlon in Hawaii last year, more than 2,500 people participated in the competition, and only 33 people in China. Wen Xiangdong hopes that his experience can encourage more people to participate in this sport.

“On Kona IRONMAN in 2018, I met Mr. Dahiro from Japan. At the age of 86, he still insisted on completing the whole competition.” Wen Xiangdong was very touched and inspired by this, and was determined to learn from the old-timers.

Wen aspired to the east and stood on Kona IRONMAN when he was 90 years old.