The second China-Finland ice and snow sports Cooperation Forum was held in Beijing

People’s daily online, beijing, june 16 in response to the 2019 china-finland winter sports year, following the successful holding of the first china-finland ice and snow sports cooperation forum last year, the second china-finland ice and snow sports cooperation forum co-sponsored by beijing sports university and people’s daily online people’s sports was successfully held in beijing sports university on june 15.

Finnish Ambassador to China Su Hailan, deputy mayor Li Hong of Zhangjiakou city, deputy mayor of Jilin City Gai Dongping, former chairman of Finland’s National Olympic Committee, member of Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games Coordination Committee RistoNieminen, Finnish National Business Promotion Bureau, sarui, head of the winter sports program, director of the ice and snow culture Professional Committee of the National Society for Mass Culture, the national champion of skiing, the dean of China Ice Hockey Academy, the world champion of short track speed skating, Wang Chunlu, shao Yunsheng, deputy director of Harbin Sports Bureau, Ding Changfeng, senior vice president of Vanke Group and CEO of ice and snow Department, manager of Finnish Olympic training center, MikkoVeliPohjola, Wang Bo, vice president of Ouyue ice and snow Investment Management (Beijing) Co., Ltd, representative of Finland Winter Sports Management Center MikkoSaarinen and president of Beijing cabin ski Sports Development Co., Ltd. Wu Bin, representative of Beijing snow ylang-ylang Sports Development Co., Ltd. Liao Chen and many experts and scholars in the field of ice and snow at home and abroad, nearly two hundred leaders of the sports department and senior executives of ice and snow enterprises participated in this forum.

Lin Xianpeng, professor and doctoral supervisor of Beijing Sport University, presided over this forum. He first mentioned that on January 14 this year, president xi jinping and finnish president nignisto held talks in the great hall of the people. President xi hoped that both sides would work together to build a model of winter sports cooperation. After the talks, the two heads of state jointly attended the launching ceremony of the 2019 China-Finland winter sports year. Holding this forum is also the call of beijing sports university and people’s daily online people’s sports to respond to the call of the two governments. I hope that on the basis of successfully holding the first forum last year, I will continue to invite many senior people from the ice and snow circles to beijing sports university, we will jointly exchange how to take the sports cooperation between China and Finland to a new level, talk about the current situation of China’s ice and snow sports and industry, and seek common development of China’s ice and snow sports and industry.

Finnish Ambassador to China Su said in his speech Hailan, “2019 China-Finland winter sports year” is the first ice and snow sports year hosted by China together with friendly countries, the second China-Finland ice and snow sports Cooperation Forum is a very good platform, which allows us to further promote the relationship with various partners and allow people from all walks of life to communicate with each other here. Finland is very willing to help China host the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing. China-Finland cooperation should not only discuss competitive sports, but also leisure mass sports should be the focus of cooperation. Such sports culture will become the core of cultural exchanges between the two peoples. There is still more potential to be explored in the future, and 2019 is just the beginning.

Then, Xia Renhao, vice president of Beijing Sports University, Peng Yuan, director of People’s ice and snow people’s sports, people’s network, and sarui, Finland’s National Business Promotion Bureau, also made wonderful speeches. Peng Yuan said in his speech that ice and snow sports are difficult, demanding and ornamental, which can ignite people’s passion. People’s Daily online people’s sports will give full play to the comprehensive advantages and unique values of party media, build high-quality media platforms and industrial service platforms, and help the development of ice and snow sports. “People’s ice and snow” will give full play to its own advantages, follow the concept of co-construction, sharing and open cooperation, join hands with all sectors of society, promote the popularization of ice and snow sports throughout the whole process, and vigorously develop the mass ice and snow sports, improve the competitive level of ice and snow sports, accelerate the development of ice and snow industry, promote the development of mass sports in winter, develop people’s sports, and jointly build a healthy China.

