Czech ice hockey legend Youngor was hired as “Chinese ice hockey promotion ambassador”

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, April 26, Cao Weidong, chairman of China Ice Hockey Association, recently awarded the title of “Chinese ice hockey promotion ambassador” to Czech ice hockey legend Yaromir Youngor in Beijing.

Youngor has played for 22 seasons in the NHL (North American professional hockey league) and played for 8 teams in total. He served as captain of Pittsburgh Penguins and led the team to win the championship twice in 1991 and 1992. Youngor participated in the five Winter Olympics and helped the Czech team win the men’s ice hockey gold medal at the 1998 Nagano Winter Olympics.

In recent years, China Ice Hockey Association has carried out extensive exchanges and cooperation with traditional ice hockey powers around the preparation and popularization of participating in the competition. Czech ice hockey is in a leading position in the world. According to the official statistics of the International Ice Federation, Czech men rank sixth in the world and women rank ninth in the world. There are 120920 registered puckster in total and more than 200 ice rinks in China. In addition, Czech also has leagues of all levels and ages including men, women and teenagers.

After the award ceremony of “Chinese ice hockey promotion ambassador, the Czech ice hockey academy and related Ice hockey clubs located in kradno, Czech’s” ice hockey capital “, will provide support for China’s national ice hockey teams in fields, training, team management, etc, youngor will also serve as the guidance consultant of Zhongjie ice hockey training center, providing guidance and support for the Chinese Ice Hockey teaching team, youth ice hockey and the development of the project.

Beijing Winter Olympic organizing committee: Create a frugal, intelligent and green Winter Olympics

Xinhua News Agency, Lausanne, June 25 (reporter Ji Ye, Prince Jiang) in the 134th plenary session of the International Olympic Committee held in Lausanne on the 25th, the Beijing Winter Olympic organizing committee made a statement to the plenary session. Zhang Jiandong, vice mayor of Beijing and executive vice chairman of Beijing Winter Olympic organizing committee, said that the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games will fully implement the Olympic Agenda 2020 and the “new norms” and will strive to build a frugal, intelligent and green event.

Zhang Jiandong said in his statement, “All preparations for the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics are proceeding smoothly and orderly. I would like to reiterate to you that all competition venues will be completed one after another in 2020, and a total of 15 Winter Olympics test events will be used to inspect Olympic venues and facilities. In accordance with the Olympic 2020 agenda and the “new norms”, we strive to build a frugal, intelligent and green winter Olympics. I hope and believe that this competition will become the most involved Winter Olympics.”

Zhang Jiandong said that while making full use of the legacy of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games venues, “We have formulated a post-game utilization plan for each Winter Olympic venue. We are promoting the concept of low carbon and environmental protection nationwide. Beijing Winter Olympics is still encouraging hundreds of millions of Chinese, especially young people, to participate in ice and snow sports.”

Zhang Jiandong said: “Let’s work together to present a wonderful, extraordinary and outstanding Olympic event.”

Chang Yu, head of the news and propaganda department of Beijing BOCOG, on the aspects of venues and infrastructure construction, sports, market development, publicity and promotion, talent introduction and training, ice and snow sports development, sustainability and heritage, etc, specific statements were made to the IOC plenary session.

Chang Yu said: “We submitted the operation plan for all business areas (the first edition) and held a series of working meetings in venues, sports, technology and other fields, in particular, around the applicability of the” new specification “to the preparation work of Beijing Winter Olympics, the article-by-article analysis and discussion have been carried out, and 96 measures have been agreed, efforts are being made to implement the requirements of the ‘new regulation’ into all fields and links of the preparatory work.”

Little Samaranch, the first vice chairman of the International Olympic Committee and chairman of the Beijing Winter Olympics Coordination Committee, also introduced the progress of preparations for the Beijing Winter Olympics. He said that the Beijing Winter Olympics will drive 0.3 billion people to participate in ice and snow sports, which will be a very rich heritage. The Beijing Winter Olympics not only made good progress, but also made active plans for the host to participate in the competition. The number of national training teams at all levels in the winter project increased significantly compared with the previous Winter Olympics cycle, setting the goal of striving for the whole project.

