The second China-Finland ice and snow sports Cooperation Forum was held in Beijing

People’s daily online, beijing, june 16 in response to the 2019 china-finland winter sports year, following the successful holding of the first china-finland ice and snow sports cooperation forum last year, the second china-finland ice and snow sports cooperation forum co-sponsored by beijing sports university and people’s daily online people’s sports was successfully held in beijing sports university on june 15.

Finnish Ambassador to China Su Hailan, deputy mayor Li Hong of Zhangjiakou city, deputy mayor of Jilin City Gai Dongping, former chairman of Finland’s National Olympic Committee, member of Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games Coordination Committee RistoNieminen, Finnish National Business Promotion Bureau, sarui, head of the winter sports program, director of the ice and snow culture Professional Committee of the National Society for Mass Culture, the national champion of skiing, the dean of China Ice Hockey Academy, the world champion of short track speed skating, Wang Chunlu, shao Yunsheng, deputy director of Harbin Sports Bureau, Ding Changfeng, senior vice president of Vanke Group and CEO of ice and snow Department, manager of Finnish Olympic training center, MikkoVeliPohjola, Wang Bo, vice president of Ouyue ice and snow Investment Management (Beijing) Co., Ltd, representative of Finland Winter Sports Management Center MikkoSaarinen and president of Beijing cabin ski Sports Development Co., Ltd. Wu Bin, representative of Beijing snow ylang-ylang Sports Development Co., Ltd. Liao Chen and many experts and scholars in the field of ice and snow at home and abroad, nearly two hundred leaders of the sports department and senior executives of ice and snow enterprises participated in this forum.

Lin Xianpeng, professor and doctoral supervisor of Beijing Sport University, presided over this forum. He first mentioned that on January 14 this year, president xi jinping and finnish president nignisto held talks in the great hall of the people. President xi hoped that both sides would work together to build a model of winter sports cooperation. After the talks, the two heads of state jointly attended the launching ceremony of the 2019 China-Finland winter sports year. Holding this forum is also the call of beijing sports university and people’s daily online people’s sports to respond to the call of the two governments. I hope that on the basis of successfully holding the first forum last year, I will continue to invite many senior people from the ice and snow circles to beijing sports university, we will jointly exchange how to take the sports cooperation between China and Finland to a new level, talk about the current situation of China’s ice and snow sports and industry, and seek common development of China’s ice and snow sports and industry.

Finnish Ambassador to China Su said in his speech Hailan, “2019 China-Finland winter sports year” is the first ice and snow sports year hosted by China together with friendly countries, the second China-Finland ice and snow sports Cooperation Forum is a very good platform, which allows us to further promote the relationship with various partners and allow people from all walks of life to communicate with each other here. Finland is very willing to help China host the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing. China-Finland cooperation should not only discuss competitive sports, but also leisure mass sports should be the focus of cooperation. Such sports culture will become the core of cultural exchanges between the two peoples. There is still more potential to be explored in the future, and 2019 is just the beginning.

Then, Xia Renhao, vice president of Beijing Sports University, Peng Yuan, director of People’s ice and snow people’s sports, people’s network, and sarui, Finland’s National Business Promotion Bureau, also made wonderful speeches. Peng Yuan said in his speech that ice and snow sports are difficult, demanding and ornamental, which can ignite people’s passion. People’s Daily online people’s sports will give full play to the comprehensive advantages and unique values of party media, build high-quality media platforms and industrial service platforms, and help the development of ice and snow sports. “People’s ice and snow” will give full play to its own advantages, follow the concept of co-construction, sharing and open cooperation, join hands with all sectors of society, promote the popularization of ice and snow sports throughout the whole process, and vigorously develop the mass ice and snow sports, improve the competitive level of ice and snow sports, accelerate the development of ice and snow industry, promote the development of mass sports in winter, develop people’s sports, and jointly build a healthy China.

The forum in the morning was first delivered by the former chairman of the finnish national olympic committee and the member of the coordination committee of the beijing 2022 winter olympic games RistoNieminen the keynote speech “winter sports of all ages. He affirmed China’s great achievements in sports and ice and snow industry in recent years, and earnestly wished Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics a complete success. He emphasized the importance of sustainable development in the future sports industry, and proposed to actively use sustainable methods and technologies and strive to build venues and facilities that can be used by all people. Finally, he also introduced the situation of Finnish population of all ages participating in physical exercise, and thus encouraged China to actively promote the development of national winter sports and create a better future for sports.

