Now, you can still see Los Angeles at 4 a.m.

Xinhua News Agency, Shenzhen, March 18, now, you can still see Los Angeles at four o’clock in the morning-interview with NBA legendary star Kobe Bryant

Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Bowen Lin deleng Wang Haoming

if not on the scene, you can’t feel the shock of nearly ten thousand people shouting “Kobe, Kobe” in unison. On the court, he is an OMBA legend who can do everything and accept hundreds of millions of fans to worship. After retirement, he transformed luxuriously, keep trying across borders and enjoy it.

As the global image ambassador of the men’s basketball World Cup, NBA legendary Star Kobe appeared in China to participate in the draw ceremony, and accepted an exclusive interview with Xinhua News Agency reporter, talking about his life conversion in the upper and lower half of the game, he shared his life insights about love, persistence and even regret.

Attacking the business world, like on the court, he is persistent in

investing, writing books and being a producer. After leaving the court, Kobe’s transformation was quite successful and he constantly tried new roles and challenges. “I am not trying to prove anything, but to love what you do. Find your true love. Once you find it, you will be serious and full of respect in your heart, and your grades will naturally follow.” Kobe told reporters that he founded a media company focusing on content production, launched Kobe’s documentary muses, and published Mamba spirit: Kobe’s autobiography. He cooperated with ESPN + in the basketball analysis series “details” and won the Oscar for best animation short film. He personally devoted himself to creating each one.

Now, he is about to publish his first sports-themed Magic novel widsnard series: Training Camp. “I hope to share what I have learned in my 20-year basketball career through novels, including the philosophy of life, the knowledge of competition, and the forms of stories, magic and entertainment, inspire our next generation.” Kobe said.

In addition, Kobe also invested in sports beverage brand BodyArmor. As beverage giant Coca-Cola acquired some BodyArmor of the shares, Kobe, as the fourth largest shareholder, gained a high investment income. In the field of sports, he also set up “Mamba Institute of Physical Education” to provide all-round sports training for amateur and professional athletes.

For business, Kobe is as devoted to business as he was in the stadium in those days. When he encounters business problems that he does not understand, he will question and bomb business leaders all the time, and even send text messages to business partners to discuss business at three o’clock in the morning. “No matter what you do, you have to invest 100%. Whether you play basketball, write a book or make a movie, you use 100% energy and concentration to ensure that this is the best you can do.” He said.

Kobe now has more time to accompany his wife and daughter, which makes him very happy. He will personally drive his daughter to school and enjoy the happy time of father and daughter alone.

As the global image ambassador of the men’s basketball World Cup, Kobe said he would definitely watch the matches of various teams in the World Cup. In the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games and the 2012 London Olympic Games, he wore the national team uniform twice to win the gold medal for the US team. Looking forward to the performance of the US team in this World Cup, Kobe believes that they are still the most popular in winning the championship, but they are also facing the situation of strong enemies. “Obviously, as the defending champion, the US team is the biggest favorite to win the championship, but there are no weak teams in the World Cup.” Bryant said, “Many teams have players playing in NBA, and there are also many players who do not choose to play NBA but are also very good. Everyone is very strong.”

Now, I can still see Los Angeles at 4 a.m.

Kobe was a famous training “madman” all the time “.

Karon Butler, who worked with Kobe as a teammate in the Lakers in the 2004-2005 season, recalled that Kobe would come to the stadium for training at 6:30 or 7:00 every day, seven days a week; bryant’s former teammate Byron Scott once said that he saw the 18-year-old “Black Mamba” shooting in the dark in the stadium without lights. At that time, there were still two hours before the team’s formal training; star Bosh recalled that in the American team training camp in Las Vegas, when he got up at eight in the morning and was bleary-eyed to get ready for breakfast, he saw Kobe and his trainer, Kobe with ice pack on his knee, training wear has been completely wet. “Have you ever seen Los Angeles at 4 a.m?” It has long been a synonym for Kobe’s hard work and has been constantly mentioned by fans, inspiring groups of young people.

Kobe told reporters that when he just retired, he was actually a little relaxed and didn’t want to do anything. His knees and shoulders would ache faintly, so he didn’t go to exercise and his figure was a little fat. However, Kobe has resumed training and self-discipline, and still gets up at four o’clock every day to go to fitness.

