1:0 Rick Korea Chinese women’s football team won the championship of the four countries

Xinhua News Agency, Guangzhou, January 20 (Reporter Jing huaiqiao) Meizhou Wuhua International Women’s Football Championship ushered in the final on the 20th. With Wang Frost’s assistance in the first half of the game, the Chinese team scored Guya sand, and the Chinese team’s 1:0 Reke Korea team, won the championship in this four-nation competition.

In the initial stage, facing the Korean team’s aggressive tactics, the Chinese women’s football team seemed to be a little uncomfortable, making opponents frequently create threats in front of the restricted area. Although the scene was not dominant, the Chinese team seized the opportunity to break the door first. In the 15th minute, the Chinese team got corner chances. Wang Frost passed the ball to the back point. Guya Sha Lingkong got the best shot, and China got the lead from 1:0.

Shortly after the start of the second half, Wang Frost and Ren shanzhu collided during a competition. After Wang Frost fell to the ground, Ren shanzhu kicked Wang Frost. Li Ying stepped forward to help Wang Frost come forward, and finally Li Ying and Ren shanzhu each got a yellow card. Because both sides adopt the tactics of fighting all over the court, they consume a lot of physical energy for the players. At the end of the game, many players had cramp. Both sides failed to score goals despite mutual attack and defense.

With the goal of guyasha, the Chinese team defeated South Korea at 1:0 and won the championship of the women’s four nations. In another match, Nigeria beat Romania 4:1 and won the third place.

Beijing Winter Olympics and Winter Paralympic Games are beneficial to the public to create a better life.

People’s Daily Online, Beijing, March 15, yesterday, people’s online 2019 “two sessions in progress” special program “Winter Olympics time” was officially broadcast. Wang Yanxia, member of the CPPCC National Committee and vice minister of sports department of Beijing Winter Olympic organizing committee, Liu Xinghua, director of heritage management department of overall planning department of Beijing Winter Olympic organizing committee, Xue Yuan, deputy director of sports department of People’s Daily, exchange and interpretation with the theme of “making great efforts to prepare for the Winter Olympics to share the Olympic heritage. The three guests expressed their opinions on what changes Beijing Winter Olympics and Paralympic Games will bring to people’s lives and how the Winter Olympics heritage will benefit the people.

Wang Yanxia believes that from the perspective of infrastructure construction, Beijing Winter Olympics and Winter Paralympic Games are important starting points for implementing the coordinated development strategy of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei. During the whole preparation process, a series of new facilities such as the expressway and Beijing-Zhang high-speed railway will definitely benefit the local people directly. Jingzhang High-speed railway will be completed and put into use by the end of this year. After completion, it will only take 50 minutes from Beijing to Chongli in Zhangjiakou, so it will be more convenient for Beijingers to go skiing in Chongli. In addition, participating in ice and snow sports is beneficial to the healthy growth of teenagers. Winter sports are fashionable, cool, thrilling and exciting. They are very suitable for young people. Skiing events of them are outdoors, close to nature, it is easy to cultivate the mentality and strong spirit of harmonious coexistence between man and nature. These qualities are very beneficial to people’s healthy growth and will also help people improve their quality of life. In addition, in the process of preparing for the Winter Olympics, many high-level international ice and snow events are bound to be introduced, which is also beneficial to enriching people’s cultural life.

Liu Xinghua said that holding the Winter Olympics and the Winter Paralympic Games can enhance the care of the whole society for disabled groups, promote the construction of an inclusive society, and realize the integration of disabled people and health. In addition, the holding of the Winter Olympics accelerated the improvement of the ecological environment between Beijing and Zhang, making the sky bluer, the water clearer, and the city more livable, and the common people will definitely benefit directly. Preparing for the Winter Olympics can enhance Beijing’s efforts to help the poor in Zhangjiakou, develop the Olympic economy, and attract many ice and snow equipment enterprises to Zhangjiakou and Chongli to invest and set up factories, which can provide employment opportunities for local residents, at the same time, local farmhouse and ice and snow coaches will also increase their income. Then, through the holding of the Winter Olympics, the whole society will enhance the spirit and concept of voluntary service and greatly promote social harmony.

