Snooker World Championship: Ding Junhui defeated McGill for the fifth consecutive year to advance to the top 16

Xinhua News Agency, Sheffield, April 21 (Reporter Prince Jiang) Chinese player Ding Junhui beat Scottish player McGill 10:7 in the first round of the world snooker championship on the 21st, and advanced to the top 16 for the fifth consecutive year.

Ding Junhui led 6:3 after the first stage of the game the day before afternoon. As long as he won four more games, he could win. The second stage was more intense that morning. In the 10th game, Ding Junhui scored 99 points in a single shot, expanding the advantage to 7:3. In the 11th game, the two were caught in a struggle. McGill seized the opportunity to get started and won 68:29. Ding Junhui played even better next, with the highest single-shot score of 134 points and 8:4 since the start of the game. McGill returned a single shot 69 points, Ding Junhui did not get a point, 8:5, the gap narrowed again to 3 points.

Ding Junhui, who encountered resistance, resisted the pressure and once again launched a single-shot 91-point zero-seal opponent in the 14th game, and got the match point at 9:5. However, McGill performed tenaciously. The next two games were both defeated and defeated in the backward situation, with the total score becoming 7:9. In the 17th game, Ding Junhui made a mistake after scoring 22 points. After a defensive war, he started again, separated the platform with a single shot of 106, and also locked the victory at 10:7.

Ding Junhui was very happy after the game. He said, “today’s opponent played better than yesterday. I made a lot of mistakes. After he won two games in a row, he was full of confidence, and I dare not take it lightly, because he is likely to turn over.”

He also said: “In fact, I started the Games after 9:5, but I didn’t handle the ball well, and the connection was not very good. Of course, I still had an advantage, and I never gave him a chance in the last game.”

Ding Junhui’s next opponent is the winner between No. 7 seed trumpu and Thai player Tachiya. The match will start at 7 pm on the 27th (2 am Beijing time on the 28th). If he wins, he is most likely to face O’Sullivan in the quarter-finals. For such a lottery result, Ding Junhui said: “After winning this victory, my confidence has greatly increased. If I want to win the Championship, you must beat all the excellent players.”

He also said: “I don’t worry about who the opponent is, because you can’t avoid it, I just need to play my own game well. I need to learn from O’Sullivan. He can always play at his own pace. I hope I can grow up as soon as possible and become a player like him.”

This is Ding Junhui’s 13th consecutive world championship since 2007. In the past four years, he has been promoted to the third round at least every time. The best result is to enter the final in 2016 and finally win the runner-up against Selby.

Ding Junhui also became the second player to advance to the top 16 after defending champion Mark Williams. Another Chinese player Tian Pengfei will compete with Maguire in Scotland in the second stage later. Tian Pengfei will lead by 5:4 in the first stage. Chinese player Luo Honghao will also appear in the afternoon of that day against former world champion Murphy.

The total prize of this year’s World Championship is as high as 2.231 million pounds (about 19.44 million yuan), of which 500000 pounds (about 4.36 million yuan) is the champion, which will be produced on May 6.

Research shows that the Premier League attracts a large number of Chinese fans to visit Britain to watch football.

Xinhua News Agency, London, June 14 (Reporter Liang Xizhi) a new research result released by the British tourism bureau on the 14th shows that the Premier League has brought great impetus to the British tourism industry, every year, it attracts a large number of foreign fans to travel and watch football in Britain, many of which are Chinese fans.

The British Tourism Administration released a research report entitled “International football research” on the same day, which was conducted in Brazil, China, India, Norway, Sweden and the United States, the subjects of the survey are mainly fans from various countries and tourists who like to seek excitement during their vacations, so as to understand the influence of football on foreign fans to travel to Britain.

The research results show that football has become the number one sport attracting foreign fans to travel to Britain. Every year, more than 800000 international tourists go to Britain to watch football matches, they spent a total of 0.684 billion pounds (about 5.98 billion yuan) during their stay in Britain.

Among the fans surveyed, more than three quarters of the interviewees plan to travel to Britain in the next two years, with the highest proportion of Chinese fans reaching 92%, the second is India (85%) and the United States (80%).

The study also found that the Premier League is more attractive to foreign fans than the Premier Soccer League in other countries. Among the foreign fans who went to Britain to watch football matches, 66 percent watched the Premier League, making the Premier League the most popular event. In contrast, only 39 percent of foreign fans have seen Premier Soccer League matches outside the UK.

