ATP supernova stepped onto the historical stage “after 00” to collectively rob the C- position debut

At the Australian Open at the beginning of the year, the 20-year-old sisepas broke out Federer and broke into the top 4. At the just-concluded Miami Masters, canada’s Gemini-18-year-old Alía Sim and 19-year-old shapowarov both advanced into the top 4.

A new issue of world ranking was released, and the 21-year-old German famous general zvirev remained stable in the top three ranks; The 20-year-old Greek junior general sippas rose two places to the eighth place; 19-year-old Canadian player shapowarov rose 3, ranking in the top 20;20-year-old Australian star Minar came to the 25th, and the young generals showed a trend of collective breakthrough.

Not waiting for the official Xuan Lipi began to be the national football “draft”

Not waiting for the official Xuan Lipi began to be the national football “draft”

Report from our correspondent (reporter Xiao Yi) although the Chinese Football Association has not announced the candidate of the new coach of the Chinese team up to now, because the new national football team will concentrate on preparing for the battle with the Philippine team in Guangzhou on June 3, tajikistan has two international A- level warm-up matches. Therefore, after agreeing to take over the team twice, Lippi has already identified specific candidates for the coach, management and logistics service support team. It is understood that except for the “first scout” Petro Di’s withdrawal in the past 80 years, the rest of Lippi’s team remained unchanged. The teaching assistant also plans to go to the Super League or the Asian championship in the near future to help Lippi inspect the candidates of the International.

It has been a week since I left Guangzhou and returned to Italy on April 30. The Chinese Football Association still did not publicly announce the specific candidates for the new national football coach, which inevitably triggered speculation from the outside world. However, according to the Beijing Youth Daily reporter, after confirming the acceptance of the invitation to “take over the national football for the second time”, Lippi has actually re-entered the working state.

Lippi, as a gold medal instructor with rich teaching experience, obviously understands the importance of “choosing good people first to do a good job. When he decided to return to the mountain, he actually started the formation of the work team. It is understood that in order to ensure the quick start of the work, he has decided to continue to use the members of the original work team.

During the Asian Cup in January this year, a total of 10 Italian assistants helped zoripi lead the team. In addition to the translation and two masseurs, the other seven were teaching assistant Mada Loni and droso, goalkeeper coach lampra, physical coach Gaudi, Neli, Scout Petro, medical director casterazi.

If there is no accident, all the other six of the seven Italian teaching assistants will continue to assist zuolipi except pezoti. The reason why Petro di left the team was mainly because he was born in 1942, nearly 80 years old. In terms of natural laws, he also thought that he was not suitable to travel south and north with the team. It is reported that Lippi has chosen another relatively young coach from Italy to replace pezzody.

In addition to fellow assistants, Lippi also attaches great importance to the specific composition of Chinese team members. It is reported that Liu Dianqiu, the old leader, has won Lippi’s trust by virtue of his rich experience and good personality. He has also confirmed that he will continue to be the leader of the national football training in June. In the last cycle of leading the team, the former senior executive Kang Bing Asian Cup of Evergrande club, who served as the national football management, was assigned to an important job in the non-football field by Evergrande Group. However, since Kang Bing has been assisting Lippi during his work in the club and the national team, he has rich experience, so his return to the team is basically certain.

After the Asian Cup ended, Xu Yang and Liu Jian, who once served as the team of Lippi Italian translators, had already taken jobs in Suning, Jiangsu province and Dongwu, Suzhou, Zhongyi respectively. With Lippi’s “return”, the two were called by the national team again, and it was a foregone conclusion to continue to serve as the coach “speaking tube. Will Wen Qian return to the national team? Judging from his participation in Lippi’s signing negotiations, it is more likely. However, as a staff member of Evergrande club, his job arrangement still needs to communicate with the club in detail.