In the 25th plenary session, Li Lingwei, as the chairman of the coordination committee of the International Olympic Committee of the 2018 Buenos Aires Youth Olympic Games, a member of the International Olympic Committee and vice chairman of the Chinese Olympic Committee, summarized the competition. In addition, the organizers of the 2018 Pyeongchang Winter Olympics, the 2020 Tokyo Olympics and the 2024 Paris Olympics also made statements.

Ke Jie broke into the first Sino-Japanese Han long star war final

Xinhua News Agency, Tokyo, April 12 (Li Jian) the first semi-final of the Sino-Japanese Han long Star War was held at the Tokyo court of the Japanese chess academy on the 12th. Chinese chess player Ke Jie’s 9th stage defeated Korean chess player’s Zhibai 9th stage in 244th hand and will play Japanese chess player Yili Liao in the final on 13th.

White chess was relatively advantageous from the beginning of the preface. After that, both sides of black and white were glued, and the white 162-point first appeared in the offensive, followed by a series of fierce attacks, and White chess won. After the game, Ke Jie said: “I didn’t see it clearly in the middle session. Fortunately, I found the finished robbery material, and I walked a little messy later. But when the midabdomen is connected, you can already make sure you win.”

When asked about the feelings of Liao, who was fighting again in the final, Ke Jie said that he had lost to Japanese players recently and must win tomorrow.

The First Sino-Japanese Han long Star War was hosted by Japanese go shougi channel. Ke Jie, Yi Li Liao and Kim Ji-seok participated in this competition as the annual Dragon Star War champion of China, Japan and South Korea in 2018. On the 11th, in the first round of the competition, one force Liao defeated Ke Jie and took the lead in winning the finals. This competition adopts the Japanese rules, with the black side sticking six eyes and a half, 30 seconds for each hand, 10 times and 1 minute reading seconds, when there is no rule. The champion can receive a bonus of 5 million yen (about 300000 yuan).

Not waiting for the official Xuan Lipi began to be the national football “draft”

Not waiting for the official Xuan Lipi began to be the national football “draft”

Report from our correspondent (reporter Xiao Yi) although the Chinese Football Association has not announced the candidate of the new coach of the Chinese team up to now, because the new national football team will concentrate on preparing for the battle with the Philippine team in Guangzhou on June 3, tajikistan has two international A- level warm-up matches. Therefore, after agreeing to take over the team twice, Lippi has already identified specific candidates for the coach, management and logistics service support team. It is understood that except for the “first scout” Petro Di’s withdrawal in the past 80 years, the rest of Lippi’s team remained unchanged. The teaching assistant also plans to go to the Super League or the Asian championship in the near future to help Lippi inspect the candidates of the International.

It has been a week since I left Guangzhou and returned to Italy on April 30. The Chinese Football Association still did not publicly announce the specific candidates for the new national football coach, which inevitably triggered speculation from the outside world. However, according to the Beijing Youth Daily reporter, after confirming the acceptance of the invitation to “take over the national football for the second time”, Lippi has actually re-entered the working state.

Lippi, as a gold medal instructor with rich teaching experience, obviously understands the importance of “choosing good people first to do a good job. When he decided to return to the mountain, he actually started the formation of the work team. It is understood that in order to ensure the quick start of the work, he has decided to continue to use the members of the original work team.

During the Asian Cup in January this year, a total of 10 Italian assistants helped zoripi lead the team. In addition to the translation and two masseurs, the other seven were teaching assistant Mada Loni and droso, goalkeeper coach lampra, physical coach Gaudi, Neli, Scout Petro, medical director casterazi.

If there is no accident, all the other six of the seven Italian teaching assistants will continue to assist zuolipi except pezoti. The reason why Petro di left the team was mainly because he was born in 1942, nearly 80 years old. In terms of natural laws, he also thought that he was not suitable to travel south and north with the team. It is reported that Lippi has chosen another relatively young coach from Italy to replace pezzody.

In addition to fellow assistants, Lippi also attaches great importance to the specific composition of Chinese team members. It is reported that Liu Dianqiu, the old leader, has won Lippi’s trust by virtue of his rich experience and good personality. He has also confirmed that he will continue to be the leader of the national football training in June. In the last cycle of leading the team, the former senior executive Kang Bing Asian Cup of Evergrande club, who served as the national football management, was assigned to an important job in the non-football field by Evergrande Group. However, since Kang Bing has been assisting Lippi during his work in the club and the national team, he has rich experience, so his return to the team is basically certain.

