Su Bingtian Birmingham indoor tournament men’s 60 m champion

Guangzhou Daily News (all-media reporter Xu Bei) late last night Beijing time, Su Bingtian played in the 2019 IAAF indoor tour in Birmingham, England. A total of 16 high-level players participated in the men’s 60-meter contest at this station, including 9 British local players. The list also included American Mike Rogers, Ivory Coast player Cisse, japanese player Chuan shangtuo also waited, and Su Bingtian welcomed the first master duel in the new season. As a result, Su Bingtian, who entered the final as the fourth of the preliminary match, made a great fortune and won the championship with a score of 6.47 seconds. He was also the only player who ran into the 6.50-second pass in this competition. British player Prescott ranked second with 6.53 seconds, and American Mike Rogers ranked third with 6.54 seconds.

In the preliminary match, Su Bingtian was arranged in the second group. In the same group, there were 22-year-old Ivory Coast “flying man” CISE. He ran 6.53 seconds at the beginning of this month, create personal best. There are also two American players in this group, including 25-year-old Robinson, who ran the 6.51-second personal best last year.

Another group of players in the preliminary match included Su Bingtian’s old opponent and 22-year-old British Prescott, who won the men’s 100 m championship in 10.04 seconds in the Diamond League Shanghai station in May 12 last year, at that time, Su Bingtian ranked second with a disadvantage of 0.01 seconds. In the indoor competition held in Berlin in February 1 this year, Prescott ran the personal best for 6.53 seconds. Another British player, UJA, was only 24 years old, and his best score of 60 meters in his personal room was 6.53 seconds.

It is worth mentioning that the 23-year-old Japanese player Chuan shangtuo also competed with Su Bingtian once in the indoor competition in aslon, Ireland, at that time, Chuan shangtuo also ran 6.57 seconds in the preliminary match and won the runner-up with 6.58 seconds in the final.

In the preliminary match, Su Bingtian ranked 4th among all the players with a score of 6.60 seconds and easily entered the final.

After a short adjustment, Su Bingtian made great efforts in the final and won the championship with a score of 6.47 seconds at one stroke. He was also the only player who ran into the 6.50-second pass in this competition. Birmingham is a blessing place for Tim. In the indoor track and field world championships held in early last March, Tim once picked silver with a score of 6.42 seconds and broke the Asian record.

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