“About five or six months ago, I started to exercise again and worked very hard to keep fit.” Kobe said. In addition to self-restraint, Kobe’s motivation also comes from his children. Kobe wants to set an example for children and tell them what is hard work, “they can’t see how much you play in the office and what is the most intuitive teaching of words and deeds, that is your training.”

The last battle is more unforgettable than 81 points

looking back at Kobe’s 20-year career, too many highlights and classics, countless times. It has been nearly three years since I stayed away from that party and loved all over the world. What is the most unforgettable moment in my mind for Kobe, who has been sitting in the sofa for a long time?

“The games we won the championship were the most unforgettable, but the last game was the most special for me.” Kobe said. Kobe, who was in the middle of the day in 2006, scored 81 points against the Raptors. Ten years later, in his “Last Dance”, the old Ke, who was not at the peak, slashed the highest 60 points in the season, led the Lakers to win jazz, and a “MambaOut” after the game moved many people to tears.

“At 81 points, my eldest daughter Natalia was only two years old and her second daughter Jaina was not born yet. They had no chance to see me playing in that competitive state with their own eyes.” Kobe said, “and my last game, the children and my wife, Wanisha, were both on the scene. I had the opportunity to see their reactions and enjoy this moment with them. Too much fun, this is a memory I will never forget.”

On the court, the technology of God of War Kobe has changed, but he always believes that there is no end to the improvement of technology. “From the perspective of basketball, I will never say OK at a stage. You can always be better.” Kobe said, “whether it is dry jump, free throw, defense or leadership, I will observe every side of the game, strive to improve on every side, and stay in the comfort zone forever, everything is progress, progress, and then progress.”

Five championship trophy, two Finals MVP, 18 all-star, Kobe still thinks that his career has many regrets, but he has long regarded it as a part of his life. “It is very important to understand that life cannot be perfect. If you have a perfect life, it also lacks a lot of meaning.” Kobe said, “You have to experience ups and downs. You may make a decision that you regret afterwards. This is all a part of life. Through that decision, you can also find the beauty of life.”

National Speed Skating champion saigao Tingyu won the men’s 500 m championship

Xinhua News Agency, Changchun, March 22 (reporter Wang Jingyu, Zhou Wanpeng) in the national speed skating championship men’s 500-meter competition held on the 22nd, Gao Tingyu, the bronze medalist of the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics, won the championship with a greater advantage.

In the two taxiways in the upper and afternoon, Gao Tingyu, who represented the battle of Heilongjiang skating training center, slipped out 35 seconds 45 and 35 seconds 10 respectively, finally, he won the championship with a score of 70 seconds and 55 seconds. Yang Tao of Shenyang Institute of Physical Education and Hou Kebo of Beijing Sports Bureau won the runner-up and the third place respectively. The total scores of their two taxiways were 71 seconds 26 and 71 seconds 54 respectively.

Gao Tingyu’s performance in the world arena this season was flat, and the best 500-meter season was 34 seconds 59 slipped out of the competition held by inzel in Germany. For the performance of the day, Gao Tingyu thought it was normal.

“In the first round, I felt that I didn’t play well. I didn’t mobilize my state. In the second round, I had a very obvious improvement.” Gao Tingyu said, “it is similar to what I expected, between 35 seconds 1 and 35 seconds 2.”

Gao Tingyu told the reporter that in the first season after the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics, the training was mainly adjusted. “It must be adjusted after the Olympic Games. If one’s nerves are always tense, it will collapse after four years…… Compared with the World Cup, it is a little powerless. The Foundation is not enough and it has been adjusted all the time, so it has not been practiced.” He said.

Gao Tingyu said that he still has many shortcomings and personal skills need to be improved. When asked about the goal of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics, Gao Tingyu said that it would be better to do your best.

Yang Tao, who won the runner-up, said frankly that he was satisfied with the ranking, but not very satisfied with the results. He said: “The physical condition is not the best, and there is no slip out of the best level of training.” Yang Tao told the reporter that when he participated in the World Youth Championship in the 2016-2017 season, he could slide to more than 35 seconds and 3 seconds. In the past two years, he has not improved or dropped significantly. “Others improve quickly and stay where they are. It is very uncomfortable. I hope to make a breakthrough.” He said.

