The new appearance of native land in peasant basketball match

Xinhua News Agency, Xining, February 11th: the new appearance of the native land in the peasant basketball game

Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhao Yafang

In the early spring plateau, the sun shines brightly, but the cold wind is still biting. On the sixth day of the lunar new year, a peasant basketball match was being held on the exercise Plaza in the village in Taizi village, a mutual aid Turkish autonomous county, Haidong city, Qinghai province.

“One club come on” and “four clubs come on”…… On the court, the two teams wearing yellow and black uniforms are fighting fiercely. On the side of the field, the villagers gathered in a circle to watch with great interest, cheering, applause and laughter.

Wu Pingshi successfully grabbed a rebound under the opponent’s heavy defense and won the cheers of the whole audience. Shortly after the first half of the game, Wu Pingshi had some physical strength, and fine sweat dropped from his dark face. Wu Pingshi, 50 years old, is the oldest player on the court. Although his physical strength is not as good as that of young people, he insisted on playing the whole game and did not give up any chance to fight and shoot.

& uarr; On February 10, Dai Guili, a villager from the second village who stepped down, broke through the layup in the competition. Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhang Hongxiang shot

“I scored two goals and was very satisfied. Playing basketball with young people made me feel young.” During the leisure season, Wu Pingshi’s favorite sport was playing basketball. Every year he took part in basketball matches between the countryside and the county, but it was the first time to play games in his village.

Wu Pingshi said that in the past, most of the villagers in the second village who had stepped down lived on the mountain. The road into the village was rugged and difficult to travel, and the living conditions were poor, and there was no fitness venue. The villagers wanted to play basketball, so they had to go to the neighboring village.

The Party branch secretary of the second village, Dai Yun, introduced that in the past two years, through the government’s dilapidated house reconstruction project and the plateau beautiful rural construction project, all 538 households in the second village were moved to the foot of the mountain. The new village was connected with tap water and hardened roads, and every family lived in a new house. At the end of last year, it was completed and put into use exercise Plaza. Basketball court, table tennis table, chessboard, fitness equipment and other facilities were all available, and villagers had a good place for leisure and fitness.

39-year-old Liu Yongyu and his team members practiced in the free basketball stand to prepare for the next game. He has been working abroad all the year round and has not returned to his hometown for the Spring Festival for two years. This year, the changes in the village have made him praise again and again.

“Before the new year, everyone got together to drink and play mahjong when they had nothing to do. The more they drank, the more annoying they felt, and the more worried they were. I didn’t expect everyone to exercise together this year, talking and laughing, and I really had a ‘healthy year ‘.” Liu Yongyu said that such a basketball game can not only exercise body and mind, but also make the relationship between villagers closer and more harmonious.

In the square, in addition to the ongoing competition, young people play basketball, children play table tennis, women play shuttlecock in a circle, the elderly play chess, or move their legs and feet on the fitness equipment to bask in the sun, everyone’s face is full of vitality and happiness.

Daiyun said that in the past two years, the village has shifted from planting only traditional crops such as wheat, rape and potatoes to planting plastic greenhouse vegetable and Chinese herbal medicines. The income has increased, and the villagers have confidence and more energy, many workers chose to return home, and the village was “young.

The small square of the second village after stepping down shows the new look of the happy life of the villagers. During the Spring Festival, the second village of stepping down held the first three-day peasant sports meeting. Basketball, table tennis, tug-of-war, shuttlecock kicking and other sports activities made villagers spend a different spring festival in sports.

Investigation on the practice of “Sunshine Sports” on campus in Zhongning county of Ningxia

Xinhua News Agency Yinchuan, April 3 (reporter Zhao Qian, Ma Lijuan) a primary school has formed more than 250 teams? How do sports matches “Blossom” with academic performance “? As a small county located in the northwest, Zhongning county, Zhongwei city, Ningxia, has continuously promoted the activity of “Sunshine Sports entering the campus” in recent years by strengthening the strength of campus sports teachers and establishing the reward and punishment assessment mechanism for sports work, in order to promote the all-round development of students’ intellectual development and moral education.

Sports is good, learning is declining

As soon as the big break arrived every afternoon, the playground of No. 9 Primary School in Zhongning County immediately became noisy, especially basketball, football, table tennis and other ball sports venues, which were crowded by the small players. Last year, the “little horse” basketball team of this school won the runner-up of two groups in the Northwest Division of the National Small Basketball League.

“Little horse” is not unique in basketball in primary and secondary schools in the county. It is understood that in the 2018 National Small Basketball League Ningxia division finals, the Zhongning County team won four individual champions; Among the 8 teams promoted to the northwest region in Ningxia, Zhongning County accounted for 7, and won the runner-up of four groups.