After the Asian Cup ended, Xu Yang and Liu Jian, who once served as the team of Lippi Italian translators, had already taken jobs in Suning, Jiangsu province and Dongwu, Suzhou, Zhongyi respectively. With Lippi’s “return”, the two were called by the national team again, and it was a foregone conclusion to continue to serve as the coach “speaking tube. Will Wen Qian return to the national team? Judging from his participation in Lippi’s signing negotiations, it is more likely. However, as a staff member of Evergrande club, his job arrangement still needs to communicate with the club in detail.

Unlike other Chinese and foreign coaches who are keen to inspect players through data, Lippi has always been more accustomed to “finding with eyes”, which is also the fact that he has been to the league for many times before, the reasons for the performance of the international players in the Cup and the Asian championship. It is understood that Lippi plans to return to China in late May. However, the team formation work of the new national football team, including the recruitment and adjustment of players, has actually started quietly. After the team members are finalized, Lippi will arrange them to inspect players in different venues according to the functional characteristics of each assistant, including some young players emerging in this year’s club competition. It is expected that the new national football training team will recruit about 25 players.

China Football Association Club access work conference held

Yesterday, the China Football Association Club access work conference and access information system use training meeting were held in Guangzhou in 2019. This work will be hosted by the Chinese Football Association and undertaken by Guangzhou Fuli football club. At the meeting, Li Yiyi, vice chairman of the Chinese Football Association, said that it is necessary to make the league matches at all levels first-class in Asia and move forward to the sixth largest league in the world. Li Jianyi said in an interview with the media that to make the Super League the sixth largest league in the world, one of the points is to do a good job in youth training, to have the “project of educating people and creating stars”, and then to cultivate the stars, send it out to stay abroad.


One vote for counterfeiters

At yesterday’s meeting, Li Yiyi said that the entry work of China Football Association in 2019 should strive to implement the five goals. In addition to making all levels of the league into the first-class Asian league and constantly marching towards the sixth largest league in the world, the other four goals are to create more exciting professional league matches and healthier club development, the level of the national team is improved to a more effective win-win situation; Solve the difficult problem of the construction of the echelon of the club’s youth training, and further improve the talent training plan. Take the road of localization, internationalization and integration of sports and education; Consolidate and develop the collective negotiation mechanism in the field of football, so as to achieve mutual consultation and sharing, and to be honest and open; Cultivate and create a large number of people who understand access, manage, A team of managers with a mind, a good breakthrough and a happy contribution.

When talking about the principle of access, Li Yiyi said: “First, false accounts are not allowed. Second, resources are not rejected. As the department in charge of football, we welcome anyone who wishes to join Chinese football. Third, it is not easy to say ‘no’ to the club, to help guide, to see what is not enough.” He stressed that those who resort to fraud in access work will veto one vote.

Previously, the Chinese Football Association has issued a series of rules on the access to clubs and leagues. Among them, including base, youth training echelon and finance, etc. Li Jianyi said that access is to serve clubs and create a fair and just environment for league matches at all levels. He said that the access standard of the Chinese Football Association is strictly required by various clubs in hardware, but it also makes all clubs play a promoting role in winning local support.

Star making

Clubs should pay attention to the training of stars

“First, we must do a good job in the Gypsy style competition. The Gypsy style competition is not good, how can we do a good job in the league.” In addition to emphasizing the Gypsy style competition period, the second point he emphasized was to improve the net competition time, and then to cultivate stars and stay abroad. Li Yiyi believes that the biggest contradiction in the league now is that the supply is in short supply, “there are few people, the price and other problems will come”. At the level of the league, we should focus on the Gypsy style competition period and the quality of the game, but to improve the league level and the national team level, the final goal is still the youth training. “If every club cultivates its own stars and each team cultivates two stars, these stars can go to the world to participate in the league, and slowly our national team will get up. Now the Chinese Super League is working hard in this direction, down-to-earth and solid to educate people and create stars.”

Li Yiyi mentioned Jiang Shenglong, a Shenhua player in Shanghai Greenland. In the U-23 Asian Cup preliminary match ended last month, in the last game of the 1997 age group, the Chinese Olympic Games relied on the central defender Jiang Shenglong, who was born in 2000, to “draw” header, and finally advanced to the final stage in the first group. Li Jianyi said: “Jiang Shenglong of the Olympic Games now also let him play in the Super League. To change our concept, 23 years old is a young player, and it must be 21 years old, even eighteen nine years old. In 1994, when I was in charge of Shenhua, Shenhua’s players were eighteen or nine years old, Fan Zhiyi, Qi Hong, Shen Si, Wu Chengying and Xie Hui…… In 1995, they won the professional league championship.”

