China Cup Elite League Finals: Zhang Chutong won the women’s 1500 m championship

On February 23, Zhang Chutong (before) led the competition. On that day, the 2018-2019 China Cup Short Track Speed Skating Elite League finals continued on Tianjin arena. In the women’s 1500-meter final of Group A, Zhang Chutong, the Wanda Changbai mountain team player of Jilin Institute of Physical Education, won the championship with a score of 2 minutes 40 seconds 881. Xinhua News Agency reporter Li ran photo

Brazilian coach tete: Neymar is indispensable

Xinhua News Agency, Rio de Janeiro, June 3 (reporter Zhao Yan) Brazilian national team coach tete expressed his opinion on the rape of striker Neymar for the first time on the 3rd. He said that he would not judge Neymar at present, the most important thing is to concentrate on playing America’s Cup. He thinks Neymar is indispensable in the national team, but it is not irreplaceable.

Brazilian media revealed on the 1st that a woman reported to the police in Sao Paulo, claiming that Neymar raped her in Paris on May this year, but Neymar’s father and press spokesman both thought the woman’s behavior was blackmail. That night, Neymar made a statement on his social media account that he was innocent and posted a mobile phone chat record, but because there were some indecent pictures of the woman in the record, brazilian cyber police involved in the investigation.

Tete revealed that he had talked to Neymar twice after the incident was disclosed by the media. Although he did not disclose the content of the conversation, he said at the press conference held at the training base of the national team on the 3rd: “I know the importance of this incident and also know that it is his personal business, it will take some time before the truth is clear, and I will not judge him. All I can say is that during the three years when Neymar and I cooperated together, we were always honest and true in dealing with personal events.”

When asked whether Neymar was an indispensable player, Tete said: “Technically, it is indispensable. We say indispensable is not equivalent to irreplaceable. He is indispensable to the overall quality of our team, but no one is irreplaceable at any time or in any position.”

Aidu, the coordinator of the Brazilian national team, said that the legal department of the Brazilian Football Association would assist Neymar in handling the matter. Edu said: “Considering the importance of the incident, the first thing I did was to look for legal counsel. This Saturday, we received the police and submitted the necessary information. I also told Neymar’s father that there was a lawyer team in the training base, and we would solve it as soon as possible so that Neymar could fully participate in the America’s Cup.”

At the same time that the press conference was held in Tete, the Brazilian anti-information crime police (cyber police) came to the training base and brought a summons asking Neymar to take a statement at the police station on Friday (7th), explain the incident of posting indecent photos of the woman who accused him on the Internet in order to prove his innocence.

The Brazilian Football Association requested to postpone Neymar’s arrival at the police station until next week, because the Brazilian national team will play the last warm-up match before the American Cup kick-off with Honduras on the 9th.

World Anti-Doping Agency says lifting the ban on Russia has achieved results

Xinhua News Agency, Lausanne, Switzerland, March 13 (Reporter Liu qu) the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) said on the 13th that it has completed obtaining raw data from the information management system of Moscow anti-doping laboratory, at present, the data is being analyzed and certified. Last year, the lifting of the ban on Russian anti-doping agency has achieved results.

WADA decided to lift the ban on Russian anti-doping agency in last September. In December, an expert group led by independent expert Pascual visited Moscow to obtain raw data from the information management Depatment system of Moscow anti-doping laboratory.

At the WADA annual Forum opened in Lausanne, Switzerland on the 13th, Sir Craig Ridi, chairman of WADA, said that the expert group had brought back 24TB of data from Moscow in total, equivalent to more than 400000 hours of music files. As of last week, more than 1.5 million related documents have been uploaded to the WADA server and are currently being analyzed and certified. The whole process is estimated to last for two to three months.

Lidi stressed that lifting the ban on Russian anti-doping agency was the same as the original ban, which was the right decision. Although the lifting of the ban puts great pressure on WADA, Russia finally allows WADA to obtain data from Moscow laboratories, which is the key to breaking the deadlock.

In November 2015, WADA published an investigation report made by Canadian lawyer McLaren, saying that there were “organized” and “systematic” drug use problems in Russian sports, subsequently, a ban was imposed on the Russian Anti-Doping Agency.

In addition, at the Forum on that day, WADA also announced a series of future strategic development priorities, including strengthening intelligence and investigation capacity building, developing anti-doping compliance monitoring plans, improving the technical standards of anti-doping laboratories, develop the next generation of anti-doping operation management system (ADAMS), and formulate 2021 versions of anti-doping regulations and international standard framework, etc.

China and Russia jointly launched the “road of friendship” cycling activity across 8000 kilometers

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, April 27 to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Russia, on the 27th, the Russian “adventure” motorcycle club, the “road of friendship” Sino-Russian joint motorcycle riding activity jointly sponsored by China Intercontinental Press Center and Shanghai Art Fair International Exhibition Co., Ltd. was officially launched. Starting from Beijing, the team will cross the vast Eurasian continent and reach the destination Moscow after 8,000 kilometers.

At the departure ceremony held by the Russian embassy in China, the Russian ambassador to China Denisov, the chairman of the Russian-Chinese Friendship Association, mezintsev, the official of the Economic Policy Committee of the Russian Federal Council, and the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, representatives of the organizers attended the launching ceremony and watched 25 motorcycles from China and Russia set foot on the “road of friendship”.