As one of the host sites of Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics, Li Hong, vice mayor of Zhangjiakou city, made a speech with the theme of “Zhangjiakou Winter Olympics preparation and ice and snow industry development, this paper analyzes the development advantages of Zhangjiakou city in winter sports from many aspects, and introduces the preparation for the Winter Olympic Games in Zhangjiakou competition area and the development situation of ice and snow industry, as well as the cooperation direction and focus between Zhangjiakou City and Finland in the future. She said that Zhangjiakou has broad development prospects and numerous opportunities. She hopes to further deepen exchanges and strengthen cooperation with Finland to promote common development and mutual benefit and win-win results.

In recent years, jilin city of jilin province has vigorously developed the ice and snow industry to promote the industrial transformation of the old industrial base and turn the ice and snow into jinshan yinshan. Jia Dongping, deputy mayor of Jilin city, talked about the development of ice and snow industry in Jilin city in recent years in his speech “based on resource advantages, seizing opportunities of Winter Olympics, promoting ice and snow sports and rapid development of ice and snow industry, this paper analyzes the future development plan of ice and snow industry in Jilin city from multiple angles. She said that the China-Finland Forum is an important platform for cooperation between the two countries, hoping to strengthen exchanges, jointly help Beijing Winter Olympics and promote further deepening and development of bilateral relations.

At the Forum in the morning, Ding Changfeng, senior vice president of the group and CEO of ice and snow division, published the theme “customer-centered, continuous exploration and innovation-Songhua Lake ski vacation operation practice sharing speech came to an end. Ding changfeng analyzed the shortcomings and problems existing in china’s ski vacation industry through vivid operation cases and compared with the operation status of various countries in the world, and put forward the pan-national ski vacation in the future, professional consumption trend.

In the afternoon, Mao Zhenhua, chairman of zhongchengxin Group and chairman of Yabuli sunshine resort, gave a speech entitled “enterprise responsibility for the development of China’s ice and snow industry. This paper introduces the experience and harvest of Yabuli ski resort in various stages of development history for a long time. As one of the pioneers of china’s ski industry, yabuli ski base has always been a typical representative of china’s ski industry. From the difficult exploration in the early stage to the enterprise growth process of walking out of its own unique development mode, it is of great reference value to the development of China’s local ski resorts.

Wang Bo, vice president of Ouyue ice and snow Investment Management (Beijing) Co., Ltd, gave a speech on the influence of new technology on ice and snow industry. He talked about the arrival of the Winter Olympics, which provided great impetus for the development of hardware technology in China’s ice and snow industry. Wang Bo said that the in-depth development of ice and snow projects among school teenagers is very important, and new technologies also provide more new opportunities for the development of ice and snow sports. As a company serving the whole industry chain of ice and snow, we very much hope that the winter project can develop in China in the long run and let more people participate in it.

At this forum, the manager of Finnish Olympic training center MikkoVeliPohjola, the representative of Finnish Winter Sports Management Center MikkoSaarinen, and Wu Bin, president of Beijing cabin ski Sports Development Co., Ltd, the project director of finnish Kisakallio institute of physical education MikaPohjola, finnish expert JariStenvall, finnish helsinki institute of technology expert KaleviKariMatti, and project researcher of department of physical education and health science of Jyvskyl university AnnaLee focus on the prospect of cooperation between ice and snow industry and china and finland, he made wonderful keynote speeches successively.

At present, the preparation work of Beijing Winter Olympics has entered a high-speed period, and the development of China’s ice and snow sports is also booming under the opportunity of Winter Olympics. This sino-finnish ice and snow sports cooperation forum attracted experts from the ice and snow fields of china and finland to introduce and share their projects and experiences around ice and snow sports and industries, which was not only a milestone in the exchange of sino-finnish ice and snow sports, let the exchange of ice and snow sports between China and Finland enter a new stage, which will further promote the development of China’s winter sports to conform to the international level and jointly write a new chapter of China’s ice and snow sports and industry.

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