Unlike other Chinese and foreign coaches who are keen to inspect players through data, Lippi has always been more accustomed to “finding with eyes”, which is also the fact that he has been to the league for many times before, the reasons for the performance of the international players in the Cup and the Asian championship. It is understood that Lippi plans to return to China in late May. However, the team formation work of the new national football team, including the recruitment and adjustment of players, has actually started quietly. After the team members are finalized, Lippi will arrange them to inspect players in different venues according to the functional characteristics of each assistant, including some young players emerging in this year’s club competition. It is expected that the new national football training team will recruit about 25 players.

Guozhen won the five-Crown of the Japanese open. Xu Xin won the three-Crown

The International Table Tennis Federation world tour Japan Open ended in Sapporo on the evening of 16th, and the Chinese team strongly won all five championships. Among them, Xu Xin, the veteran of the men’s team, had three characters, and finally all reached the top. He was given a nickname of “Xu Sanguan” by the fans.

29-year-old Xu Xin ranked third in the world in singles last week, and doubles are even better known as “Golden left hand. In the mixed doubles final, which took the lead on the 15th, Zhu Yuling, who was his first partner, went straight to three games, defeating the host Group Zhang Benzhi and/morning Tian Shina, and won the mixed doubles championship of the tour after two stops for the country.

Yesterday, Xu Xin ushered in three matches a day. First, he fought hard in seven games in the men’s singles semi-final, eliminating Fan Zhendong, who ranked first in the world, and joined hands with the latter to defeat a pair of German teams in the man Pair Final. In the men’s singles final of the finale, Xu Xin appeared again, with 11 to 9, 14 to 12, 8 to 11, 11 to 3 and 11 to 8 like, Taiwan, China, Xinxiu Lin Xiaoru.

At the World Table Tennis Championships in Budapest in April this year, Xu Xin was not able to beat the French player goats in the third round of men’s singles. The single world table tennis championships in the sixth World War still missed the final, it cast a shadow over the competition for the “tickets” of the Tokyo Olympic Games. After the promotion to the final of the Japanese competition, Xu Xin said bluntly that it was the setback of the World Table Tennis Championships that made him more eager for victory and hoped to make up for the mistakes of the competition with the excellent performance of the small competitions. “I also made a summary after the World Table Tennis Championships, I hope to welcome the following competition with a new mentality and state. This time I felt that my mentality and the hard work on the court went back to a few years ago and found the feeling of preparing for the Rio Olympics.”

And yesterday, Xu Xin also lived up to expectations and won the two off-site battles. “I am very happy to get the third crown, but I didn’t think too much about the results before the match. I just want to do my best in every project without regret.” The veteran who played 13 games in 3 days laughed and said that he was “really tired” at this time “. However, he has already aimed at the South Korean Open in early July. “I will have three more at that time. I have to practice my body stronger when I go back.”

In the women’s singles final, 18-year-old “little devil” Sun Yingsha and Xinke world table tennis champion Liu Shiwen fought hard for 61 minutes, winning 4-3, and “closed” in the open for the second time “. In the game, Sun Yingsha won two games first, and then was pulled three games by the opponent. But she adjusted in time, and finally Rick was a strong enemy. “We are familiar with each other. I started faster at the beginning. Later, I fell behind and didn’t worry. Instead, I patiently looked for a breakthrough.” Sun Yingsha said that he hoped to win the championship to improve himself more.

In addition, in the women’s double final, Chen Meng/Liu Shiwen defeated Sun Yingsha/Wang Manzhen, the champion team of this year’s World Table Tennis Championship, 3-1.

The 4th semi-final of Chinese go chess and jiwar on the 15th green city fall

Yuyi network Zhengzhou, June 11(Deng Xiaoqiang) on the 11th, the reporter learned from the Henan Weiqi Association that on June 15, the 4th Chinese Weiqi Chess Crusade challenger of “Baiyun Mountain Cup” decided to play (semi-final) · “champion Weiqi Club Station”, it will be held in Zhengzhou. The two world champions, Ke Jie and fan yunruo, who stood out from the final four of this competition, will have a fierce duel in Greentown, compete for the only final “ticket” to challenge the current “chess sage” of the event “. It is worth mentioning that Nie Weiping, the “chess Sage”, and Hua Xueming, the leader of the Chinese chess team, will also come to the scene to explain the large scale for the majority of small chess players and chess fans.

