CBA: Guo Allen 34 points Liaoning renewal defending champion Ke Sheng Xinjiang

Xinhua News Agency, Urumqi, April 14 (reporter Ma Wei) the third round match between Xinjiang Guanghui Automobile and Liaoning Bengang in the semi-finals of the CBA league playoffs went to war in Urumqi on the 14th. Relying on the outbreak of Guo Allen in the second half, the defending champion Liaoning turned 109:100 away with a double-digit lag in the first half, bringing the big score to 1:2, in the series of 7 games with 4 wins, I got back a chance.

The two sides dedicated a wonderful war of attack and defense in the first quarter, and the success rate of sports war will not decrease under the condition of high defensive strength. In the last World War I, the Xinjiang team, which scored the highest score of 21 points in the next season, can continue to feel hot, and won 11 points at the end of the first quarter. Both sides failed to establish a clear leading edge in the first quarter. Zhao Jiwei, who faced the stoxes at the end of the festival, helped the Liaoning team chase the score to 25:27.

Xinjiang launched an attack in the second half of the second section, with a small climax of 16:4 in about 5 minutes. After the super-far three points in Felder’s life, the Xinjiang team pulled the score to 50:39, which was also the first time that the difference between the two teams reached two digits in this game. At the end of half time, Xinjiang led 55:46.

At the beginning of the second half, Xinjiang became more confident on the offensive side. Feld even performed a performance of downtown horse riding and archery, and the score was once pulled to 66:51, the home team is likely to take away the game in the third quarter. However, Guo Allen, who was quiet in the first half, then stood out and scored 9 points with three points, quick attack and breakthrough, sounding the LaCorne of defending champion’s counterattack. The attack on the Xinjiang side suddenly lost power and made mistakes. Hudson’s three points and free throws helped Liaoning equalize the score. At the end of the third quarter, the two sides fought 82 square meters.

In the fourth quarter, the attack in Xinjiang continued to be weak, while Liaoning pulled the score to 99:89 under the continuous scores of Guo Allen and Bath. At the last moment, Li Gen only scored 1 goal in the case of holding 3 free throws, completely losing the chance of approaching the score.

The coach of Xinjiang team said after the game that the turning point of the game appeared after the third quarter of Xinjiang led by 15 points. The team’s playing method tended to be simple, and the movement of the ball and people were not smooth. Although the big score is still leading, the team should seriously sum up through this defeat.

In this campaign, Guo Allen scored the highest score of 34 points and had four steals. The next round of the contest between the two sides will be held in Urumqi on the 16th.

Self-enrollment test sports, why colleges and universities “avoid the heavy”

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, April 9th issue: self-enrollment test sports, why colleges and universities “avoid the heavy”

Xinhua News Agency reporter Gao Peng

90 colleges and universities with independent enrollment qualification have recently announced the enrollment guide. Compared with previous years, all colleges and universities have added sports subject tests in the school entrance examination according to the requirements of the Ministry of Education. However, the reporter found that the contents of sports tests in each school are quite different, including height, weight, lung capacity, standing long jump, more relaxed projects such as sitting position and body flexion were frequently selected, while only a few schools dared to pay attention to the difficult 800-meter/1000-meter race. Not only that, the use of the physical test results of each proofreading is also different. Except that Tsinghua University and Xiamen University adopt the method of reducing extra points for the excellent physical test, some colleges and universities clearly stated that they “rejected by one vote” for students who did not meet the physical test, but most schools only vaguely expressed that the physical test results were taken as the admission reference.

The independent enrollment and testing of physical education in colleges and universities is an important means to encourage students to actively carry out physical exercises and promote the healthy development of students’ physical fitness. However, in practice, due to various considerations, some colleges and universities “avoid the heavy” in sports tests, which reduced the good original intention of the education authorities.

