Champions League final: Liverpool 2:0 wins Tottenham Hotspur

In the face of Tottenham Hotspur who reached the Champions League final for the first time, Liverpool took the lead early with the penalty kick gained in less than a minute.

Xinhua News Agency, Madrid, June 1 (Xie Yuzhi) the 2018-2019 season European football was held in Madrid on Champion Series Final. Liverpool defeated Tottenham Hotspur, also from the Premier League, and won the championship trophy.

In the face of the Tottenham Hotspur who reached the Champions League final for the first time, Liverpool took the lead early with the penalty kick gained in less than a minute at the beginning, and Origi’s goal at the last moment of the game was the “Red Army” locking victory. Liverpool won the Champions League for the sixth time in its history.

In this game, both sides welcomed the return of General, Salah and Fermino from Liverpool recovered in time, and Harry Kane from Spurs also returned to the starting line. Before the opening, the two teams mourned for Spanish player Reyes who died in a car accident that day.

Only 25 seconds after the start of the game, Tottenham Hotspur was hit. The pass in the mane penalty area was hit by Sisoko, and the referee sentenced penalty kick. Salah’s main penalty hit, establishing a 1-0 advantage for Liverpool. Since then, neither side has created too many opportunities. In the first half, a female fan broke into the stadium, causing the game to be suspended.

In the second half, a shot in the 69th minute of Milne wiped the right post. Alisson made continuous saves to ensure that Liverpool city gate was not lost. In the 87th minute, Liverpool won corner. In the scuffle in front of the door, oligi, who appeared on the bench, shot low after taking the ball on the left side of the penalty area. The ball rolled into the lower right corner of goal and the score was fixed at 2:0.

2020 “One Belt, One Road, Sun Tour” bicycle challenge open registration

Xinhua News Agency, Paris, May 17, the 2020 “Belt and Road, Sun Tour” bicycle challenge, which connects China and France, has been signed up, which was announced by the event organizers on the 17th.

The organizer of the event said that the organizer had received 50 applicants, four of whom were from China. The “Sun journey” bicycle challenge was founded in 2013, requiring participants to use solar bicycles to ride in teams alone or two, and those who arrived at the destination as soon as possible won.

The third event held in 2018 started in Lyon, France. The Challenger finally arrived in Guangzhou, China after a 12000-kilometer ride. This is the first time that the competition has set its destination in China.

After the Challenger set off from Lyon, he held a four-day promotion activity in the cities along the way. They officially started the challenge from Chamonix, choosing their own riding route, and there was no logistics car behind them. The Belgian Ralph Van Huller arrived in Guangzhou in 45 days and won the championship of this competition.

The starting and ending points of the 2020 challenge are still Lyon and Guangzhou. Sun travel company said that it hoped more challengers from China could participate in the 2020 competition.

Interview Gao Tian, vice minister of cultural activities department of Beijing Organizing Committee for winter and Olympic Games

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, May 11th: the countdown device pays tribute to the mascot of “the city of double olympics” entering the stage of deepening and revising — interview gao tian

the vice minister of cultural activities department of beijing winter olympic organizing committee xinhua news agency reporter yang fanji ye

on the occasion of the 1000-day countdown of beijing winter olympic games, gao Tian, vice minister of cultural activities department of Beijing Organizing Committee for winter and Olympic Games, accepted an interview with Xinhua News Agency on topics of concern such as the creativity and design of Countdown devices and the collection of mascots for Winter Olympics.

“Setting up countdown device is the practice of previous Olympic Games. Setting up the countdown device of Beijing Winter Olympic Games in the central area of Olympic Park is our reuse of 2008 Olympic cultural heritage.” Gao Tian said that this is also a symbol of Beijing’s “double Olympics city”. The establishment of the device always reminds us that the Winter Olympics is coming towards us, and our preparation work cannot be stopped for a moment, one step can’t be wrong, one day can’t be wrong, and one must seize every minute.