The forum in the morning was first delivered by the former chairman of the finnish national olympic committee and the member of the coordination committee of the beijing 2022 winter olympic games RistoNieminen the keynote speech “winter sports of all ages. He affirmed China’s great achievements in sports and ice and snow industry in recent years, and earnestly wished Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics a complete success. He emphasized the importance of sustainable development in the future sports industry, and proposed to actively use sustainable methods and technologies and strive to build venues and facilities that can be used by all people. Finally, he also introduced the situation of Finnish population of all ages participating in physical exercise, and thus encouraged China to actively promote the development of national winter sports and create a better future for sports.

As one of the host sites of Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics, Li Hong, vice mayor of Zhangjiakou city, made a speech with the theme of “Zhangjiakou Winter Olympics preparation and ice and snow industry development, this paper analyzes the development advantages of Zhangjiakou city in winter sports from many aspects, and introduces the preparation for the Winter Olympic Games in Zhangjiakou competition area and the development situation of ice and snow industry, as well as the cooperation direction and focus between Zhangjiakou City and Finland in the future. She said that Zhangjiakou has broad development prospects and numerous opportunities. She hopes to further deepen exchanges and strengthen cooperation with Finland to promote common development and mutual benefit and win-win results.

In recent years, jilin city of jilin province has vigorously developed the ice and snow industry to promote the industrial transformation of the old industrial base and turn the ice and snow into jinshan yinshan. Jia Dongping, deputy mayor of Jilin city, talked about the development of ice and snow industry in Jilin city in recent years in his speech “based on resource advantages, seizing opportunities of Winter Olympics, promoting ice and snow sports and rapid development of ice and snow industry, this paper analyzes the future development plan of ice and snow industry in Jilin city from multiple angles. She said that the China-Finland Forum is an important platform for cooperation between the two countries, hoping to strengthen exchanges, jointly help Beijing Winter Olympics and promote further deepening and development of bilateral relations.

At the Forum in the morning, Ding Changfeng, senior vice president of the group and CEO of ice and snow division, published the theme “customer-centered, continuous exploration and innovation-Songhua Lake ski vacation operation practice sharing speech came to an end. Ding changfeng analyzed the shortcomings and problems existing in china’s ski vacation industry through vivid operation cases and compared with the operation status of various countries in the world, and put forward the pan-national ski vacation in the future, professional consumption trend.

In the afternoon, Mao Zhenhua, chairman of zhongchengxin Group and chairman of Yabuli sunshine resort, gave a speech entitled “enterprise responsibility for the development of China’s ice and snow industry. This paper introduces the experience and harvest of Yabuli ski resort in various stages of development history for a long time. As one of the pioneers of china’s ski industry, yabuli ski base has always been a typical representative of china’s ski industry. From the difficult exploration in the early stage to the enterprise growth process of walking out of its own unique development mode, it is of great reference value to the development of China’s local ski resorts.

Wang Bo, vice president of Ouyue ice and snow Investment Management (Beijing) Co., Ltd, gave a speech on the influence of new technology on ice and snow industry. He talked about the arrival of the Winter Olympics, which provided great impetus for the development of hardware technology in China’s ice and snow industry. Wang Bo said that the in-depth development of ice and snow projects among school teenagers is very important, and new technologies also provide more new opportunities for the development of ice and snow sports. As a company serving the whole industry chain of ice and snow, we very much hope that the winter project can develop in China in the long run and let more people participate in it.

At this forum, the manager of Finnish Olympic training center MikkoVeliPohjola, the representative of Finnish Winter Sports Management Center MikkoSaarinen, and Wu Bin, president of Beijing cabin ski Sports Development Co., Ltd, the project director of finnish Kisakallio institute of physical education MikaPohjola, finnish expert JariStenvall, finnish helsinki institute of technology expert KaleviKariMatti, and project researcher of department of physical education and health science of Jyvskyl university AnnaLee focus on the prospect of cooperation between ice and snow industry and china and finland, he made wonderful keynote speeches successively.

