Chinese Football Association: measures have been taken to strengthen the management of domestic and foreign coaches

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, March 15 (reporter Xiao Shiyao, Public soldiers) the Chinese Football Association told Xinhua news agency reporters on the 15th that the Football Association has implemented a series of measures at present, it is used to improve the relevant systems and management norms of domestic coaches and foreign coaches in China.

On March 14, a foreign media published a document saying that there are quite a number of “fake” football coaches holding false qualification certificates in China focusing on youth training and amateur football. Among them, there are both Chinese and so-called “foreign coaches” who work in China “.

The Chinese Football Association said that in order to standardize the training management system of Chinese football coaches, in April, 2018, the Chinese Football Association issued relevant documents such as “regulations on coach training management of China Football Association” and “regulations on coach lecturer management of China Football Association. On the basis of linking up with the Asian Football Association training system, China Football Association is responsible for high-end training above Level B, while local member associations are responsible for the ladder connection of basic training at Level D and level C, gradually standardize domestic coach training through the system.

At the same time, the “coach training management system” designed and launched by the Chinese Football Association on the information platform window has been officially launched and put into operation since January 1, 2019, at present, the training related work of Class D coaches is completed on the system. On this basis, the “coach training management system” is continuously upgrading, and strive to complete the training and continuing education and training related work of C and B level coaches in the system by the middle of 2019.

The Chinese Football Association also officially launched the domestic coach coaching license with validity period on January 1, 2019 to regulate the relevant system.

In addition, on the basis of perfecting the relevant system and policies of domestic coaches, the Chinese Football Association issued the Notice on regulating the international coaches grade certificate and coaching license in February 26 this year. On the one hand, it regulates the relevant certificate standards of international coaches, and at the same time, it also opens up the certification channel between international coaches certificate and Chinese Football Association certificate. Strengthen the management of foreign coaches in China through both certificates and licenses.

According to the content of the notice, foreign coaches who come to China to coach must show the intercontinental FIFA (such as Fifa and Uefa) grade certificate issued by the National Association of China and the coaching license within the validity period. Coaches who cannot issue Intercontinental Football Association grade certificates and coaching licenses should hold coach grade certificates of national associations and coaching licenses within the validity period, and provide the certificate issued by the National Association of the country that the intercontinental FIFA certificate cannot be issued.

The Chinese Football Association also reminds all professional clubs, youth training centers, youth training institutions, amateur clubs, etc. First, when hiring coaches, the qualifications should be strictly checked according to the requirements of the Chinese Football Association; Second, the Chinese Football Association and local associations will also strictly check the qualifications of coaches leading the team in competitions at all levels; Third, if they find behaviors with false certificates or insufficient qualifications, they will have punishment measures for individuals and employed units.

Yao Junsheng Zhang Xiaobin joined Tianjin Tianhai

Xinhua News Agency, Tianjin, February 13 (Reporter Zhang Zewei) Tianjin Tianhai football club announced on the 13th that after friendly negotiation, Shandong Luneng Taishan player Yao Junsheng and Jiangsu Suning player Zhang Xiaobin will officially join Tianjin Tianhai from now on, fight for the new season.

23-year-old Yao Junsheng is the best among the young players and has been selected into the Chinese national youth team many times. He entered Luneng’s first team in 2016 and was selected into China’s U22 and U23 national teams in 2017 and 2018 respectively. He participated in the U23 Asian Championship in 2018 and the men’s football competition in the 18th Asian Games with his team and performed well.

Zhang Xiaobin, who was born in October 1993, was also selected into the national youth team and the national Olympic team many times. He was once considered as the successor of Wu Xi in the back of Suning, Jiangsu province, representing the team in the Asian Champions League 11 times and the Chinese Super League 85 times.

The announcement said that it is believed that the joining of Yao Junsheng and Zhang Xiaobin will further enhance the overall strength of Tianjin Tianhai team, enrich the team’s player allocation and improve the team’s tactical system.

The announcement also announced the transfer of Tianhai players Zhao Xuli and Yang Shanping to join the Dalian side club from now on, and thanked the two players for their contributions to Tianhai.

Japanese swimming talent girl Chi Jiang shihuazi announced that leukemia will be suspended

Xinhua News Agency, Tokyo, February 12 (reporter Wang Kejia, Jiang Qiaomei) was regarded as a popular candidate for winning the Tokyo Olympic Games in 2020. Japanese swimming genius girl Chi Jiang shihuazi announced on the 12th that she was diagnosed with leukemia, will focus on treatment and suspend events.

Chi Jiang posted the news through social networks on that day. She said that she was still in a chaotic state and could not believe the diagnosis. At present, we will focus on treatment and have to give up participating in the (next) Japan national swimming championships.