How should the club cultivate stars? Li Jianyi said: “We apply big data to daily training management. In addition to general training, every club should pay attention to the training of top athletes, pay attention to the all-round protection and improvement of top athletes, and believe that there will be stars.”

Stay abroad

Players need to keep going out

In January this year, Wu Lei, the National Football striker, joined Spanish Spain in La Liga and became the only player playing in the five major European league teams in Chinese football. “I hope Wu Lei can become a better star and he can grow better. We believe that our team members can continue to go out.” Li Jianyi said, “when the youth training comes up, the stars will continue to emerge. Wu Lei left, and other Chinese players on Hong Kong Lü Wenjun and Wang Shenchao got up. If you don’t go out, you will never get up later.”

“Football is very important to flow and transfer. First, when the football industry is done, the flow of talents produces value and benefits. Second, flow allows new talents to come out. When Evergrande wanted to buy Zhang Linying, Xu Genbao asked me. I asked, is there anyone behind? He said yes. I said yes, you sell it to Evergrande. Football is a Chinese football, not a provincial football. Zhang Lindi left. Bai Jiajun and Wang Shenchao all belonged to Genbao, and they came out slowly.”

Li Jianyi believes that the flow of players should guide them to the high-end talent area, that is, the players should stay abroad. “We have 20 to 30 people playing in the five major leagues. Are we still worried that Chinese football will not go up? Therefore, we must have expectations for the league and promote the progress of the league every year. With the promotion of the league, the Chinese national team will definitely get up.”

China defeated Australia NBL United men’s basketball 89:77

Although Yi Jianlian, Zhou Qi, Guo Allen, Ding Yan Yuhang, Zhou Peng and other players chose to take a break, the team still showed a good state and maintained the scene advantage most of the time.

Xinhua News Agency, Qingdao, June 19 (reporter Su Wanming) on the evening of 19th, the China-Australia international men’s basketball match hosted by the China Basketball Association was held in the gymnasium of Qingdao citizen fitness center, although many core players were suspended, china defeated Australia’s NBL United with 89:77 men’s basketball, and Wang Zhelin scored the highest 25 points in the game.

This is the first warm-up match after China reassembled men’s basketball in preparation for this year’s World Cup. Although many players such as Yi Jianlian, Zhou Qi, Guo Allen, Ding Yan Yuhang and Zhou Peng chose to take a break, the team still showed a good state and kept the scene advantage most of the time.

China sent the starting line-up consisting of Zhao Rui, Fang Shuo, Wang Zhilin, Zhai Xiaochuan and Abdu salad Wood men’s basketball.

Those who entered the state earlier were still rivals Australia NBL United, who led at 23:19 in the first quarter. China gradually found the state in the second quarter of men’s basketball. Wang Zhilin’s internal attack and Fang Shuo’s external shooting helped the team beat the score and led 47:39 at the end of the half.

In the third quarter, China continued to debug the lineup men’s basketball, and once sent three defenders to join hands with the short stature lineup. The scene has been under its own control. Entering the fourth quarter, the Australian NBL United team continued to score close points with continuous outside shooting, with only 4 points behind at least. Fortunately, China has stabilized its position men’s basketball, defending several times of opponent’s attack in a row. In the end, China defeated Australia’s NBL United men’s basketball 89:77.

In this campaign, 4 people in China scored double men’s basketball. Wang Zhilin scored the highest 25 points and 9 rebounds in the game, and Fang Shuo scored 20 points.

After the game, China men’s basketball coach Li Nan said that this was the first game after the team’s training. The team exposed some problems at both ends of the attack and defense, fortunately, the team did a good job in controlling mistakes and free throws. “This is only the first game of the series, and the opponent did not play 100%. Later, there are two games to test the Chinese team.”

The coach of the Australian NBL United team said that the team also had many opportunities in the first match. I hope the players can respond better in the next two matches.

According to the arrangement, the two sides will also play two warm-up matches in Nantong and Changzhou, Jiangsu on the 21st and 23rd respectively.