Xue Yuan believes that holding the Winter Olympics and the Winter Paralympic Games can create a better life. The preparation and holding of the Winter Olympics and the Winter Paralympic Games can meet the growing needs of the people for a better life. From this perspective, the Winter Olympics, the Winter Paralympic Games is a great event and happy event in our country. It can make everyone feel the strength of the country and be proud of the strength of the motherland. On the other hand, everyone’s life has also changed due to the Winter Olympics, gaining more benefits. It can be said that the preparation and holding of the Winter Olympics and the Winter Paralympic Games can closely link the development of the country, the progress of the society and the well-being of the people. This is also the Winter Olympics, the Winter Paralympic Games can become an important reason for each of us to have the Winter Olympic Games.

Prospect of short track speed skating World Championship: the situation of Chinese team is grim, the rise of Europe resists the “Korean Wave”

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, March 7 (Reporter Liu Yang) the 2018-2019 World Short Track Speed Skating championship is about to start in Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria. The Chinese team with poor performance in the World Cup series this season has sent all the main players to participate in the competition, strive to prove yourself again in the final battle of the season. The United “European team” will challenge the traditional strong team South Korea, and may even stage a good show of “seizing the power of the shift.

After the 5th round of the World Cup this season, the world championship of the final drama will be held on March 8-10. The Chinese team will send a full-force lineup headed by Wu Dajing, the champion of the Winter Olympics, to play. After the beginning of the new Olympic cycle, due to the need of upgrading, the Chinese team hid the main force and sent a large number of new players to play in the 5-stop World Cup, resulting in an extremely flat record this season, only won four gold medals in the first two races, among which there were three strong men’s 500 meters from Wu Dajing. In addition, they also won 2000 m men’s and women’s mixed relay gold medals, after the three races, there was no performance of riding the dust.

The Chinese short-track team is currently “Yang Sheng Yin decline”, and the overall strength of the women’s team needs to be strengthened urgently. Due to the poor performance in the World Cup this season, the women’s team ranked eighth in the traditional advantage project 3000-meter relay and failed to qualify for the women’s relay in this world championship, which is the first time in the history of the world championship in recent years.

Judging from the current situation of the Chinese team, the men’s 500 meters is the biggest “winning point” of the Chinese team in the Sofia World Championship “. Due to the absence of the last three races, Wu Dajing ranked second in the world, behind South Korea’s Lin Xiaojun, but he was still the favorite to win the championship. The official website of the International Federation of skating predicts that Wu Dajing, Lin Xiaojun, Canadian veteran Gerrard and South Korean famous General Huang Daheng will all launch an impact on the champion. The battle between Lin Xiaojun and Wu Dajing is most worth looking forward.

In addition, the Chinese team has the strength to win in men’s relay, women’s 500 meters and men’s and women’s mixed relayrace.

In preparation for the World Championships, the Chinese team has been conducting closed training since the end of the World Cup, and the list of the world championships was also difficult to be released one day before departure. Chinese team coach Li Di didn’t want to say much about the competition goal before the competition. She said: “Now it is only the first step from the 2022 Winter Olympics, and only laughing until the end is the real strong. The Chinese team currently needs confidence, determination and persistence.”

After the Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang, although all teams in the world are in the stage of upgrading and recuperating, the overall “European team” with remarkable achievements in the Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang has developed rapidly, in the World Cup this season, he has “fought against the South Korean team”. After the World Cup series, the Netherlands, Russia, Hungary and other European strong teams and the South Korean team took the top place in the world in 9 men’s and women’s projects. Among them, the world ranking champions of women’s four projects are all included by European teams.

Zhang Jing, the Chinese coach of the Hungarian team, said in an exclusive interview with Xinhua News Agency that “joint training” has become a major means for European strong teams to enhance their strength. Everyone competes with each other in an atmosphere of mutual learning, so as to realize a virtuous circle of increasing overall strength.

Zhang Jing said that from the perspective of the World Cup this season, although South Korea changed its coach male and female teams, its technical movement and ability level are still “far ahead” in the world and remain strong in the World Cup. Therefore, whether the European strong team can resist the “Korean wave” in Sofia is expected.