At present, the preparation work of Beijing Winter Olympics has entered a high-speed period, and the development of China’s ice and snow sports is also booming under the opportunity of Winter Olympics. This sino-finnish ice and snow sports cooperation forum attracted experts from the ice and snow fields of china and finland to introduce and share their projects and experiences around ice and snow sports and industries, which was not only a milestone in the exchange of sino-finnish ice and snow sports, let the exchange of ice and snow sports between China and Finland enter a new stage, which will further promote the development of China’s winter sports to conform to the international level and jointly write a new chapter of China’s ice and snow sports and industry.

The “Sports +” model promotes the rapid development of China Sports Group industry, but insufficient R & D investment becomes a shackle.

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, March 27 (reporter Ding Feng) as the only listed company controlled by the State General Administration of Sports, China Sports Group industry recently announced its financial report for 2018. The company achieved operating income of about 1.45 billion yuan, an increase of 33 percent year-on-year; net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies was 83.91 million yuan, an increase of 44% year-on-year; Net profit after deduction was 82.12 million yuan, an increase of 46% year-on-year; Earnings per share was 0.0994 yuan, A year-on-year increase of 44.26 percent. Both revenue and net profit reached a new high in nearly four years. Since this year, China Sports Group industry share price has risen nearly 50%.

The rapid expansion of the sports + model business boosts performance growth

The annual report shows that the growth trend of various main businesses in China Sports Group industry is obvious, and the key indicator ROE (return on net assets) is also steadily improving, it was 3.6 percent in 2017 and 4.9 percent in 2018. Although real estate-related businesses account for more than 50% of the main revenue, sports business presents many bright spots, achieving revenue of 0.56 billion yuan, an increase of 30.57 percent year-on-year; Gross profit margin is 28.84 percent, which is basically stable year-on-year. In the annual report, the company said that by deepening the layout of the sports industry chain, continuously obtaining high-end event resources, building a standardized operation system, achieving rapid business expansion and enhancing brand influence; At the same time, based on the long-term accumulation of international public relations resources, accelerate the business development of international sports service trade and provide international interfaces for the business extension and enrichment of the company’s industrial chain.

From the perspective of performance, the business model of “Sports + various industry resources”, which was built China Sports Group industry, has begun to release performance, and the pulling effect generated by the sports industry has gradually emerged, it has transformed from relatively independent sports services to cross-field and cross-industry platform services. Through the construction of service platforms, it has obvious effects on business linkage and resource integration.

During the reporting period, the performance of the sports brokerage business was eye-catching, which was 82.72 percent higher than that of the previous year, reaching 82.68 million yuan, and the gross profit was 33.95 percent. China Sports Group industry said that the company provided sports marketing and consulting services for well-known enterprise clients such as Yili, Bank of China, and China Unicom; And provided training Bureau of State Sports General Administration, national diving team, figure swimming team, short track speed skating team, the winter Center and other national teams, Wu Dajing, Liu Guoliang, Ye Shiwen and other well-known athletes provide market development agency services; Provide customers with the use scheme combined with contracted resources and the implementation and dissemination of matching activities.

The marathon event became a “profit cow” stadium development performance was flat

during the reporting period, the rapid operation of the company’s sports business was mainly caused by the sharp increase in the two major business revenues of event management and operation and brokerage, the revenue of the event business increased by year on year.

In the annual report, the most outstanding performance in the sports business sector is the Sino-Austrian road run. Currently, it is controlled by the Sino-Austrian sports industry, a wholly-owned subsidiary of China Sports Group Industry. Currently, it manages and operates the Beijing Marathon, wuhan Marathon, International Road Cycling Race around China and many other brand competitions with core competitiveness have significant IP value. The company signed a new Guangzhou Marathon in 2018, enriching the resources of high-quality competitions. Beijing Marathon is an IAAF Gold standard event certified by IAAF and filed by the International Marathon and highway running association (AIMS). This event has become the top domestic single event with the highest degree of marketization, the largest scale, the most representative and international influence of China Track and Field Association.