She also showed a tenacious and optimistic spirit, saying that this disease can be cured. At present, she needs to recuperate and focus on treatment, strive to appear in front of people with a stronger attitude as soon as possible.

The Japanese Swimming Association held an emergency press conference that afternoon to inform the situation of Chi Jiang. Zheng Zhao, president of the Renaissance club to which Chi Jiang belongs, said JT that Chi Jiang had felt unwell during training in Australia before and was diagnosed with leukemia after returning to the hospital on February 8. However, the illness was found earlier, and Chi Jiang himself is currently in hospital.

JT also said that Chi Jiang would miss the Japanese national swimming championships held on April this year. As for whether he can participate in the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games, he said that he would announce the return time according to the future treatment conditions.

Sanmu Erlang, the coach of Chi Jiang, said at the press conference that the possibility of Chi Jiang participating in the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games was “not zero”. The vice president of the Japanese Swimming Association, Ukio Yoshio said that the lack of Chi Jiang would have a certain impact on the Japanese team’s play in the Olympic swimming relay project.

Chijiang shihuazi, 18 years old, specializes in freestyle and butterfly swimming. He is an ace player in Japanese women’s swimming pool and a popular candidate for winning cards in events related to the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games. He is highly expected by all walks of life in Japan. She began to practice swimming at the age of 3 and could Master 4 swimming postures at the age of 5. In 2016, 16-year-old Chi Jiang represented Japan in seven projects of Rio Olympic Games. In 2018, Chi Jiang played a brilliant role in the Jakarta Asian Games. He won 6 gold and 2 silver and refreshed a number of conference records. He was rated as the most valuable athlete in the event.

2019 badminton Asian Championship: Lin Dan Xiaolong Tao Tian xiandou will all play

Xinhua News Agency, Wuhan, March 26 (reporter Li Jinfeng) the organizing committee of the 2019 badminton Asian Championship announced the list of the first batch of athletes. China, Japan, Indonesia and other badminton powers will do their best to go out. Chinese players Lin Dan, Ji Long, Shi Yuqi, and now the world’s No. 1 Japanese player taotian xiandou will participate in the men’s singles competition.

This badminton Asian Championship will be held in Wuhan Sports Center Stadium on April 23-28. According to the requirements of the competition, the top 10 players in Asia must participate in all five items including men’s singles, women’s singles, man pair, women’s doubles and mixed doubles.

In the men’s singles project, the Chinese team will send three players Lin Dan, Yan Long and Shi Yuqi to play, which is the same as the lineup of this year’s British Open. Japanese famous tautan fighting spirit is defending his title. Indonesian Jonatan, Chinese Taipei Zhou Tiancheng, South Korea Shon Wan-ho and other powerful players will make the champion belong to the point of view.

Chen Yufei, who won the women’s singles gold medal in the All-England Open, will confirm to represent the Chinese team with He Bingjiao and Han Yue to participate in the women’s singles event. On the court, they will face the hope from Japanese famous generals Ohara, Yamaguchi, Indian players Sindhu, Newal, Thai player indanong, as well as the Impact Challenges of opponents such as Korean player Cheng Chi Xuan.

China team Li Junhui/Liu Yuchen, He Jiting/Tan Qiang, Zhang Nan/Liu Cheng, Han Chengkai/Zhou Hao East four pairs will participate in the man pair competition, chen Chenchen/Jia Yifan, who won the championship in the All-England Open, will participate in the women’s double competition. Zheng thinking/Huang Yaqiong, Wang Xiaolu/Huang Dongping will participate in the mixed double competition.

The idol Yao Ming is looking forward to breaking into a sky in the United States-an exclusive interview with Han Xu, the women’s basketball national player

Xinhua News Agency, Urumqi, January 22, question: watching the idol Yao Ming is looking forward to breaking into a sky in the United States — an exclusive interview with Women’s Basketball National hand Han Xu

Xinhua news agency reporters Sun Zhe and Ma Di

averaged 15.9 points, 8.9 rebounds, 2.1 cap, this is the report card of WCBA rookie Han Xu. Like Xinjiang Women’s Basketball, Han Xu went higher and lower this season and was finally selected as the WCBA All-Star starter. She is looking forward to going to America like her idol Yao Ming.

From “sleeping” to “activated” Cainiao season self-assessment 80 points

Asian Games, women’s basketball World Cup…… Han Xu didn’t join the team until the WCBA opener. At the beginning of the season, Xinjiang Women’s Basketball, which was “changed blood”, lacked running-in, and his record declined, and Han Xu’s performance was not as good as expected.

“People have high expectations for me, but I didn’t find a suitable way to play, just like falling asleep.” Han Xu said, “at the beginning of the season, the team lacked tacit understanding. There were often mistakes when the ball passed and people ran away. At that time, they thought it would be good to enter the playoffs.”