Gao Tian introduced that during the 2022beijing Winter Olympics, the central area of the Olympic Park will gather “Water Cube”, National Stadium, “Ice Ribbon” and other winter Olympics competition venues, the main news center of the Winter Olympics, the cultural activity exhibition center will also be located in this area. At that time, it will become the core area of the Winter Olympics and the Winter Paralympic Games, as well as the new landmark of the capital Beijing.

The Countdown device is built on the Ling Long Pagoda in the central area of the Olympic Park. Ling Long Pagoda is the TV broadcasting facility of Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, which is divided into 7 floors with a total height of 132 meters. The countdown device is built on the 4-7th floor of the south side of the Ling Long Pagoda Tower, which is an LED screen display with a total area of 976.2 square meters.

Why is it Ling Long Pagoda? “Ling Long Pagoda is unique in its own shape, and its structure is built like multiple hourglass, which can embody the concept of ‘time’. The device is built here, which is consistent with the countdown concept.” Gao Tian said that the countdown device will be placed here, and then it can be clearly seen from the surrounding venues and main roads, echoing with Olympic venues such as “Bird’s Nest” and “Water Cube”, forming a distinctive Olympic theme landscape.

Gao Tian revealed that the countdown display screen after lighting is from top to bottom: Beijing Winter Olympics emblem, Countdown text and Countdown number. Countdown device display system is independently researched and developed by our country, which reflects the new achievements of scientific and technological development in this field in China and conforms to the concept of science and technology Olympics.

“The arrival of the 1000-day countdown to the Beijing Winter Olympics marks that the preparation work is about to enter a critical stage. Next, we will hold theme cultural activities in combination with the major time nodes organized by the Winter Olympics.” Gao Tian said that both the International Olympic Day on June 23 and the National Fitness Day on August 8 will hold activities to promote the green, shared, open and honest Olympic concept, and inspire the general public to support the Winter Olympics, enthusiasm for participating in the Winter Olympics.

The mascot of an Olympic Games has always been of great concern to the society. Gao Tian introduced that the mascot design scheme of Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics and Winter Paralympic Games began to be collected on August 8, 2018 and received more than 5,000 works. At present, the design plan has entered the stage of deepening and revising, and it is planned to be officially released to the public in the second half of the year.

The reporter learned from the interview that in the next stage, the Beijing Winter Olympic organizing committee will begin to collect Olympic songs, Olympic slogans, related sports icons, medals and torches. “We will also cooperate with the cultural department and relevant organizations of the International Olympic Committee to carry out the artistic creation competition on the theme of Winter Olympics. These results will be displayed intensively during the competition.” Gao Tian said.

2019 International Tian Lian road running Conference held in Lanzhou at the end of this month

Xinhua News Agency, Lanzhou, May 15 (Reporter Zhang Rui, fan Peiyi) the reporter learned from the media briefing on the 2019 International Tian Lian road running Conference and the preparations for Lanzhou International Marathon held on 15th that, the 2019 International Tian Lian road running conference will be held in Lanzhou city, Gansu province from May 30 to June 2, 2019. The CEO of the international Tian Lian, Jon lichen, and the Minister of competition and activity, Paul Hardy, will attend the conference. It is understood that this conference is the industry conference with the highest specifications in the world’s road running field and the largest number of countries, regions and people. It will also be the first official road running conference held by IAAF in China.

According to Wang Zhengxuan, director of Lanzhou Sports Bureau, the preparations for the 2019 International Tian Lian road running conference are currently being carried out in an orderly manner. After early invitation, a total of people from the United States, France, A total of 125 international guests from 44 countries and regions including Italy attended the meeting, including IAAF officials, international speakers, IAAF committee, etc, representatives from 50 IAAF sign events will also attend the meeting.

In this meeting, the participants will discuss and share the positive impact of road running on urban economy, society and environment around the theme of “road running to boost urban civilization, and will watch the 2019 Lanzhou International Marathon held in Lanzhou on June 2.