In the women’s 500 m competition, the 27-year-old Jin Jingzhu slipped out the results of 38 seconds 77 and 38 seconds 56 respectively, and won the championship in 77 seconds 33, it was Tian Ruining and Shi Xiaoxuan who won the runner-up and the third place.

On March 10, in the final of the speed skating World Cup held in Salt Lake City, USA, Jin Jingzhu won the tenth place with a score of 37 seconds 733. After the 22th game, Jin Jingzhu said that he was in a very ordinary state. Because I have been playing some time ago, I just came back for a week, and there is no systematic training. I feel that it is quite good to slip to this result.

The Asian Football Association confirmed that the Chinese team was the first team in the top 40 FIFA World Cup qualification.

Xinhua News Agency, Kuala Lumpur, June 17 (reporter Lin Hao, Yu Wei) FIFA announced on the 17th that the draw ceremony for the top 40 of the 2022 Qatar World Cup Asian qualifiers will be held on July 17 at the headquarters of the Asian Football Association in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The Chinese team confirmed it as the first team.

The Asian Football League said that the 40 teams in the top 40 stage will be divided into 8 groups, with 5 teams in each group for double-cycle matches. The competition will be held between September 5, 2019 and June 9, 202020. the first place of the eight groups and the second place of the four best scores will be promoted to the last round of the Asian qualifiers, namely the top 12.

FIFA also confirmed the division of the top 40 teams according to the FIFA ranking on June 14, 2019. 40 teams are divided into 5 gears and 8 teams in each gear.

In this issue, the Chinese team ranked 73rd in the world and 8th in the affiliated teams of the Asian Football Association. Therefore, it is the same as Iran, Japan, South Korea, Australia, Qatar, UAE and Saudi Arabia ranked first.

39 of the teams participating in the top 40 have been confirmed. In the first stage of the Qatar World Cup Asian qualifiers, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Guam, Malaysia and Mongolia were ranked out.

The Last quota will be generated between Macao, China and Sri Lanka. The Asian Football League said that the result of the competition was still being confirmed.

FIFA said that the Top 40 was also the qualifier of China Asian Cup in 2023. The team who is promoted to the top 12 will be qualified for the Asian Cup. In addition to these 12 teams, the top 24 teams will compete for the remaining 12 Asian Cup seats separately.

China Racing driver Zhou Guanyu F1 by dreamway

Xinhua News Agency, Shanghai, April 13 issue: China’s racing driver Zhou Guanyu F1 dreamway

Xinhua News Agency reporter Michael batworth

F1 Shanghai station competition this weekend is in full swing. There are still no Chinese players participating in this competition, however, the 19-year-old racing driver Zhou Guanyu seems to be able to end this trend. This year, he just “promoted” to the F2 race, while the F2 race is only one step away from the F1 race.

Zhou Guanyu was originally the racing driver of Ferrari Driver Academy. In January this year, he signed a contract with Renault sports academy to become the development driver of Renault F1 team and participate in F2 competition at the same time. As a result, he became the first driver in China to sign F1 team.

He interpreted the transfer to France as “an important decision made at the end of last season”, adding that Renault would give him more opportunities to help him enter F1 race.

Zhou Guanyu said in an exclusive interview with Xinhua news agency: “I am definitely closer to F1 now. Besides participating in F2 this year, Renault gave me more opportunities to drive F1 racing cars, testing projects for the team will also help me grow. Because of the close cooperation with F1 team, a lot of information can be shared before the race.”

As many of the world’s top racing teams are in Britain, English is becoming more and more important in international racing. Zhou Guanyu went to England at the age of 12 to pursue his dream. He told reporters that after arriving in Britain, he overcame many difficulties when he was young.

“The top racing driver are all in England. I went to England to learn from the best young racing driver.” This is his determination. “I can only speak a little English, which is a big problem-especially I have to adapt to two completely different lifestyles in Europe and Asia. Of course, language ability must be improved so as to communicate with others.”

“I have to take the exam at school. It is really difficult not to get too bad. I only spend a lot of time with the team. They are all British, so I can maintain a normal lifestyle and improve my English at the same time.”

