Freestyle Skiing Aerials World Cup: Chinese men’s team won Xu Mengtao’s lost Medal

Xinhua News Agency, Changchun, March 2 (reporter Zhou Wanpeng, Wei Hua) in the 2018-2019 season, the International Snow Federation Freestyle Skiing Aerials World Cup China race kicked off on the 2nd in Changchun Shimao Lianhua Mountain ski resort. Chinese players sun Jiasu and Wang Xindi played well and won the men’s champion and runner-up; Australian famous general Laura Pierre won the gold medal in the women’s team, while Chinese player Xu Sicun won the silver medal, and the famous General Xu Mengtao ranked fourth.

The Chinese men’s team showed a collective advantage in the competition on that day. After two rounds of competition, a total of 4 people successfully entered the second round of the final. Sun Jiaxu, who ranked first before, continued in the last round and won the gold medal with 126.11 points, which was the first championship of the Chinese men’s team in the World Cup race this season. His teammate Wang Xindi followed by 0.79 points, and American player Eric won the third place.

“I really didn’t expect to play so well!” Sun Jiaxu, 20, said in an interview after the game, “This is my personal best result, but I am still young and will continue to study and take every step in the future, strive to achieve good results in the Beijing Winter Olympics.”

The women’s group competition broke out a lot of disapproval on the same day. Xu Mengtao, the first two rounds of Chinese famous general, did not perform well enough in the final round of decisive battle, and finally ranked fourth with 81.07 points. Australian player Pierre came from behind and crowned the champion with 96.58 points. Chinese player Xu Sicun won the silver medal with a score of 81.78 points. American player Cadwell won the bronze medal.

“Four years ago, I was in recovery. Although I didn’t get the gold medal today, the overall performance was very stable. It was a great encouragement for me to stand on the podium with simple actions.” Xu Sicun said.

Li Bin, vice chairman of the CPPCC National Committee, attended the opening ceremony of Abu Dhabi World Summer Special Olympics

Xinhua News Agency, Abu Dhabi, March 15 (reporter Zheng Zhi) on March 14, Li Bin, vice chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, was invited to attend the opening ceremony of the 15th World Summer Special Olympics held in UAE, A brief meeting was held between Crown Prince Mohammed of Abu Dhabi and his mother Fatima (mother of the nation), and the president of the International Special Olympics, Shriver, and the president of the United Arab Emirates National Assembly, gubaixi.

Chinese Olympic team men’s football team has a long way to go to the Tokyo Olympic Games

Xinhua News Agency, Tianjin, March 22 (Reporter Zhang Zewei) the result is acceptable, and the process is not flattering-watching the game of China Olympic team’s 5:0 victory over Laos, this may be the common feeling of Chinese fans.

This is the official “first show” for Dutch coach Hiddink to coach the Chinese Olympic team. It is also the first game for the Olympic team to attack the seats in the Tokyo Olympic Games and is destined to attract much attention.

From the result, the Olympic team under Hiddink has lived up to expectations. In the face of the Laos team, which was unknown and obviously not in the same level of strength, the Olympic team took advantage of the scene and won 5 goals, which made a good start for the Tokyo Olympic Games qualifier.

But from the process, this Olympic team did not give people much brilliant performance. It can be said that there is a long way to go if we want to win the siege all the way and rush into the final stage of the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games.

According to the competition system, the first place of the 11 teams and the second place of the 4 teams with the best results will be promoted to the final stage competition held in Thailand in 2020 in this U23 Asian Championship qualifier, the final top three will be eligible for the Tokyo Olympic Games (if the Japanese team wins the top three, the number of eligible places will be postponed to the fourth place).

In addition to Laos, the Chinese Olympic team is located in the Philippines and Malaysia. There are many naturalized players in the Philippines, and Malaysia has a home court advantage. These two games are the real test for Hiddink and the Olympic team.

Although Chinese football has no advantage in Asia in recent years, the team qualification of this Olympic team is still worth looking forward. However, even after entering the U23 The Championships finals of Asia phase, facing Japan, South Korea, Vietnam and the Western Asian powers, it is difficult to enter the top three or top four.

In the first match against the Laos team with short stature and inferior strength, Hiddink’s tactics were quite targeted. He adopted the tactics of combining sides and sides, and bombarded his opponents by taking advantage of the height advantages of players such as Yang Liyu and Dan Huanhuan. However, judging from the actual implementation and effect, it is not good. The breakthrough of the two sides and the transmission of shells are limited, the success rate is not high, and the goal also has luck. Only after about 70 minutes of substitution adjustment in the second half, especially after Zhang yoning played, the situation improved and played more orderly.