According to Yin Jiancheng, deputy director of education and sports bureau of Zhongning county, in recent years, the education and sports department of Zhongning County has vigorously promoted the development of Sunshine sports in schools by carrying out basketball, football and roller skating into the campus, all schools have formed a good atmosphere of “one hour of exercise every day.

On the wall of the playground of the ninth primary school, the slogan “reading does not forget sports, sports do not forget reading” is very conspicuous. President Liu Xingxing told the reporter that the school has formed more than 250 basketball, football and table tennis teams. Practice has proved that learning and exercise can be both correct.

Yin Jiancheng said that through the annual assessment and evaluation, it can be found that the teaching quality of schools with good sports has declined. The ninth primary school not only won many awards in sports competitions, but also ranked first for 19 consecutive times in the county’s teaching quality inspection.

Campus Sports also promoted the moral education work in schools. The students of Qukou nine-year school located in the suburb of Zhongning County are basically from poor mountainous areas. Luo Qinxue, the vice president, told the reporter that combining with the tradition of playing basketball for the people in mountainous areas of Ningxia, the school promoted basketball as a key ball game, which not only enhanced students’ physical fitness, but also provided a platform for them to show their strengths, gradually the teachers found that the students became sunny.

Strengthen faculty sports into Assessment

The reason why the activity of “Sunshine Sports entering the campus” in Zhongning county was carried out well cannot be separated from the efforts of the county education department and the school in strengthening teachers and strict assessment.

— “School teachers + Sports Association” to improve the level of physical education teaching. According to the introduction of the education and sports bureau of Zhongning county, on the basis of providing sufficient full-time PE teachers for the school, the Education and Sports Department also implements the three-level training system of PE, and selects the backbone teachers of PE to participate in relevant training held by autonomous regions and cities, and hire experts from inside and outside the district to train physical education teachers in the county regularly. In addition, Zhongning County also sent professional coaches of sports associations to the school to cooperate with physical education teachers to train students through the form of government purchasing services.

— Establish a reward and punishment assessment mechanism for sports work. Wen Mingyu, director of the education and sports bureau, said that when formulating the detailed rules for the year-end teaching assessment, the Education and Sports Bureau included the school sports work into the assessment scope, and conducted a supervision and assessment once a year. Through the way of replacing the assessment with awards, mobilize the enthusiasm of the school.

— Improve the competition system and introduce large-scale brand competitions. Physical education teachers interviewed believe that although primary and secondary school sports mainly focus on cultivating interest, standardized and normalized competitions can further stimulate students’ sports enthusiasm and potential. At present, Zhongning County has established a class ball league system for primary and secondary schools. The county holds a table tennis and roller skating championships for primary and secondary schools every year, and holds track and field games for primary and secondary schools in spring and autumn.

It is understood that Zhongning County has introduced large-scale domestic and foreign sports events such as the National Youth Men’s Basketball Championship and China (Zhongning) International roller skating open in the form of government-led and enterprise participation since 2014, and invite sports stars to the campus to interact with students to promote school sports with social sports.

The concept still needs to be changed and the hardware still needs to be improved.

Wen Mingqi believes that there is still a gap in understanding of the overall development of children in the current society, especially in poor areas, poor academic performance may even become the reason for students to drop out of school. Therefore, governments at all levels, especially education authorities, should take the initiative to take responsibility, truly implement quality education to urban and rural schools, and instill the concept of “Happy Learning and healthy growth” into parents and students, guide the whole society to attach importance to the all-round development of children.

Some physical education teachers interviewed said that the sports infrastructure of primary and secondary schools in Zhongning County still needs to be improved. At present, there is no indoor gymnasium in primary schools in the county. Due to the cold weather in winter, some projects can only be interrupted. In addition, although the school is vigorously promoting roller skating into the campus in recent years, only one school has laid roller skating lanes outside the playground.

In this regard, Liu Mingxing and other principals hope that the government can further plus-sized investment in campus sports infrastructure, including improving the construction level of some sports facilities, building indoor sports venues, laying roller skating tracks, etc.

Teachers such as professional sports coaches also need to be strengthened. Yin Jiancheng said that although Zhongning County has supplemented some teachers through sports associations, there is still a large gap in professional sports coaches in the western region where talents are weak. He suggested strengthening the support of sports talents in the West and allowing more high-level coaches or athletes to teach in western schools.

Cold thinking after the Chinese women’s football World Cup is out

In the 1/8 final of the French women’s football World Cup, the girls of the Chinese women’s football team went through a 90-minute battle with the Italian team. In the end, 0-2 were not hostile and missed the top eight. They bid farewell to the four-year World Cup tour, it also set the worst record since the Chinese women’s football team entered the World Cup.

