Sun Yang asked to cancel false reports. Why did foreign media pour dirty water?

Data Map: Sun Yang. Photo by China News Agency reporter Wang Dongming

According to The Voice of China news, Sun Yang’s “stimulant test storm” continued to ferment these two days. On 27th, the British “Sunday Times” reported that “Sun Yang conflicts with the banned inspectors, or will be banned for life”. On the same day, regarding the report of the British “Sunday Times” that Sun Yang was facing a lifetime ban on violating the “World Anti-Doping Regulations”, Sun Yang entrusted Zhang Qihuai, a lawyer from Beijing Lanpeng Law Firm, to make a statement according to law.

Zhang Qihuai said that the most critical problem existing in the whole process of Sun Yang’s doping test was the qualification of the testing personnel. Sun Yang had the right to refuse invalid tests and defend the dignity and innocence of athletes. Sun Yang will reserve the right to investigate the false reports of the Sunday Times and other media and individuals who report and publicize this matter. The latest progress is: Lawyer Sun Yang has sent a lawyer’s letter to the (Sunday) times, requesting that false reports be revoked within a week. Why did the whole incident start? What will Sun Yang do with the false report about the British Sunday Times?

FINA ruled that Sun Yang had no past. Why did foreign media repeatedly pour” dirty water for drug testing “to Sun Yang?

In 2015, at the end of the men’s 400 m freestyle world championships in Kazan world championships, Sun Yang won the gold medal with his last efforts. In the interview after the game, Sun Yang responded strongly to his attitude towards the doubt of the stimulant.

” I think the cleaner will clear up this problem. I think all foreigners, including foreign media, pay too much attention to China’s doping problem. After all the athletes got the results, they always felt that we Chinese used something. Such an idea is very disgusting and dirty.”

Immediately after the 2016 Rio Olympics, Sun Yang was once again rumored by rival Horton to be a cheater who took medicine. It can be said that Sun Yang had several troubles with stimulants.

In May 2018, under the leadership of Sun Yang, the captain of the Chinese swimming team, the athletes of the Chinese swimming team participated in the anti-doping oath ceremony at the swimming training hall of the State General Administration of Sports.

Sun Yang said:” conscientiously fulfill the responsibilities and obligations of athletes against stimulants. Give them a wake-up call. Many young athletes, including those who have just entered the national team, may think these things are far away from them, but once you enter the top 8 in the country and the top 8 in the world, these things are very frequent and normal. We need to have the obligation to cooperate with FINA, including the international anti-doping obligation and our domestic anti-doping center.”

And less than half a year later, Sun Yang once again encountered the entanglement of the” stimulant “problem. On 27th, the British Sunday Times reported that at the end of last year Sun Yang had a conflict with anti-doping inspectors, and his security guard used a hammer to smash sealed bottles with blood tests, this may cause Sun Yang to face a lifetime ban. According to people familiar with the matter, WADA World Anti-Doping Agency appealed to the international sports arbitration court during the appeal period. In response, the Times wrote at the end of the article: “when asked about this incident, Fina and IDTM did not reply.”

On the same day, Sun Yang entrusted a lawyer to issue a lawyer’s statement saying that the report was untrue. As for the false description of the Sunday Times, Zhang Qihuai, the lawyer representing the case, said that the lawyer’s letter to The Sunday Times was being drafted. First, the initiator of the incident was identified, and the next step would be to start the proceedings.

” I will send a lawyer’s letter to the (Sunday) times this evening. Then give it a week to clarify and withdraw these false articles about it. After that, we will further find out the fundamental initiator of this matter and those with bad intentions and bad intentions, and then we will make corresponding lawsuits.”

Lawyer Sun Yang: Ask the Sunday Times to explain the source of the information and further investigate the legal responsibility

on the afternoon of January 27, Sun Yang’s lawyer Zhang Qihuai issued a statement saying that the incident was on the evening of September 4, 2018, three staff members of IDTM company went to Sun Yang’s residence to conduct an anti-doping test outside the competition. There were multinomial illegal operations in the whole inspection process:

first, including blood inspector, none of the three staff members, including the urine inspector, could provide the authorization documents of IDTM company for this inspection;

Second, neither the blood inspector nor the urine inspector could provide the qualification certificate of anti-doping inspector, and the blood inspector was unable to provide the nurse’s practice certificate;

Third, the three staff members misstated in the inspection report and maliciously fabricated the fact that Sun Yang violated the World Anti-doping regulations. Later, IDTM submitted the false reports of the three staff to FINA.