Data Picture: chess player Ke Jie

The 4th Luoyang Baiyun Mountain Cup Chinese go chess and holy war is sponsored by China Go Association, Henan Sports Bureau and Luoyang Municipal People’s Government. Zhengzhou semi-finals are undertaken by Henan Weiqi Association, Henan champion Weiqi Club and Guizhou Huayuan Trading Co., Ltd. The contestants of this competition are all domestic professional chess players. Adopting the new ladder-level ascending competition system is a highlight of the competition. Players participate in the qualifier, finalist competition, qualifier, this competition according to the grade score from low to high, five stages of the challenge. The stage before the challenge adopts a single defeat elimination system, and the challenge is two wins in three games.

Data Picture: chess player fan yunruo

From last December to the end of April this year, after nearly five months of competition, there were Ke Jie (world champion, nine sections), Gu Zihao (world champion, nine sections), qu Jiaxi (world champion, 9th segment), fan yunruo (world champion, 9th segment), Fan Tingyu (world champion, 9th segment), xu Jiayang (8th stage) and Rong Yi (6th stage), eight professional Go masters, “stood out” from 211 professional players across the country, and were shortlisted in the 8th strong competition of this year’s go chess. After April 26 and 27, the top eight and top four were held in Wuhan. The two world champions, Ke Jie and fan yunruo, successfully entered the semi-finals held in Zhengzhou this Saturday. Ma Wang, chairman of Weiqi Association of Henan province, told the reporter, “as a big Weiqi province, Henan has many groups participating in Weiqi projects and has achieved many achievements. Henan Weiqi has a glorious history, with a group of famous chess players such as Liu Xiaoguang, Wang champion, Wang Jianhong, Fengyun, Zhou Heyang and Shiyue. This Weiqi chess and jiwar held in Zhengzhou will further broaden the horizon of Weiqi players in our province and further promote the popularization and development of Weiqi in our province.”

According to the relevant competition regulations of this competition, the chess player who won the semi-finals will challenge the current “chess sage” of this competition in Baiyun Mountain Scenic Area this fall, in order to compete for the “chess throne” in the final “. The champion winner (chess sage) will receive a prize of 800000 yuan, and the runner-up winner will also receive a prize of 200000 yuan.

Lin Jianchao, chairman of China Weiqi Association, said that Luoyang Baiyunshan cup of Chinese Weiqi was a top domestic competition open to all professional players in China, and adopted a brand-new Cascade rising event, it not only respects the status of the top star chess player, but also provides room for ordinary chess players to rise. The Cascade ascending competition system is divided into basic levels, and the number of people in each interval is arranged in a cascade, which is carried out from the bottom to the top, improving the stimulation degree and appreciation of the competition. (Finished)

Asian crown: Beijing Guoan hope won the first victory Buriram the league will fully defend

Xinhua News Agency, Thailand, April 8, Buriram (Chen Jiaobao, Zhang Ke) in the third round of the Asian Champions League group match to be held on the 9th, Beijing China national security team will face Thailand Buriram United on the road. Beijing Guoan, who has not won the first two rounds, hopes to win the first victory. The Buriram United team, which has won three points, said that it will defend fully.

In the first two rounds of battle, Guoan’s 1-level and 1-negative team was at the bottom, with Urawa Red Diamonds 1 win and 1-level accumulated 4 points, and Jeonbuk Hyundai Motors-level and Buriram-level teams were both 1 win and 1-negative accumulated 3 points.

Guoan coach Schmidt said at the pre-match press conference on the 8th that Thailand’s traffic and hot weather are big challenges for players, and the opponent Buriram United is a strong team, but this does not change Guoan’s expectation for winning this game. “Wearing this jersey, every player will go all out to play the national security spirit.”