Many colleges and universities “avoid the heavy” sports test weakened to physical examination

at the end of last year, the Ministry of Education issued the “notice on doing well the independent enrollment work of colleges and universities in 2019”, for the first time, it is clearly required that all self-enrollment colleges and universities should add physical education subject tests in the college entrance examination. The test items are determined independently by colleges and universities according to the teaching practice of middle schools. The test results are used as an important reference for admission.

Starting from the middle of March, colleges and universities with independent enrollment qualifications have successively published enrollment brochures. Xinhua news agency reporters checked one by one and found that most colleges and universities were in height and body mass index, vital capacity, standing long jump, sitting forward flexion, 50-meter or 100-meter running, pull-up (male), sit-ups (female), one to three items were selected from the 800-meter (female)/1000-meter race (male) for testing. Only a few schools such as Tsinghua University, Peking University and Beijing Normal University had five test subjects.

“Almost no two colleges and universities (physical testing programs) are exactly the same, which can be described as full of personality.” Nanjing university of science and technology dynamic business research center director wang ping professor said that due to the sports has not been included in the college entrance examination, no exam outline, most of the physical education in colleges and universities test content, the scoring standard refers to the latest National Student Physical Health Standard (revised in 2014). This standard has 8 physical test indexes for high school students, including height, weight, vital capacity, 50-meter running, sitting forward flexion, standing long jump, pull-ups/sit-ups, endurance running (800 m/1000 m).

According to the reporter’s statistics, among the more than 80 colleges and universities that have published their own enrollment guidelines, one or more of the most Tests are height, weight, vital capacity, standing long jump and sitting body forward bending, the test items include only about one third of the 50-meter or 100-meter runs. The proportion of colleges and universities that test pull-ups and sit-ups is lower, and the test endurance runs are the least. Only Wuhan University, shandong University has less than 10 colleges and universities, and most colleges and universities have given up this recognized most difficult subject.

“Don’t take sports tests as physical examination,” Wang Zongping, who has been engaged in sports teaching research for nearly 30 years, said that the so-called sports subject tests should at least refer to running, jumping, investment and other contents or items such as foot basket row, table tennis and badminton. Tests such as height and body mass index and vital capacity are closer to physical examination items, which strictly cannot be counted as physical examination. No wonder some netizens quipped that some colleges and universities self-enrollment sports test “no effort, no sweat”, too easy.

The reporter also noticed that most schools only said that the results of physical tests would be an important reference for the identification of independent enrollment qualifications, but there was no specific explanation on how important it was. Only less than 1/4 of colleges and universities have clearly stated that those who fail to meet the standards in sports tests cannot obtain the qualification of independent enrollment. In addition, some schools also adopt the reward policy of giving extra points to those with excellent physical tests.

“Fear of accidents” in colleges and universities exposed the weak reality of middle school sports

in Wang Zongping’s view, many colleges and universities independently recruit sports tests to avoid difficult and easy tests, the main reason is “fear of accidents”.

There have been media reports that in 2013, Nanjing Normal University, as the only one in Jiangsu province to test Sports in self-enrollment, required candidates to take the grip strength, height, weight, lung capacity, standing long jump test for the first time, male and female students also tested 1000 meters and 800 meters respectively. As a result, on the day of the test, the long-distance running examinees fell down a large area. Some left halfway, some vomited on the spot, and some collapsed on the ground. Under various pressures, Nanjing Normal University later canceled the self-enrollment physical fitness test.

As the first institution in China to increase physical fitness tests in self-enrollment, Tsinghua University’s self-enrollment physical testing work has lasted for 8 years since 2011. Professor Liu Bo, director of physical education department of Tsinghua University, said that it is also a test of aerobic endurance. Tsinghua has always adopted the step exercise test instead of long-distance running, firstly, the step exercise test was one of the endurance test options of National Student Physical Health Standard (revised in 2007) at that time, and it was also for the consideration of ease of operation and safety.

