The second half of Asia’s first flying man in that year: be an athlete for yourself again

Wang Jiawei, the former coach of the Chinese men’s volleyball team, came to Hangzhou to visit Zheng Liang with former national hands, cheer for him

the rest of the life of the first flying man in Asia

you will be an athlete for yourself

Wang Jiajia, our reporter/Zheng Yang Wu Xin, our reporter/photo

The year reported by our newspaper the first flying man in Asia, after the news that Zheng Liang, the former national leader of Chinese men’s volleyball team, caused paralysis due to illness, it attracted the attention of the whole society. After knowing his recent situation, Wang Jiawei, the head coach of Zheng Liang’s national team in those years, took the former men’s national volleyball players and rushed to Hangzhou from all directions to visit Zheng Liang. The old comrades who had not seen in the second decade were actually in the ward. This short reunion is touching, sad, relevant and warm. In the rainy early spring in Hangzhou, they warmed Zheng Liang and the hearts of many people.

Wang Jiawei and his party came to Hangzhou to visit Zheng Liang

Zheng Liang was so excited that he didn’t sleep well for two days

on Saturday, March 2, the weather was cloudy and rainy. But this day, for Zheng Liang, was the most brilliant day for him in the past two years.

Because on this day, a group of comrades who had fought with him in sweat and tears would come to see him.

After this newspaper reported the news of Zheng Liang’s illness, news about him spread rapidly on the Internet. Coaches and teammates scattered everywhere got the news one after another. So everyone made an appointment to visit Zheng Liang in Hangzhou on this day.

From the first two days, Zheng Liang couldn’t sleep well at night. At the thought that his teammates would come to see himself, it was hard for him to calm down.

I haven’t seen you for so long. What have they become? The years of fighting and ranking together in those days are still vivid in my eyes. In a flash, two or ten years have passed.

“Zheng Liang, we have come to see you!” At four o’clock in the afternoon, former national team coach Wang Jiawei, Captain Zhou Jianan, Lu Weizhong, Zhang LM, Zhang Xiang, Xie Guochen, Chen Guanwu, Zhao Yong, Wang Hebing and his team came to Zheng Liang’s ward.

Before he had time to say hello, Zheng Liang’s two hands were held by the coach and teammates in turn, and warmth reached his heart through his fingertips.

“Everyone came to see you from all over the country and flew back from abroad.” Wang Jiawei said to Zheng Liang.

Wang Jiawei was the head coach of the “golden generation” of the Chinese men’s volleyball team. Under his leadership, Zheng Liang and his comrades won the three successive championships of the Asian competition in the late 1990 s. After leaving the national team, Wang Jiawei chose to do business and is now the chairman of Shanghai Boyi Investment Co., Ltd.

“After seeing your news on the Internet, we are all very uncomfortable. I hope you can hold on. Now that things have happened, we must face them, recover well and treat them well.” Wang Jiawei said.

Speaking of his head coach, Zheng Liang is full of memories. “At that time, Wang’s guidance paid close attention to our life. He did his best to help us with any difficulties we had, but when training, he was very strict, it was also because of his severity that we achieved so many good results in those years.”

“After seeing him today, I think his mental state is much better than I expected, and we are also relieved. In the future, we will help him find a way to help him tide over the difficulties.” Wang Jiawei said.

Be an athlete again for yourself

this time it will be more difficult than the first time

“I am really touched. I didn’t expect you to come together with such a large group of people.” The teammates of that year are now all over the country and busy in their respective jobs.

Zhou Jian’an is now the vice president of Sichuan Institute of Physical Education; Zhang LM is now the director of Sichuan drainage center; Zhang Xiang is now the deputy director of Sichuan drainage center; Xie Guochen, now he is the deputy director of Henan ball Center; Chen Guanwu, who has been doing business in Canada for a long time; Zhao Yong, who is now the head coach of Liaoning women’s volleyball team; Lu Weizhong, who is now the head coach of Jiangsu men’s volleyball team.

Everyone asked about Zheng Liang’s physical condition with concern, and you offered advice in one word.

“Be sure to keep exercising.”

“Stick to massage even if you can’t feel it.”

“Have you tried acupuncture?”

Zheng Liang, who was lying in the hospital bed, did not forget to tell everyone to pay attention to his body: “One of the things I earned most after getting sick is to give up cigarettes. Listen to my advice, tobacco and alcohol must be controlled. We must pay attention to our health at this age.”