The Battle of Chinese women’s football team is a little regretful both in terms of the process and results of the competition. The women’s football girls faced the strong enemy, took the initiative to attack, fought tenaciously, and rushed at all physical strength. At one time, they formed a siege in the back of the other side, creating many opportunities to break the door, but unfortunately they failed to seize it. Instead, the opponent caught the two defensive mistakes of the Chinese women’s football team and scored two goals.

After the game, the Chinese women’s football team members including Wang Frost, Wang Yan, Wu Haiyan and so on all shed tears of sadness, but they still endured the sadness and waved to the auditorium to thank the audience. Striker Li Ying apologized to the fans on the social platform, saying that his performance was sorry for everyone’s expectations

it can be seen that although the girls tried their best on the court to do their best, but after losing, my heart was still full of unwilling and regret. Competitive sports are sometimes so cruel.

We always say that there is a spirit called Chinese women’s football and a hope called Beautiful and energetic policewoman. The Chinese women’s football team inherited the fighting spirit from generation to generation, touched thousands of Chinese people and created brilliant achievements, which made the fans of this barren football country find some hope and comfort.

A bleak reality is that the development of the Chinese women’s football team, which had the first-mover advantage in world soccer field, has lagged far behind these years. With the help of the big stage of the World Cup, the women’s football girls riveted their strength and wanted to show the world the strength of the rejuvenation of the Chinese women’s football. However, from the perspective of the competition, compared with the strong teams in Europe and America, the Chinese women’s football team is far behind in both personal ability and technical and tactical level, and the fans may still have the fighting spirit to comfort themselves.

It is worth mentioning that in this women’s football World Cup, the team that entered the final top eight is all European and American giants. In addition to the US team, Germany, France, Italy, England, Netherlands, Norway and Sweden are all powerful men’s football teams. In other words, these countries with profound football background have paid attention to and invested plus-sized over the years, and their women’s football level has all come up.

What will we compete with them in the future? How to build the core competitiveness of Chinese women’s football team? How to make the girls of the Chinese women’s football team smile happily when they fight with them next time, rather than shed tears of regret, which may require Chinese football managers and even every Chinese football person to think deeply.

Modern football is not just the 90 minutes on the test field, but involves complicated football concepts, youth training, competition system, Coach Level, cultural environment and other issues. Over the past few years, the Chinese women’s football team has been turning around pockets, and basic investment, personnel training, and competition environment have not formed a set of benign development models.

After the competition is out, we can calm down and reflect on some practices, which are right, which need improvement, and which should be resolutely abandoned. Chinese football has gone through too many wrong ways with heavy costs. Chinese women’s football must not make the same mistake again.

South Korea selected Seoul as the bidding city of South Korea and South Korea to jointly bid for Olympics

Xinhua news agency, Seoul, February 11 (Reporter Geng Xuepeng Lu Rui) on the 11th, South Korea selected Seoul as the host city of South Korea to jointly bid for the 2032 Summer Olympics.

According to the statement released on the website by the Korean Sports Association, Seoul won 34 of the 49 votes in the vote held in Zhenchuan athletes’ village that day, it is identified as the bidding city of South Korea for the joint bid of South Korea and North Korea.

The Han dynasty had reached a consensus on promoting the joint bid for the 2032 Summer Olympic Games. South Korean media reported that South Korea intends to submit a letter to the International Olympic Committee in the near future to express its willingness to bid together. North Korea has not announced its bid for the city.

According to reports, Seoul estimates that if South Korea and North Korea jointly host the 203.8 trillion Olympic Games, South Korea needs a budget of about won (about 3.38 billion US dollars), among them, the Seoul municipal government and the South Korean central government are planned to bear 30% respectively, while the rest is borne by the Olympic organizing committee.

Seoul held the Summer Olympics in 1988. In addition, South Korea held the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics in 2018.

Nongxin Cup launched the final decisive battle in Shanghai. China’s four generals “encirclement and suppression” opponents

In the third stage of this competition, South Korea and Japan were left with only the nine sections of Park Jeong-hwan and the nine sections of Jingshan Yutai. The Chinese team had four world champions: Ke Jie, Shiyue, Gu Zihao and party Yifei.

Xinhua News Agency, Shanghai, February 18 (Reporter Zhu Di, Guo Jingdan) on the 18th, the 20th Nongsim Cup world go team championship held a press conference in Shanghai, and the third stage of the competition also opened on that day. Since both the Japanese and Korean teams had only the final main generals and immediately fought against each other, while the Chinese team still had four players such as Shiyue and Ke Jie, the third stage of the competition became the drama of the confrontation between China and South Korea or between China and Japan. The famous Korean Go player who appeared at the press conference on the same day said on Lee Chang-ho that although the Chinese team had a great hope of winning the championship, they still hoped that South Korean players would strive for a winning streak.