It is understood that watching the Lanzhou International Marathon is an important agenda of the 2019 International Tian Lian road running conference. This competition takes “international lanma and delicate Lanzhou” as its theme, setting 5 kilometers, half way, in the whole three projects, 138071 people from 19 countries and regions participated in the registration. After two rounds of lottery, a total of 40007 people signed the competition.

Lanzhou International Marathon was founded in 2011 and upgraded to the gold standard event of IAAF in December, 2017. Lanzhou Marathon is currently the highest gold standard event in China, so it is also known as the “Asian high Marathon”.

Back to La Liga, I am calm and want to cultivate more “Wu Lei” for Chinese football”

Xinhua News Agency, Madrid, June 11th: back to La Liga, I am very calm and want to cultivate more “Wu Lei” for Chinese football

— Interview with Granada chairman Jiang Lizhang

Xie Yuzhi

After two years of La Liga, Granada in 2018-2019 season the second place ended the West B league, next season will return to La Liga. Recently, Jiang Lizhang, chairman of the club, shared Granada’s experience of returning to La Liga in an exclusive interview with Xinhua News Agency, and revealed that his goal was to cultivate more “Wu Lei” for Chinese football “.

On the evening of June 5th, in the penultimate round of the West B league, with the third-ranked arbassett 1:2 losing to Malaga, ranking second in the standings, granada, with a 4-point advantage in hand, rose to La Liga in advance. The whole city of Granada is in a carnival. The fans shouted the name of Jiang Lizhang in front of the city hall, and Jiang Lizhang, who flew from China to attend the celebration, shouted excitedly, “Long Live Granada!”

But after the initial ecstasy, Jiang Lizhang, who was interviewed at the Hotel Cafe, defined his mood at this moment with the word “calm”, “I said when the team was downgraded, we will come back in two years. It is just two years now “.

After acquiring Granada in 2016, Jiang Lizhang became the chairman of the club. He, who was born in marketing, especially valued the “right to speak” in the football world “. In his view, acquiring a European team means “having a voice in Europe and the core circle of football in the whole world”. However, only one season later, Granada dropped into West B.

Fortunately, this setback did not shake Jiang Lizhang’s confidence. He did not sell the team as people speculated, but continued to run the team bulkhead. Now, when the team returned to La Liga, looking back on the past three years, Jiang Lizhang admitted that this was an attempt to “cross the river by touching the stones. “At the beginning, we really didn’t understand things like football management. But Chinese are resilient. I regard the process from La Liga to La Liga as an opportunity to learn, in which I learned the knowledge and language of the football world. We made the team play step by step through our efforts. Now the team is back, and I am more confident.”

Nowadays, Jiang Lizhang is also the “leader” of Chongqing contemporary Lifan Club of China Super League “. He said frankly that there are great differences in club management between China and Spain, “Spanish football clubs are already very mature. La Liga league has a set of constantly updated management methods. Local fans, media, government and club staff have formed their own set of culture, which promotes the continuous development of Spanish football. However, the management of Chinese football clubs is still very elementary, but I can’t copy the Granada set to the Super League completely, which is unrealistic because no one can implement it and no one understands it. Many aspects of Chinese football have just started. We have to learn too much and step by step “.

“Step by step” is the most frequent interview with Jiang Lizhang, which represents his attitude: Do not rush for success. He said: “Sports is a slow industry, and be patient.” For the next development goal of Granada, he gave a pragmatic answer: “It is good to stay in La Liga. Don’t Talk empty words now. Maybe five years later, the team will have a bigger goal, and then work towards it.”

In the past six months, La Liga has attracted more attention among Chinese fans because Chinese striker Wu Lei joined the Spanish team, which has also made more Spanish teams see the potential of the Chinese market. Granada, as a Chinese-funded team, has the advantage of “getting close to the water, the tower and the moon first” in the operation of Chinese players joining. However, Jiang Lizhang stressed that the team would not blindly introduce Chinese players for the sake of Bo’s attention.