With that, everyone naturally talked about the time when they were in the national team. It is strange to remember this thing. After years of separation, it has been lingering in everyone’s mind for a long time. Instead, it was an event that seemed to have no nutrition at that time. During the training in Hainan, Zheng Liang and Lu Weizhong ate their stomachs and collapsed to a wheelchair, which was criticized by Wang Jiawei as too “delicate”; When competing abroad, wang Erkang ordered 20 eggs and was laughed at by everyone before he ate enough…… Everyone talked and laughed, and memories spread.

Zhou Jian’an was the captain of the Chinese men’s volleyball team. As everyone’s “boss”, he took Zheng Liang’s hand and said to him, “you used to train for volleyball and national sports. In the second half of life, you trained for yourself, be an athlete for yourself again. This training is harder than the first one. You have to stick to it. “Zhou Jianan said.

Zheng Liang shared a good news with you on the spot. When Zheng Liang was initially ill, he was admitted to Shaw Hospital. However, due to the limited beds in Shaw Hospital, Zheng Liang was assigned to Chengdong hospital for rehabilitation. Li Jianhua, director of rehabilitation department of Shaw Hospital, has always been very concerned about Zheng Liang’s condition. Not long ago, he contacted a company called scream technology, which decided to provide Zheng Liang with an exoskeleton robot worth more than 400,000 yuan for free.

This robot can help Zheng Liang stand and walk, and achieve the purpose of exercise and rehabilitation at the same time. At present, the size has been measured, and it takes about 2 months for all customization.

Wang Hebing is the head coach of Zhejiang Women’s volleyball team and Zheng Liang’s teammate in the national team that year. After retirement, he and Zheng Liang still worked together. As the host, he also gathered with everyone in Zheng Liang’s ward that day. “Zheng Liang and I have been in love for so many years, and we are all very uncomfortable about him. Today, so many people came to Hangzhou to see him, and the feelings of volleyball people moved me even more.” Wang Hebing said.

When leaving, everyone piled their hands together and shouted “Come On”. This scenario is very familiar. In the past, before each game, the teammates also worked hard like this. This time, they are cheering for Zheng Liang’s life.

“More than 20 years ago, the Chinese men’s volleyball team brought us together. Although everyone is doing different jobs in different places, their feelings have not changed. Zheng Liang’s current life is facing a great challenge. Let’s come to see him, hoping to bring him a kind of confidence, just like when we played basketball, even if the opponent is stronger, we can’t give up either. For the first training in his life, we were together; For the second training, we were still together. Everyone was paying attention to him, supporting him and recovering with him.” Zhou Jianan said.

The general administration announced that the budget for 2019 will reduce non-rigid expenditures to ensure the Olympic Games.

According to Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, April 3 (reporter Wang Jingyu, Zheng Daojin) the official website of the State Sports General Administration announced the “Department budget of the State Sports General Administration in 2019” (hereinafter referred to as “budget”) on the 2nd, while reducing the expenditure of non-rigid projects such as training expenditure, we will focus on ensuring the expenses related to preparing for the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games and the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games.

According to the data published in this budget, the budget expenditure of the State Sports General Administration on sports training in 2019 was about 1.459 billion yuan, an increase of about 18% over the number of executions in 2018.

The budget explains the general public budget expenditure of the State Sports General Administration in 2019. “Budget” said: “The general public budget expenditure of the State Sports General Administration in 2019 was 4210.9772 million yuan, an increase of 684.35 million yuan compared with the implementation of 3526.6272 million yuan in 2018. In 2019, the expenditure on non-rigid and non-key projects, such as training expenditure, other sports expenditure, special expenditure on propaganda and cultural development, will be reduced by no less than 5%, at the same time, it focuses on ensuring the expenditure of sports competitions, sports training, stadiums, sports exchanges and cooperation related to preparing for the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games and the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games.”

Specifically, in terms of sports training, the budget for 2019 was 1459.3873 million yuan, an increase of 222.9681 million yuan over the number of executions in 2018, an increase of 18.03 percent. It is mainly to prepare for the Tokyo Olympic Games in 2020 and the Beijing Winter Olympic Games in 2022.

In terms of sports exchanges and cooperation, the budget in 2019 was 442.66 million yuan (about 0.443 billion yuan), an increase of 154.46 million yuan (about 0.154 billion yuan) compared with the implementation in 2018, an increase. It is mainly to prepare for the Tokyo Olympic Games in 2020 and the Beijing Winter Olympic Games in 2022.

“Budget” also explains the expenditure of “three public” in general public budget in 2019. According to relevant contents, the budget of State Sports General Administration for going abroad (border) on business in 2019 was 189.3913 million yuan lower than the budget in 2018, a decrease of 63.37 percent, the main reason is that according to the special task management policy approved by the State Council, the sports team temporarily went abroad to carry out preparation for Olympic Games tasks according to the special task management policy, and the expenses related to the temporary going abroad to carry out preparation for Olympic Games tasks for the sports team are no longer included in the “three public” fund management.