As an old Go Team Championship, the Nongxin Cup has entered its 20th year. The Nongxin Cup kicked off in Beijing in October, 2018. The first battle was played by the South Korean team pioneer an Guoxuan in the ninth stage against the Japanese team Pioneer Zhi WILD-TIGER pill in the seventh stage. The Japanese team took the lead. After the debut of Fan Tingyu, the pioneer of the Chinese team, first in Beijing station, Lian Shengzhi WILD-TIGER pill 7th stage, Shen Xiaoxiao 9th stage, bmdm G mi 8th stage; Then in Busan Station, he continuously won Cui Zhehan 9th stage, xu Jiayuan’s eighth section, Lee Se-dol ninth section and Yili Liao’s eighth section, Hao won seven consecutive victories and tied up his seven consecutive victories record in the 18th Nongxin Cup competition.

Similar to the 18th Nongxin Cup process, the South Korean team leader successfully blocked Fan Tingyu again Park Jeong-hwan, ending the latter’s seven-game streak. That game was a cliff battle for Park Tinghuan and South Korea. The pressure was huge. Once the Park Jeong-hwan fails, the South Korean team will face the embarrassment of five players for the first time. Fortunately, under the heavy pressure of Park Jeong-hwan, it turned the tide, defeated Fan Tingyu in the middle session, and dragged to the final Shanghai station in the “Three Kingdoms War.

In the third stage of this competition, South Korea and Japan are left with only the nine sections of Park Jeong-hwan and the nine sections of Jingshan Yutai. The Chinese team has four world champions: Ke Jie, Shiyue, Gu Zihao and the party Yifei. Since the first round of the 10th game was a duel between South Korea and Japan, the theme of the Shanghai railway station became “China-South Korea confrontation” or “China-Japan confrontation”.

For such a situation, Yu Bin, the chief coach of the Chinese team, said at the press conference that although there were still four players in the Chinese team, it was not likely that the First World War would succeed and win easily. In the 19th agricultural Cup, the Chinese team in the four consecutive championships lost a good game in the final stage, allowing the Korean team to win the agricultural Cup again after four years. Yu Bin also revealed that Ke Jie had not rushed to Shanghai due to the schedule, “but his rating is the highest, and his desire for war is also very strong”.

On that day, the famous Korean go stone Buddha appeared in Shanghai Lee Chang-ho years later. He said that he had never given up go, just because young players are very powerful now and he has not been promoted from the qualifier. In the face of the upcoming final decisive battle, Lee Chang-ho said that the Chinese team has the largest number of players and has a great hope of winning the championship. “But for chess players, it is normal to have pressure, and the pressure is good or bad, I hope that he (Park Jeong-hwan) can turn the pressure into motivation, and it is also possible that the five-game winning team will win the championship.”

2019 International Federation of airlines World pilots conference opens in Wuhan

Xinhua News Agency, Wuhan, May 18 (reporter Wang Ziyi) power glider flying in formation with geese, skydiving performers flying fireworks display in the air, trucks landing planes on the roof…… In the wonderful flight performance, the 2019 International Federation of airlines World fliers Conference opened on 18th at Wuhan Hannan General Airport.

The 4-day world fliers conference, Air flight performance, air sports events, interactive experience and other activities continue one after another, will bring a grand Blue Sky feast to the vast number of aviation enthusiasts.

On the morning of the 18th, after the brief opening ceremony, 50 colorful hot air balloons flew up. Then, the single-plane stunt performance, rotation rotorcraft formation performance, and aircraft hover performance were staged in turn. The pilot drove one plane or flew into the air, or rolled in the air, or swooped in the air, the shocking performance attracted applause from the audience.

The Air performance is brilliant, and the ground exhibition is novel and interesting. In the indoor and outdoor exhibition areas with a total area of 50000 square meters, more than 50 kinds of models, 100 aircrafts and aviation sports equipment are overwhelming. The interactive experience area is crowded, and aviation enthusiasts rush to experience simulated flight, wind tunnel and simulation cabin.

The Organizing Committee of the conference introduced that the conference re-performed and refined events, and the appreciation was continuously enhanced. There were 560 aircrafts and aircrafts (with tools), and nearly 700 professionals participated in performances and competitions. During the conference, 23 activities will be held in five major sectors, including aviation flight performance, aviation sports events, interactive experience, static exhibition and conference Forum.