China Cup: Ka Shuai is sure that young players suggest that Chinese football take a long-term view

Xinhua News Agency, Nanning, March 21 (Reporter Wei Hua, Ma Bangjie) after losing to Thailand at 0:1 in the first game of China Cup on the 21st, chinese team coach Cannavaro still affirmed the performance of several young players in the team and believed that Chinese football should plan for long-term development.

In this campaign, Cannavaro sent two young players, Wei Shihao and Gao Zhun wing, in the starting line-up. Coach Ka said that the two players did bring surprises.

He said: “I have said before that I have recruited many players who performed well in the first two rounds of the league, which is a reward for them. Despite the results of the game, we still showed some good things during the game, especially the performance of individual young players, such as Gao Zhili and Wei Shihao.”

In the whole game, the Chinese team was unable to break the door under the condition that the possession percentage was the best. On the contrary, the Thai team frequently played high-quality counterattacks. Summing up the reasons for losing the game, Cannavaro said: “The four midfield players we started were all players with outstanding skills, but due to the constraints of the field conditions, many of them did not finish the game, this reduces our rate. In addition, the participation of the two side guards in the attack is not enough.”

“But our defense line did a good job in organizing attacks today. Even when we were behind, we didn’t blindly open our feet, but launched attacks slowly from the back court.” Cannavaro said.

Cannavaro stressed again that no coach can help a team make disruptive changes in a short time. “Anyway, I am can’t do it. Indeed, we need a long-term plan, not just to enter the World Cup as the goal. Personally, I think it is necessary to create a system. Even after a coach leaves, his successor can still follow this system.”

Cannavaro believes that China now has the ability to invite the best coach in the world, but in his opinion, this is not the most important. He said: “We need long-term plans and systems. Modern players need physical quality, technical ability and technical and tactical thinking. No one can be lost. I had this idea when I watched the Chinese team playing the Asian Cup on the spot this year, and today I confirmed this idea again.”

Prospect of short track speed skating World Championship: the situation of Chinese team is grim, the rise of Europe resists the “Korean Wave”

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, March 7 (Reporter Liu Yang) the 2018-2019 World Short Track Speed Skating championship is about to start in Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria. The Chinese team with poor performance in the World Cup series this season has sent all the main players to participate in the competition, strive to prove yourself again in the final battle of the season. The United “European team” will challenge the traditional strong team South Korea, and may even stage a good show of “seizing the power of the shift.

After the 5th round of the World Cup this season, the world championship of the final drama will be held on March 8-10. The Chinese team will send a full-force lineup headed by Wu Dajing, the champion of the Winter Olympics, to play. After the beginning of the new Olympic cycle, due to the need of upgrading, the Chinese team hid the main force and sent a large number of new players to play in the 5-stop World Cup, resulting in an extremely flat record this season, only won four gold medals in the first two races, among which there were three strong men’s 500 meters from Wu Dajing. In addition, they also won 2000 m men’s and women’s mixed relay gold medals, after the three races, there was no performance of riding the dust.

The Chinese short-track team is currently “Yang Sheng Yin decline”, and the overall strength of the women’s team needs to be strengthened urgently. Due to the poor performance in the World Cup this season, the women’s team ranked eighth in the traditional advantage project 3000-meter relay and failed to qualify for the women’s relay in this world championship, which is the first time in the history of the world championship in recent years.

Judging from the current situation of the Chinese team, the men’s 500 meters is the biggest “winning point” of the Chinese team in the Sofia World Championship “. Due to the absence of the last three races, Wu Dajing ranked second in the world, behind South Korea’s Lin Xiaojun, but he was still the favorite to win the championship. The official website of the International Federation of skating predicts that Wu Dajing, Lin Xiaojun, Canadian veteran Gerrard and South Korean famous General Huang Daheng will all launch an impact on the champion. The battle between Lin Xiaojun and Wu Dajing is most worth looking forward.