In the relay project, the Russian women’s team bottomed out and rebounded. It has already been outstanding in the 3-stop World Cup and won the first place in the world. Whether it can dominate the world championship is a big attraction. In addition, although the Hungarian team, the gold medalist of the men’s relay in the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics, performed well in the season, Liu Shaoang, the main force, will miss the World Championship due to a palm fracture in the last race, which will undoubtedly bring a blow to the Hungarian team. Zhang Jing said: “After Shao Ang was injured, we really lost some competitiveness in relay. This year, we still ranked first in the world. As long as the team improves steadily every year, we are not in a hurry.”

In the men’s and women’s mixed relay project, China, Hungary, Russia, Canada and Italy have equally scored five World Cup champions. Who can be the king in the world championship will be the biggest suspense.

South Korea selected Seoul as the bidding city of South Korea and South Korea to jointly bid for Olympics

Xinhua news agency, Seoul, February 11 (Reporter Geng Xuepeng Lu Rui) on the 11th, South Korea selected Seoul as the host city of South Korea to jointly bid for the 2032 Summer Olympics.

According to the statement released on the website by the Korean Sports Association, Seoul won 34 of the 49 votes in the vote held in Zhenchuan athletes’ village that day, it is identified as the bidding city of South Korea for the joint bid of South Korea and North Korea.

The Han dynasty had reached a consensus on promoting the joint bid for the 2032 Summer Olympic Games. South Korean media reported that South Korea intends to submit a letter to the International Olympic Committee in the near future to express its willingness to bid together. North Korea has not announced its bid for the city.

According to reports, Seoul estimates that if South Korea and North Korea jointly host the 203.8 trillion Olympic Games, South Korea needs a budget of about won (about 3.38 billion US dollars), among them, the Seoul municipal government and the South Korean central government are planned to bear 30% respectively, while the rest is borne by the Olympic organizing committee.

Seoul held the Summer Olympics in 1988. In addition, South Korea held the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics in 2018.

Canoe World Cup Duisburg station Chinese team won 4 gold 2 Silver 2 copper

In addition to the World Cup Poznan Station, the Chinese team won 7 gold, 6 silver and 5 bronze in two World Cups, which made a good start for the 2019 Tokyo Olympic Games qualification year.

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, June 2, China Canoe Association reported that the 2nd local time was the last match day of the canoe world Cup Duisburg station. The Chinese team won 3 gold and 1 silver, plus 1 gold, 1 silver and 2 copper on the first final day, the final ended with 4 gold, 2 silver and 2 copper.

Among the three gold medals won on the 2nd, the one with the heaviest weight was Liu Hao/Peng-Fei Zheng men’s rowboat Double 1000 m gold medal. In addition, Lin Wenjun/Zhang Luqi won the women’s rowboat double 200 m champion, and Liu Hao/Sun Mengya once again won the mixed double rowboat 500 m project.

In the men’s rowboat Double 1000 m final, Liu Hao and Peng-Fei Zheng defeated the champion of the 2017 and 2018 World Championships, and just won their German team Juel/kreichmer last week, leading the odds by one and a half seconds, and create the world’s best results for this project.

Lin Wenjun/Zhang Luqi defended the women’s rowboat double 200 m champion with 0.123 seconds in a glue competition with less than 0.4 seconds difference from the first to the fourth. The other two pairs of women’s double-stroke combinations Ma Yazen/Sun Mengya, Xu Shixiao/Zhang Yayuan won the fourth and sixth place in the 500-meter competition. Women’s Double stroke is the key gold rush project of the Chinese team’s Tokyo Olympic Games. In Poznan and the World Cup on this site, a total of 6 Chinese girls won medals, showing strong strength.

The performance of the Chinese team in the women’s kayak competition is also remarkable: Veteran Zhou Yu won the single 1000-meter bronze medal, the single 500-meter eighth, and led the four-person boat to win the fifth in the 500-meter competition.