Since the defense line is basically not challenged, it remains to be seen how the defense line of the Olympic team is now. However, from the perspective of the midfield, the players’ control and creativity are not enough, especially after the attack is blocked, they lack coping and changes. The rhythm of the game, especially the advance of the attack, is slow and slow.

Basic skills and no-ball running are still the “short board” of this Olympic team “. There are too many unnecessary mistakes on the court, and the standing position is relatively dead. The accuracy and success rate of passing and catching the ball are slightly worse. In the face of the Lao team, the situation is not optimistic when it comes to the fierce and fierce robbery of a stronger opponent.

Last year, Hiddink said before taking over the Olympic team’s handsome seal that only a few people in this team met his team formation requirements. I wonder if Hiddink is satisfied with his disciples after nearly four months of training, training and running-in? Anyway, the journey of the Olympic qualifier has been opened. I hope this Olympic team will constantly summarize and improve in the competition, present richer techniques and tactics, and show a more positive attitude and fighting spirit, bring more eye-catching performance to fans.

Since the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, the Chinese Olympic team has been absent from the 2012 and 2016 Olympic Games. Fans expect to see the Olympic Games in Tokyo in 2020, but they don’t have to put too much pressure on the team. After all, growth and talent need to be honed and time.

Hong Kong Sports Institute launches an all-round development plan for elite athletes

Xinhua News Agency, Hong Kong, May 2 (Reporter Liu Ning) Hong Kong Sports Institute joined hands with Hang Seng Bank on the 2nd to launch a three-year “Hang Seng-Sports Institute elite athletes all-round development plan”, which will arrange athletes to go deep into the community, communicate with teenagers in an interactive way, promote the spirit of positive perseverance to them, arouse teenagers’ interest in sports, and promote elite sports and full-time training at the same time.

Li Zihou, vice chairman of Hong Kong Sports Institute, said at the launching ceremony of the plan held on the same day: “I hope this plan can sow the seeds of success in the community and promote the development of Hong Kong elite movement. I firmly believe that over time, these seeds will surely blossom and bear fruit and shine in the Sports Arena. The most important thing, of course, is to promote the importance of sports and make more young people build a healthy lifestyle.”

Chen Jianghua, the coach of Hong Kong table tennis team, believes that this plan will help to discover more new sports stars. He said: “In recent years, there have been a large number of table tennis talents in Hong Kong. Thanks to Hang Seng’s support over the years, athletes with athletic talent have been cultivated from an early age and gradually become a rare star of tomorrow. This plan arranges elite athletes to visit their alma mater, which will encourage more descendants to pursue their dreams and develop their sports potential.”

As an institution assisting the government in implementing elite sports training, Hong Kong Sports Institute is committed to providing a perfect environment, selecting, cultivating and developing athletes with sports talents, and assisting them in pursuing excellence, strive for good results on the field and encourage potential teenagers to take full-time athletes as their lifelong careers.

Comment: Fitness is popular, don’t forget it

Fitness fire, safety don’t forget (Sports Arena Guanlan)

It is good to actively participate in fitness, but we must pay attention to safety. No matter what kind of sports you are engaged in, only safe and moderate can you achieve the goal of exercise.

There is a college near my home. I often go to the playground there for a walk after dinner. Sometimes, I can’t help running when I just walk to the playground. Why? Because there are so many people exercising, there are people running or walking on each track, and even the leg pressing equipment in the corner of the playground is occupied by warm-up people. Seeing such a scene, it is easy to be infected.

The school opens the fitness field to the society, which makes it convenient for the nearby residents. However, if everyone comes to the playground for exercise, will it occupy the students’ exercise space? Don’t worry, there is another playground of the same scale not far away. You need to brush the school card to enter, which fully guarantees the students’ sports needs. I believe that students who like “House” will be inspired as much as I am driven by the warm exercise atmosphere. They will walk out of the dormitory, come to the playground and join the fitness team.

This season, people who exercise can be seen everywhere in the city. In fitness venues, “lifting iron” and swimming become popular; In the open space of the community, two people can play a game when they pick up badminton racket. The purpose of everyone’s exercise may be different: the ridicule of “don’t lose weight in May, June is sad” makes beauty lovers take off their legs; Strengthening physical fitness and promoting health have become the original intention of many people’s exercise; others regard fitness as a way to relax body and mind and relieve pressure. No matter which target you aim at, as long as you move, you can gain something.