The annual report shows that Sino-Austrian road ran harvested a net profit of 43.165 million yuan in 2018, while the profit in the first half of 2018 China Sports Group industry was only 25.68 million yuan. Among them, Beijing Marathon, Wuhan Marathon and Guangzhou Marathon contributed most of the profits, especially Beijing Marathon, which attracted well-known enterprises at home and abroad to compete for sponsorship.

As the holding parent company holding 50% of China Olympic Road run, the main business of China Olympic sports industry is to develop stadiums and facilities, with a net profit of 22.815 million yuan in 2018. If the contribution of China-Austria road race to its profits and table is eliminated, the profit of the main business of China-Austria sports industry last year is only over 100 million, and the performance is flat.

The research and development investment of traditional sports lottery terminal sales is still insufficient

during the reporting period, China Sports Group industry said that it is promoting the major asset restructuring work and plans to combine two lottery companies under the State Sports General Administration, the relevant equity of the two certification companies is injected into the company. The main business of the target assets of China Sports color technology company and China Sports color printing company belongs to the upstream sector of sports lottery service, and the main business of China Sports certification company and Huaan certification company belongs to sports standardization service and certification testing related industries.

In the annual report, China Sports Group Industry admitted that the existing sports lottery business encountered difficulties, the traditional terminal sales market competition was increasingly fierce, and the company also continuously self-service terminals R & D investment in plus-sized business, we have developed the lottery auxiliary terminal that is suitable for multi-scenario distribution, formulated the business policy of focusing on sales and supporting self-support, and selected the market placement equipment in key areas for market testing.

Although efforts are being made to reverse the unfavorable situation, the R & D investment in China Sports Group industry is only 5.62 million yuan, and the total R & D accounts for only 0.39 percent of the operating income. The company has 18 R & D personnel, accounting for of total staff. These data are far lower than those of ANTA, Tebu, 361 Degrees and other sporting goods companies that just released their financial reports in 2018.

According to Wind Statistics, the total R & D expenditure of 2862 A- share comparable listed companies in 2017 was 523.694 billion yuan, and the average R & D expenditure accounted for of the revenue, the average proportion of the number of technicians in the company is 20%.

Research shows that there is a positive correlation between certain R & D investment and long-term growth of enterprises. If R & D investment is too low and the company is not moving forward, the company’s expected high performance growth will be difficult to continue.

Controversy continues to expose scandal, German Football Association chairman Grindell resigned

China News Agency, Berlin, April 2 (Reporter Peng Dawei) Greendell, the chairman of the German Football Association who has been controversial since the departure of Ozil, announced his resignation on the 2nd after being exposed to the suspected improper acceptance of the list. Koch and LaBar, two first vice presidents of the German Football Association, will temporarily act as the chairman.

Greendell, who has been the president of the German Football Association since 2016, announced his resignation decision to the German Football Association Presidium through a conference call on the 2nd, and this decision took effect immediately. However, Grindle’s position in the executive committee of the International Football Association and the executive committee of the European Football Association will continue to be retained because he was elected in his own name.

Since the 2018 World Cup in Russia, the defending German team was defeated early after the defeat, criticism around Greendale has been on the rise. However, in the group photo incident between Turkey-German international Ozil and Turkish President Recep Tayyip, Greendell’s attitude was considered to be one of the triggers leading Ozil to withdraw from the German national team. Ozil even criticized the German Football Association for saying that he felt “racism and disrespect”, and even bombarded Grindle that he would no longer play “scapegoat” for his incompetence “.

Since then, Greendale seems to have not been affected by the controversy. In September 2018, under his leadership, Germany successfully won the right to host Euro 2024. German media described this as “the biggest achievement in his tenure”.

In February, 2019, German magazine Der Spiegel reported that when Greendell was the treasurer of the German Football Association, the association had the phenomenon of high-level meetings and excessive business trips. At the same time, his rude leadership style has also been criticized within the Football Association. From March 29 to April 1, Spiegel revealed that Grindell concealed 78000 euros of extra income as chairman of the Board of Supervisors of subordinate enterprises from 2016 to 2017, and two scandals that he accepted the famous Watch presented by Ukrainian football tycoon on his birthday in 2017. The latter is considered to be the last straw to end his career as the chairman of the Football Association.

