Ramos said that the Champions League did not deliberately eat the yellow card against Ajax.

Xinhua News Agency, Madrid, February 14 -real Madrid football team captain Amos’s remarks after the Champions League 1/8 final against Ajax on the 13th caused controversy, but later he clarified that, he did not deliberately eat the yellow card in order to suspend the second round.

Real Madrid beat Ajax 2:1 away in the first round of the Champions League 1/8 final on the 13th. Two minutes after his teammate Assensio scored a winning goal in 87 minutes, he got a yellow card because he knocked down dorberry roughly, so he accumulated three yellow cards and suspended one game, missing a round of match against Ajax at home. But from the perspective of Lamos, if Real Madrid can successfully advance to the quarter-finals, such suspension will be beneficial for him to participate in the quarter-finals.

Lamos once said after the match: “In fact, due to the result of the first round, if I say I don’t have that idea in my heart, it is a lie. This is not to underestimate the opponent, but sometimes you have to make a choice at a specific time, and I also made my choice.”

But an hour later, Lamos clarified on his personal social media Twitter: “I want to clarify that this yellow card has caused me more losses than anyone else, I didn’t ask for this yellow card on purpose, just as I didn’t eat the yellow card on purpose in the Champions League against Rome before. In the next round, I will support the team like a fan in the stands, hoping that we can reach the quarter-finals.”

According to the Champions League rules, all red and yellow cards and suspension penalties will not be brought into the semi-finals. However, players who deliberately eat yellow cards for a specific suspension may be punished by UEFA. For example, in the Champions League last season, amos’s teammate cavajar was suspended by Uefa for two games because he deliberately ate yellow cards during the group match.

Tajikistan U16 Men’s Football draw China won the “Huashan Cup” Championship

Xinhua News Agency, Xi’an, April 10 (Reporter Yao Youming) on the 10th, the “Silk Road · Huashan Cup” Weinan International Youth Football Championship ushered in the competition for the last match day. The Chinese U16 Men’s football team and the Tajikistan team handed over the papers. Tajikistan won the championship, and the Chinese team ranked second due to the disadvantage of winning the game.

The first two matches of the middle and tower teams both won, and this contest also became the final. There was a warm-hearted scene in the pre-match. Due to the low temperature in the night game, all the players of the Chinese team took off their coats at the opening ceremony and put them on the caddies, winning the praise of the fans on the spot.

The Chinese team continued to use the 4231 formation, and there was no trial process after the opening of the two teams. In the 16th minute, Chen Nuo finally found Jia Bozhen in a precise through ball, and the latter shot the opponent’s goalkeeper. In the 21st minute, the Tajikistan team’s Muhamad de URIs penalty area won the opportunity to face the Chinese team’s goalkeeper. Unfortunately, when he shot, the Chinese team escaped. In the 38th minute, Liu Yiheng finally got the chance to “single” with the other goalkeeper safarmad, but unfortunately his shot was slightly out.

Before the end of the first half, Yao Zhiyu suddenly fell to the ground without any physical contact with his opponent, and the ambulance rushed to the ground and pulled him away. After checking, it is confirmed that there is no serious problem.

The high intensity of the five-day three-match largely lost the physical strength of both sides. In the second half of the match, many players had cramp. In the end, both sides failed to break the goal of the other side, and Tajikistan won the championship of this tournament by virtue of its advantage in the net victory.

After the game, Chinese team coach Antonio said: “The players performed very well on the court and I am very proud of our team. We played very, very well in all three games. Our players didn’t give up until the last minute this year. Every team member treated this game with 100% heart.”

In another match, Kyrgyzstan beat Myanmar 2:1 and won the third place in this Cup.

Xu can: I hope to leave the golden belt in China and fight rohaas again without fear.

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, January 30 (Reporter Wei Hua, Lu Yuchen) shortly after winning the golden belt of WBA world champion, Xu can expressed in Beijing on the 30th that he hoped to leave the golden belt in China.

On the 26th local time, Xu Can defeated the World Boxing Association (WBA) badminton champion and Puerto Rico player rohaas in Houston, USA, and won the champion’s golden belt. Xu Can’s victory broke the monopoly of European and American boxers at this level in recent years and became the first Asian face to win the world champion in five years.

According to the regulations, Xu Can needs to conduct a free defending war within half a year, but the time, place and opponent of the game are not determined. Looking forward to this defending war, Xu can said that he would prefer to play this game at home. He said at the media meeting held on the 30th: “Getting a golden belt has fulfilled one of my dreams. I brought the gold belt back to China from the United States. Of course, I also want to leave the gold belt here in front of the Chinese people.”

Recalling the 12-round war that ended a few days ago, Xu Can said frankly that before leaving, he felt that he had about 80% of his grasp to win the opponent, and his physical advantage was the key to winning the competition. “Physical fitness is my biggest advantage. The rhythm of this game is basically in my hands, and rohaas has been thoroughly studied before the game. It is not very tired to hit the back, and the physical strength is very strong.”

When some media asked if they would fight rohaas in the second-time war, Xu Can’s response was quite domineering: “First, whether to fight the second-time war or not depends on the company’s arrangement, but if the other party strongly demands, I am willing. Since I can win the first time, I can win the second time.”

Although it has been a few days since the end of the game, the bruise in Xu Can’s left eye is still clearly visible, but he himself said it was not a big problem. The eye part is skin trauma, normal swelling, maybe it looks serious. The strength of the 12 rounds is relatively large. I got several punches on the shoulder, and then I will resume training. If the match is confirmed, I will increase the strength according to my opponent.”