“Compared with long-distance running, the exercise load of step motion test is smaller and the safety is higher.” Liu Bo said that through 3 minutes of Up and Down Step exercise, testing the rising level of heart rate and recovery speed after exercise can effectively reflect people’s aerobic endurance exercise level. Long-term systematic physical exercise, especially running, ball games, swimming and other sports, can improve the scores of Step exercise tests.

In addition to safety factors, Liu Bo believes that the limitation of testing site and time is also one reason why many colleges and universities give up testing long-distance running. He said that the self-enrollment interview is usually only half a day or a day. Some colleges and universities have small sports venues, which makes it difficult for hundreds of candidates to test them all. If the weather is bad, outdoor long-distance running cannot be carried out.

In spite of this, Wang Zongping believes that the self-enrollment sports tests of colleges and universities have “avoided the heavy”, which shows that there is no bottom in the examinees’s physical condition and they are distrusted and uneasy about high school sports.

Some insiders pointed out that because physical education was not included in the college entrance examination, physical education in senior high school, especially in grade 3, was useless, and the physical health of students after the college entrance examination was worrying. Judging from the physical test of Tsinghua’s independent enrollment in the past 8 years, the physical condition of the examinees participating in the test is generally not optimistic. According to Liu Bo, in 2011, among the nearly 700 students who took part in the self-enrollment sports test of Tsinghua University, the students with excellent scores (above 90 points) were zero and failed (below 60 points). The number of candidates accounted.

Liu Bo said that although the results of physical tests in the past two years show that the physical quality of examinees has improved, and more and more examinees and parents are aware of the importance of physical tests, this does not mean that the overall physical fitness of high school students has improved significantly.

Promote scientific physical fitness testing to avoid the failure of the original intention of the policy

as early as 12 years ago, the opinions of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on Strengthening Youth Sports and enhancing youth physical fitness pointed out that “youth endurance, strength, speed and other physical indicators continue to decline. However, due to the lack of “positive baton”, the problem of weak physical quality of students has not been solved well.

Wang Zongping said that the Ministry of Education requires independent enrollment of colleges and universities to test physical education, hoping that these 985 and 211 colleges and universities will play a leading role in demonstration and make the majority of parents and examinees realize that, physical exercise is as important as cultural learning, thus triggering a positive chain reaction in which primary and secondary schools attach importance to physical education. However, no matter from the point of view of the importance of test subjects or test results, physical tests in colleges and universities “have less real life and more people go through the motions”, which undoubtedly discounts the good original intention of education authorities.

Wang Zongping believes that for the self-enrollment college sports test, which items should be tested, what standards should be referred to, and how much weight the results of the physical test account for in the enrollment assessment, etc, the education sector should study and formulate a relatively fine-grained scientific guidance, so as to avoid sports test becomes a mere formality, and there are great differences, avoid good policy become centerpiece.

“It takes a period of exploration to promote the scientization of physical education in school examinations,” Liu Bo said, this year is the first year that the Ministry of Education requires independent enrollment of colleges and universities to test physical education. Most colleges and universities have no experience, therefore, it is completely understandable to be very cautious when choosing the content, standard and weight of physical examination. After all, National Student Physical Health Standard (revised in 2014) is a ready-made standardized test with unified evaluation indicators and evaluation standards. It is easy to operate and easy to organize, therefore, most colleges and universities have chosen this standard as reference for physical testing.

Liu Bo also agreed with the introduction of a guiding opinion on sports tests in the future, but he stressed that “one size fits all” should not be implemented, requiring all school physical tests to be completely unified, because since it is self-enrollment, therefore, colleges and universities should be given certain autonomy.

In fact, no matter how to adjust the test subjects, the ultimate purpose of physical fitness test is to guide more students to join in sports and form the habit of lifelong exercise. Wang Zongping and Liu Bojun said that reversing the trend of students’ physical decline is not an overnight thing, nor can it be achieved by one school, which needs the joint efforts of the whole society.

Yao Ming: Sports is a small life charity and needs to be upgraded.