Grindal said in his personal statement on the 2nd that he apologized for his “non-exemplary behavior” when dealing with this famous watch.

On the same day, the Presidium of the German Football Association thanked Grindell for his work as chairman and treasurer and “respected his personal decision”. Koch and LaBar will act as the chairman of the Football Association until the full generation of the Football Association in September this year.

“The German Football Association not only faces great challenges in sports, but also in social positioning.” Laobar, who is also the chairman of the German football professional league (DFL), said on the same day that to deal with these challenges seriously and with empathy, “The goal must be set to surpass individual interests, always seek the best solution for German football.”

However, Ramram, the former captain of the German national football team who succeeded Grindle before, said publicly that he had no intention of serving as the chairman of the Football Association. German football, which is reorganizing mountains and rivers, will not be completely clear until September. (Finished)

Comprehensive competition: the first round of the first round of the competition, all the famous officials of the national competition have passed

On the 30th, the China Open in the 2019 International Table Tennis Federation tour entered the first round of the competition, and Ma Long, Fan Zhendong, Liu Shiwen, Ding Ning and other national masters all passed.

Xinhua News Agency, Shenzhen, May 30 (reporter Wang Haoming) on the 30th, the 2019 International Table Tennis Federation Tour China Open entered the first round of the competition, and Ma Long, Fan Zhendong, Liu Shiwen and Ding Ning and other famous generals passed all the passes.

The first round of Malone’s opponents were Japanese players and Sichuan Ruiji. Malone in the first two games was like a crack, winning at 11:6 and 11:5. Later, he returned to Yong in Sichuan state with a round of 11:5. After adjustment, Malone took two rounds with the same score of 11:5, and the total score was 4:1 to the second round.

Against Indian player Loshes-tone Karan, Fan Zhendong won the first game with 11:8. Loshes-tone Karan 11:8 back to a game. Since then, Fan Zhendong did not give the opponent any chance to win the game in three consecutive games: 11:6, 11:9 and 11:7.

In other games, Liang Jingkun beat veteran Samsonov 4:1; Lin Gaoyuan 4:1 defeated Japanese player Jicun Zhenqing, Xu Xin 4:0 swept Lapeu song, zhou Qihao encountered a sweep of British player picchford at 0:4.

In terms of women’s singles, in a “Chinese Derby”, Liu Shiwen lost a game at 7:11, with 11:7, 11:5, and 11:6 and 11:4 beat Gu Yuting in four consecutive rounds. Chen Meng and Sun Yingsha dedicated a seven-game battle, and finally Chen Meng used 7:11, 11:9, 6:11, 11:6, 6:11, 11:6: 6 and 11:3 wins.

Ding Ning played against Japan’s 14-year-old general Muyuan meiyou. Ding Ning is in good condition, winning three games in a row with 11:8, 11:3 and 11:9. Muyuanmeiyou 11:8 back to a game. In the fifth game, Ding Ning saved the situation when he was behind 9:10, and steadily defeated the opponent at 16:14, and promoted to the next round at 4:1.

In the other games, Chen Xingtong beat Japanese player Kato meiyou 4:2, Wang Manqi 4:1 beat Russian player Mihailova, Qian Tianyi 4:1 beat Zhitian Sha Ji, zhu Yuling 4:2 defeated Ando Minami, Wang Yidi 3:4 defeated ITO Meicheng.

Sports investment and financing cooling, scientific and technological innovation or new kinetic energy

Xinhua News Agency, Fuzhou, February 8th (reporters Liu Yi and Zhang Yizhi) adjusted in depth and looked around. In the past year, sports investment and financing has more or less felt the chill in other fields except for e-sports projects. Many investors said in an interview with reporters recently that looking forward to 2019, under the circumstance that the industrial development trend is not optimistic, scientific and technological innovation may be a sharp weapon to break through the encirclement, or it will become a new dynamic energy to stimulate the growth of sports investment and financing.

