FA Cup: Hou Yongyong’s debut ball Beijing Guoan eliminated Changchun Yatai to advance to the top eight

In the fifth round of the FA Cup on the 29th, Beijing Zhonghe Guoan defeated Changchun Yatai, the top eight at home 3:1.

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, May 29 (Reporter Wei Hua) in the fifth round of the FA Cup on the 29th, Beijing Zhonghe Guoan defeated Zhongjia team Changchun Yatai at home 3:1 and entered the top eight.

In this game, Beijing Guoan, which has the best strength, established a two-ball advantage in less than 30 minutes. In the fifth minute, Yu Yang broke the deadlock for the team in a corner attack. In the 28th minute, Bakambu picked up Wang Gang’s right road to rush to the door. In the 36th minute, the visiting team’s foreign aid Moli Pasta des pulled back a city for Yatai.

Yi will fight again, and Beijing Guoan will continue to put pressure on Yatai, creating many good opportunities to break the door in succession. In the 86th minute, Hou Yongyong shot the door with his left foot after breaking into the forbidden zone and scored the first goal after joining Guoan. At 3:1, Guoan locked the victory.

International Sailing Grand Prix opening battle Chinese team temporarily ranked fifth

Xinhua news agency, sydney, february 15 (guo yang) the 2019 international sailing grand prix kicked off in sydney on the 15th. After three group matches, japan and australia are temporarily ahead, and china and france are tied for the fifth.

The Sydney race is held in two days. The first day is a three-round group race. In each round, the first place can accumulate 10 points, the second place can accumulate 9 points, and so on. Six fleets from China, Japan, the United States, France, Britain and Australia participated in the competition.

In the first round of competition, the two Asian fleets won the “opening ceremony”. The Japanese team took the lead all the way and took the lead in completing the game. The Chinese team followed closely and got the second good result. The French team failed to complete the current round due to violations. In the second round, the Australian team took advantage of the home court and won easily. The japanese team was forced to fall behind because they were punished for passing the route first. However, after the efforts of the crew, they finally kept the second place. The Chinese team was suppressed by the British team’s tactics in the Windward stage and missed the favorable opportunity. In the last round, the Chinese team set sail unfavorably and failed to find a breakthrough later. Unfortunately, it was at the bottom.

After three rounds of competition, the Japanese team ranked first with 28 points, followed by the Australian team with a slight gap of 1 point. The British team ranked third with 22 points, and the American team ranked fourth with 20 points, the Chinese team and the French team both scored 19 points and tied for the fifth.

“Our first round is still very good. In the latter two rounds, we may not catch a good wind when we set sail, including choosing a route (mistakes occurred).” Chinese crew Liu Xue said in an interview after the game.

The captain of the Chinese team Phil Robertson also believes that this is a brand new team, without much experience, and there are still many things to learn.

“We have just come into contact with this ship type and have limited training time. We are trying to explore how to drive this ship during the competition. We still have a lot to learn and a long way to go, but we learn very fast and tomorrow is another day.” Robertson said.

On the 16th, six fleets will play two rounds of group games. The two fleets with the highest total points will compete for the championship of this site.

The Chinese brand behind the rise of China’s road run: taking the country as the tide

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, June 1 (reporter Ding Feng) on Wednesday night in early summer, Wang Donglin, who worked near the international trade center, came home from work and had a rest. He was busy changing into quick drying clothes and sports shorts, put on Li Ning’s newly launched Lejun running shoes, and he would rush to Fengtai Sports Center to participate in the group night run organized by the running group that night. Led by senior runners, Wang Donglin opened the running mode of Huawei sports watch before everyone finished heating up and started to monitor the training status tonight in real time.

Wang Donglin tried to run and exercise from 2015, so he was out of control. In more than three years, he has run 9 full marathons and 23 half marathons, covering more than ten provinces in China. At first, Wang Donglin feidas and Nike didn’t wear it. Later, he slowly recommended it through running friends. He began to come into contact with a large number of domestic sports equipment such as Li Ning and Anta, and found that the quality was no less than that of foreign brands. Today, he has become a full fan of domestic goods.