In addition, the Chinese team has the strength to win in men’s relay, women’s 500 meters and men’s and women’s mixed relayrace.

In preparation for the World Championships, the Chinese team has been conducting closed training since the end of the World Cup, and the list of the world championships was also difficult to be released one day before departure. Chinese team coach Li Di didn’t want to say much about the competition goal before the competition. She said: “Now it is only the first step from the 2022 Winter Olympics, and only laughing until the end is the real strong. The Chinese team currently needs confidence, determination and persistence.”

After the Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang, although all teams in the world are in the stage of upgrading and recuperating, the overall “European team” with remarkable achievements in the Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang has developed rapidly, in the World Cup this season, he has “fought against the South Korean team”. After the World Cup series, the Netherlands, Russia, Hungary and other European strong teams and the South Korean team took the top place in the world in 9 men’s and women’s projects. Among them, the world ranking champions of women’s four projects are all included by European teams.

Zhang Jing, the Chinese coach of the Hungarian team, said in an exclusive interview with Xinhua News Agency that “joint training” has become a major means for European strong teams to enhance their strength. Everyone competes with each other in an atmosphere of mutual learning, so as to realize a virtuous circle of increasing overall strength.

Zhang Jing said that from the perspective of the World Cup this season, although South Korea changed its coach male and female teams, its technical movement and ability level are still “far ahead” in the world and remain strong in the World Cup. Therefore, whether the European strong team can resist the “Korean wave” in Sofia is expected.

In the relay project, the Russian women’s team bottomed out and rebounded. It has already been outstanding in the 3-stop World Cup and won the first place in the world. Whether it can dominate the world championship is a big attraction. In addition, although the Hungarian team, the gold medalist of the men’s relay in the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics, performed well in the season, Liu Shaoang, the main force, will miss the World Championship due to a palm fracture in the last race, which will undoubtedly bring a blow to the Hungarian team. Zhang Jing said: “After Shao Ang was injured, we really lost some competitiveness in relay. This year, we still ranked first in the world. As long as the team improves steadily every year, we are not in a hurry.”

In the men’s and women’s mixed relay project, China, Hungary, Russia, Canada and Italy have equally scored five World Cup champions. Who can be the king in the world championship will be the biggest suspense.

Robben: make a decision in a week or two, looking forward to the last Bundesliga match

Xinhua News Agency, Berlin, May 14 (Wei Yi) The Dutch star Robben, who will leave Bayern Munich after the end of this season, said at a press conference on the 14th that he hoped to make a decision on his future in a week or two, and I am looking forward to the last Bundesliga match.

Robben, who had been suspended for 5 months due to injury, came back to the stadium in the last two rounds of the league. He said: “I know how to struggle, and it is very difficult to make the right decision. Actually I’m late, but it has something to do with my previous injury. I hope to make a decision in a week or two, but I can’t guarantee anything.” Previously, some media reported that Robben was likely to return to Holland to continue his football career, but it was not impossible to retire eventually. “(Retirement) is also a choice, but I don’t know whether it will be like this.” Robben said with a smile.

In the summer of 2009, Robben moved from Real Madrid to Bayern Munich, and then he created an era of his own in the decade of Bayern Munich. In this regard, Robben said: “The transfer to Bayern is the best step in my career and the most important transfer.”

Bayern played Frankfurt at home in the final Bundesliga league this Saturday. As long as the draw, Bayern will win the Bundesliga championship for the seventh time in a row, which will also be Robben’s last Bundesliga match. Robben is full of expectation for this game: “This game has been played in my mind three times. Just talking about it now, I got goose bumps. I experienced this scene in the last game of the national team. Your adrenaline shot up, feeling great, hoping to show everything. Now I have the same feeling.”

Although age is a number, it was wonderful enough in the past-Federer approached the “300” record.