Sports Investment and Financing entered the “low active period”

looking back on the situation of sports investment and financing in the past three years, it can be seen that no matter the number of projects or the amount of investment and financing, it reached its peak in 2016 and fell back in 2017, in 2018, if government investment and e-sports investment are put aside, social investment will continue to decline.

Dune Capital has rich investment practices in the fields of ice and snow sports, sporting goods and equipment, and its co-founder Chen Yongjin analyzed that sports investment and financing in 2018 mainly focused on venues and event operations, communication Community, mass fitness and other fields, but compared with the previous two years, the investment field has shown a trend of decentralization, indicating that many investment behaviors have the nature of trial, and the industry has not formed a unified understanding of investment outlets.

The data collected by multiple investment institutions show that the number of newly established projects and the number of projects obtaining financing in 2018 both decreased significantly compared with that in 2017. Most projects are in the initial angel round or round A stage, many acquisitions are strategic integration and do not produce good returns. A small number of sound head projects, such as sports brands or e-sports with certain market influence, have concentrated a large amount of funds, and the overall investment ability and willingness of investors have decreased a lot.

“Some projects with high attention in the industry and many financing have not been further financed in 2018. From the perspective of financing frequency, compared with artificial intelligence, chips and other consumption fields, the sports industry has suffered a cold reception, and few high-growth projects have achieved two financing within one year.” Chen Yongjin said, “many relatively active investment institutions have reduced the number of shots to sports projects and entered the stage of observation and adjustment.”

Chen Yongjin believes that both investors and entrepreneurs pay more attention to how to make the project generate cash flow quickly, as well as the future profit model and the construction of the capability of maintaining good profits, some projects that have been driven by financing have encountered problems before.

“2 Bor2C”, this is a problem

binfu Capital, who has invested in projects such as “every step” and “Love exercise”, has always been optimistic about the national fitness market. Liu ran, its partner, believes that competition and performance industry is more suitable for equity investment, while projects serving sports consumers can dig out a wide range of users and are more suitable for venture capital.

Is it for partners, customers, sponsors (namely “2B”), or consumers (namely “2C”)? Many investors adhere to the logic when choosing sports venture capital projects: create high-quality experiences and products for C- end, cultivate consumption habits and tap consumption potential, but at present, B- end pays for the time being, to ensure revenue growth.

Liu ran analyzed that it is difficult for a simple 2B or 2C project to have good performance in the sports field, which puts forward higher requirements for the compound ability of the project team, we should not only have strong ability to maintain public relations and customer relations, but also have strong ability to develop and promote products.

Ye Dan, the head of Asian capital Sports investment with investment layout in health care, basketball running and other fields, said that the new services supported by the agency’s investment technology are mainly aimed at the 2B field, such as intelligent scenarios, venue Solutions, etc., use big data technology operations to tap fan value and do accurate marketing. 2C marketing methods have been very delicate, 2B business revenue is relatively stable, accounting for more and more in the overall income structure of the company, and the internal technology research and development and service upgrading of the enterprise are mostly carried out around B- end customers.

Yifan Capital Group, which once invested in “lazy bear sports”, also has a layout in the fields of sports rehabilitation and combination of sports and medicine. Zhang Huan, its vice president, said, “the service target of sports rehabilitation program is not only sports enthusiasts themselves, but also providing services to relevant institutions and companies, for example, it can provide health management testing solutions for youth sports training institutions, and guide existing customers to fitness training institutions to achieve two-way cooperation.”

Science and technology innovation or driving investment New Dynamic Energy

according to Chen Yongjin’s judgment, the future of sports science and technology innovation is a hot investment in the world, such as multi-dimensional data collection and feedback to users, chip technology, etc. At present, existing projects are using sensors, motion capture and other technologies to apply to training, venue construction and operation and other fields. In the field of sports equipment such as treadmills, golf clubs and sports helmets, more and more new materials are applied and the technological content is getting higher and higher.