With the World Cup Poznan Station, the Chinese team won 7 gold, 6 silver and 5 bronze in two World Cups, which made a good start for the qualification year of the Tokyo Olympics in 2019. Subsequently, the Chinese team will be transferred to the training state to prepare for the World Championship and the Tokyo Olympic Games qualifier in August.

News analysis: “Class tide” is surging, can Kovac keep the handsome position?

Xinhua News Agency, Berlin, May 1st News analysis: “The tide of class is surging”, can Kovac keep his handsome position?

Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Di

for the German football coach, this season is not easy.

Seven German head coaches were fired. After the season, three head coaches will leave regardless of whether the contract expires or not. At least nine teams will need to hire new coaches next season. Deyi is even more exaggerated, and 15 coaches have been forced to finish class.

The Bundesliga coaches after class this season include: Ann breitenwright of Hanover, Hai Herich of Leverkusen, mi Kerner of Nuremberg, tower kolkut and Ma weinzil of Stuttgart, man Baum of Augsburg, and Dodo Tedesco of Schalke 04.

The coaches who will step down after the season are: Di Heijin of menxing Gladbach, Da Parr of Hertha BSC Berlin, and Bu Labadia of Wolfsburg.

The current manager of Hanover, Tor Dole, who succeeded breitenwright, sighed, “The situation is getting worse now, and the atmosphere of disrespect for coaches is spreading.”

According to German local media reports, statistics in 2016 showed that the average time for a German football coach to coach a team exceeded 500 days, but now it has dropped to about 300 days. There are 14 Current head coaches in the De B team who have been coaching for less than a year. At present, Cologne, which ranks first with a 5-point lead, has great hopes to enter the Bundesliga, but when there are only three rounds left in the league, coach Ma Anfang was relieved by the club.

According to Lu hangatner, chairman of the German football coach Association (BDFL), the career of head coach has been regarded as a joke by the club. “There are many reasons for the coach to finish class, such as too few victories, demotion crisis, missing the Champions League or Uefa Europa Cup seats, etc. Now he even lacks thinking and suggestions on the future development of the team, it also became the reason for the coach to finish class.”

Luo duter, head coach of Deb Bochum, believes that it is a waste of money to change coaches frequently in the club. He satirized: “It seems that everyone in the team management knows how to arrange troops. Obviously, there is no need for a coach. The coach needs two to three years to forge the team, and now everyone seems to forget that this is a basic rule.”

Darni Maier, head coach of Deb Auer Club, said: “After the winter break, I found that many colleagues in the league could not see it. The Golden Age of German football coaches may have passed.”

The Frankfurt report said in a commentary: “The salary of the team manager is comparable to that of the senior executives of large companies, but the working hours are as short as the seasonal Asparagus Harvester.”

At present, it is Bayern Munich head coach Kovac who is the most on pins and needles in the handsome position. With 3 rounds left, Bayern only got 2 points ahead of second place Dortmund. Especially in the last round of dort’s accidental loss, Bayern failed to score 3 points on the team in the degraded area, opening the points gap, and Kovac was criticized.

According to sources in Bayern quoted by the South German newspaper, the competition in the next few weeks will decide that Kovac will eventually stay. The hardest thing for Bayern is to encounter the elite team Leipzig twice in the League and German Cup finals. Analysts predict that Kovac can keep the handsome position only if he leads the team to win the league and the German Cup.

Kovac also complained to the increasingly impatient club management: “in front of unsatisfactory results, the head coach is always the one who needs to take responsibility. When the team wins, it becomes everyone’s credit.”

On last November, Bayern was still 9 points behind Dort, and Kovac led the team to chase wildly. The 28th round of Bayern 5:0 triumphantly defeated Dort and returned to the top of the list. However, he was eliminated by Liverpool in the Premier League in the 16th Champions League and Kovac was questioned.

Rummenigge, the chairman of the board of directors of the club, put pressure on Kovac by constantly releasing signals to the outside world. Rumenigge said in an interview with the media that he was considering Alonso as the team manager in the future. “Alonso is the best tactician in the history of the club.”

The first thing Kovac, who is treading on thin ice, should consider is how to avoid trouble and finish the season “safely.

For Bayern, if there is no champion, how can we talk about satisfaction?