Schmidt said that the current players are mainly in the adjusted state, preparing for tomorrow’s game, and have done enough homework to have a deep understanding of the opponents, hoping to win the first victory of Guoan in the Asian Champions League this season.

Talking about the adjustment of the player Yu Dabao from the forward to the defender, Schmidt said that this adjustment was because the team realized the potential of Yu Dabao in the central defender position, and the team communicated with the players, and made many tests, the effect is good. Schmidt also said that Augusto, who had been injured before, was no big deal and would not affect the game.

Buriram team coach class Davidovich said that Guoan is a very strong team. The challenges faced by the Buriram team in this competition are big and difficult, however, the Buriram United team is fully prepared psychologically and physically and will do its best. Although the goal is to score 3 points, the Buriram United team will focus on full defense.

24 hours before the first battle: Chinese women’s football team hopes to “break history”

Xinhua News Agency, Rennes, France, June 7 (Reporter Yue Dongxing Liu Wei) one day before the first group match between the World Cup and the German team, the Chinese women’s football team continued routine pre-match training on the 7th. Speaking of the outlook for the game at this moment, coach Jia Xiuquan said that the whole team hopes to “break the history” and dedicate the best state to the fans.

On the morning of the 7th, Jia Xiuquan and captain Wu Haiyan attended the pre-match conference at the Renn Park Stadium. Considering that the station of the team is far away from this competition venue, the other 22 players did not come to “step on the ground”, but continued to do the last practice before the match at the training ground in the town of fujer near the station that afternoon.

Judging from the comparison of strength, the German team ranked second in the world, as the hot spot for winning the championship, is more optimistic by the outside world to win the “open door”. In the past 30 matches between the two teams, the German team gained the upper hand with 16 wins, 6 draws and 8 losses. However, in the last battle between the two teams-the Rio Olympics final eight, the Chinese team, who was sent off one person and a penalty kick penalty, was passive and finally lost a small ball, but it can be seen that it has the strength to compete with the two World Cup champions.

“We didn’t take advantage of the confrontation in history. We have been working hard. Every confrontation and every study are for the future to be stronger, and now it is the same. I hope that the girls of the women’s football team will give full play to their true self, fight out their own things, devote their best status to the fans and the World Cup.” Jia Xiuquan said.

“Girls and our team all hope to show themselves through this World Cup, break the history and have a good ending.”

In the past year, after nearly nine sessions of intensive training, the combination of high-intensity competition, especially the gains and regrets of the Asian Games runner-up, the running-in of the three four kingdoms competitions, after 10 “simulated battles” of Australian winter training, the actual combat of the Algarve Cup and two tricks with the American women’s football team, the whole team and the girls paid a lot and hoped to show the results of the training.

In response to a question from Xinhua News Agency, Jia Xiuquan said: “In fact, we have been simulating the World Cup opponents in winter training last year, practicing and exercising ourselves. Judging from the effect of winter training, the players have made great progress.”

“There is no perfection in competitive sports. Only by keeping forging ahead and doing better can we perfect ourselves. Although we have a gap with the world’s top teams, we are ready to narrow this gap in the game and even change it.”

In the last World Cup in Canada, the venue was artificial grass. This time, the World Cup came to France, where football was the mainstream project. Natural grass and professional courts with the same treatment as men’s football were recognized by the players.

“This is the first time to come to this venue. I feel that the venue is very good. I should be very excited tomorrow and enjoy this competition.” Wu Haiyan said.

In the World Cup four years ago, Wu Haiyan, who was only 22 years old, as the main side guard, was appointed as the captain by then coach Hao Wei. Four years later, she, who changed her position to central defender, is still Jia Xiuquan’s trusted captain.

When answering the question of Xinhua News Agency reporter about the changes in the past four years, Wu Haiyan said: “The most important thing is that after four years, I feel that my mentality is more mature, you will have a more stable attitude to face and better prepare for difficulties.”