It seems that by accident, road running has become a benchmark movement popular in China. And behind this rising upsurge of road running, domestic brands have also ushered in a gorgeous turn.

What makes sports goods “fire” again

consumption is booming, then the industry has a high degree of prosperity. Consumers are the real driving force for the development of the industry. Due to the explosive growth of Road Runners, their strong needs and interests have created the endogenous power of China’s sporting goods industry.

In the first ten years of the 21st century, domestic sports brands had ushered in a period of golden development. However, due to its own neglect of innovation and research and development, imitation and phenomenon of going with the tide are serious, and products are becoming increasingly homogeneous, which cannot resonate with consumers.

After the heat of Beijing Olympic Games retreated, the public’s enthusiasm for buying quickly weakened, and the industry fell into a low ebb. In addition, the already weak sports population base made Chinese goods fall into a freezing period of several years. Li Ning, Xtep, 361 Degrees and so on suffered a serious inventory crisis, and a group of familiar enterprises such as Deerway and xdlong went bankrupt and liquidated.

But under the ice layer, a stream of heat flow began to surge, slowly gathering, and gradually erupting.

According to the data released by the China Association of Athletics, China Marathon ushered in a rapid growth in 2015.134 events were held in that year, up 163 percent from 51 in 2014. In 2016, the Chinese marathon event can be called a blowout. In that year, 993 large-scale events were held, an increase of year-on-year; In 2018, the number of Chinese marathon events reached 1581, compared with that in 2014 on the eve of the outbreak, an increase of 30 times; among 334 prefecture-level cities nationwide, 285 cities held scale events in 2018.

Behind the promotion of Chinese marathon, it is the huge running crowd in China. In 2018, the total number of people participating in the competition reached 5.83 million, which was only a small part of runners.

Liang Feng, the founder of Yue ran circle, one of the largest running social software in China, told reporters that at present, the daily activity of Yue ran Circle APP has reached 1.8 million times, and the total annual running mileage of users has increased from 0.59 billion kilometers in 2015, jumped to 2.44 billion kilometers in 2018. Running has become the most frequent sport among Chinese people.

Bandura, a famous contemporary American psychologist, put forward the classic theory of “social learning”: people constantly imitate and practice it by continuously observing the behavior of examples and socialized behavior patterns around them, finally form their own social activities.

The rapid rise of China’s road running and the rapid expansion of running groups fully explain this theory.

From morning to night, runners with health and vitality passed by pedestrians, gaining praise and envy; Tens of thousands of marathon armies are in cities, the sports genes hidden by the onlookers in the streets, alleys and mountainous fields have been awakened, encouraging more people to join this simple and easy sport, and even stimulating their enthusiasm to participate in other sports.

As a result, the huge Chinese sports consumers were activated, and the surging consumption demand made the sports domestic goods such as Anta, Li Ning and Tebu “fire” again.

Running fever drives brand recovery and is favored by capital

in recent years, most of China’s well-known Internet companies have chosen to go to Nasdaq or Hong Kong Stock Exchange for listing. The American market pays more attention to the growth of enterprises, while the Hong Kong capital market pays more attention to the company’s performance. Most of the domestic first-tier sports brands were listed in the Hong Kong stock market in the last decade.

Turning over the financial reports of the three sporting goods companies listed in Hong Kong stocks, Anta, Li Ning and Tebu, we will find that there is one common point: the stock price has bottomed out since 2015, and then a strong trend has been set off one after another; as of May, 2019, Anta’s increase in the same period was as high as 486%, Li Ning’s highest increase was 334%, and Xtep also reached 197%.

Previously, during the three years of the industry downturn from 2012 to 2014, the sales volume of various brand stores plummeted, and the wave of shutting up stores lasted for a long time. A single Li Ning company lost nearly 3 billion yuan in three years, and its market value once shrank by nearly 90%, leaving only 2.79 Hong Kong dollars at the lowest share price.