There are more people taking part in the exercise, which will bring the atmosphere of hot peripheral sports, but it also brings some problems that need attention. For example, if the temperature is relatively high during the day, outdoor sports should be moderate, otherwise heat stroke is easy. Most people like to exercise on a relatively cool night. After dinner, they go for two laps, playing ball games, dancing and kicking shuttlecock. However, the light at night is dim and safety issues must be paid attention, especially in places where vehicles enter and leave frequently, more care is needed.

On the playground, there are people who like to run fast, and there are people who like to jog. When there are more people, people at different speeds tend to interfere with each other. Therefore, no matter how much you put into exercise, you should also be observant and alert to avoid collision with others.

The weather is hot and swimming is very popular. Last summer, I saw a friend showing a picture of himself swimming in the river. Although he was very good at swimming, he still couldn’t help reminding: the safety factor of wild swimming is low, and in line with the principle of being responsible for his own life, I ‘d better enjoy myself in the swimming pool. After all, no matter what kind of sports you are engaged in, only safe and moderate can you achieve the goal of exercise.

Tang Tianyi

Tang Tianyi

I don’t like makeup, but only tennis-Zhang Shuai advanced to the top 32 women’s singles in Australian net

Zhang Shuai, who appeared in the Australian Open with a new hairstyle, overcame the influence of the rain interrupting the competition in the second round of women’s singles on the 17th and beat Czech player Pliskova in two sets, he returned to the third round of this Grand Slam three years later.

Xinhua News Agency, Melbourne, January 17 (Reporter Yue Dongxing Hao Yalin) Zhang Shuai, who appeared in the Australian Open with a new hairstyle, overcame the influence of rain interrupting the competition in the second round of women’s singles on the 17th, beat Czech player Pliskova in two sets and returned to the third round of this Grand Slam three years later.

After the game, when a reporter said that Zhang Shuai, with tennis cap and short straight hair, looked more lively and lovely on the court, the Chinese women’s singles general immediately smiled and said, “is it? Actually, I want to cut my hair myself. It is not often said that a person’s life is about 30,000 days, depending on whether you live 30,000 days or repeat 30,000 times a day? I may live for nearly 10,000 days. I can’t always look the same. It’s good to change.”

However, although the image has changed, as Zhang Shuai said, her concentration and immersion in tennis have not changed at all. This is also reflected in the competition.

After taking the first set at 6:3 easily, Zhang Shuai feels good and is in good condition, and is expected to have a quick win. But after the start of the second set, it began to rain heavily over Melbourne Park, which was covered with clouds, and the game was interrupted. After returning to the venue, puliskova, who ranked 101th in the world of WTA, recovered his state and once achieved a 5:2 lead, seeing the hope of equalizing the big score. However, the stronger Zhang Shuai then calmly controlled the game, winning 5 games in a row and locking the victory at 7:5.

After the game, when talking about the fluctuations in the game, Zhang Shuai said: “I did play very well in the first set. After the rain comes back, the opponent’s status has improved a lot. I also had a good chance to break my hair, but I didn’t grasp it. Later I lost serve rounds, so it reached 2:5. But I always believe that I will win.”

In the next round, Zhang Shuai, who ranks 42th in WTA, will face No. 6 seed and Ukrainian star svitorina.

When talking about the next opponent, Zhang Shuai said that svetolina was indeed a very good player in the past two or three years, and the two also had a fight, I hope there will be a wonderful showdown on Australian network this time.

As for the pressure brought by the ups and downs of the world women’s singles ranking, Zhang Shuai believes that in addition to focusing on himself and trying his best to fight every match, he should also hone his mentality more strongly, let yourself focus on yourself no matter when you are backward or in the lead, and play every point well, even in a difficult situation, you can never give up.

When asked about her spare time, Zhang Shuai, who was about to celebrate her 30th birthday, said frankly that her life was still immersed in the tennis world. “I don’t have cosmetics and seldom watch TV. The last time I watched it was the New Year’s party.”

However, life is not monotonous because of this. She said that she was more willing to focus on her favorite tennis career, trying to change a little bit of deficiency every day, and then two or three like-minded friends could share their experiences and make each day full and happy.

When it comes to the next journey, Zhang Shuai, who once entered the top eight of the Australian Open in 2016, said that every player in the Grand Slam was very strong, almost the strongest 100 people in the world, none of them can be easily taken down. “Now it is promoted to the top 32, which can represent our motherland. I hope to move forward.”