Zhang Qihuai said that on November 19, 2018, FINA held a 13-hour hearing on this matter in Lausanne, Switzerland, and the certificates of Sun Yang himself, Sun Yang and IDTM company were all questioned. He himself also attended the hearing. Zhang Qihuai said that they had provided a large amount of evidence, including 58 video screenshots and surveillance videos, which objectively restored the scene situation at that time and obtained the verdict of FINA, the conclusion is that Sun Yang has no fault ‘.” On January 3, 2019, FINA ruled that Sun Yang did not violate the World Anti-doping regulations.

” The procedures, procedures and contents of the hearing need to be kept confidential in accordance with international arbitration rules. However, we can say that Sun Yang was very serious. He went to many witnesses and presented relevant evidence in court. The arbitration court was also very serious. It held a hearing at the center of FINA for more than ten hours. Finally, it made a ruling before the end of last year (2018). The specific result was that, sun Yang has no responsibility in this incident.”

According to Zhang Qihuai’s introduction, FINA authorized IDTM company to conduct doping control in China. Among them, IDTM company sent a main testing officer, who was complained by Sun Yang because he didn’t show any certificates when he tested Sun Yang for doping in October, 2017. This time, she temporarily found two people to serve as “blood test officer” and “urine test officer” to test Sun Yang. In the interview with Xinhua News Agency, the “urine inspector” in the “testing trio” said that he was “inexplicably called to help temporarily”.

In this regard, Zhang Qihuai said that the top priority is to require the Sunday Times to explain the source of the news, so as to further investigate the legal responsibilities of rumors, information leaks and other people according to different defendants.

” Our lawsuit against The Times (Sunday) must be that it has not been verified, has not interviewed Sun Yang, nor has it interviewed Sun Yang’s leader and the leader of his swimming team, we did not interview insiders, nor did we interview lawyers. We think that its words are false and it should bear the responsibility of publishing these fabricated false information. Second, if we find out who made it up, we will be held accountable to the editor and rumor maker. Third, if we can find some words that some people said during the leakage arbitration process, then we will investigate the responsibility of disclosing this arbitration related person, so now we need to find out the facts, we choose different defendants and adopt litigation procedures.”

As to whether Sun Yang himself was affected by this incident and what was the current situation, Zhang Qihuai also said for the first time:

“Sun Yang first continues to maintain a good competitive state and stable ideological mood, to actively complete pre-competition and daily training as planned. Second, to make a clear statement about this matter, you should believe in the organization, the sports committee and the leadership. Third, it will never affect the preparation for participating in the competition. Fourth, I believe that the lawyer will help him to complete relevant matters in accordance with legal procedures.”

CCTV reporter: Zhu Hongyuan

CBA: Liaoning scored a new low in the season. Xinjiang won the competition point.

Xinhua News Agency, Urumqi, April 16 (reporter Ma Wei) the CBA semi-final continued on the 16th. The high-pressure defense of Xinjiang men’s basketball successfully blocked the opponent’s offensive fire. Liaoning scored only 81 points, the new low this season. Xinjiang, which has obvious internal advantages, scored double men’s basketball and won 107:81 at home, rewriting the big score to 3:1.

Hudson was sealed by Fan Ziming when he broke through the throwing. Aludu salad Wood counterattacked the first goal for Xinjiang. In the face of Liaoning Fengwei line, Xinjiang adopted the strategy of frequently relieve a garrison and pressing the players. Liaoning transferred the ball to be oppressed and it was difficult to play smooth cooperation. Aludu salad Wood, relying on the height advantage, successively attacked the inner line of Liaoning, and made great contributions inside and outside after stokus and Zhou Yi went to the field. Since then, Liaoning players feel warmer. Gao Shiyan and Zhao Jiwei hit tossing one after another, and the visiting team fell behind the first quarter with 20:28. During the

Festival, the two teams of foreign aid fought against each other. Xinjiang defender Felder fought back one after another, while Hudson and Bath scored points for Liaoning with breakthrough and China Investment Center. The big foreign aid of Xinjiang, Stokes, took over the game. He had obvious power advantages and continued to impact the inner line of Liaoning, winning 11 points in a row. Xinjiang expanded the score difference to 19 points. Liaoning, which fell into a passive counterattack, scored 5 points in a row. Liu Zhixuan hit the whistle tossing and chased the score to 37:50 at the end of half time.