The route of “Friendship Road” is: Beijing-Manchuria-houbaigarsk-Ulan-Irkutsk–Novosibirsk-Chelyabinsk-Kazan-Moscow. Drivers will attract many Chinese and Russian motorcycle clubs along the cycling route and participate in various celebrations and public welfare activities.

It is reported that after the “road of friendship” cycling activity, Shanghai Art Fair, a large-scale cultural brand with a history of 23 years, will launch an 800-kilometer “art Cycling Tour” from Moscow to St. Petersburg “, 70 Chinese and Russian motorcyclists formed a joint cycling team to pay tribute to the 70th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Russia. (Finished)

11 units propose to establish national fancy Basketball League

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, May 13, at the 2019 fancy basketball seminar held recently, 11 units across the country, including Beijing Basketball Association, as co-sponsors, reached an intention to establish the National fancy basketball league, and signed the proposal.

The seminar was co-sponsored by Beijing Basketball Association and sports teaching and research department of Capital Normal University, and jointly undertaken by fancy basketball branch of Beijing Basketball Association and Beijing Harlem xiuwang Sports Culture Communication Co., Ltd.

In recent years, fancy basketball has developed rapidly in China. According to the information provided by all parties in the seminar, at present, more than 100 schools across the country have set up fancy basketball teaching courses, and about 200000 adults across the country are engaged in fancy basketball, more than 95% of these people are also basketball and other sports enthusiasts.

As a nationwide fancy basketball seminar, representatives from Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Zhejiang, Xinjiang, Hunan, Henan and other places attended the meeting. Tian Shihe, assistant chairman of Beijing Basketball Association and secretary of physical education and teaching department of Capital Normal University, made speeches at this seminar. Tian Shihe shared his thoughts on the current situation and future development of fancy basketball in Beijing, and discussed the work development, textbook compilation, project promotion, the establishment of training system was introduced and relevant experience was shared.

Sun Guohua, chairman of Beijing Basketball Association, made a concluding speech, expressing the hope that fancy basketball can be upgraded to the next level, and more fancy basketball players can show their talents at home and contribute to Chinese basketball.

Interview with IAAF CEO: China road running operation mode is worth learning and promoting

Xinhuanet sports Lanzhou, May 31 (reporter Li Xu Gong Yuanyuan) “China Track and Field Association has innovated and developed a routine running operation mode, making a complete industry rising, this is fully recognized and promoted by IAAF.” Jon Ricci, CEO of IAAF (JonRidgeon), said in an interview with reporters at the 2019 IAAF conference in Lanzhou.

China’s road running operation mode has become a benchmark

the international tian lian road running conference is an industry conference with the highest specifications in the world’s road running field and the largest number of participants in the country, it is also the highest-level international road running Conference held in China.

The first time I settled in China, I chose to hold it in Lanzhou. Jon Ricky said that this was because the continuous investment of Lanzhou in running, which gave birth to a strong running culture atmosphere, it has created the infrastructure for runners to run freely, and has also accumulated the essential experience and experience of holding large-scale road running activities. “This is also one of the reasons why Lanzhou Marathon became the IAAF Gold standard event.”

IAAF has started the certification of global road running signage events since 2008. The number of Chinese marathon signage events in IAAF has increased from 2 to 19 today, an increase of 8.5 times.

“China is one of the fastest growing countries in road running.” Jon Ricky told reporters. In his view, as the leader of China’s road running sport, China Track and Field Association has innovated and developed a routine running operation mode, which not only fully cooperates with cities across the country, it also allows social forces to join in and continuously promotes the expansion of the scale and influence of road running events, thus attracting extensive participation of international runners, competition organizing committees and brands. “All these have contributed to the prosperity and development of China’s marathon.”

Jon Ricci pointed out that win-win cooperation is the key factor for development and innovation. The golden triangle cooperation mode among China Association of field Association, local government and social forces makes a complete industry based on marathon sport rise rapidly, “This model is fully recognized and promoted by IAAF.”

Join forces to improve the global running population

running is the sport with the largest number of participants in the world today, but it is worth noting that the number of young people with sports habits is on a downward trend.

“In this regard, we should have targeted measures.” Jon Rich said, “We want them to discover the fun of running and inspire them to find the value of lifestyle. To accomplish such a cause, we need our alliance members, government departments and social forces to work together.”

With the full advent of the digital age, Jon Ricky believes that it is an effective way to stimulate people to take steps through social platforms such as Weibo and WeChat. “Although running always happens in the real world, as long as we take advantage of the situation and reach them through digital platforms and methods, running will eventually become the habit of young people and the shared connection point when they are socializing.”

Nowadays, with the continuous improvement and promotion of infrastructure, road running culture and road running events, the global audience of road running is increasing day by day. For the future, Jon Ridge believes that with the gradual increase of people’s income and free time, as well as the change of concept, the scale of road running will become larger and larger. “China is the best example.”

China will conduct more international road running activities

in recent years, as China Track and Field Association actively seeks international communication channels to go out and come in, the internationalization trend of China’s road running movement has become increasingly obvious. The landing of this road running conference is the best proof.

Before that, Chengdu marathon had become China’s prime world Grand Slam candidate. The holding of international exchange activities such as China-Greece Forum, Shanghai Cooperation Organization marathon series, Belt and Road Marathon series has enhanced the communication between China and the World Road Running.

“In the future, we will bring more international conferences to China.” Jon Ricci said that at the same time, IAAF will also plan more activities in China and hold more large-scale participatory events associated with the tournament to attract diversified runners. “The world indoor track and field championships held in Nanjing next year will surprise everyone.”