This conclusion also echoes another survey conducted by the British tourism administration on the “most desirable thing” for tourists from 17 countries to travel to Britain, the survey results show that watching the Premier League on the spot is the activity that one quarter of the interviewees want to go most. In addition, one quarter of them are keen to watch the live broadcast of the Premier League with local British fans in bars.

In addition, the survey also shows that Manchester United is the most popular team in the Premier League, winning 70% of the support of foreign fans. Liverpool and Chelsea separated by 66 percent and 62 percent respectively. Foreign fans who pay attention to the Premier League will pay attention to the performance of six teams on average, showing the potential of football to promote regional tourism.

Patricia Yates, director of the British tourism bureau, said the study further proved the great attraction of the Premier League for international tourists to travel to Britain. Tourists are keen to visit the football club where their favorite stars are located. They will not only experience the exciting atmosphere of the competition, but also clock in at relevant tourist attractions. She believes that the Premier League can encourage tourists to travel to different places in Britain. Football plays an active role in promoting the growth of tourism in the off season and can stimulate the development of local economy.

Richard Masters, acting chief executive officer of the Premier League, said that thanks to many very popular clubs and players, many tourists came to Britain to watch the match. The Premier League has made a lot of efforts to establish contact with international fans around the world. The highlight of this year is the Asian Cup of the Premier League held in Nanjing and Shanghai, China in July, including defending champion Manchester City, wolves, West Ham United, four Premier League teams including Newcastle will compete.

Sisippas: the next Idol?

Xinhua News Agency, Melbourne, January 22 (reporter Hao Yalin Yue Dongxing) if his brilliant record in this Australian Open is not considered, sisepas is no different from ordinary 20-year-old boys-Social media plays very well and likes to make videos of their experiences and share them with fans and netizens.

On the 22nd, after breaking into the top four men’s singles in 2019, sisippas put an “advertisement” on his social media account in a live interview. In the next few hours, the subscription volume of his “tubing” account has doubled directly and is still rising.

“Really? I didn’t expect to have such influence either. I have to think about it when I put the video up next time.” At the post-match press conference, sisippas, who learned the news from the reporter, was also surprised.

With a height of 1.93 meters, a long golden brown hair and a well-defined face, sisippas has an idol shape. After winning the competition, he would throw his hair band and wristband to the fans in the stands, raise his hands to greet the audience, and also talk in the interview, it was a joke to resolve the reporter’s “nonsense” question.

And his performance on the court has the potential of a new generation of tennis idol.

The growth of Greeks in recent years can be described as rapid. In 2016, his ATP ranking was still 200, and it jumped to 15th last year. In 2017, he just started to have his own Grand Slam performance, and this year he has achieved the annual goal of “entering the Grand Slam semi-finals” ahead of schedule.

After the Swiss king Federer was picked and dropped in the fourth round of singles, sisippas defeated the No. 22 seed agutt with 3:1 and successfully joined the top four men’s singles. Two consecutive victories made him more confident and firm.

“I understand recently that your opponent feels the same as you. The game is fair. The difference is who can exert more pressure on the other side and who is more active.” He said. “I know it’s important to beat Federer and let everyone know who I am, but today’s game is a bigger challenge and let me prove myself again.”

In the next semi-final, neither the Spanish king Nadal nor the American rookie tiafu was an easy opponent, but this did not affect sippas’s expectation for himself.

“I am glad that I have achieved the annual goal ahead of time, but that is like the starting point for moving forward.” Sisippas said. “What I have to do is to stay focused and look forward to more.”

Back to La Liga, I am calm and want to cultivate more “Wu Lei” for Chinese football”

Xinhua News Agency, Madrid, June 11th: back to La Liga, I am very calm and want to cultivate more “Wu Lei” for Chinese football

— Interview with Granada chairman Jiang Lizhang

Xie Yuzhi

After two years of La Liga, Granada in 2018-2019 season the second place ended the West B league, next season will return to La Liga. Recently, Jiang Lizhang, chairman of the club, shared Granada’s experience of returning to La Liga in an exclusive interview with Xinhua News Agency, and revealed that his goal was to cultivate more “Wu Lei” for Chinese football “.

On the evening of June 5th, in the penultimate round of the West B league, with the third-ranked arbassett 1:2 losing to Malaga, ranking second in the standings, granada, with a 4-point advantage in hand, rose to La Liga in advance. The whole city of Granada is in a carnival. The fans shouted the name of Jiang Lizhang in front of the city hall, and Jiang Lizhang, who flew from China to attend the celebration, shouted excitedly, “Long Live Granada!”