In the past ten years, Zhou Guanyu has run some world famous tracks, but he thinks the most challenging one is a Chinese track. He said: “The Macau track has the most difficult track layout in the world, and other tracks cannot be compared. Lewis Hamilton also thinks so. It is difficult to say it not because there are too many curb, but because it is basically all obstacles and walls, and no mistakes can be racing driver.”

Although he is a native of Shanghai, the 19-year-old racing driver has never competed on the Shanghai track, which makes him feel strange. “I really haven’t run this track! In China, I only ran the kart track, which was my competition. In addition, all the competitions I participated in were in Europe.”

Although he has been away from home for many years, Zhou Guanyu is very proud of being a Chinese, so it is of far-reaching significance for him to become the first F1 racing driver in China.

He said: “My dream is to race in F1. Considering my racing career along the way, if I can race in F1, it must be a glorious moment for me, and it can also promote the rapid development of Chinese racing.” (Finished)

Behind the “explosion” of the flag bearer candidate of the Chinese winter delegation

Behind the “explosion” of the flag bearer candidate of the Chinese winter delegation

On the evening of March 2, local time, at the opening ceremony of the 29th World Winter Games, Yang Shiqi, a North University student, served as the flag bearer of the Chinese delegation. China Youth Daily · Zhongqing online accredited journalist Cixin/Photo

On the evening of March 2, local time, the Chinese delegation entered the opening ceremony of the 29th World Winter Games. China Youth Daily · Zhongqing online accredited journalist Cixin/Photo

On February 27, local time, the Chinese College girls’ ice hockey team was listening to the coach’s training requirements. China Youth Daily · Zhongqing online accredited journalist Cixin/Photo

On February 27, local time, Wang Meng, the famous Chinese short track general, was directing the training of Chinese college students’ short track team. China Youth Daily · Zhongqing online accredited journalist Cixin/Photo

The 29th World University Winter Games opened on the evening of March 2, local time in the important city of Siberia, Russia. Russian President Putin came to the opening ceremony and sent a blessing to more than 3,000 college athletes from all over the world who participated in this winter festival to realize their dreams. The slogan of the World University Games is: today’s star ,tomorrow’s leader.(today’s star ,tomorrow’s leader). As a national leader who loves sports, Putin has become the best spokesperson to interpret the theme of the Universiade with his own experience.

  Little-known Yang Shiqi became the flag bearer of the delegation

At the opening ceremony of this winter conference on the evening of March 2, the flag bearer of Chinese college students’ sports delegation was Yang Shiqi, a junior student from the School of International Relations of Peking University.

Yang Shiqi participated in the women’s snowboard slewing project of this winter party. In terms of strength, it is difficult to compete for gold and silver. According to the international practice that the flag-bearer of the delegation is often the most excellent player in competition, Yang Shiqi became the flag-bearer of the Chinese delegation, which means a little “explosive”, but from the perspective of the Chinese delegation, choosing an ordinary college student instead of a “master” with a professional training background as the flag bearer reflects that taking the Universiade as the guide and driving more ordinary college students to participate in sports and love sports, and then promote the significance of personal growth.

In this sense, Yang Shiqi is an excellent example.

Yang Shiqi’s mother told the China Youth Daily Zhongqing online reporter that because he studied abroad in Canada in his early years and liked skiing very much, Yang Shiqi also started skiing with her when she was in the fourth or fifth grade of primary school. At that time, the ski resort just appeared around Dalian where she lived.

After touching skiing, Yang Shiqi soon fell in love with this sport. Since then, during the snow season, my mother would take her skiing almost every weekend.

As Yang Shiqi was promoted to junior high school and senior high school, the academic pressure was getting heavier and heavier. However, as a means for children to adjust their body and mind, Yang Shiqi’s parents always supported their children to stick to it.

Facts have also proved that a sports hobby not only does not affect children’s studies, but also plays a role in promoting children’s all-round development. During the college entrance examination, Yang Shiqi was admitted to Peking University with high scores from Dalian. In the eyes of his parents, Yang Shiqi was not only a child with excellent academic performance, but more importantly, her quality, character makes them happy and even proud.