He said: “I have two views. One is to find the right player, not to introduce for introduction, and to take a scientific attitude, let the powerful Chinese players come through the investigation of scouts, otherwise they will be useless to the players and the club. Second, we should not aim at only one Wu Lei or only the group of forwards, consider where the second, third and fourth Wu Lei is.”

In fact, how to cultivate more “Wu Lei” for Chinese football is the proposition that Jiang Lizhang has always been most concerned about. In recent years, he has built a system called Hope based on several clubs under his own. At present, the system already includes Granada, Chongqing contemporary Lifan, members of the 4 clubs of Serie A Parma and Portugal chaotondra. An important part of the system is to create a “player training service” through commercial operation to transport some young Chinese players overseas for training.

Jiang Lizhang said: “How can Chinese football establish a connection with European and even world football and how can it contribute to Chinese football? I think it is necessary to establish a system and form a standard to continuously produce Chinese players.”

This is undoubtedly a long-term plan. Jiang Lizhang revealed that in his Hope system, there is a technical team above all clubs: “From the establishment to the present, this team has done a lot of running-in, overcoming cultural differences is to implement my idea of cultivating Chinese players.” And this idea has also been instilled into all staff of Granada Club from general manager to sports director, youth training director and even coaches at all levels.

Jiang Lizhang said that he hoped that his team would give Chinese players who joined the team more respect and the same feeling as home: “In the past, many Chinese players came to a club because of sponsors or other relationships, however, they were not valued and marginalized. We are a Chinese-funded club. As the boss, my will can play a decisive role. I demand that if Chinese players join, they must be accepted and respected by everyone. If a coach can help Chinese players gain a foothold in the second-tier team in the assessment, I can give him a bonus, so they will be happy to do it.”

Taking the club of Granada as a foothold and making use of the advanced experience of European football to contribute to the development of Chinese football is Jiang Lizhang’s hope and his original intention to acquire Granada. He said that he paid more attention to the training of Chinese players by the club than whether the team was in Spanish or West B: “If the team is in West B, they can lose a Chinese player entering the World Cup, that is success; But if the team is in La Liga, but can’t make any achievements in cultivating Chinese players, it is a kind of failure for me.”

Warriors away thrilling life-renewal finals: 2:3

Curry and Thompson contributed 57 points together, and jointly directed a reversal drama at the last moment of the game.

Xinhua News Agency, Washington, June 10th, the defending champion in adversity Golden State Warriors beat Toronto Raptors 106:105 away on the 10th, pulling the total score of the finals series to 2:3.

Curry and Thompson contributed 57 points together, and jointly directed a reversal drama at the last moment of the game.

The warriors who fought back and forth took the lead most of the time. However, Leonard, the leader of the Raptors, started the scoring mode at the end of the fourth quarter, the individual scored 10 points in a row to help the home team establish a leading edge of 6 points, 103:97. At this time, there were only 3 minutes left before the end of the game. At the critical moment, Curry and Thompson showed a “big heart”. They hit 3 three-point goals together, and the score exceeded 3 points.

After several rounds of competition, the 105:106 backward Raptors had the last chance to attack, but guard Lowry failed to hit the outside shot, and finally the Warriors won by 1 point.

After the game, Raymond Green, who got 10 points, 10 rebounds and 8 assists, said: “when six points are behind, there are only a few minutes left before being eliminated, we have not given up, as I have said before, I have never seen this team give up.”

However, what the Warriors got was not all good news. Durant, the main force of the team who had been troubled by injury and illness, broke up and returned to the battle, but he was injured again after playing for 12 minutes, make the Warriors already wounded soldiers full of camp worse.

In terms of raptors, Leonard scored the highest 26 points in the team. Besides him, five other members of the Raptors scored double points.

The next warriors will return home and continue to work for three successive championships. Previously, there was only one case in the history of NBA Finals where 1:3 backward teams successfully turned over and finally won the championship. This case appeared in 2016, when 1:3 The Cleveland Cavaliers who were behind finally won 3 games in a row and defeated the Golden State Warriors 4:3.