But after the initial ecstasy, Jiang Lizhang, who was interviewed at the Hotel Cafe, defined his mood at this moment with the word “calm”, “I said when the team was downgraded, we will come back in two years. It is just two years now “.

After acquiring Granada in 2016, Jiang Lizhang became the chairman of the club. He, who was born in marketing, especially valued the “right to speak” in the football world “. In his view, acquiring a European team means “having a voice in Europe and the core circle of football in the whole world”. However, only one season later, Granada dropped into West B.

Fortunately, this setback did not shake Jiang Lizhang’s confidence. He did not sell the team as people speculated, but continued to run the team bulkhead. Now, when the team returned to La Liga, looking back on the past three years, Jiang Lizhang admitted that this was an attempt to “cross the river by touching the stones. “At the beginning, we really didn’t understand things like football management. But Chinese are resilient. I regard the process from La Liga to La Liga as an opportunity to learn, in which I learned the knowledge and language of the football world. We made the team play step by step through our efforts. Now the team is back, and I am more confident.”

Nowadays, Jiang Lizhang is also the “leader” of Chongqing contemporary Lifan Club of China Super League “. He said frankly that there are great differences in club management between China and Spain, “Spanish football clubs are already very mature. La Liga league has a set of constantly updated management methods. Local fans, media, government and club staff have formed their own set of culture, which promotes the continuous development of Spanish football. However, the management of Chinese football clubs is still very elementary, but I can’t copy the Granada set to the Super League completely, which is unrealistic because no one can implement it and no one understands it. Many aspects of Chinese football have just started. We have to learn too much and step by step “.

“Step by step” is the most frequent interview with Jiang Lizhang, which represents his attitude: Do not rush for success. He said: “Sports is a slow industry, and be patient.” For the next development goal of Granada, he gave a pragmatic answer: “It is good to stay in La Liga. Don’t Talk empty words now. Maybe five years later, the team will have a bigger goal, and then work towards it.”

In the past six months, La Liga has attracted more attention among Chinese fans because Chinese striker Wu Lei joined the Spanish team, which has also made more Spanish teams see the potential of the Chinese market. Granada, as a Chinese-funded team, has the advantage of “getting close to the water, the tower and the moon first” in the operation of Chinese players joining. However, Jiang Lizhang stressed that the team would not blindly introduce Chinese players for the sake of Bo’s attention.

He said: “I have two views. One is to find the right player, not to introduce for introduction, and to take a scientific attitude, let the powerful Chinese players come through the investigation of scouts, otherwise they will be useless to the players and the club. Second, we should not aim at only one Wu Lei or only the group of forwards, consider where the second, third and fourth Wu Lei is.”

In fact, how to cultivate more “Wu Lei” for Chinese football is the proposition that Jiang Lizhang has always been most concerned about. In recent years, he has built a system called Hope based on several clubs under his own. At present, the system already includes Granada, Chongqing contemporary Lifan, members of the 4 clubs of Serie A Parma and Portugal chaotondra. An important part of the system is to create a “player training service” through commercial operation to transport some young Chinese players overseas for training.

Jiang Lizhang said: “How can Chinese football establish a connection with European and even world football and how can it contribute to Chinese football? I think it is necessary to establish a system and form a standard to continuously produce Chinese players.”

This is undoubtedly a long-term plan. Jiang Lizhang revealed that in his Hope system, there is a technical team above all clubs: “From the establishment to the present, this team has done a lot of running-in, overcoming cultural differences is to implement my idea of cultivating Chinese players.” And this idea has also been instilled into all staff of Granada Club from general manager to sports director, youth training director and even coaches at all levels.

Jiang Lizhang said that he hoped that his team would give Chinese players who joined the team more respect and the same feeling as home: “In the past, many Chinese players came to a club because of sponsors or other relationships, however, they were not valued and marginalized. We are a Chinese-funded club. As the boss, my will can play a decisive role. I demand that if Chinese players join, they must be accepted and respected by everyone. If a coach can help Chinese players gain a foothold in the second-tier team in the assessment, I can give him a bonus, so they will be happy to do it.”

Taking the club of Granada as a foothold and making use of the advanced experience of European football to contribute to the development of Chinese football is Jiang Lizhang’s hope and his original intention to acquire Granada. He said that he paid more attention to the training of Chinese players by the club than whether the team was in Spanish or West B: “If the team is in West B, they can lose a Chinese player entering the World Cup, that is success; But if the team is in La Liga, but can’t make any achievements in cultivating Chinese players, it is a kind of failure for me.”