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, April 29 (reporter Wang Haoyu) since its establishment in 2008, Yao Foundation has grown into one of the most influential sports charity brands in China. In the view of founder Yao Ming, it has become more and more real from a vague shadow, and has found its true meaning through the precipitation of time.

“Sports People” is the core concept of Yao fund. As the core project of Yao Foundation to improve rural physical education, Yao Foundation hopes that the primary school basketball season has been held for seven consecutive times since 2012, with 920000 rural children participating and benefiting from it.

While leading more and more rural children to fall in love with basketball, Yao Ming also has a deeper understanding of “Sports People. “This ‘body’ can be interpreted as experience and sports, and many of them are also experience growth. Growth needs to be experienced. Growth has joy and frustration. I believe we will find it. As a sports person, sports is only a form, which is ultimately an experience. Watering these sapling through experience becomes a towering tree.”

“Sports is actually a small life. Many elements such as teamwork and will quality that will be encountered in the future of life will be shown in a way in sports events, just like what people say most of the time, I believe that physical education plays a very important role in education impact on human beings.” Yao Ming said.

In 2019, Yao Foundation’s public welfare action will not only continue to provide better physical education for rural children through Hope Primary School basketball season, but also rely on the “East Wind” of the Basketball World Cup in 2019 “, join hands with the organizing committee of the men’s basketball World Cup to build the” Yao Foundation 2019 International Basketball Federation Basketball World Cup “round dreamway” public welfare project plan.

“This is an incentive for us, an affirmation for us, and more partners.” Yao Ming said, “during this World Cup, it is very rare that we can have such an opportunity and a channel to take children to see the world and see basketball, a culture generated by us.”

The cooperation with the men’s basketball World Cup is undoubtedly a higher platform for the development of Yao Foundation. Yao Foundation has been moving forward and Yao Ming has been thinking.

Yao Ming said, “Of course, Yao fund can still donate to schools and so on, but we hope to provide a kind of service. Charity is a kind of service, including donation. This is what we think. (Doing charity) there is no end to thinking about upgrading and upgrading. Maybe we have solved the problems in the first stage, but we find that this society has evolved again. We must keep up with this era and keep learning. This is endless.”

ITTF Japan Open: Chinese Legion wins gold medal

The 2019 ITTF tour Japan Open ended in Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan on the 16th. The Chinese team won the men’s and women’s singles, doubles and mixed doubles. Xu Xin won the three championships of men’s singles, men’s doubles and mixed doubles.

Xinhua News Agency, Sapporo, June 16 (reporter Ma Cao ran Du Xiaoyi) the 2019 International Table Tennis Federation tour Japan Open ended in Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan on the 16th. The Chinese team won the men’s and women’s singles, doubles and Mixed Doubles five project Champions. Xu Xin won the three championships of men’s singles, men’s doubles and mixed doubles.

In the men’s singles final, Xu Xin won the championship with a 4:1 victory over Lin Jinru, a Chinese Taipei player. Xu Xin took the lead at the beginning, winning two consecutive games with 11:9 and 14:12. Lin Yanru pulled back a game at 11:8. However, in the latter two games, Xu Xin ended the game with 11:3 and 11:8.

Xu Xin said in an interview after the game that he was tired and happy. The mentality and hard work of this competition are back.

The women’s singles final was held between two Chinese players. Sun Yingsha and Liu Shiwen fought for seven games, and finally Sun Yingsha won by 4:3. After the start, Sun Yingsha won two consecutive games with 11:4 and 11:9, while Liu Shiwen pulled three games with 11:4, 11:6 and 11:7. Sun Yingsha actively adjusted the state and won the victory in two consecutive rounds: 11:8 and 11:3.

Sun Yingsha won the women’s singles championship in Japan open again after 2017. After the game, Sun Yingsha said that he hoped the two champions could help him improve his competitive level. Looking forward to the Tokyo Olympic Games next year, Liu Shiwen said that the competition in the Chinese team is very fierce. We should train hard to maintain a good body and competitive state.