In the memory of Yang Shiqi’s father, her daughter enthusiastically helped many students around her. Yang Shiqi’s father believes that the helpful quality of her daughter is directly related to her love of sports. “People who love sports are very optimistic, sunny and have team spirit. She thinks that there is no difficulty that cannot be overcome. At the same time, she is also willing to face difficulties together with others and overcome difficulties together.”

After going to college, Yang Shiqi’s mother even saw all kinds of growth experience brought to her daughter by sports. Due to the good foundation of skiing and the relaxed atmosphere of Peking University, Yang Shiqi soon became the captain of the ski team of Peking University after entering Peking University. The whole ski team should be responsible for a series of work such as daily training arrangements, contacting snowfields, looking for sponsorship, promoting skiing in schools, recruiting new people, etc., and ensuring that their studies cannot be affected. Yang Shiqi must make good use of her time efficiently. At the same time, she also tested and exercised her organizational management ability, interpersonal communication ability, teamwork ability and sense of responsibility, and learned certain business thinking.

Skiing not only gives her daughter a healthy lifestyle, but more importantly, the educational value of sports is vividly reflected in her daughter, which makes Yang Shiqi’s parents delighted.

The comprehensive exercise gained in college also accelerated the maturity of her daughter and was able to find the direction of life more rationally. Yang Shiqi proposed to suspend school in his sophomore year, hoping to spend one year on social practice in order to accumulate social experience for himself and judge his career direction more accurately. Yang Shiqi had a long talk with his father several times in order to persuade his father who was still conservative in thought. He was well-founded and finally let his father agree with her idea.

In the view of parents, the growth significance brought by sports to their daughters is far beyond imagination. In the view of Yang Shiqi, the greatest gain brought by sports to them is to have a peaceful mind, whether it is success or failure, both surprises and setbacks can be met peacefully.

This kind of psychological quality is more valuable to contemporary college students.

  The Universiade is by no means a narrow competition

From the perspective of competitive performance, as an amateur skier, Yang Shiqi will be difficult to compete with professional players. However, the World University Games is not an event that simply pursues competitive performance.

Once for a long time, the Universiade was also called “small Olympics” in China, but in fact, the pursuit goals of the World University Games and the Olympic Games are completely different. The slogan of the Olympic Games is “faster, higher and stronger”, while the slogan of the Universiade is “today’s star ,tomorrow’s leader.(today’s star ,tomorrow’s leader)”.

In the arena of the Universiade, there are indeed many excellent athletes who will become Olympic champions in the future, but more are ordinary college students who have grown up because of sports but may not reach the top competitive level. Participating in the Universiade is only a shining point in their life, but their life value is by no means reflected by competitive achievements.

The comprehensive development of college athletes like Yang Shiqi is actually the most widespread existence in the World Universiade.

In the 1970 s, China began to participate in the World Universiade long before China returned to the Olympic Games. However, it has long been taking the Universiade as a training stage for competitive teams, however, the difference between the Universiade and other events has not been fully noticed.

Since the team formation work of China participating in the Universiade was transferred from the State Sports General Administration to the Ministry of Education in 2003, the value of the physical education of the college behind the Universiade began to gradually spread in China.

Xue Yanqing, the executive head of the Chinese University sports delegation and vice chairman of the Chinese University Sports Association, told the China Youth Daily Zhongqing online reporter that in addition to striving for success, it is also an important task for our college athletes to communicate with players from all over the world. Promoting the exchange of college students and athletes from various countries is also a point that the Chinese delegation has particularly emphasized in previous Universiade and Winter Games since 2003, it reflects the pursuit of education function for student events by Chinese Ministry of Education.

Fortunately, from the birth of outstanding college athletes such as Hu Kai and Wang Yu to the recent two winter conferences, ordinary Chinese college students have also begun to emerge in skiing, cold water jug and other projects. China’s university sports has begun to go wider and wider on the road of “physical education.

There are more and more ordinary college students like Yang Shiqi who love sports. On them, sports specialty is a prominent label for the overall development of personal qualities.

On last November, China Youth Daily · Zhongqing online reporter interviewed the university students in the United States. This year, the senior student graduated from the Affiliated High School of Tsinghua University and was admitted to the University of Los Angeles at Berkeley as a sports specialty. She said that Wall Street is the most concentrated area for American elites. Relevant statistics show that 30% of the elites on Wall Street are students and athletes. It is also because it is widely recognized that sports not only bring people a healthy body, but also, more importantly, shape people’s excellent qualities. In the United States, we have seen that American enterprises especially favor sports students, at the same time, almost every family in the United States will choose one or two sports for their children.