Nowadays, times have changed. With the blessing of excellent performance, the three companies have recovered again, and the share price has far outperformed most listed companies in a shares. In particular, Anta and Li Ning have become equal performance stocks with high-quality white horse blue chips such as Kweichow Moutai, Gree Electric Appliance and Hengrui medicine.

And such a turbulent growth curve coincides surprisingly with the time track of the rise of China’s road race. As the first year of the Chinese marathon outbreak in 2015, the huge demand for running shoes, clothes and other sports equipment for road runners with geometric jump growth led to Anta, Li Ning, the businesses of companies such as Tebu are growing rapidly.

Take Li Ning as an example. Li Ning, who started from sportswear, focused on the mass market at the bottom of the industry to assess the situation, predicted to step on the air outlet, and made full horsepower on the high-growth track of running on the road, develop and promote a series of products.

On the eve of the rise of China’s road race, Li Ning’s revenue in 2014 was 6.05 billion yuan, a slight increase of 3.9% compared with that in 2013. The sales of running products in that year was 1.028 billion yuan, accounted for 17% of the total sales; In the first year of the marathon outbreak in China, the revenue reached 7.09 billion yuan in 2015, an increase of 17.2 percent year-on-year, and the sales of running products reached 1.347 billion yuan, a sharp increase of 31 percent year-on-year, running business has strongly boosted the company’s overall performance.

The latest Li Ning financial report in 2018 shows that the company’s revenue has returned to the 10 billion yuan mark after several years, reaching 10.51 billion yuan, of which the sales of running products are 2.628 billion yuan, accounting for 25% of the total sales.

In a short period of three or four years, the sales volume of running products doubled, which not only grew into the pillar products of Li Ning brand, but also made all kinds of capital who were short of the prospects of enterprises favor again.

“Taking the country as the tide”, Chinese brands “both inside and outside” are like the wind

at present, “taking the country as the tide” is no longer the mentality of a few people, it is no longer confined to the trend circle, but with wider influence, radiation affects more young people’s consumption view. Young consumers are no longer obsessed with the so-called solidified foreign brand image, but have a stronger sense of identity to Chinese local culture and local brands.

Road running, as a rising emerging movement, is imperceptibly marked by the “national tide. The high integration of surrounding industries and cultural confidence also led the rise of ANTA, Li Ning and other domestic goods.

At the 2019 Qingdao Marathon, Li Ning focused on young vitality and speed, and launched a new racing running shoes that showed the spirit of the May 4th Movement and the characteristic elements of the marathon-Li Ning ROYAL WIND, Li Ning yunma, li Ning red rabbit. The reporter saw at the MA Bo meeting in Qingdao that the Li Ning exhibition area was crowded and the runners who bought running shoes were in an endless stream.

A number of big data surveys jointly launched by Xinhua Sports and Yue running circle recently show that among its 80 million registered users, the 19-30-year-old population accounts for of the total, the proportion of people aged 31-45 is. The significance of “national tide” is self-evident for the huge young running group. However, in the reference ranking of “number of running shoes for users”, although foreign brands such as Nike and Adidas are among the top, Li Ning, Anta, Xtep and 361 Degrees still push their heads into the top ten.

The appearance of “fashion” alone is not enough to support the continuous improvement of product sales. Excellent internal skills are the real skills.

According to founder Securities research report, in 2017, the R & D rates of Adidas, Puma and Asics were 0.88%, 1.15% and 1.10% respectively; In the same period, Anta, Li Ning, the R & D rates of Xtep and 361 Degrees are 2.7%, 1.9%, 2.8% and 3.4% respectively, far exceeding several world sports brands. Among them, SPIRE3 running shoes launched at 361 Degrees won ISPO Global Design Award 2018 with outstanding cushioning rebound performance.