Yi will fight again. Guo Allen and aludu salad Wood have a head-on confrontation. Guo Allen hit and retreated. Aludu salad Wood won the fight with his low back. Relying on the advantage of rebounding, Xinjiang fought back continuously under the instigation of foreign aid Felder, expanding the score difference to 22 points. After Liaoning suspended the adjustment, bass, a foreign aid who had performed poorly before, burst into “2+1” and hit tossing, helping the visiting team narrow the score difference. However, on the defensive side, the visiting team still couldn’t limit the inside attack of stockks, and Xinjiang led to the last quarter with 77:59.

At the beginning of the last quarter, Xinjiang played a wave of 16:5 SmackDown, expanding the score difference to 29 points, completely dousing Liaoning’s hope of fighting back. In the end, Xinjiang won the opponent 107:81 and got the competition point of this round of series.

In this campaign, Xinjiang Foreign aid stockks scored the highest 31 points in the whole game and won 12 rebounds; Aludu salad Wood scored 24 points and 11 rebounds; Fairde and Yu Changdong each scored 19 points. In Liaoning, veteran Hudson got the highest 21 points in the team, big foreign aid Bass got 18 points, and Guo Allen, the main general of “key care”, got 7 points and 7 assists.

The organizing committee of the 10th National Paralympic Games and the 7th Special Olympics was established

Xinhua News Agency, Tianjin, May 24 (Reporter Zhang Zewei) the founding meeting of the 10th National Paralympic Games and the organizing committee of the 7th Special Olympics was held in Tianjin on the 24th. Zhang Haidi, chairman of the China Disabled Persons’ Federation and director of the State General Administration of Sports, Zhongwen, zhang Guoqing, mayor of Tianjin, served as the director of the organizing committee.

The 10th National Paralympic Games and the 7th Special Olympics will be held in Tianjin from August 25 this year to September 1. There are 43 projects in the competition, with an estimated scale of 22800 participants, which is the largest in the past. Before the official opening of the Games on August 25, more than ten projects started one after another.

Wang Jing, executive deputy secretary-general of the organizing committee and deputy secretary-general of Tianjin municipal government, introduced the preparations for the Paralympic Games. He said that at present, various preparatory work has been solidly advanced, and the overall competition regulations and individual competition regulations have been formulated and completed. The renovation project of barrier-free facilities in various competition venues has been completed, A volunteer team of more than 5500 people has been set up and 13 enterprises have reached sponsorship signing intentions. The next key work includes formulating the overall work plan of the opening and closing ceremonies, formulating the overall plan of the torch collection and torch relay, etc.

More than a thousand photographers are ready to grab mirror color · Ring Central Plains Bicycle Open

Yuyi network Zhengzhou, March 26th(Reporter Wu Yang) the reporter learned from Henan Sports Photography Association that the high-profile “Sports color · Ring Central Plains 2019 Bicycle Race” not only attracted many riding hobbies to participate in it, at the same time, the launch of the photography contest will also attract thousands of professional and amateur photographers and nearly 10,000 mobile phone photography enthusiasts to participate in the competition, competing for Fengcai of the cycling events of the big country.

Mobile phone era, competitors and audiences. Guo tingbi photo

According to the introduction, the photography competition of “sports lottery · Ring Central Plains 2019 Bicycle Open” is composed of Henan Cycling Association, Henan Sports Journalists Association, henan Sports Photography Association and sports lottery · Central Plains Bicycle Open organizing committee jointly held, Henan sports news network specifically undertaken. It is estimated that thousands of professional and amateur photographers and tens of thousands of mobile phone photographers will participate in the photography competition.

Who is the unforgettable Sprint. Photo by Wang Zhigang

“Making the moment eternal and the event a business card is the main purpose of our inlay photography contest in the ‘sports color · Ring Central Plains bicycle public competition'”, deputy director of the propaganda and education department of Henan Sports Bureau, li Hui, a member of the organizing committee of the photography contest, said that we expect that more people will participate in the cycling events around Central Plains through the photography contest. At the same time, when recording the wonderful cycling events, to enhance the depth and breadth of the cycling events around the central Plains and the spread of the host cities and host cities, and to make the public cycling events around the central plains become eternal instantly, let the wonderful moment of the event become the business card of the city where the event is hosted, let more people appreciate the spirit of the bicycle sports key, and let the bicycle green travel become the fashion of the times.