Xinhua News Agency, Melbourne, January 18th question: Although age is a number, it was wonderful enough in the past-Federer approached the “300” record

Xinhua News Agency reporter Yue Dong Xing Hao Yalin

“Roger (Federer), didn’t you say ‘Age is just number? Look at Jamaica sprint star Otto, who is 40 years old and still competing in the Olympic silver medal at 58 years old-so, hasn’t your peak come yet?”

After being promoted to the top 16 Australian Network on the 18th and thrown out by reporters, 37-year-old Federer and the reporters of the entire publishing Hall burst out laughing.

“No, I don’t think so.” Federer said with a smile.

“I think the performance in the last 10 years has been very interesting, maybe more wonderful than the first 10 years of my career?”

“But think that as a father with four children, the years of my past career and my current body, I certainly want to be healthy all the time, until the day of retirement. However, to be honest, we still need to be realistic……”

Elegant and calm, concise and simple, and in control of the overall situation, No. 3 seed “Fei Tianwang” dropped three sets on the same day to eliminate the world’s 50th American 21-year-old general Fritz.

As the 20 Grand Slam singles champion, Fei Tianwang’s career has been or is close to more and more “three-digit records” :

the third round of the 18th duel, it was he who played the 100th game in the center stadium of the Australian Open
if he could break into the final of the Australian Open, it would be his 100th victory in the Australian Open
if he could win the Championship, he will become the unprecedented “seven champion King” of the Australian Open, which will happen to be the 100th singles champion title in his career.

In the next round, the King of the “post-80s” will face another player close to the “post-00s”-the 20-year-old Greek star and the 14th seed sisepas.

“It’s a completely different generation of players.” Federer said. “When their generation of players grew up, they used different rackets and shooting skills, and the coach’s philosophy was also different.”

“So today we can’t see too many online intercepts, but the next opponent is different. His playing style is relatively changeable and he will often surf the Internet. So the competition will be interesting.”

There will always be some unforgettable finals for Federer. “Of course, those important games, because you will be nervous, think, and certainly remember some. But in fact, the most difficult is often the second, third and fourth rounds of a race. Once you pass the pass, the next game will come, and you will not remember the last one.”

“The final is different. No matter you win or lose, you will take it and travel to the next stop.”

Chinese national men’s ice hockey U18 team won the second place in Group B of the World Championship

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, April 1, according to the China Ice Hockey Association, the Chinese national men’s ice hockey U18 team won the runner-up in Group B of the 2019 Belgrade International Ice Hockey U18 World Championship, which ended on the 1st, he has achieved the best results in history since 2007.

Chinese ice hockey U18 defeated Croatia, Belgium, Australia and Holland in 4:1, 6:4, 4:2 and 3:2 in the 5 matches of this world championship, the only defeat was to defeat the host Serbia, and finally ranked second with a total score of 12 points. Serbia won the championship with 13 points, Holland ranked third, and Belgium finally downgraded.

Judging from the performance of the players, the young people of the Chinese team are also remarkable. Six players, including Wang Jing and Abas, entered the championship of the players. Nine players scored goals and seven players gained assists.

Playground ice-changing rink pouring ice-snow dream-happy silhouette in the northeast border County Primary School

Xinhua News Agency, Changchun, February 14th, issue: pouring ice and snow dream in the playground ice-happy silhouette in the primary school of the northeast border county

Xinhua news agency reporters Jin Jinxiu, Xu Ziheng

a well, an old-fashioned human watering ice wagon, the most primitive tool, pouring the most simple and pure ice and snow dream.

On the playground of a primary school in the northeast border county, accompanied by the crisp sound of ice treading, starting, pushing ice, accelerating, the sun shines on the ice, reflecting a smart and happy silhouette-this is a homemade ice rink with a history of pouring ice for 28 years, and it is the place where many children first became acquainted with ice and snow.

One person and a pair of skates, all the students here learn skating

The Second Experimental Primary School in Wangqing County is located in Wangqing County, Yanbian Korean autonomous prefecture, Jilin province. What is the special feature of this school, that is, nearly 500 students in the school have almost skates students, and everyone learns skating.