  The fundamental purpose of college physical education is to cultivate excellent people.

How university sports is carried out is also related to a country’s future development prospects, which is by no means deliberately exaggerating the role of sports in universities and sports on society.

Zhong Bingshu, deputy head of the Chinese University sports delegation and president of the Capital Institute of Physical Education, told the China Youth Daily Zhongqing online reporter that universities are an important position for talent cultivation. The report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposed to cultivate new people of the era who were responsible for the great national rejuvenation. The important place for the cultivation of new people in this era was university-four-year undergraduate and three-year master’s degree, plus several years of doctors, if this process is cultivated well, they can take the responsibility of national rejuvenation. Why is Sports in universities so important? Because when university and sports are combined, Sports simulates an environment that gives people constraints and rules to shape people. Let’s talk about morality and people, and cultivate people through a series of rules. Sports just bring in the rules, so the cultivation of students, let him develop under the restriction of rules and develop without restriction is different. Therefore, when sports and universities are combined, it is a perfect combination of educating people and educating people under rules. This kind of cultivation of people, shaping methods are more important than simply relying on academic education in universities.”

In addition, universities need to cultivate people who meet the needs of social development, so college students need to have the ability to cooperate with others, solve problems, innovative thinking and excellent team spirit. Zhong Bingshu said, “This is advocated by all countries in their core qualities when cultivating people. Then, how to let college students simulate the actual social situation is exactly sports. Therefore, when college students participate in sports and competitions, what they cultivate is their core accomplishment. Cooperate with teammates to overcome difficulties and solve problems. If the game fails, you can come again; After success, you will start from scratch. The leadership ability of students and the core quality of people needed by society have gained a platform for exercise through university sports competitions and sports. If college students’ participation in sports and competition activities is left, these educational functions will be difficult to achieve.”

There is also the influence of exercise on the brain. Exercise is beneficial to the development of brain function, which has been scientifically proved.

University studies are very heavy, which requires the organic cooperation of mental activities and physical activities, that is, the combination of work and rest. Zhong Bingshu said that exercise can enhance people’s long-term memory, increase the volume of the hippocampus and thicken the frontal cortex, and strengthen the executive function of a person. Sports can enhance students’ long-term memory, logical thinking and judgment ability. The transformation of brain by this kind of exercise is quietly formed by a person in the process of exercise. Therefore, high-quality talents often love sports, and so do many leaders at all times and at home and abroad. For example, Mao Zedong likes swimming, Xi Jinping likes football, and Putin is a versatile player of sports. Many famous universities in the world also pay special attention to sports. For example, Yale, Harvard, Cambridge, Oxford and so on all take students’ participation in sports as an important work of the school and give high investment. They think such input-output ratio is also very high. More exercise time seems to reduce learning time, but in turn, due to the vigorous energy brought by exercise and the promotion of brain function development, etc, it promotes students’ academic improvement and personal comprehensive quality development.

At the same time, for a university, the development of sports also promotes the cohesion of the university and enhances the brand of the university. What does the university rely on to go to the whole country and the world? Sports competition and sports are the best forms. When a competition is held, the students in the whole school may gather together. For example, the CUBA competition and football league of Chinese college students urge the students in each school to gather together, this cohesion is difficult to obtain in other activities. Zhong Bingshu said, “When we talk about patriotism, we should start from love school. How can love school be realized? Sports just gives college students a carrier to love school.” From abroad, alumni donate a lot to school sports teams and sports facilities, while China is still relatively lacking at present.

In fact, when university and sports are combined, it is more beneficial for us to cultivate new people of the era who shoulder the great cause of national rejuvenation. Zhong Bingshu said that when China grows stronger, it is bound to participate more in international social activities. The awareness of rules given by sports to college students is particularly important at this time. When a country is weak, it is not qualified to make rules. Only when it is strong can it have this ability. When our college students participate in sports activities frequently, they are given more opportunities to observe and formulate rules and integrate into international exchanges. In the future, our college students should take the initiative to go international and participate in the formulation of rules, so as to truly become a powerful country for China and contribute to different disciplines.

