Not waiting for the official Xuan Lipi began to be the national football “draft”

Not waiting for the official Xuan Lipi began to be the national football “draft”

Report from our correspondent (reporter Xiao Yi) although the Chinese Football Association has not announced the candidate of the new coach of the Chinese team up to now, because the new national football team will concentrate on preparing for the battle with the Philippine team in Guangzhou on June 3, tajikistan has two international A- level warm-up matches. Therefore, after agreeing to take over the team twice, Lippi has already identified specific candidates for the coach, management and logistics service support team. It is understood that except for the “first scout” Petro Di’s withdrawal in the past 80 years, the rest of Lippi’s team remained unchanged. The teaching assistant also plans to go to the Super League or the Asian championship in the near future to help Lippi inspect the candidates of the International.

It has been a week since I left Guangzhou and returned to Italy on April 30. The Chinese Football Association still did not publicly announce the specific candidates for the new national football coach, which inevitably triggered speculation from the outside world. However, according to the Beijing Youth Daily reporter, after confirming the acceptance of the invitation to “take over the national football for the second time”, Lippi has actually re-entered the working state.

Lippi, as a gold medal instructor with rich teaching experience, obviously understands the importance of “choosing good people first to do a good job. When he decided to return to the mountain, he actually started the formation of the work team. It is understood that in order to ensure the quick start of the work, he has decided to continue to use the members of the original work team.

During the Asian Cup in January this year, a total of 10 Italian assistants helped zoripi lead the team. In addition to the translation and two masseurs, the other seven were teaching assistant Mada Loni and droso, goalkeeper coach lampra, physical coach Gaudi, Neli, Scout Petro, medical director casterazi.

If there is no accident, all the other six of the seven Italian teaching assistants will continue to assist zuolipi except pezoti. The reason why Petro di left the team was mainly because he was born in 1942, nearly 80 years old. In terms of natural laws, he also thought that he was not suitable to travel south and north with the team. It is reported that Lippi has chosen another relatively young coach from Italy to replace pezzody.

In addition to fellow assistants, Lippi also attaches great importance to the specific composition of Chinese team members. It is reported that Liu Dianqiu, the old leader, has won Lippi’s trust by virtue of his rich experience and good personality. He has also confirmed that he will continue to be the leader of the national football training in June. In the last cycle of leading the team, the former senior executive Kang Bing Asian Cup of Evergrande club, who served as the national football management, was assigned to an important job in the non-football field by Evergrande Group. However, since Kang Bing has been assisting Lippi during his work in the club and the national team, he has rich experience, so his return to the team is basically certain.

After the Asian Cup ended, Xu Yang and Liu Jian, who once served as the team of Lippi Italian translators, had already taken jobs in Suning, Jiangsu province and Dongwu, Suzhou, Zhongyi respectively. With Lippi’s “return”, the two were called by the national team again, and it was a foregone conclusion to continue to serve as the coach “speaking tube. Will Wen Qian return to the national team? Judging from his participation in Lippi’s signing negotiations, it is more likely. However, as a staff member of Evergrande club, his job arrangement still needs to communicate with the club in detail.

Unlike other Chinese and foreign coaches who are keen to inspect players through data, Lippi has always been more accustomed to “finding with eyes”, which is also the fact that he has been to the league for many times before, the reasons for the performance of the international players in the Cup and the Asian championship. It is understood that Lippi plans to return to China in late May. However, the team formation work of the new national football team, including the recruitment and adjustment of players, has actually started quietly. After the team members are finalized, Lippi will arrange them to inspect players in different venues according to the functional characteristics of each assistant, including some young players emerging in this year’s club competition. It is expected that the new national football training team will recruit about 25 players.

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