This is due to the fact that the school has adhered to the outdoor ice course for nearly 30 years.

Wangqing County is located at the foot of Changbai Mountain. The unique climate makes skating a traditional winter sports activity in this small county. Since the 90’s of last century, every winter comes, the teacher of Wang Qing Er Xiao would pour ice on the playground, making students skating without School. The circumference of the slide is about 200 meters, and the ice rink is not large, but it is the source of joy for children.

Jiang Xuemei, vice president of Wang Qing ER, said that in order to prevent students from “cat winter” in the classroom, the school actively carried out ice courses and popularized skating skills by using physical education classes.

28 years of ice pouring homemade ice rink, Wang Qing Erxiao won the Yanbian speed skating characteristic School and other honors. What made the school more gratified was that almost all the children who graduated from here could skate.

Jiang Xuemei told reporters that the purpose of adhering to the ice course is not to deliver professional seedlings. “Cultivating interest and keeping fit is our greatest expectation.” She said.

“It’s a day to let the children slide more”

when it’s near the cold winter, Anxing, the deputy director of Wang Qing er’s Guidance Office, should pay attention to the weather forecast every day and prepare the sand for the homemade ice rink in a corner of the playground.

“When the temperature is low enough, pouring ice will be effective.” Anxingri said that it is suitable to pour ice at about minus 20 degrees Celsius at night and below minus 5 degrees Celsius during the day.

As a result, cold nights at the end of November each year become the hot overtime hours for school PE teachers. Manpower poured ice wagon full of a bucket of well water, poured layer after layer, circle after circle, until the ice layer became thicker and thicker, and the ice surface became smoother and smoother.

In order to catch up with the progress, they take turns to work night shifts, sometimes working overtime until early morning. My hands and feet were frozen to numb, my face was covered with thick frost, and it was difficult to open my eyes. “I just want to finish the work early, which can make the children slide one more day.” An xingri said.

Fight overnight for the happy skating season that lasted more than a month before winter vacation. “ICE last week”, the whole school skating competition…… Colorful ice activities make students’ winter life no longer monotonous.

Daily maintenance is indispensable to keep the ice surface smooth. Teachers need to pour ice before going to work every day, sweep the ice before going off work, and then pour the ice. They also need to clean up the snow in time when encountering snowy days.

“More than 20 years ago, when I was a student, I never thought pouring ice was so hard.” Chen Ribo, the leader of Wang Qing Er Small Sports Group, said.

The same ice rink, when I stepped on my feet to gallop, now I use a trolley to pour ice. “We must continue the tradition of our alma mater.” Chen Ribo said.

“Skating on campus is the happiest thing in the whole winter”

“I like the pleasure of the wind blowing in the face when skating.” Liu Zhanlong, a fifth-grade student, said. When he entered the school, he still had zero Foundation. Now he has entered the county sports team and is determined to become a professional athlete.

During class, after school and winter vacation, the happy silhouette left by groups of children like Liu Zhanlong can always be seen on the school ice rink.

Whenever standing on the ice rink, the white and tall Park Luna is very eye-catching. My friends call her “Princess Elsa” (the heroine of frozen), ice rink is her “ice kingdom”.

“I am the best skater in the class.” When talking about skating, Li Shengbin of the third grade opened the conversation. For him who loved skating since he was young, the small ice rink of the school is enough to hold a big ice and snow dream. Skating on campus is the happiest thing in the whole winter!” He raised his red face and said.

The annual school skating competition is a great event for children to wait and see. Fighting bravely on the court and cheering on the court. At the moment of crossing the finish line, no matter winning or losing, it is a happy moment for children. Some parents said that the school turned the playground into an ice rink, which was the warmest gift for children in cold winter.

Under The Sun, the ice rink of Wang Qing Erxiao was bright, just like the countless ice and snow dreams poured by this school, shining.