In addition, according to the content of “budget”, the budget of government fund financial allocation expenditure of State Sports General Administration in 2019 was 1598.27 million yuan, it is mainly the lottery public welfare fund expenditure of the State General Administration of Sports at the same level and directly affiliated institutions for sports.

According to the content of the budget, the income budget of the State Sports General Administration in 2019 was about 9.425 billion yuan, and the expenditure budget was about 9.346 billion yuan.

The national football team has completed the basic task, just so

Xinhua News Agency, Ayin, UAE, January 20 (reporter Shu Wenwang Haoyu) reversed Thailand. The national football team entered the top eight Asian Cup and basically completed the pre-competition target, but that was the case. There was no joy. After all, the next time facing tough Iran, the National Football exit is a high probability event.

You have to admire Lippi’s on-the-spot scheduling. The decisive substitution against Kyrgyzstan and Thailand reversed the unfavorable situation and fully demonstrated the ability of “Silver Fox” as the world’s top coach. However, it is an embarrassing topic for Chinese football, which “has a higher heart and a thinner life than paper”, to fall into this unfavorable situation.

Just look at Thailand. If there is no background of “615 Tragedies”, it is estimated that Chinese fans can hardly look at Thailand. In Thailand, even the Southeast Asian Championships cannot enter the finals. However, such a Thai team, in the absence of three absolute main forces, still made the expensive Chinese team play that Unorganized in the first half. No wonder the Thai team coach was unconvinced after the game.

Throughout the first half, the Chinese team basically had no formed offensive routine. The so-called attack was Pilling in the middle and back, and then in vain; However, in the defense line, low-level mistakes still existed, including the goal loss. On the whole, it makes people stop.

Our Asian Championship has won the championship, our foreign aid foreign teachers are all world-class, our players’ worth is scared to death, and our capital has entered the football circle crazily…… But our national football team still looks like dying.

The highlight moment of the national football team in recent years should also be counted as the first half of the Asian Cup in 2015, the group match between Linke Saudi Arabia, Uzbekistan and North Korea, especially against North Korea, the Chinese team played a rare cooperation and dominant communication control. That is the best half of the national football skills and tactics. Since then, including the World Cup qualifier, Rek Korea, I am afraid that the technical content is not as good as that at that time.

You should know that Zheng Zhi, the captain at that time, was only 34 years old; Today’s captain Zheng Zhi was 38 years old. He is still an irreplaceable figure of the Chinese team.

Looking forward, in the 2004 Asian Cup, the Chinese team won the second place in the local battle, and Zheng Zhi was already on the court at that time.

There is no doubt that this will be Zheng Zhi’s last Asian Cup. The former Asian footballer of the year is estimated to fade out of the national team soon. In addition, Feng xiaiting, Zhan Junmin, Lin Lin, Yu Dabao, Yu Hanchao, Zhao Xuri, Wang Dalei and Xiao Zhi are over 30 years old. Zhang Linqi, Yu Yang, Zhang Chengdong, Wu Xi, Chi Zhongguo, park Cheng also has twenty and nine. Lippi is still feeling, and other young players are still “inexperienced”.

After this Asian Cup, the national football team will definitely enter the stage of reconstruction. Looking at the youthful faces and strong impacts of various Asian giants, How should Chinese football be handled by itself?

January 20, 2019, lunar December 15, great cold.

Han Xu will welcome the first show after joining WNBA and will join the team to face China women’s basketball

As for joining WNBA, Han Xu said, “This is a very rare opportunity in history. I hope to seize this opportunity to influence more Chinese children to love basketball and join the ranks bravely.”

Xinhua News Agency, Washington, May 8th. On the evening of the 9th, the WNBA New York liberalists will play a warm-up match with visiting China women’s basketball. Chinese player Han Xu will play in the No. 21 jersey of the liberalists, this will also be her first show after joining WNBA through the draft.

Han Xu is full of expectation for the competition, saying that “we must go all out”. Han Xu has participated in the team’s three trainings since he went to the United States on May 5th. He quickly adapted to the new environment and was recognized by the coach and teammates. She also likes the good training atmosphere of the team. “The training class feels very noisy, because everyone is always echoing. Everyone has enough training strength, which is 120% training.” Han Xu said.

Han Xu once said in an interview with the domestic media that he hoped to integrate into WNBA as soon as possible, strive for playing time and play the main force. It is reported that Tsai Chongxin, executive vice chairman of Alibaba Group’s board of directors, will watch the game as the boss of the Free Men team.