Newspaper report: March 4th

China Youth Daily · China youth online accredited journalist Cixin Source: China Youth Daily

Is the warrior “Dynasty” a dream with four crowns in five years?

If Durant and Cushing can return at a certain node, the Warriors will have more cards in their hands and the odds of winning the finals will be greater.

Xinhua News Agency, Washington, May 29 (reporter Wang Jiyi) when the Golden State Warriors swept the Cleveland Cavaliers led by James at 4:0 in the final of last season, after winning the championship of the American League for the third time in four years, maybe no one will doubt that the Warriors have established their own “dynasty”. Now, the Warriors have entered the finals for the fifth time in a row. If they can complete three successive championships great achievements, the Warriors will definitely enter the historical palace of the American League, compared with the “Dynasty” founded by Chicago Bulls and Los Angeles Lakers “.

On the way to the Warriors, the new army of the finals and the Toronto Raptors of the “North Dragon King” stood on the way to the Warriors. In the finals of the past four years, the Warriors were all Knights. This time they changed to a “fresh” team. The Warriors did not dare to take it lightly. After all, in the first round of the playoffs, the Warriors were almost approached by the Los Angeles Clippers, in the playoff stage, any careless attitude towards the enemy will bring fatal consequences.

Compared with the past finals, Warriors rarely lost their home court advantage this time. They will lose one home court less than the Raptors. The first two finals will be held in Toronto, this is also the first time in the history of the US league basketball to hold the finals outside the United States.

For Warriors, it is not a problem to have no home advantage. Before the Western semi-finals and finals, Warriors celebrated their promotion at the home of Houston Rockets and Portland Trail Blazers. At present, the biggest problem of Warriors is injury. Striker Durant was injured in the semi-final of the West with the Rockets, while center kaoxins was also injured in the contest with the Clippers. Incredibly, although the Warriors lacked Durant with outstanding singles ability, they won five consecutive victories and entered the finals strongly. In these games, the Warriors played the attack and suffocating defense of the Mercury, the three-point tossing of Curry, Thompson and others, Green’s all-round performance, and the excellent support of many substitutes, it makes people vaguely think of the small ball style of Warriors before Durant joined. In several matches with the Blazers, the Warriors were all reversed and won, which also showed the foundation and tolerance of defending the champion.

It can be said that Warriors without Durant are still a formidable team. Warriors never lack offensive weapons. Durant’s unsolved singles are only one of the choices., The Attack Group of the Warriors made up for his gap in Durant’s absent match, while the core Curry of the team averaged 35 points in the midfield in these five games, and they instigated the teammates to attack all the soldiers, making people almost forget Durant’s existence. If Durant and Cushing can return at a certain node, the Warriors will have more cards in their hands and the odds of winning the finals will be greater.

The competition in the east became very open because of James’s departure. Finally, the Raptors defeated the Philadelphia 76ers, Milwaukee Bucks and other strong teams, and entered the finals for the first time young pioneer team history. The fierce dragon’s gambling this season finally paid off. They sent away the hero drozan, who had been for many years, in exchange for Leonard from San Antonio Homa, who completely showed his superstar style in the playoffs, the average score was more than 30 points, almost carrying the Raptors with the power of one person.

In the face of warriors, Leonard’s play is very important. In addition to continuing to maintain offensive fire, he also needs to limit Curry, Thompson and Durant who may return at any time. Teammates such as lorry and cyacam must also keep a steady play and provide fire support for Leonard, so Leonard cannot be trapped in a situation of single fighting and physical overdraft. Leonard could lead the Raptors with his own strength in the previous playoffs, but in the face of the Warriors with shining stars, fighting alone would not have a good result, and James was a lesson to the future. In addition, the first two home games are very important for the Raptors, who must seize the opportunity of Durant’s absence to ensure that they will not lose at home.

Compared with the two teams, the Warriors have the upper hand and have a more comprehensive and balanced attack and defense. They have both strong talents and unity as a whole and rich experience in the finals, in addition, Durant and coxins, who may be reinforced by the fire line at any time, the Raptors want to challenge the kingship and need to play beyond their level and some luck.