Young groups with strong consumption ability and willingness are willing to accept products with a sense of technology and fashion, have consumption demand for sports data, and are willing to share data on social platforms. Cool gym decoration and trendy bicycles have appeared in many entrepreneurial projects. Equipment iteration makes this market have investment potential. With the development of science and technology, new consumption hotspots will emerge continuously.

Liu ran believes that although some insiders are not optimistic about sports investment in 2019, the investment in leading projects and head resources will show a further trend of concentration, and the industry hopes to find a good foundation, strong partners cooperate and develop. Football, basketball and other fields with wide audience have appeared some potential projects. In minority sports such as rock climbing and rugby, venture capital projects still have a lot of competition space.

“The application of new technologies will bring new business opportunities. The industrial integration of ‘Internet + Sports’ has entered the second half. The APP platform that relies on information matching to extract commissions has already encountered the ceiling, the dilemma of projects relying on traffic monetization is that the traffic cost is getting higher and higher, and the team directly providing sports and fitness services is still online, and this part of the return is difficult to pry.” Liu Ran said.

Investors believe that new opportunities are not only on the demand side of fitness groups, but also on the supply side of national fitness-related industries. For example, in marathon competition, face recognition technology can help improve recording efficiency; New medical equipment and means intervention can detect physical signs in real time to avoid accidents such as sudden death; data mining technology can wake up the sleeping data value and make use of it twice or three times to provide runners with rich and diversified experiences, improve the communication efficiency of events, and give back to sponsors more accurately.

Ding duo, investment director of Beijing Yuanxun Investment Fund Management Center, believes that the transformation of science and technology to the sports industry has come to a new upgrade gate, such as 5G technology in the future to realize commercial use, transmission bandwidth, the computing power is greatly improved. 4K, VR, and AR technologies will find more application scenarios, which will bring revolutionary changes to the live broadcast and venue operation of the event and greatly improve the experience of watching the event. These upstream technologies will soon take root in the sports industry and bear fruit.

Bach: The world’s turbulent Olympic spirit is more important

Xinhua News Agency, Lausanne, June 25 (Reporter Prince Jiang Gaopeng Ji Ye) International Olympic Committee President Bach said here on the 25th that people are now facing a turbulent world, the Olympic spirit is more important under such circumstances. He called on all governments to respect the Olympic spirit, because only the Olympic Games can unite people all over the world for “peaceful competition”.

Bach made the above statement in his speech at the 134th plenary session of the International Olympic Committee held here. He said that the Olympic spirit advocated by Coubertin “has passed the test of time”, today, when we are constantly trying to split the world, it is necessary to review the Olympic spirit advocated by Coubertin.

He said: “There is not a day when we cannot hear the news that nationalism, protectionism are getting worse and each other is broken. In this dangerous world, we see more isolation, more separation and more confrontation, while less and less cooperation. This shows us that Olympic values are as important as ever.”

He also said: “Only the Olympic Games can unite the whole world and compete peacefully. Only when everyone participates can the Olympic Games unite the whole world. Therefore, everyone should respect the Olympic spirit and unite under the Olympic banner.”

Bach called on governments of all countries not to promote sports competitions for commercial interests, because it violated the Olympic ideal. He refers to the International Swimming League of folk swimming events launched last year, which is highly sought after by many famous swimming players because of its generous bonus. Finally, under the intervention of FINA, the new event originally planned to be held at the end of December was forced to be canceled. After the FINA, it was announced that the total bonus of the short Pool World Championship held in mid-December increased significantly, hoping to compete with the new events and appease the athletes’ mood. FIBA has encountered a similar situation in Europe.

Bach said: “Sports without values are just entertainment. Although Olympic Games must also attract people, they must not be just entertainment.”

“We emphasize values. We organize competitions for athletes from all sports. No matter whether these competitions are commercially successful, we are not running competitions to pick peaches.”

Bach will attend the G20 summit in Japan on 29th and will deliver a speech at the conference. He stressed at a press conference last week: “The core message I want to convey to leaders of all countries is, the Olympic Games is the only event that can unite athletes and refugee athletes from more than 200 countries and regions around the world. Everyone follows the same rules and lives in the same village, compete peacefully.”