The women’s double final was held between the Chinese combination Liu Shiwen/Chen Meng and Sun Yingsha/Wang manzhang. As a result, Liu Shiwen/Chen Meng won by 3:1. Fan Zhendong/Xu Xin, China’s Man pair combination, defeated the German combination bennidict Duda/Qiu party to win the championship.

In the mixed doubles final held on the 15th, Chinese group Xu Xin/Zhu Yuling won the championship with 3:0 victory over Japan portfolio Zhang Benzhi and/morning Shina.

Winter is coming to warrior crisis

The five-year and four-year crown agreed, and the three successive championships great cause agreed suddenly became like a dream of paper paste, which was fragile.

Xinhua News Agency, Oakland, USA, June 8th question: Winter is coming to the critical situation of Warriors

Xinhua News Agency reporter Wang ji

1:3! The defending champion Golden State Warriors dug a huge pit for themselves!

The five years and four crowns agreed, and the three successive championships great achievements agreed suddenly became like a dream of paper paste, fragile.

Before the NBA finals this year, most of the media were optimistic about the defending of warriors, while the rival Toronto Raptors, as a new team in the finals, was to accompany the Prince to study at most. In the eyes of many people, the Raptors led by Leonard were almost compared with the Cleveland Cavaliers led by James.

However, it is this team with few people who have experience in the finals that has gradually encircled the Warriors into a dead corner with precise strikes and cold attacks, raptors are showing their claws!

It’s hard to explain why Warriors suddenly fall into crisis. Injuries seem to be the most ready-made reason. Durant, the most valuable player in the two-time finals, was injured at the critical moment of the playoffs. He hung the battle-free card high and could not return for a long time. The All-Star center kaoxins who was recruited this season was injured for a long time. After returning, he seemed embarrassed, it is difficult to integrate into the warrior’s combat system. The team’s marksman Thompson and the important substitute Luni were also troubled by injuries when they were employed, while the veteran igodala also fought with injuries and struggled to maintain.

Even so, the Warriors who didn’t have Durant and cosins still eliminated Houston Rockets and swept the Portland Trail Blazers in the West. At that time, there seemed to be a lot of cards that Warriors could play in their hands, and the depth of the bench also made up for the absence of “death” Durant. Compared with the Raptors who stumbled all the way in the east, Warriors also have plenty of time to recuperate. Before the opening of the Finals, Durant and Cushing’s recovery was also optimistic and could be supported by fire at any time. Coach Cole and general Curry often said that the champion of Warriors is in the background and has experienced countless storms. No matter how difficult it is, it can be overcome.

The Raptors encountered different degrees of difficulties in the first three rounds of the playoffs. The first round of Orlando Magic was 0:1 behind, and the semi-finals were 76 in Philadelphia. 1:2 behind, and the East round of Milwaukee Bucks was 0:2 backward, but the Raptors have been fighting monsters and upgrading all the way, and their fighting capacity has been continuously improved. When they finally reached the front of the Warriors, they have grown into a giant dragon.

Although the Warriors won the two away games in Toronto, in the second game of winning, the Raptors actually had a chance to turn over if it weren’t for the three points at the last minute of igodala. Back to the Oracle Arena in Auckland, Warriors expect to use the home court advantage to destroy the world and beat the Raptors into a worm, but the Raptors are completely unlike a Cainiao who first appeared in the finals. Facing the Devil atmosphere of the tsunami at home, the Raptors will be like earplugs, which will not be affected at all. They can hold up when they lead, and will not give up when they fall behind. They will attack Oracle Stadium twice within three days, the calm King’s tolerance has begun to show, which makes the fanatical fans of Warriors at home look cold. Warriors made too many mistakes at both ends of attack and defense. The shortage of major generals was certainly an objective reason, but panic and tension could also be seen. The reversal drama that had repeatedly appeared in the previous Western decision to fight the Blazers, it seems that it cannot be performed because of heart-qi deficiency.