After 9 rounds of the regular season, the former Jiangsu coach Xiong Yan took over Shuai Yin, and the national team assistant joined the coaching team Murat. In the following 25 regular season matches, Xinjiang won 23 games and Han Xu was completely activated. The “two pairs” data of “20+10” has become normal.

The change of low opening and high walking made Han Xu full of confidence. She scored 80 points for her rookie season. “Xiong’s guidance is more flexible for me. Foreign Aid gave me more football rights after leaving the team, and I gradually found the feeling when I was in the national team.” Han Xu said.

It is the trend of basketball in the world that big players have three-point projection ability, but Han Xu is cautious about developing new “skill packages”, “tossing is not my focus now, it is the top priority to lay a good internal Foundation”. Throughout the regular season, the basketball aim high and the China Investment Center are the main scoring methods of Han Xu.

During the second half of the league, Han Xu “enjoyed” The treatment like a superstar and was often defended by the opponent’s bag clip, which made her feel a lot of pressure. However, for the upcoming playoffs, Han Xu has not lost his temper. “Although I am a little nervous, the team is getting smoother and smoother. We must believe that we and the team have the ability to win higher honors”.

Father Yan mother “lead the way” school basketball achievement self

Han Xu was born in a basketball family. His parents were basketball players. His father Han fashun once played for Sichuan men’s basketball. “My mother is very strict with me, but my father who rarely goes home is relatively gentle.” Han Xu said, “If my mother is not strict enough, I can’t stick to many things.”

Since I got in touch with basketball, my parents are Han Xu’s technical guidance and sparring. Almost after every game, they will explain to her. “The center of gravity is a little lower, the rebound should be held first, and the steps under the basket should be solid……” Han Xu said with a smile, “every time they are both a ‘small write ‘.”

Nowadays, whenever the Xinjiang team has a continuous home court, parents will come from Hebei to watch the match. The two knew very well that it was not easy for their daughter to enter professional basketball at the beginning, and the focus of communication after the game also changed from comments to encouragement. “I almost don’t train me now. I have praised me recently. I may think that I have entered the national team, afraid of being wrong.” Han Xu joked.

Xiong Yan has said many times that Han Xu has high understanding and deep understanding of techniques and tactics. Most of the time, he can get through a little. Han Xu believes that this is due to the Affiliated High School of Tsinghua University, his alma mater. Along the way, from basic training to mentality training, the coach gave her great help. In junior high school, she also studied in class with other classmates. Under the influence of each other, Han Xu has a good learning ability.

“The National High School League and overseas training at that time were all very valuable for me to exercise.” Han Xu said that it was also during the middle school affiliated to Tsinghua University that she was successively selected into the national character teams at all levels and was finally called into the national team by Xu Limin.

Career small goal: Landing in WNBA within 3 years

height, arm length, soft hand feeling, strong mobility, due to similar physical conditions and technical characteristics, many fans call Han Xu the “female version of Zhou Qi” and expect her to emerge in the WNBA arena. In fact, many people in the basketball industry at home and abroad are full of the same expectation for her.

Not long ago, Xinjiang Foreign aid Rolle said that if Han Xu participated in the WNBA draft, he would be selected in the top 5. “Her evaluation is better than what she received before, which shows that I have improved. I hope her prediction can come true.” Han Xu said that the recognition of foreign scouts and WNBA players has always brought her more confidence.

Although the voice of participating in the WNBA draft as soon as possible is getting higher and higher, Han Xu himself is very calm. She believes that it is good to log on to WNBA early to receive higher-level training and competition, but only after physical confrontation and psychological preparation can we go further, “The deadline I gave myself is 2 to 3 years”.

The goal is not far away, but the road in front of you still needs to go well. Han Xu recently found an English teacher to learn languages through videos, and he would follow Rolle to practice oral english during training. “Our foreign aid also has to face unfamiliar environment, language and diet, giving me some time to adapt. I think it should be no problem to go to America by myself.” Han Xu said.

When playing overseas with the national youth team, scouts once commented that Han Xu “played as soft as ‘noodle ‘”, which touched her a lot. For this reason, she has already focused on diet and strength training, but the effect is not obvious, “she will further adjust during the off-season”. The situation of light weight and lack of strength is very similar to her childhood idol Yao Ming before landing in NBA.

In the past two years, Han Xu and Yao Ming have had several exchanges. Han Xu said that Yao Ming’s self-discipline and struggle in adversity made her feel admired, “I hope that like him, I can go to WNBA to create a road and go to America to make a sky”.

Five years and ten years-two off-site stories of Archery World Cup Shanghai station

In Shanghai, in the bustling and noisy financial city with many landmarks, the Archery World Cup turned Lujiazui’s skyline into a competition background in the central green space covered by green trees and birds flying fish, charming and novel.