For some small and medium-sized domestic running shoes that started a little later, they also held “the heart of craftsmen” in research and development and design, which captured the favor of many running friends. Hu Haobo, the founder of R2REALRUN, told the reporter that the marathon running shoes built by the company for two years were released last year, but they were not promoted in the market. Only by word of mouth from running friends, monthly sales soon jumped from dozens of pairs to thousands of pairs.

In addition to running shoes, smart sports watch is also an indispensable equipment for road running. It helps runners exercise safely and improve their sports performance by monitoring their physical status and analyzing sports data. Due to its strict requirements on scientific precision and professionalism, domestic intelligent wearable equipment enterprises have always performed flat in relevant markets.

In October 2018, Huawei launched the first smart sports watch HUAWEIWATCHGT close to domestic runners, with the goal of “making sports freer”. It is especially worth mentioning that Huawei WATCHGT uses the self-developed system LiteOS.

Recently, the latest data of global smart watches released by market research company Counterpoint shows that in the first quarter of 2019, Huawei’s global market share of smart watches soared from zero in the same period to 2.8%, with the first growth rate.

Scientific research coach Wu Zhao Zhao: hope to help China win Olympic tickets men’s basketball

China men’s basketball built a security team with the most elaborate division of labor in history. Among the 15-person security team, the division of labor involves 10 positions such as team administrator, physical trainer, video analyst and news officer.

Xinhua News Agency, XI’AN, May 16 (Reporter Yao Youming) on the afternoon of 14th, on the playground of Northwest University, Teachers of Northwest University, wu Zhao, the research coach of China men’s basketball, finished the last basketball class of this semester for students. “Everyone may have heard that I am going to the national team.” Wu Zhao Zhao said. His students showed disaffection in their eyes and looked forward to it. China men’s basketball their contribution and sacrifice in preparing for the World Cup “.

Opening the training list of men’s basketball in China, people were surprised to find that China men’s basketball has built a security team with the most meticulous division of labor in history. Among the 15-person security team, the division of labor involves 10 positions such as team administrator, physical trainer, video analyst and news officer. “This is the embodiment of the advanced development trend of Chinese basketball catching up with the world basketball. In NBA teams, the number of service teams is often more than the number of players. Take the coaching staff as an example, it may be given to defenders, the front line and insider are specially equipped with different coaches.” Wu Zhao Zhao said.

Since 2014, Wu Zhaozhao began to work in China’s men’s basketball team. As a scientific researcher, his duty is to assist the head coach and the coaching team to complete the physiological and biochemical monitoring of athletes, the recovery of sports fatigues, exercise diet, nutrition regulation and other aspects of work. Wu Zhaozhao said that the middle and high level competition in the basketball world cannot be separated from the support of science and technology. His job is to help athletes maintain a good physical and mental state and give full play to their skills and tactics during the competition.

To what extent can technology help improve the team’s combat capability? Wu Zhaozhao said that people will see benevolence and wisdom in this issue. Although there were many scientific methods he mastered that were inconvenient to disclose to the public, he still gave a simple example to the reporter. “For example, fluid infusion in the competition is very particular. Adding a sports drink configured by ourselves with a specific temperature has the best effect. If the liquid temperature is too high, it will not delay the fatigue of athletes. On the contrary, it is likely to cause gastrointestinal spasm of athletes.” He said.

When talking about the upcoming work, Wu Zhaozhao said that the task of preparing for the World Cup would be relatively heavy. The 33-year-old man said: “This national team basically takes the winning team of the 2015 Asian Championship as the backbone team. Compared with previous years, this year, due to the change of CBA schedule, the league ended late, the training time is short. A group of older players need some rest, recovery and adjustment after a season, which means that we need to use limited time to help them adjust their status, compete with excellent teams from all continents of the world.”

However, Wu Zhao said frankly that since Yao Ming became the chairman of the Chinese Basketball Association, the national team has been able to prepare for every competition with a worldwide vision and thinking. As a national team researcher, he can often learn about the progress and development of basketball research at home and abroad, as well as some emerging nutrition and recovery methods. “I hope that through my work, I can help China men’s basketball become the best Asian team in this World Cup and successfully get tickets for the Tokyo Olympics.” He said.