Busy “charging” during the festival-remember the people’s policewoman in the military Games venue

Xinhua News Agency, Wuhan, March 8th: Busy “charging” during the festival — remember the people’s policewoman

Xinhua News Agency reporter Feng Guodong

on the 8th, at the newly completed equestrian field of Wuhan Business School, representatives of people’s policewoman, female auxiliary police and police sister-in-law from Wuhan Development Zone Branch of Wuhan public security bureau visited and visited with great interest. On the “March 8th” International Working Women’s Day, they did not forget to “recharge” themselves and contributed wisdom to improving the military security service level.

The equestrian field of Wuhan Business School is the competition venue of equestrian events of Wuhan military games. At the same time, swimming, fencing and other events of the military games will also be held here. People’s policewoman. The female auxiliary police and the representative of the excellent police sister-in-law visited and listened to the introduction of the lecturer to learn more about the construction and layout of security facilities in the venue.

“Will such an intelligent alarm system be popularized to residential areas?” Some people’s policewoman put forward their own thoughts and communicate with each other in combination with their posts. Groups of data and pieces of real objects make everyone sigh about the progress of science and technology.

After the visit, Yu Yanping, associate professor of Wuhan Business School, also brought a military etiquette training course for everyone. Yu Yiping gave a detailed demonstration and vivid explanation from the aspects of image promotion, standard language and international etiquette.

Luo Dan, a community policeman from the international police office in Jinse Gangwan, who won the title of “The Most Beautiful Policewoman” of Wuhan public security organs, said that the military games had entered the countdown. As a policewoman, there should be “a towel won’t let SMATE, and time is not waiting, the urgent consciousness of” seize the day and night. “While doing our job well, we will continuously enhance our comprehensive quality and ability and strive to better serve the military games.”

Organizing people’s policewoman and others to enter the military transport venues is an important part of Wuhan’s recent “military training, training and competition” around the military transport security. In order to improve the security level of the Military Transport Association, Wuhan police recently organized different police types such as public security, transportation and fire fighting, and went deep into various military transport venues to guide the construction of two major systems of “smart security” and “smart traffic” in the stadium, and solve problems for these key construction projects on the spot.

The 7th World Military Games will be held in Wuhan, Hubei from October 18-27.

NBA week’s best players: Trey Yang and Harden were elected respectively

People’s Daily Online, Beijing, March 26 (Yang Qiaodong) in the early morning of March 26, Beijing time, according to the NBA official website, NBA officials announced the best players in the east and west last week, atlanta Eagles rookie Trey young and Houston Rockets defender James Harden were elected respectively. This is the 22nd time that Harden has been elected as the best player in the week and the fourth time that he has been elected as the best player in the week this season, while rookie Trey Yang has been elected as the best player in the week for the first time in his career.

Trey Yang averaged 25.3 points, 4 rebounds and 11.3 assists last week, leading the eagle to a 2-1 record. After the downturn at the beginning of the season, Trey Yang after the All-Star weekend was unstoppable. On March 24, the Eagle defeated 76 people from 129 to 127 at home. He got 32 points, 6 rebounds and 11 assists, and finished throwing and killing, this is also the fifth time that he got at least 30 points and 10 assists in a single game in the rookie season. He successfully pursued Stephen Curry (2009-10 season) and tied for the top of the rookie data among active players. In addition, it is worth mentioning that this is the first time that Trey Yang has been elected as the best player in Zhou, and he has been elected as the best rookie of the month three times before (November 2018, January 2019 and February 2019).

Harden averaged 44.3 points, 6.3 rebounds and 5.8 assists last week, leading the Rockets to a 3-1 record and helping the Rockets lock in playoff seats. On March 23, the Rockets beat Spurs at home with 111-105, Harden made 19 out of 34 shots, 9 out of 13 out of 3 shots, and 17 out of 14 out of 17 free throws got 61 points, 7 rebounds and 3 steals, track the score record of a single career. The number of three hits in Harden’s career came to 1981, surpassing Joe Johnson in the 10th place in history. Apart from the career three-point record and individual career single-game score record, Harden’s total score in a single season also reached 2500 points, become the third active player in active service to complete this achievement (the other two are Durant and Westbrook). However, after the Rockets beat Pelicans 113-90 away on March 25, Harden, who got 28 points in this game, scored 2545 points in the season, successfully breaking the rocket’s record of scoring Young Pioneer Team History individual seasons, the original record was 2520 points created Moses Malone of the 1981-82 season.