For joining WNBA, Han Xu said, “This is a very rare opportunity in history. I hope to seize this opportunity and influence more Chinese children to love basketball, and bravely join the ranks.”

Outside the stadium, Han Xu also has to face challenges. She lives in the apartment arranged by the team and makes breakfast every morning, claiming to be “Han chef”. After the training, Han Xu went to the supermarket to purchase and prepare ingredients.

Beijing Winter Olympics emblem commodity Creative Design Competition ended

Report from our correspondent (Reporter Wu Dong) the award-winning works of “I am in the Winter Olympics-my winter Olympics and Winter Paralympic Games” competition of commodity creative design sponsored by Beijing Winter Olympic organizing committee was announced recently, 52 creative design products have become the best in this competition. Han Zirong, secretary general of Beijing Winter Olympic organizing committee, and others presented awards to the winners.

The competition lasted for 5 months from the start of last late July to the end of December. After extensive mobilization, collection of works, expert review and later production evaluation, crowdfunding pre-sale and other stages. Among the award-winning works, designer Geng Shaobo submitted the precious metal commemorative set for the window of Winter Olympics “, 50 works submitted by Zang Xiaoke, such as” winter Olympic sports style fridge sticker set “, won” my emblem product Creative Design Award “. Chen Guo, who is only 13 years old, submitted the highest sales amount in the pre-sale stage of Winter Olympics pencil case in my eyes, reaching 35904 yuan (unit price 51 yuan); the young designer Wang Linghao submitted the “ice and snow top portable natural volatile humidifier” with the highest sales volume at the pre-sale stage, reaching 2261 pieces, the two entries won the “most popular Award for creative design of my emblem products”. At the award ceremony, famous winter athletes Guo Dandan and Zhang Dan shared their unforgettable experiences in their sports career and presented awards to the winners together with Han Zirong and others.

Holding the creative design competition of licensed commodities is the first time in previous Olympic Games and is an innovation in the market development work of Beijing BOCOG. Once the competition was launched, it received wide attention from the Society and received enthusiastic response. The entries also enrich the diversity of licensed commodities for Beijing Winter Olympics, and play a role in promoting winter sports, promoting the participation of the general public and supporting Beijing Winter Olympics.

Park Xuedong, head of market development department of Beijing winter and Olympic organizing committee, said that Beijing winter and Olympic organizing committee would actively promote the continuous sales of winning works. According to different product categories, after the online pre-sale products are shipped, the winning works will be sold in Tmall Olympic official flagship store and Beijing Winter Olympics licensed merchandise physical retail store.

The 10th National Paralympic Games and the 7th Special Olympics will win 8 gold medals.

Xinhua News Agency, Tianjin, April 13 (Reporter Zhang Zewei) the 10th National Paralympic Games and the 7th Special Olympics, which will officially open in August, took the lead in the track and field marathon competition in Wuqing, Tianjin on the 13th, the gold medals of 8 groups were decided.

This marathon is a full marathon. 79 contestants are divided into 8 groups according to different disability types, including racing wheelchair, hearing disability, standing limb disability, blind person, etc. The contestants overcame difficulties, fought tenaciously and fought bravely, infecting the audience.

Zhang Yong from Shanghai team was the first player in the men’s racing wheelchair group to hit the line. The result was 1 hour at 24 minutes 59 seconds, which was about 10 minutes higher than his usual best result. “This is my first gold medal. I am very happy and thank my coach very much.” Zhang Yong, 28, said.

Zhang Yong began to train racing wheelchairs in 2010. He said that practicing this project and participating in the competition constantly broadened his horizon and honed his will. “Of course, it is not enough to only rely on spiritual will to win the competition, but also pay attention to skills. The racing wheelchair project especially tests the strength of upper limbs. While pursuing speed, the most important thing for players is to try their best to control wheelchair, otherwise they will easily roll over.”

The champion of the women’s racing wheelchair group was won by Zhou Zhaoqian of Hebei team, with a score of 1 hour at 40 minutes 32 seconds.

In the hearing disability group, Huang Guan army of Sichuan team won the first place among men, with a score of 2 hours at 38 minutes 29 seconds, while Yang Chunhua of Sichuan team won the women’s championship with a score of 2 hours at 47 minutes 25 seconds. In the standing disabled group, Li Chaoyan of Yunnan team and Jiang Yunfei of Liaoning team won men’s and women’s gold medals, with scores of 2 hours 34 minutes 22 seconds and 3 hours 11 minutes 13 seconds respectively. In the blind Group, Wang Manyi of the Gansu team and Zheng Jin of the Liaoning team won the men’s and women’s championships, with scores of 2 hours 32 minutes 2 seconds and 3 hours 8 minutes 52 seconds respectively.