In addition to the scientific research coach of the national team, Wu Zhaozhao also served as a basketball teacher of Northwestern University and a coach of the women’s basketball school team. Under his leadership, northwestern University won the second place of CUBA Sunshine Group in Shaanxi province women’s basketball 2016. “School leaders, colleagues and classmates gave me special support for serving the national team. Our school is also 211 colleges and universities. Student players are very smart, and their enthusiasm for basketball is also very high now.” Wu Zhao Zhao said,

as the only college teacher in the national team coaching team and the guarantee team, Wu Zhao said frankly that there is still a certain gap between the competitive level of college players and entering the national team, however, he believes that with the participation of more college students in the CBA draft and the success of former college students such as Han Dejun in professional basketball, he is confident to continue the basketball boom in the university campus and help college basketball lovers become better themselves.

The Football Association’s rectification ceremony is hard to stop the red card from flying all over the sky.

The Chinese Super League has produced 10 red cards in the 3 rounds of this season, setting the highest record in the same period of the league.

In the competition between Chongqing SWAY and Shenzhen Kaisa on the evening of March 31, SWAY foreign aid Fernan Godinho and deep foot GE Zhen were successively dominated by Ma Ning red cards. So far, this season, the Super League has three rounds of battle, it has produced 10 red cards in total, setting the highest record in the same period of the Chinese Super League.

In the warm and cold season, the “red light everywhere” of the Chinese Super League runs counter to the original intention of the Chinese Football Association to do all kinds of measures to maintain the league Gypsy style competition. The “heavy ceremony” of the industry management department can not restrain the outbreak of irrational emotions of a few competitors, and the success or failure of “tutor” has become a serious topic for all clubs.

10 red cards in the first three rounds

The highest in the same period of chuangchao

In the SWAY match with deep foot, Fernan Godinho stretched his foot on Zhang Yuan’s ankle, while GE Zhen kicked the latter after competing with SWAY foreign aid Adrien. In Nanjing, Dreher foreign aid Raphael stuffy the ball to the face of Suning player Tian Yinong. The fouls of Fernan Godinho, GE Zhen and Raphael vary, but the commonality lies in that their actions are not against the ball but against people. The action that led to the red card was of no value to the game. They were all blamed for their emotional control.

Counting the 4 red cards in the third round, 10 red cards have appeared in the three rounds ahead of this season. Although Fuli Lulin’s red card was caused by the accumulation of two yellow cards, like the top three players who directly leading red, Lulin, as an old player, did not control her emotions well, after receiving the first yellow card, he was reluctant to the referee.

The accumulation of 10 red cards also set the highest number of red cards in the same period of the Chinese Super League. In the first round of the Chinese Super League, there were 5 red cards, which tied the first round of the domestic top league in history. Against the background that two negative examples of Shenhua’s Bo Jiajun and Sun Shilin were severely punished by the club and the Chinese Football Association in the first round, individual players did not seem to be shocked. Therefore, when Raphael repeated that Oscar’s depression that year, some people could not help but wonder why after the Football Association’s “heavy ceremony”, similar bad stadium disciplinary acts were still banned repeatedly?

Football Association strictly Gypsy style season

The effect is not as expected

In terms of governance, the Chinese Football Association is not dedicated. Last spring, the Chinese Football Association launched a “system of the first responsible person of the Gypsy style competition management club” aimed at cracking down on disciplinary violations of the stadium and curbing violence and non-sports moral factors to dye the league matches “, the Gypsy style performance of each club in various domestic competitions is linked to the management responsibilities of the general manager and even the chairman of the board of directors of the club as the” first responsible person. Some media even interpreted that once the relevant work was not effective, the “first responsible person” even faced the danger of finishing class.