Xinhua News Agency, Shanghai, May 12th issue: five years and ten years — two off-site stories of Archery World Cup Shanghai station

Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhu Yuxu DONGWON

on May 12th, the 7-Day 2019 Archery World Cup Shanghai stood in the central green space of Lujiazui, and the gold medals of different projects also fell to each other. Although the competition is exciting, the story outside the stadium is more interesting. The indissoluble bond between Shanghai and archery can be seen from it.

Tell the story of ten years first. Ten years ago, in 2009, a little boy named Xu Zhiwei participated in the “2009 Archery World Cup (Shanghai station) citizen experience activity” under the leadership of a coach “. At the age of 12, he was not much taller than the bow in his hand. Xu Zhiwei, who entered the Pudong archery training team in 2008, was very excited to watch the competition of the world’s top arrows on the spot for the first time and experience it in a professional competition venue for the first time.

Zhou Ping, a junior sports school, said to Xu Zhiwei, “What’s so exciting about this? When you enter the national team and compete with your idol in the international arena in the future, it’s not too late to be excited and proud.” The Speaker had no intention, and the listener had the heart. This sentence had some words of “radical method”, which rooted in Xu Zhiwei’s heart.

With his archery talent and hard training, Xu Zhiwei “upgraded” all the way: he won not only two consecutive gold medals in the Shanghai games, but also several gold medals in the National Youth Championships, he won the gold medal of the mixed group in the 2015 National Archery Championship and entered the Archery national team.

Time flies, the once young little arrow has now become a famous arrow with a hundred steps through Yang. In the competition of medellyn station in the Archery World Cup in April this year, Xu Zhiwei met his idol, the reflex bow American general, Brady Ellison, and took a group photo with him on the court.

Xu Zhiwei sent the photo of the group photo to his enlightenment coach Zhou Ping, telling the teacher, “Once you guided my goal, it has been achieved today, thank you!”, Coach Zhou was happy and moved.

Ten years ago, a little Shanghai boy planted the seeds of hard work in his heart because of the coach’s encouragement; Ten years later, the little boy realized his dream and became a top archery athlete, leave a good story. The footnote of this “ten years” story is hard work, dream and moving.

The five-year story is about Shanghai. The sub-station match of Archery World Cup is in the form of “3+1”, that is, three sub-stations plus one finals. The sub-station match is usually in Asia, Europe and America. In 2006, the Asian subrace of the Archery World Cup was held in Shanghai, but two years later, the right to host the Asian subrace was won by South Korea, an archery power. It was not until 2009 that this event returned to China and then to Pudong.

“The International Federation of arrows attaches great importance to the sub-station competition and hopes to expand the popularity and influence of archery, a relatively small sport, through the sub-station competition. Therefore, it has high requirements for the host city, including the level of the national team, the environment and service guarantee of the competition, the foundation of the local masses, the promotion of archery in the local area, etc.” Guo Bei, vice chairman of China Archery Association and president of Shanghai Archery Association, told the reporter, “the International Federation of arrows inspects the host city every year, and the holding contract is usually signed every three years, sometimes there is a situation of changing once a year. But this year, the head of the International Federation of arrows offered to sign a five-year “long contract” directly with Shanghai, which is a side reflection of Shanghai’s achievements and influence in promoting archery in recent years.”

International Federation of arrows has been committed to building “landscape sports” in cities in recent years to enhance their attractiveness. As a top event under the International Federation of arrows, many world landmarks, including the Eiffel Tower in Paris, have become the background of the Archery World Cup. In Shanghai, in the bustling and noisy financial city with many landmarks, the Archery World Cup turned Lujiazui’s skyline into a competition background in the central green space covered by green trees and birds flying fish, charming and novel.

The Archery World Cup has been held for 11 consecutive years. Shanghai sports has continuously upgraded its internationalization, specialization and management ability, which has also driven the rapid development of archery in Shanghai and even in China. Ten years ago, there were only one or two archery hall in Shanghai, and now there are 25 archery clubs in Shanghai. The number of people participating in archery all the year round has also increased from more than 100 people before to nearly 10,000 people today.

There are not only many venues, but also more and more archery events for amateurs. The content of the events is gradually enriched, and the interaction with citizens is continuously enhanced. Shanghai Archery Association will also carry out coach training courses every year, and at the same time build a platform to connect folk competitions with world competitions, and grassroots athletes and international masters will have the opportunity to compete together, thus comprehensively promoting the improvement of archery level of Shanghai masses.

The Five Year Engagement, behind the continuous efforts of Shanghai to develop archery, also let the world see that archery is showing vigorous vitality in Shanghai.

The stories of five years and ten years are off-site highlights and touching notes. The spread of TIME witnessed not only the growth of young arrows, but also the development of Shanghai, and the continuous progress of Chinese archery.