Plain and low-key are the first impression Xu can gave to reporters in the interview. It is understood that after getting the golden belt, Xu can became a topic figure in Zixi county, Jiangxi province. Facing the overwhelming praise, he said modestly, “To be honest, I don’t feel that I have carried the banner of Chinese boxing. I just think I am doing the right thing. I love this sport and will try my best to go further.”

For the suggestions of the later generations, Xu Can said, “Boxing is a boring sport, and it is also very tired during training, but if you want to take this road, you must learn to stick to it, face everything bravely.”

Fencing Asian Youth Championship Jordan unveiled the “full lineup” of Chinese team

Xinhua News Agency, Amman, February 27 (reporter Lin Xiaowei) the fencing Asian youth competition in 2019 was unveiled on the evening of 27th local time in the capital of Jordan, Amman. China sent a delegation of 57 people to participate in all competitions in all groups and compete in this competition with a “full lineup.

This Asian youth competition will be held from February 27 to March 8 in the youth and youth groups. The competition items include men’s sabre, female sabers, men’s sabre, women foil, men’s epee, women’s Epee 6 individual events and corresponding team competitions.

According to Xiao Aihua, the secretary general of China Fencing Association, the Chinese team will participate in all competitions between the youth group and the youth group. This is the first time in the history that the Chinese team has entered the Asian Youth competition with a “full lineup. She said that the contestants were not only from professional teams, but also amateur players from five domestic fencing clubs, indicating that the Chinese fencing movement was developing rapidly.

On the first day, three individual competitions were held, including men’s sabre, men’s epee and women foil. Chinese team Zhang Bo, Chen Yijun, Jiang Yining and Zhou Hongyu ranked 9th, 12th, 20th and 23th respectively. In the women foil competition, Chinese player Song Shihong won the 11th place, Gu Jun, huang Xiaoxiao was tied for 12th, while Song Xiaoxiao was ranked 14th. Lin Xiaosen entered the semi-final of men’s epee, but lost to the final Japanese player Matsumoto long, winning the fourth place. The other three Chinese players Zhang Xinyi, Xu Tingwei and Gong Xiaofeng won the 7th, 10th and 32nd place respectively.

Jia Xiuquan: it takes 200% to win recognition. I believe the team members are ready.

Jia Xiuquan said that the Chinese women’s football team had gone through a hard process in the three matches, and the attacking side should do better.

Xinhua News Agency, Montpellier, France, June 24 (reporter Su Bin Zhang Han) Chinese women’s football team will face Italy in the top 16 women’s football World Cup on 25th local time, coach Jia Xiuquan said at the pre-match press conference on the 24th that he believed the team members were ready for this. To win world soccer field recognition, the team needed to make 200 percent efforts.

The Chinese women’s football team won, won, and lost in the previous three group matches, and finally advanced to the top 16 as the third team of the group with better scores. The Chinese team’s defense line was firm and only one goal was lost, but the offensive side exposed certain problems and only scored YILI goals.

“The football match needs a balance of attack and defense.” Jia Xiuquan said that blindly defending and attacking May Have gains and losses in a game. The highest level of football match is to strive for the balance between the two ends of attack and defense. Excessive defense and attack are unfavorable to the development of the team.

Jia Xiuquan said that the Chinese women’s football team had gone through a hard process in the three matches, and the attacking side should do better. With the deepening of the game, the team’s attack will change, and at the same time, it should be stronger and more demanding in terms of balance.

When talking about the psychological adjustment before the elimination match, Jia Xiuquan said in a question from Xinhua News Agency that competitive sports are not without pressure, and coaches, security teams and players all have their own pressure, in addition to self-regulation and experience, improving one’s skills is the most important.

Jia Xiuquan said that the team had done a lot of work in psychological counseling for a period of time before leaving Beijing and got good feedback from the team members. During the competition, it is difficult for players to be not nervous at all and treat each training class smartly unless they have experienced numerous scenes and exercises.

“If in the World Cup, we often shuttle back and forth on the channels of Crown, runner-up and top four, the players’ psychology may be very strong, but we have not experienced so many channels, especially in the last 10 or 15 years. It is crucial for players to have strong psychology in all aspects and finally need to improve their skills.” Jia Xiuquan said.

“Everyone’s ideas, ideas and requirements are different, and we will take these seriously and correctly.” Jia Xiuquan said, “which team in Europe is good to play? Not only are European teams, but compared with other teams, are we sure of winning at the overall level? Everyone stands at different angles and understands different things. We will face these analyses and suggestions correctly, focus on ourselves, do ourselves well, and strive to win the competition in our way.”

A reporter mentioned that compared with the Italian team, the Chinese women’s football team with more experience in the competition is a hot promotion. Jia Xiuquan said that the Chinese women’s football team is not a hot one, but it is very eager to win the popular team and world’s women’s football recognition, which requires 200% efforts. In the three games, the Chinese women’s football team made at least what it should do, but it should do better.

This is the first time that the Italian women’s football team has entered the top 16 World Cup in the last 20 years. Jia Xiuquan said that the Chinese women’s football team had never thought Italy was a weak team, and it was normal for opponents to break into the top 16. Although the Italian women’s football team has not participated in the World Cup for 20 years, the heritage of Italian football also affects the world, and it is normal that the women’s football team has made particularly rapid progress.

Jia Xiuquan said that the two games of the team are eight days apart, with a longer interval, and more from training. The difficulty is to adjust the state, but these days have won time for the recovery of the wounded and sick. To sum up what has not been done in the tactics of the three matches, it needs to be consolidated and improved.

“To a large extent, the adjustment of state and the desire of players are combined to finally break out a state. I believe the players are ready.” He said.

In the last group match, the main forward Wang Shanshan was injured and left. Jia Xiuquan said that Wang Shanshan recovered well. He had trained with the team yesterday, and he was also practicing for Wang Shanshan.