In terms of strictly regulating the Gypsy style competition discipline, the Chinese Football Association maintains the labor rights and interests of players as laborers, and imposes penalties on the Chinese Football Association discipline standards. That is, the “disciplinary penalty” commonly known by the outside world has been revised in a new round. The economic cost of punishment for specific violations of discipline will be increased, and at the same time, combined with the Labor characteristics of the industry, it will be combined with the actual situation in defining the suspension of disciplinary practitioners, and be in line with relevant international rules. At the same time, by strengthening education and preaching, the players’ self-discipline awareness, rule awareness and respect for football awareness can be improved. However, in the past three rounds, the effect did not meet the expectations of all sectors.

Lack of Enlightenment education for players

Need to strengthen “family education” for teenagers”

It is understood that in order to improve the Gypsy style competition and maintain the quality of education, the Chinese Football Association has specially improved the pre-league joint meeting system. Specifically, before the start of each round of league matches, relevant personnel will emphasize the maintenance of the Gypsy style competition period at the joint meeting, and combine the characteristics of various clubs and even players, key requirements were put forward for individual players, and even special exhortations were made for referees. But just like Bai Jiajun and Sun Shilin, the situation of the players “understand before the game, be confused during the game, and regret after the game” is still one after another.

A relevant person told the reporter of Beijing Youth Daily on April 1, “In fact, the Chinese Football Association and the club are very helpless. Some feasible measures have been introduced, and the emphasized requirements have been put forward more than once, but it is still impossible to prevent the emergence of red card disciplinary action “.

Then the reason is that some league practitioners and industry managers agree that compared with all kinds of governance and warnings at this stage, players obviously lack the intensity of receiving relevant education in the stage of enlightenment of becoming talents, some concepts of playing football have been deeply rooted in their growth. In addition, in terms of emotion management, different players also have differences due to their different self-discipline, cultural accomplishment and understanding ability.

Practitioners generally believe that aggravating punishment is a way, not a way to cure the root cause. The Education of clubs and industry management departments needs to further form the normal state. Next, the club must put “tutor” in an important position in its own construction, including echelon at all levels of the club, especially the education of the majority of young echelon practitioners must be strengthened.

Wen/Our reporter Xiao Yi

China ended military training women’s basketball, commander-in-chief xu limin satisfied with the results

The center Li Yuelu, who was just selected by the Atlanta Dream Team at the 2019WNBA draft conference, is also in the team.

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, April 12 (Li Bowen, Han Xueyan) China’s women’s basketball national team held military training exercises at the military sports training center of the Central Military Commission training management department on the 12th. Xu Limin, head coach of the women’s basketball national team, said that the five-day strict militarization life improved the personal style and condensed the team’s strength, which would be of great help to the following training and games.

During the training on that day, women’s basketball of the girls, led by the instructors, organized the contents of dressing, standing, standing upright, walking and running, showing a good spirit. Xu Limin led the coaching team to participate in the whole process, and led everyone to sing military songs and play games when adjusting the training gap. Xu Limin personally led everyone to sing “military songs of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army”.

Xu Limin is satisfied with the military training results of the women’s basketball girls. “The mental outlook of the team members has changed. The whole behavior, standing statue, sitting and inner temperament, including uniformity and obedience to command orders, have been greatly improved, it will be of great help to our later training and competition. Therefore, although the military training time is very short, it has gained a lot.” He said.

Shao Ting, the captain of women’s basketball, said that military training has cultivated the quality of hard work, solidarity and cooperation. Although it was hard, the team members did not complain. “The biggest gain is that as a whole, as long as one person makes a mistake, it will affect the performance of the whole team. Therefore, everyone must be highly focused, this improves our tacit understanding.” Shao Ting said.

The Center Li Yuelu, who was just selected by the Atlanta Dream Team at the 2019WNBA draft convention, is also in the team. As for the News of the draft, Li Yuelu said that he was also very surprised, but after all aspects of consideration, he felt that it was not mature enough to go to WNBA now. In addition, there were preparations for the league and the national team, the club is worried about the risk of injury, so it will definitely not go there before the Olympics.