Professional photographers occupy favorable terrain. Photo by Wang Fangping

“Ms. Zhao of Henan Sports Photography Association told the reporter that the total bonus of this photography competition will reach more than 50000 yuan, which is similar to the competition with a higher prize amount.

“The award amount also represents our respect for intellectual property rights and photography art and photography artists to some extent.” Ms. Zhao said. (Finished)

National Swimming Championship: Ye Shiwen won the first championship

Xinhua News Agency, Qingdao, March 25 (Reporter Wu Shuguang, Zhou Xin, Zhang Xudong) the National Swimming Championship and World Championship trials continued to compete in Qingdao on the 25th. In the 200-meter medley, Zhejiang famous Ye Shiwen won the first champion after returning. Jiangsu team Zhang Yuqi lost his heart in the women’s 100 m butterfly.

In the women’s 200-meter medley, Ye Shiwen, the Asian record and national record holder and Zhejiang famous general, successfully won the championship at 2 minutes 9 seconds. Chen Xinyi, the Shanghai team, won the runner-up at 2 minutes 12 seconds 36. Yu Yiting, a 13-year-old teenager from Zhejiang team, won the third place in the Army with a score of 2 minutes 14 seconds 63.

On March 25, Zhejiang team player Ye Shiwen was in the final. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Ziheng

Although he won the first champion after returning, Ye Shiwen thought that this result was a little worse than his own requirements. “The one who wanted to hit more than 2 minutes 8 seconds might not have recovered because of the cold before the game, muscle recovery is not very good either”.

In the women’s 100-meter butterfly, Jiangsu team Zhang Yuqi scored 57 seconds 69. Her 57 seconds 63 in the semi-final was the world’s best result this year. Shandong general Wang Yichun ranked second with a score of 58 seconds 34. The bronze medal winner is Zhu Jiaming, Fujian.

Zhang Yuzhen thought that his grades were a little different from expectations. Zhang Yuzhen said, “training abroad has improved a lot in speed and explosive power, but it is not the result I want, I want to increase my grades. In the semi-finals, I tried my best to fight for the first 50 meters, and then I was a little tired for the second 50 meters. I thought the final would be a little conservative, but I was too much, haha.”

In the men’s 100 m breaststroke, Hubei Yan Zibei won the championship in 59 seconds 52, failing to break the national record of 58 seconds 92 created by himself. The runner-up of Wang Lizhuo in Heilongjiang was 59 seconds 75. Bayi Team Ocean ranked third with 1 minute 0 seconds 03. Yan Zibei said after the competition: “The winter training this year is not very good, and there are some small things that have a little impact.”

Yu hesin, the famous general of Guangdong, lost his country in the men’s 50-meter butterfly in 23 seconds 58. Cui Junming of Liaoning and Zhao Xianjian of Guangxi won the runner-up and the third place respectively.

In the rest of the competitions, Sun Yang, Ji Xinjie and Wang Shun all advanced into the men’s 200 m freestyle final, and Fu Yuanhui also advanced to the women’s 100 m backstroke final with the team leader. A total of 25 teams signed up for the championship, with nearly 900 athletes. The competition will last until March 31.

On Chinas track and field team, the list of Asian championships was announced. Su Bingtian was the leader of the Asian championship.

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, April 11 (Reporter Wei Hua, Wu Junkuan) announced the list of entries in the 2019 Track and Field Asian Championships on Chinas track and field team, including Su Bingtian, 89 athletes, including Li Li, will participate in this competition.

The Asian Championship will be held in Doha on April 21-24. Su Bingtian will join his teammates in the competition of men’s 100-meter relay; Xie Zhenye will make his debut after the return of foreign training, and join the men’s 200-meter competition with Liang Jinsheng; wei Yongli will play women’s 100 meters. In addition, the leading figure of Chinese women’s shot, Li Li Ling, the Asian record holder of women’s pole vault, the women’s javelin celebrity Lv Hui, and the men’s long jumper Huang Changzhou will also fight in Doha.

In this competition, nearly 700 athletes from 44 countries and regions are expected to participate, competing for a total of 186 medals in 42 competitions.

The Asian Championship in 2017 was held in India. The Chinese team ranked second in the medal list with 8 gold, 7 silver and 5 bronze.