Throughout the first four matches of the finals, Raptors are healthier and more prepared. I thought Leonard lacked help, but I didn’t expect everyone to be sharpshooters. Leonard was protected, but siacam appeared again. Siacam became dumb. Gasol and lorry stepped forward again. Danny Green’s three points also caused great harm to the Warriors, even if there are several people who are not in the state at the beginning, Van vlitt and Ibaka on the bench also make 20-point contributions frequently, which means to punch the old master to death in a bit of a mess. For Warriors, their problems on the defensive side are far greater than the problem of weak attack.

On the offensive side, the Warriors have few methods at present. They can only expect Durant to fall to heaven and turn the tide to fall. However, Durant’s return period is delayed, and whether he can play the fifth game is still unknown. Even if Durant played in the game, it was hard to say whether the Sickle of “death” could still be waved for a month.

When the finals were reached now, many people forgot that the Raptors had killed the Warriors in the regular season, and Durant scored 51 points and 30 points respectively in those two regular seasons, finally, the warrior lost the ball. During the whole season, the Raptors played a warrior 5:1, saying that the Raptors were warriors nemesis, which was a little bit too bad.

This year is the fifth consecutive time that Warriors have entered the finals. The 1:3 situation should be regarded as the most difficult situation faced by warriors in the five finals. In the championship finals in 2016, the Warriors led 3:1 at that time, but the Cleveland Cavaliers led by James pulled three games in a row, but this time the Warriors had to face 1:3 backward crisis.

The total score of 3:1 in the history of the American League basketball finals has appeared 34 times, most of which lead the team to solve the battle in five or six games, in addition, there were two leading teams winning through “grab seven”. Only one leading team was chased three times in a row and lost the championship, which was exactly the time when Warriors lost to Knights in 2016.

Warriors have also been chasing for three times. It was also in 2016 that the Warriors fell 1 to 3 behind in the Western games against Oklahoma City Thunder, and finally won three consecutive games in reverse. However, in those three games, the Warriors only needed to play one away game, but if the Raptors play the seventh game this time, the Warriors need to challenge their opponents twice away.

The Alliance has always been rumored that Durant may leave the Warriors this summer to seek greater development space. If the defending defeat, it will also accelerate this process. Can the Warriors dynasty continue to dominate the US league, it has also become unknown.

After defeating the Warriors in the fourth game, hundreds of Canadian fans gathered in a corner of the audience to celebrate for a long time, just like winning the championship, but the Raptors will always be cold and low-key, as Lowry said, four wins and three wins, but “so far, we are nothing”.

The opening ceremony of the 2019 Winter Festival will be held by the Chinese delegation.

On March 2, some members of the Chinese sports delegation took a group photo. Xinhua News Agency reporter Wang Dongzhen photo

Xinhua News Agency, Russia, March 2 (reporter Li Linhai, Zhang Yifei) at 12 noon local time on March 2, the Chinese delegation of the 29th World University Winter Games held a flag-raising ceremony in the athletes’ village. Tian Xuejun, head of the Chinese college sports delegation, and the participating athletes attended the flag-raising ceremony.

At the ceremony, along with the majestic national anthem of the People’s Republic of China, the bright the five-starred red flag rose, and the Chinese delegation’s trip to the Russian winter fair officially opened.

Lu Shuang from Changchun Normal University participated in the women’s ice hockey competition. She said to the reporter excitedly, “the flag raising ceremony is very meaningful. When the national flag was raised, although in a foreign country, we can also feel the strength of our motherland. We will put down all the burdens and face the competition with the best mentality.”

Flag-raising ceremony Qian Tian Xuejun said at the working meeting of Chinese college students’ sports delegation that this winter meeting is an important window to show China’s higher education level, hoping that the team members can show the confidence, sunshine, open and friendly good style.

The 29th World University Winter Games will be held in Russia on the evening of March 2. There are 11 major events and 76 minor events in the competition. The Chinese delegation has sent 84 athletes to participate in 8 major events, the competition of 37 small items.